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About Me

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  1. About: Kanadian Kommunists are a tight nit clan, forged in the mountains of British Columbia by four baked friends playing Command & Conquer. We have flourished under the rule of my almighty fist, and have grown to encompass users from all over the globe. We are a multi-platforming clan, meaning we are just about everywhere, I won't bother listing all the games... Rules: 18+ Must have mic / Discord Must be able to understand English and call out Skills are an asset, most of us are web designers or programmers and artists, so if you aren't good at apb don't worry we can find a use for you. Try to stream APB Clan Events: We do clan raffles / give aways, no purchase necessary, every month 3 random clan members get video games or armas. Events are on hold for now (not buying armas when I'm banned lol) Konscription: We strive to help new players, upon acceptance into the clan you will receive a 1 slot car of your choice a long with some clan symbols and stuff. Website: N/A Comms: https://discord.gg/ua6yMkX https://steamcommunity.com/groups/KanadianKommunists -Supreme Kommander [KK]Puff|)r@g0nZ
  2. Im probably speaking for the majority when it comes to adding a queue list, when joining a district. S/o to my bois at HAN, who never experienced this issue.
  3. Dear LittleOrbit, dear Reloaded Inc. and dear Players, As many Users know, APB had various Languages in the past, which can now only be accessed by the Advanced Launcher Because it's forbiden to change the game code, i'm now asking to get the Language Setup back. Better translated (and maybe with some voice acting by the community) If any GM doesn't know what i mean, google APB Advanced Launcher and take a good look... yours sincerely Portalcow The Lost Cop of San Paro
  4. Michi

    [Trello] Just a idea!

    Personally, I'd like to see a Trello page for APB so that we can the players can see what being worked on and the progress of the game. This would also allow us to see what is planned for the game. For the people that don't know what Trello is. Trello is a web software that can be used to make "Boards" which can be accessed by creators to create basically a roadmap or a to-do list if you want to call it that. It can be set to allowing visitors to the Trello board to view it and see all the info that has been allowed for those visitors to see. The owner of the boards can also set progress bars categories and many other things. If you are still unsure what Trello is, search up on google "Tower Unite Trello", that is a current roadmap set up for another game and will give you a clear picture what Trello is all about!
  5. Suggestion to improve the game with few resources quickly and get new players. "APB Fast and Dangerous". "Run over all" concept are very funny, fast and fragile cars on crashes and explosions. Why not increase speed of cars to more fun gameplay? More fast much more fun. I think its a good improvement to get new players. Honestly i think a good cars with fast engines are "sexy" to new players, New players love fast cars!!!, big jumps and stupid crashes are funny its perfect for all. Little orbit is working on repairs the game source-code to update the graphic engine while developing RIOT, but I'm sure that fast cars and sexy characters will attract a lot more audience. New clothes or more clothes for new players are good idea to get new players. Fast cars and good looking characters get new players sure 100% Thanks for read, Regards Español (lengua nativa) (native languaje) Una manera sencilla de ganar jugadores es hacer los coches más rápidos y que sufran daños fuerte al estrellarse para hacerlo mas divertido, añadir algo de ropa y hacer anuncios de coches con chicas/os guapos siempre funciona, seamos sinceros el clásico "Coche rápido y chica guapa" funciona podriamos granar jugadores sin tener que trabajar mucho en ello. Algunos videos en youtube y Twitch bastarán. APB tiene un personalización excelente hay que explotar eso. Me comprometo a formar parte de esto, si actualizan los coches para ir mas rápido, haré videos estilo "Fast and Furious" es algo que no falla. Los personajes femeninos de apb bien editados son especialmente llamativos suma eso a unos coches bien rápidos, bonitos, y potentes es una apuesta segura desde el punto de vista del mercado, mejorar los personajes masculinos también estaría muy bien, al público femenino no parece agradarles mucho y esto tambíen es muy importante. ((ejemplo: Overwatch tiene exito por sus "chicas" y Need For Speed simpre pone una chica guapa casualidad?)) es completamente cierto que las chicas bonitas y los coches rápidos dan ventas, apb ahora necesita agarrar lo fácil, habrá tiempo para mejorar más tarde. Hay mucho que mejorar, este es un recurso fácil y rápido porfavor piense en ello! Espero que esto llegue a Little Orbit deseo ayudar apb y tengo muchas ideas, pero necesito un mejor contacto con el juego para comprender cómo funciona internamente y ayudar. Muchas gracias por leer esto, Saludos
  6. Hello, my in-game username is NixonDT, and i've seen that over the past years of playing APB; no new noticeable police features has been added. I feel like it would be better if they include some real police cars and features used in real life. So if APB could insert some popular police cars with a little tweak to it; that'll be amazing. After all, this is a Police vs Criminals type of game. Here's a few short-term and long-term goals that I suggest you guys should add: Short-Term Police Vehicle Goals 2017 Dodge Charger: Ford Interceptor SUV: Chevrolet Tahoe: Long-Term Police Vehicle Goals Ford Taurus SHO: BearCat (Different from the Pioneer): Ford "Bomb Squad" Truck: Short-term Enforcer Car Feature Goals: More police lights on vehicle body New spotlight that actually work New siren sounds Detailed interior design Actual police horn sound Long-term Enforcer Car Feature Goals: Ability to deploy spike strips Speed radar in police vehicle In mission districts, AI vehicles move out the way when siren noise get near Option to switch between emergency lights with no sound and emergency light with sounds (maybe by adding a hotkey 1-5 when in vehicle) Headlights that can be activated/deactivated and have a noticeable reflection on the ground at night (For all vehicles)
  7. this is my third montage so far. as always, any feedback is greatly appreciated!
  8. For a long time we have been struggling with the cheaters epidemic that is currently active in apb. Banning doesnt solve the issue because there is tools like "apb cleaner" and also deleting of log files that make a cheater less traceable. Cheaters who do this, avoid getting all their accounts banned and so they keep making and switching accounts so they can keep cheating. And apb is free to play so making new accounts to cheat is simply too easy. To solve this, i propose we make apb premium only, players can only login and play if they have premium. This wont 100% hold cheaters back but it will reduce by atleast 60% and possibly even up to 75% which would make a great impact. Goid things about it are: -more players will start playing -less toxicity in the community -silver and mid tier golds can finally enjoy the game without facing a cheater every other mission. -generate some income for LO, because they work on the game and take care of what they can which we should be gratefull for. Bad things: -some players wont be able to make a monthly payment for premium, but theres a solution for that too which is making a comunity pot to which we all donate so the ones among us who also love apb will still be able to play, im fine with giving 5 players a monthly premium. - it might affect the population negatively but in the long run it will be worth it because when cheaters are almost all gone more people can actually enjoy the game which will make them keep playing which then attracts more people to play. And theres more goods and bads but you can fill out the rest. Maybe this could be a better idea for when the game is more stable and we have upgraded to 64bit so that players see more worth in for what they pay but i think it will stop most cheaters atleast, which has lots of good effects. If u like this or if it sparks up a idea in you feel free to comment on this thread.
  9. Dear Little Orbit, On behalf of the entire APB community, thank you for all the hype. Now fix the lagging issues. Sincerely, The Entire APB Player (unless you're a filthy hipster) Community Post scriptum, Especially the VoIP lag. Seriously. It's a lot like trying to have a normal conversation while inside of a fast moving vehicle that veered off course and began tumbling down the side of a very steep and bumpy hill *jazz hands*.
  10. Ugh... finally done with 10 wins achievement which was last on my list. I guess I share my general idea how to play this damn thing as a lot of people (even veteran) go into it without clue how it works: 1. Try to find any primary weapon (just in case if you get jumped) OR buy primary weapon for 2000$ (you will get it with each respawn so it's good investition) OR better secondary for 1000$ (I always didn't bought secondary cause FBW was more than enough in most cases) 2. Gather cash. (500$ for all teammates per cash stack) 3. Eventually RIOT codes should show up 4. Get one of them and start to arm RIOT devices. (1000$ for all teammates per RIOT device) 5. Get out of zone and approach other non-contaminated (you got minute before gas is deployed so it's not bad idea to grab cash surrounding you or check out if there is better weapon around - also you might find yourself being forced to traverse gas - if that's case... don't forget to grab some hazmat suit) 6. Look for district which don't have RIOT device - that's finale zone, where finale stage will be. There two strategies if you find finale zone either: - You camp at the finale zone and pick off other teams approaching it (hard to do without position which gives you advantage, pay-offs when only couple of teams remain) - You go to other non-contaminated districts and arm remaining RIOT devices for cash boost, hopefully opposition will wipe itself out (easier to do overall, might lead to problems in finale stage if other team camped at position with advantage) 7. Wait up until Redhill VAN appears. 8. Bribe the driver the most out of all teams AND survive to win. There are some advices which might lead you to win this stage: - Being first at van doesn't mean that you are most likely to win. It might be completly opposite. You might find yourself spending all possible money on bribe as enemy team wipes you out. Even in finale, use money you got at disposal smart. Going for last minutes full-team attack might be good strategy to win, especially since most of teams gonna be either severely weakened or destroyed. - You not only lose cash for respawn, you also lose half of your held money if you die. Be wary of that, you might provide cash for opposite teams to bribe driver. - If you sure you gonna win but you are last of your team and have no cash for next respawn left, try to wait it out in hidden place. Be wary, enemies might get idea of your tactic to win. - Sometimes it's not bad idea to go into contaminated zone to get to some well entrenched location. Be sure trip is short enough to not hurt you or have hazmat suits at you for that as you get damaged after 15 seconds which aids your enemies. - 3 minutes before end, all items despawn from map. This is when primary weapon unlock pays off the most. If you don't have such or you can't afford one, make sure whatever happens with you that your weapon stays with you. You don't want enemy to gain upper hand over you just before end. - While OPGL and OSMAWs are trash in pre-finale stage, they are very useful in finale. It's not bad idea to grab one if you know that finale zone will be in hard to reach place. Good luck. And thanks to all teams who I took and they took me under wings. It was pleasure to play with all of you. Despite how this mode was broken.
  11. Xandra94


    the game will bring us back the spanish language?
  12. Hello everyone, since we don't have a post on the new forums yet. I decided to quickly remind everyone that we have a Discord server set up for all of you guys. The server is completly community moderated but we have a few staff members in it https://discordapp.com/invite/eHBBXgx Hope to see you there!
  13. I currently live in a dorm, and have sims on two mobile networks, one that gives me good speed (A), and the other which has good connectivity (B) all over the country (India). So whenever I try connecting from A , i either get stuck on connecting to district server or just get outright disconnected with the error in title. It works really fine on B , but I seldom get good speed on it to be able to play. So then I managed to get a local isp to get me a fiber connection I tried setting up port forwarding and static ip to no avail. help.
  14. Armas Marketplace 1) Update Armas Marketplace prices for weapons (lower them significantly). DONE, still think some prices are high but it's much better in general now 2) Armas should only be selling re-skins, clothing and vehicles. So, make weapons like the Colby CSG-20 and other non re-skin weapons available through packs become available through contacts and/or the Joker Store. Progression 1) Revamp how weapon and modification progression works: Remove primary unslotted, 1 slotted and 2 slotted weapons from the game, only having 3 slot primary slotted weapons should help balance the game for new players, since most players are veterans anyway. Primaries with 1 and/or 2 pre-attached modifications should be updated to include a 2nd and/or 3rd modification. Secondaries should stay unslotted or 1 slotted with a pre-attached modification. This is the current state, don't change this. Allow players to use (but not purchase from contacts) all weapon, character and vehicle modifications from the get-go. This would limit the progression to $APB instead of grind to reach the modification rank requirement. While this was fine when the game was populated and fresh, now it's just a big disadvantage for new players. Balancing 1) Fix unbalanced missions and spots in Financial and Waterfront. I wish I had a list of them... 2) Perform a balance pass on a few weapons and modifications. A few ideas come to mind from weapons and modifications that I'm more concerned about: Nerf the Low-Yield Fragmentation Grenades, from 3 to 2 grenades to match the other grenade types. Nerf the Percussion Grenades, from 400 to 300 max health damage per in radius hit. Nerf the Joker RFP-9, decrease its effective range from 40 m to 30 m. DONE (a better nerf was applied by LO) Nerf the OBIR, decrease its ammo capacity from 10 to 7 magazines (240 to 168 bullets), make it on par with the Obeya Rifle CR762 with ~7 magazines (100 bullets). Make it bloom way more when jumping so it's not pin-point accurate. Nerf the ATAC 424, increase the spread when spraying very slightly, while still allowing it to be better than the N-TEC 5 in close range but staying worse in medium range. Nerf the NTEC-5, make it bloom more when jumping. Nerf the AAEPD 'Volcano JC, increase its resupply time to be on par with the OSMAW. Nerf the Colby PMG 28, decrease its effective range from 35 m to 32 m, which is still higher than the OCA-EW 626 (30 m). Nerf the N-HVR 762, from 850 to 720 health damage per shot. Remove the link between accuracy and damage (this is quite a weird mechanic, specially for new players), make it bloom way more when jumping so it's near impossible to hit a jumpshot even at point blank. Nerf Mountie SF9 'Yukon's modification, more like a bug fix, decrease its fire rate as it is way too overpowered right now. DONE Nerf the NFAS-12 'True Ogre', decrease the pellet count because getting hit by this weapon literally kills the hitreg for everyone in the area. Nerf the OCA-EW 626 'Whisper' and PDW-56 'Kris', increase their crouch modifier from 0.8 to 1 and lower their range from 50 m to 30 m to match the OCA-EW 626. Nerf the OSCAR, lower its range to the same as the Joker SR115 Carbine and add bloom when shooting at its max fire rate, similar to what also happens with the Joker SR115 Carbine but less pronounced since it's a burst fire weapon. This last one is literally just to avoid full mag macro spraying with no consequences to accuracy. Buff the NCR-762 'Anubis' Adeen, either completely rework it or make it a re-skin of another weapon because, in its current state, it's pretty useless. Also, remove the crosshair modification (Hunting Sight: 'Anubis') or change it to something better. 1/2 DONE Nerf the Spotter modification, decrease its duration from 8 to 5 seconds. Spotted players should stop being spotted after they are 100 m away from the exact position they were spotted in. Make the marker blink instead of just being a straight wallhack. The cooldown should also be increased to 1 minute like it was for non-premium players previously. Remove the character/vehicle modification cooldown reduction for Premium players, it's actually "pay to win". DONE Remove consumables (yellow character modifications), their addition created a lot of unbalance (Shield and Ammo Box specifically). If you really want the Satchel Charge, Shield and other consumables in the game, just make them orange character modifications. At least, rework the Shield deployment to use a "wind-up" system where you have to stand completely still for at least 3 seconds. 3) Make Clotting Agent 3 the default health regeneration and make Clotting Agent 2 the only Clotting Agent level. Fragile, Kevlar Implants and Flak Jacket would need re-balancing though. 4) Reward Joker Tickets at the end of missions. More tickets the better the score, duh. 1/2 DONE, still not enough in my opinion 5) Don't allow Prestige 5 (P5) and Notoriety 5 (N5) players to be killed by players outside their mission. Remove them from being shown in the radar and map. Reward more APB$ per kill while being P5/N5 to incentivize having high notoriety. Right now, this system punishes players for doing well in missions and makes them choose to teamkill someone outside their mission in order to lose their bounty for their own mission's sake. 6) Don't allow players to spawn using a vehicle with the Mobile Spawn Point modification when it is within 20 m of objectives, not items (apart from last stage items such as the ones from item hold missions). 7) Remove Green threat and merge it with Bronze. I really don't see a whole lot of difference between these 2 threat levels. Bug Fixes 1) Fix the bug where a player can see their enemies' nametags through walls and fire hydrants. Those issues (probably) have different causes, but have the same effect. DONE 2) Fix the way a player can enter and leave vehicles since there's a small invincibility timer while performing the entering/exiting animation. (This probably requires a networking update, if it even is possible) 3) Fix entering vehicles if the chosen door cannot be visually opened (add collision check to vehicle doors), this fixes the case where a player can enter/exit a vehicle instantly without an animation. 4) Fix when a player presses the key to exit their vehicle and they go out from the wrong door instantly without the exiting animation, in an unpredictable manner. This doesn't have to do with the vehicle being too close to a wall on both sides, it just happens randomly. 5) Fix how, sometimes, another player exits their vehicle while driving fast and curving sideways which makes their character get pushed by it and then de-synced from the server. This usually happens with fast cars such as the Vegas. (This probably requires a networking update) 6) Fix Unreal Engine's built-in mouse acceleration, the in-game settings option does not remove this entirely and players rely on file changes to do it. DONE (explanation) New Features 1) Finish the Scaleform UI update. There are pretty good mock-ups by ShepardHS that follow the style of the bits from the Scaleform UI we currently have. (https://forums.gamersfirst.com/topic/237-game-user-interface/) Scaleform is deprecated 2) Add the "Dedicated Automatic Matchmaking (D.A.M.)" described in a blog post from 2015. (https://apbreloaded.gamersfirst.com/2015/01/matchmaking-on-global-scale.html) 3) Add ghosting to players and their vehicles which are not part of the same mission, this avoids griefing and targeted abuse towards streamers. Maybe this could be a toggleable command for players. In my opinion, I'd just never deactivate this but, I guess some people would. 4) Add an in-game trading system. DONE 5) Add crosshair customization to the settings menu. 6) Add Always/Hold/Toggle Sprint to the settings menu. 7) Add Hold/Toggle Crouch to the settings menu. Credits Me and my bro Lumsheden.
  15. Hello everyone! I figured I would make a quick post about my twitch channel. I do not have a schedule for my stream, although I try to stream at least 4-6 days a week. I usually start my streams around 18:00 on regular week days, meanwhile on weekends I start whenever it suits me the best. My timezone is GMT+1. I always (try to) post when I go live on my twitter. I also have a community discord server, which can be found here. Feel free to give me a follow, so you wont miss out on any of my streams!
  16. Hey there, so I've been trying to figure out what's wrong with my game's decals as my char/car decals looks really blurry and pixelated. Previous Approaches :- 1- Delete Config folder from APB Game and Engine folder then repair using the game launcher. 2- Use advanced launcher and set quality to ultra. 3- Optimizing my Nvidia Control Panel 3D settings. 4- Reinstalling programs in TPI folder. 5- Manually editing the .ini files in the config folder. 6- Spending 3-4 hours daily surfing the web for an answer. 7- Running the game with stock settings and Advanced Launcher settings on an M.2 SSD with and without a symbolic link to an HDD for the Assetcache folder. 8- Running the game with stock settings and Advanced Launcher settings on both of my HDDs. 9- Running the game with stock settings and Advanced Launcher settings on a 12GB Ram Disk. Proposed Approches :- 1- Complete reinstall of the game (Currently having internet issues so that's not really an option). 2- Your suggestions ? PC Specifications(TEMPS ARE WHEN THE GAME IS RUNNING) :- Operating System Windows 10 Enterprise 64-bit Version 1703 OS Build 15063.1155 CPU AMD Ryzen 7 1700 77 °C (Stock 3GHz OC'd to 3.7 at 1.3375V) Summit Ridge 14nm Technology RAM 24.0GB Dual-Channel Crucial Ballistix Sport LX RED (2400Mhz OC'd to 2800Mhz) @ 1399MHz (16-18-18-38) Motherboard Micro-Star International Co. Ltd. B350M BAZOOKA (MS-7A38) (AM4) 74 °C Graphics LG FULL HD (1920x1080@60Hz) S24E360 (1920x1080@70Hz) NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6GB (ZOTAC International) 61 °C Storage 1863GB Western Digital WDC WD20EZRZ-00Z5HB0 (5400 RPM ) 41 °C 931GB Western Digital WDC WD10EZEX-60WN4A0 (7200 RPM ) 46 °C 256GB Crucial_CT275MX300SSD4 (M.2 SSD) 59 °C Audio Realtek High Definition Audio Pictures (slightly lower quality than the actual looks of it) :- Yeah. Aliasing on the edges of the car decal. Low quality black color. Blurry number plates. This one is ridiculous. Notice the BEWARE decal? that's what I'm talking about. Notice the RAPID99 logo and low quality textures as well as the poor shadow quality?
  17. so i've been thinking about this for a long time now. most people think the name apb is cursed and reminds everyone of bad things, what if we change the name of apb to something else? like "apb reloaded reloaded" to signify the launch of this new engine. i put a poll so please vote and comment on ur ideas.
  18. Sorry if this subject has been adressed already. You may only choose 1 weapon
  19. The aim is to create a European community to cope with the deficiency that afflicts it. It is to find companions, friends, players to share the victories on the city of San Paro. https://www.facebook.com/groups/992261590940698/
  20. primarily australian and new zealand discord but all are welcome https://discord.gg/XBHWbr3
  21. Semblance


  22. hackerung


    Haven't seen a sugestion about this one yet, so I thought about making it myself. How about an M134 Minigun in APB? With the right ammount of tweaking it could very much be a ballanced weapon: Damage: Medium-Low damage, not too different from a SHAW Rate of Fire: Perhaps slightly higher than the Agrotech ACES (SMG version) Movement Speed: Slow. Like very slow. Like can't sprint or jump with it. Much like the OSMAW Ammo: Maybe 300-400 bullets per clip Maybe also some additional features: Wind-up/spin-up time before firing, or having the barrels rotate when the player is aiming the weapon No reloading, after the 300-400 bullets have all been used, need to resupply Slow resupply time, since it's a clip, you can't just grab magazines out of the box, maybe 20 bullets/second or so Similar to Ram-Man animations, maybe with the player's back arched backwards, it -does- weigh 40Kg Could even include different versions of it, with mods: 3 Barrels (Red): 50% faster spin-up time / 40% slower fire-rate Single barrel (Red): 100% faster spin-up time / 80% slower fire-rate / 25% increased damage Ammo Mag (blue): 200 backup ammo / 100(+/-) ammo per magazine AP Rounds (Purple): 50% slower fire rate / 100% higher damage to vehicles I think it would be a very cool weapon to use. Maybe for ambush situations or when you're escaping with the objective /on a vehicle (Face it, we've all done it at some point). Joker box or armas, I think people would be interested still Plus we already had one in the old convept video! Nevermind you how long it took me to find.
  23. As the new engine update is coming soon it is expected to have a rise in player base / popularity of the game. My suggestion would be adding more selections in music and symbol customization and do some rework. Symbol: New basic symbols with different curves. More symbols especially for hair are needed. Also increase the amount of symbols for premium accounts. I understand that APB has a function of "complexity' and it cannot have infinite amount of symbols placed in one picture but this can be achieved by installing some new features which could merge dozens of symbols into one. By that I mean increasing maximum amount of symbols and automatically utilizing the whole work after finishing to fit into the frames of so called 'complexity'. Music: increase all kill-themes duration to 10 seconds. Most themes are based on real songs and in order to fit a piece into 5 seconds duration people have to either increase the tempo or cut out some parts. There could be really good works after this is implemented. Also add some more sound kits to music studio or make their customization more complex. In summary I'd like to suggest to increase the complexity and utilization of music studio and image creating along with adding more features and stuff.
  24. Idea is old and inactual as there been price readjustments and other changes which made it obsolete. ~ Mitne, 2020 Hey. Mitne with another "revolutionary" idea (as with my all ideas, probably second human already benefit from it). What if we add "weapon subscription" option to ARMAs? TL:DR at the bottom What is weapon subscription? - Weapon subscription is my name for option in which you subscribe for weapon for some time and at the moment of paying off price of gun with subscription you receive permanent version of it. What is purpose of it? - There several purposes of such feature: Players might consider getting subscription to try out weapon since it will be something like temporary 3-days or 30-days lease but you gain chance to get it permantely if you pay rest of price. It sure adds to attraciveness to current non-subscribing timed leases (my whole new suggestion is to replace 30 day leases with that option). What would it cover? - Can cover both character or account-wide options. My suggestion would be character-wide options as there is option to expand to account. Economically it sounds right for developer (additional pay along way). How would it work? - It's pretty simple. Let's take Joker CR-5 as example of how it would work. Current price of character-bound Joker CR-5 on ARMAs is 2,999 G1C (2399 G1C with premium) Depends on what type of time stretch you want to give it, usual options in my opinion would be 6 months, one year and two years. Fee would be monthly in my case. I think one year option is the most sound one so I will give example on it. For normal account without premium it would be 2,999 G1C / 12 ~ 250 G1C, for premium account it would be 2,399 G1C / 12 ~ 200 G1C. In both cases you might notice player would lose basically 1 G1C with that option, last subscription fee can be lowered by 1 G1C to correct that of course. Subscription can be cancelled or renewed at any time. Lease tied with subscription runs out the moment G1C balance on account is not meeting subscription monthly fee in moment of it running out. Subscription CAN be renewed either indefintely or with some sane time limit (1-2 months for example) after failing to pay monthly fee. In my opinion 30 days lease should be removed to make option for that as it would make subscription "better option". If you though decide to keep 30 day lease (I don't know why), I would decide to make price of it be the same with monthly fee or lesser. I discourage also against making subscription overall price bigger than character-bound weapon on it's own as people would either save up money or resign from trying. So what can I gain from it? - As customer - different option to pay for permanent weapons which bases on "leasing" type of loan. You own something as long as you pay your loan. As developer - possible bigger income from ARMAs TL:DR: Replace or add option similiar to timed leases (in that case monthly lease) which would at the time of paying up price of character-bound weapon give permanent version of that weapon. So... what are you opinions? Would you fix something or that? Would you approve or disapprove of it? Please, comment in the section.
  25. This is my channel on YouTube ...and Twitch My some old videos I will be glad for your comments
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