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  1. Some of us simply don’t like that many players. I’m personally not escalating beyond 4v4 winning or losing.
  2. I in no way work for LO. Im just another goofball player. Same as you.
  3. I did. Thats where I learned not to steal and lie.
  4. often times its people who have gotten banned on one account "oh yeah well Im taking my money back" then they find out that all their accounts are now banned
  5. Semi joking but if you want them to have more resources, you need to spend more money.
  6. This^ The gamers from Brazil wake up first and choose the districts I think. So unless a wave of west players show up at some point it’ll probably stay East.
  7. Trouble or they asked you to get rid of it? Im honestly curious because this seems like a nightmare rule to enforce given how common real world brands/logos are in the game.
  8. Wait times for responses are measured in months. Just a head up.
  9. It wasnt meant to be temporary, it failed miserably so it got removed.
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