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  1. Today
  2. Ah they way I see it, they are saving me money, I'm not gonna spend with the 'Marketing dept' and their cronies making comments about my Skill and lack of hacking, my mother ect. I figured for a long time some of these 'Marketers' were a gm's alt or at least sent by the gm. Then they crossed a line, that makes me reconsider who is what. Not just the Mother insults, now its gone into full on racism, anti woman, you name it. They are getting away with it. Its like they blame me for them getting banned, when I haven't used report since they bypassed eac. But when they got racist I knew it wasn't the gm. I think the hackers think I'm the driving force behind getting them banned, well thats a stupid thing. Cuz eac never detected a hacker nor banned one, only legits and the legit never came back. These are all people banned a decade ago during my first year. So I just block em, funny how kids are these days thinking they are smarter than older people. But thats the way LO wants it, so I'm not gonna report or cry. I'll just dabble in the game when I'm tired of War thunder. I had pretty much quit playing because of the harassment and was trying to turn in stolen cars n a mob of em stopped me n blocked the impound lot. Which pushed me into a psychosis where I decided to play 'My Way'. I'll put like this, Imma play but I"m gonna put in the same effort that Matt has, and any further effort will depend solely on the gm's actions or inactions, regarding toxics. furthermore I won't touch the report button for any reason, you could hack upside the walls n ceiling n I won't say nothing, Say what you want about my mother, I won't say nothing. However, I wouldn't rush to fix the mirage or any other additions to armas, cuz I won't Spend Ever.
  3. A few days ago i learned he was only 70... almost seems like he has been 70 for the past 20 years or something
  4. Yesterday
  5. Getting the retry in 30 sec after collating data. then error updating game files. only option is to close and try again. Thanks
  6. Well this should be put on the back burner till most of the main priorities are finished. They are years over due on promises made years ago. They need to fix so many things, and right now they are refusing to fix anything. (refusing) as in ignoring players and not communicating since the ama. They have to fix the car, the parts are just laying there, they need to fix MM so a Gold player is rarely mixed into missions with regular players, and visa versa where regular players are rarely vs Gold or having gold TM. They need to fix the servers so that latency is not an issue, and players cannot use lag bots or lagging exploits to lag the players in the district. They need to add content, as in contacts, cross district joker jobs and contact progression. So that people dont have to wait till WF is popped to work those contacts, and those that have finished WF or Fin and have to play on the 'other side' can do joker jobs from either district, so that the Max rank has something to do, or reason to play. They need to rewrite the joker pay from the jobs beings its 2024. Just add a zero to the award of each job, same with cash awards. They need an anti cheat but will never find one that will work. They need to seriously buff most of the guns, and adjust the chart that shows when You click on one of your guns, to match what the gun's damage values are. I hit someone 5 times at little more than point blank range with slugs and he dint even flinch. So they have all this work to do, they aren't able to hire staff to do it, The trade issue is their own can of worms, they chose to open, which ended the game. But the Regular players should not have to wait longer for all these things to be fixed till after they fix the trading issue. Of course at this point it doesn't really matter.
  7. Hello - We're aware of this issue and are looking into it. Edit: The issues affecting the 2FA services have been resolved.
  8. When will they fix the second chance ban wave if those logging to the trade banned accounts? or never
  9. Last week
  10. Welll I don't want to stray off topic, but Yea. The difference is that Actual Dung has value. It is not the Game itself, it is the people. Its not 'Fun' anymore. I think waiting for new owners or for this owner to do something is hideous but I try to hang on, do what I can. But as long as LO and the sweatys like having players angry at them there is no game. It's not a f2p open to public game, its a Club, and You and I are not in the Club.
  11. There might be an issue on your end, but this game has had hitreg problems for years. The main thing to check is if your ammo goes down after you shoot. If it doesn't go down, this is called a "Ghost shot". Usually it happens when you click too perfectly with the weapon's rate of fire. The server thinks you shot too soon and doesn't count the shot. If it's happening when shooting slower, then it might be upload packet loss. There's no way to check for this in-game. Packet loss will show 0.0, even when 99% of your uploaded packets are being dropped. Due to the weird hit detection, sometimes you can compensate by aiming ahead or behind the player. I've gotten plenty of kills by intentionally shooting into the edge of a wall a player was about to run behind, rather than aiming at the player. Same with those yellow dumper bin things. Sometimes you can shoot through the top corners. You'll see bullets hitting the dumper, but you'll get hitmarkers on the player. Also, it might be a new issue with their service provider. I was playing last week and noticed hit registration was acting weird. For a few minutes, none of my shots would could, but the oppositions shots all counted. Then in the next mission stage, all of my shots count, and I rarely took damage from the opposition. Never experienced this before. It's usually the same, good or bad, until the server restarts or I switch to a different district.
  12. lol its LO shitty servers to blame but if u want to reduce input lag u can uncap the framerate
  13. two-factor server side clock is again out of sync... to log in i have to type the same code 3 to 5 times
  14. So I've been playing for a long time and have been having this issue, I have a pretty beefy setup so I tend to play every game on maxed out graphics, APB included, however the issue I'm having is with ghost shots and hitreg, I get these problems quite frequently tbh. I ran some tests with a friend to check it out, even when someone is standing still at a reasonable range, 9/10 times I cant drop them in the weapons ttk and I get some shots that dont even register, it gets worse when someone is moving and trying to dodge, so I did a bit of research and came to find out that input lag might have to do something with it. I was wondering if there are things I can do on my end to get rid of this problem.
  15. Remember, some active players are at least several accounts from rerolling over and over.
  16. Hello everyone, Our standard weekly maintenance will be held this Wednesday (07/24) starting at 9 AM UTC. The game should be back up and running in 6 to 8 hours. Thank you for your patience during this period.
  17. Hello everyone, Our standard weekly maintenance will be held this Wednesday (07/24) starting at 9 AM UTC. The game should be back up and running in 6 to 8 hours. Thank you for your patience during this period.
  18. in fact when they play against him everyone closes the game, by doing so you will lose player sorry for my vulgarity
  20. there is big difference between 'total active players and total player accounts
  21. there is a big difference between average players and total players
  22. ayy lmao wtf is going on? still waiting 8 weeks for a ticket response, surely u cant be overwhelmed with tickets on this "dead game" with 350 max pop
  23. Voip has been gone for Years, since before LO, Social has never been Social, its for people selling (outside of the peps using the designers). It is all WTT/WTS/WTB spam. Nor is the Social area of this forum for Socializing, Mod's will delete any sort of friendly thread. So it's not like I could open a thread regarding the price of eggs, or I might write about the good time I had at Red Robbers beings it was so loud I couldn't hear myself think, but the food was "Yummm". Then ya gotta cross the "Mall Baby" line to get back to the car. So the Mall wont let U young sweatys in, so theres no less than 50 14 yr olds, dressed in jackets and other winter wear, sitting in a large group outside the Mall doors. And it's 113 degrees out. I Freeze in my tracks, hold out my arm to stop my wife and in-laws from taking another step. I point at the sweatys and hollar out, "Golds" LO figures that Hate generates numbers and revenue, must be why they're letting all these haters run Amok in district. They are not fond of Happiness or friendly banter. NA in general will end up being closed soon as the LO and the sweatys are done removing or dissuading Legits from playing. Welp, fine my me, Let it Burn. Really is too bad, but it is what it is.
  24. there's no shame in letting go, but it's certainly unhealthy to think this game can shine again
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