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    Nerf the Vegas

    Ya, the thread was made as an example. They nerfed the vegas years ago when LO took over. The thread was more to do with the crying over the .45. Im not really a reporting type person. The vegas actually needs to be buffed back to the pre LO times. They took the wheelies out. No this was the fruit of an ongoing clan war. Problem is the elements of this clan do not always fly a flag. So these were thought to have been random trolls or haters. characters with American names. So these were covert attacks by that clan, who has now admitted it. So beings its a War. There is no reason to punish the vegas. As I a one man unofficial clan, and had played with these people allot, we always got along. I used to stick up for them in chat when race comments start going. So I've never understood their War, but a war it is. Had I deduced their identity earlier I simply would have counter attacked members of that clan. Instead of thinking it was yet another country or faction starting a second war. You see before apb i played allot of the older facebook 2d games. We all had clans and wars n their were diplomatic talks and documents to be signed, spies and counter spies. So when someone with a clan tag attacks me outside a mission I naturally consider it a clan sanctioned act, and that means that I can retaliate against anyone wearing that tag, or being in close contact with said clan's administrators. I think allot of the more recent attacks are a ploy to get me to complain, to have LO Restore eastern districts, and or to get me to quit. Which even if I did complain n beg for a high latency district, I have no Juice with LO. So we can all just Relax now. Im going to be like Stone Fish. Quietly laying in wait for the right time
  4. TheSxW

    Satchel charges

    more like "stick to ground on drop" whatever the ground is car or whatever... easly done using raycast and a custom function to upgate position.
  5. Interesting, a recoil buff for one of my favorite guns. Wonder how much of an actual effect the buff gives the weapon. The damage increase doesn't boost it to 6 STK, but it does potentially give it a few extra meters of effective range... not that it really needs that, the gun is best at short to mid range anyways (nice boost for plinking tho). Could ya'll please stop removing (and ideally return) the literal defining feature and purpose of usage for the ISSR series weapons? There's no reason to use the ISSRs anymore thanks to this shit. Back to the dumpster it goes. Harbinger being usable was nice while it lasted, but-
  6. im talking about weapons/themes/songs/symbols/cars etc. increase the amounts to: weapons: to be able to get all weapons from armas and JT and be able to have them all not sure how much there are around 300? 400? lets make it 500 xD themes: around 250 should sufice songs: around 250 should sufice symbols: 500 should be a reasonable amount cars: 20-50 choose which one is better me and my friend are using mail now to store themes songs and symbols and cars... i cant get more weapons cuz the limit is too small...
  7. agree the prices are kinda wonky
  8. The Halloween 2024 sale is now live! And that's not all—later today, we’ll be adding the Scoped N-TEC 5 Dvah along with nearly all Halloween-themed weapon skins to ARMAS as standalone items, with account-wide purchase options available. We’ll let you know as soon as they go live!
  9. i think what he wants is something like some of legendaries have like 2 skins you can choose from 1 default and 1 alternative
  10. imagine what will happen what pro players will do... then will morelikely even more spawn camp you with close range weapons now.xD imagine that now you can be spawned in car that is way too close to enemies literally you can spawn ontop op enemy somehow not sure how its done yet... and insta die from car explosion cause pro player counted when the spawn wave will be and throw concusion grenade under car spawn so you gonna die on spawn (happen to me way too many times...) Edit: you can use this car spawn as small "radar hack" of sorts to know where enemies are if you place them properly around the point and you have a team of 4 premades you can also directly talk to your teammates using voice over discord or stream your game and tell them directly where enemy is... imagine that...
  11. oh man if it was only like that... oh wait it was like that and cheaters were making new accounts to harras newbie players... oh wait then the gold players were dethreating to silver rank purposefully on not purposefully and were jopining the silver districts... thats not the easy fix to do in my opinion the only change that should happen is display account lifetime (played days across all characters in "J" screen where it shows you days played and kills made for the current character... its missing account total played time (connected from all characters across the account and kills across all characters) that will solve alot of problems from accusing someone of cheating when he has 20k+ hours played in the game across all characters he played and to determine who to match with who i would suggest something like k/d/t ratio where you will have kills to deaths to tasks done ratio aka: kills / deaths tasks / deaths then add them together divide by 2 you get an average score of the player the higher the score the the better the player looks to be and should be matched with similar players and the lower the value is he should be matched with similar players to improve on itself and not being last in match all the time with 0 kills and 0 points moving nowhere
  12. TheSxW

    Nerf the Vegas

    thats more of a problem of /report and not nerfing a car... anyway it will be great to have Passive mode added ingame so outside of mission you cant get greefed on and in mission you simply report the dipshit (the same thing is in GTA5 online you simply enable passive mode and you cant be killed or drived on (you simply disable damage from all sources and thats it unless you yourself drive into a wall or you're awesome ingame)
  13. TheSxW

    Nerf the Vegas

    i would x2 the prices to spawn and change some cars to be free like jeep and other small cars from the streets like taxi one if you are talking about vegas do you mean default vegas or 4x4 version? i would change suspension on vegas 4x4 to make it less bouncy because it looks like this car was esspecially made to be used for jumping on out of bound places you can search my nickname on YT and see where you can get using vegas or even fragile unfortunatly i cant agree with OP about his changes about what i think to be a good change/my reasoning: 1.1 you spawn a car more then 15-20 times in 1 mission 1.2 if car spawn will cost 1000$ to spawn imagine how much missions you will need to do playing as gold player to earn cash for it just for 1 mission usage... 1.3 you earn around 3000-6000$ a match you need to pay for ammunition used in match grenades used in match cars spawned in match (and outside too) 2. the only reasonable change will be 1 spawn per 60 seconds and doubling the prices using linear function so free ones stay free and the most expensive ones get it increased x2 and the ones that cost half of the most expensive ones will get increased price by 50% 4. vegas has way too low health compared to competitors (im talking about 4x4 - cuz alot of damage comes from hitting a wall and not other players cars... while you roll around or drive wrongly on a small collision and it flips a car adding damage to it) 5. adding small damage to small obstacles and driving over npc's (small like 1-5 damage) depending how big obstacle is. 6. phone booth is still bugged needs a collision redesign (remove collision from top of it allowing to be clipped through or add another collision ontop of it (cubic one) that will cover the whole phone booth and will be only respected by cars (im sure you can add a tags for colliders in unreal that can be only respected by objects with the same tags (tags like: pawn, player, hitreg, cars, etc.) there is more problems with cars but i cant remember them from top of my head...
  14. I’m really excited to dive into the Epidemic gamemode! It sounds intense, with three corporations fighting to spread their virus and take control of San Paro. The idea of turning citizens into zombies and battling for domination adds a whole new level of chaos, and I can’t wait to experience it firsthand. It’s been a while since Epidemic was last seen, and it feels like the perfect time to jump back in and see which virus will come out on top. Ready to see how it all unfolds!
  15. Hello, I apologize for the inconvenience. I you are still experiencing this issue, please contact our Customer Support on https://gamersfirst.com/support for assistance. - Azukii
  16. Hello everyone, we ran into a last minute issue with the Varzuga Rally XS 'Prototype' which prevents it from being customized - We plan on fixing this issue in a follow up patch in the coming week.
  17. Azukii

    Nerf the Vegas

    I have moved this topic to the Game Suggestions section of our forums. - Azukii
  18. i could think that its a server side change for changing character id with account id and loading row using account id instead of character id but that will require alot of time to edit cuz u will need to connect all characters stats together and assign it to corresponding account id
  19. question 2 editing ini files are still ok... and thats all thats needed anything else is considered cheating (like editing shaders, deleting effects, editing map files etc.)
  20. yup and they should finally address obir, ntec (with ursus)
  21. where is that part?? i can only see JT being discounted by 15%... "To celebrate the return of Epidemic, we're launching the Halloween 2024 Sale with an array of killer deals. Stock up on Joker Tickets, character slots, and some of your favorite weapons like the OCA Nano ‘Butcher,’ Colby .45 AP, and the VAS C2 ‘Troublemaker.’ All SWARM, ISSR-A, FR0G, and ATAC 424 variants are also discounted, along with exclusive kits and vehicles like the Criminal and Enforcer Firehawk sets and the Han Coywolf Bundle" where is OCA Nano ‘Butcher,’? thats the first weapon listed that doenst exist on the marketplace... it should be in secondary weapons...
  22. 2 Secondary gun balance patch and no nerf to .45 AP. You guys are unbelievable as always.
  23. I was thinking about this earlier and wouldn’t it make more sense to balance the guns both factions can use rather than the niche ones only enforcers can use?
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