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Found 18 results

  1. Hello everyone. Idk if its only me , but when im playing im always always being kicked from the servers , and this message appears. I play with 97FPS and 56ms , and its the third time this happens to me Thanks for your attention.
  2. Hello, you could finance a server in Brazil for the Brazilian community or for the entire Latin American community. We love APB, but playing on the foreign server is a bit frustrating because ping / latency is very high. While we have 0-40 ping in Br, in the USA we have 150-400. Thank you in advance, I am a mega fan of APB, I love this game. Thank you. -pedited on google translate-
  3. Greetings, since there is a few discords out there with APB-R mainly focused then i would like to post mine aswell. This discord tho is much more than just APB, it is a public social discord for every invidual to enjoy and to be a part of. It is named '' Equality '' because there is on basis no restrictions to rank / roles that can be earned. It has everything from anime, gaming, art, music and so on. If you wish to, there is a role called APB-Reloaded, which unlocks the APB section within, in order to get this just contact me in there i am the owner '' Xaint ''. Click here to join -> Equality Discord Server If you have any ideas, suggestions or similarities then feel free to DM me here or on discord. Best Regards, NoobOnDrugs .
  4. I just finished the tutorial and since logging in couple of hours ago nothing works. I send a message in chat, it doesn't pop up in Global Chat, I click accept the quest - quest is not in my journal, neither are materials. I kill mobs and loot them - I lag for couple of seconds, it tell me I looted the corpse but none of the loot makes it to my inventory. Is that some kind of lag issue or issue with the server? I even verified the files and nothing works for hours on end.
  5. I think that it would be much better to have intelligent servers, that is now the servers Financial and Waterfront have a max of slot to 120 (60 crim and 60 enf) but if the servers Missions-Financial-1 and Missions-Financial-2 are full and the another one Missions-Financial-3 is with 2 crim and 3 enf, this is a problem, i think is a better the full servers transfer the some players. Example!!!, The server: Missions-Financial-3 have 3 crim and 2 enf, the server Missions-Financial-2 have 55 crim and 60 enf, the server Missions-Financial-2 transfer 12 crim and 13 enf on the server Missions-Financial-3, so now the server have 15 crim and 15 enf, it is easier to start missions, but this without the game disconnecting from the server for connect to the other one, but this with a sync without loading screens, something you don't even notice. All this to avoid being alone and getting bored on almost empty servers. Sorry for my english, I'm italian @MattScott
  6. When will the servers be online again. I am waiting for the whole day already
  7. North America vs Europe which Server is best in APB Reloaded ? where is much players and where I can get English speaking players?
  8. Hello, After years of not playing i recently tried to play again. My account (2 characters) have been switched to another server. When i log in i'm on the (jericho NA) server. xxpuma2xx That used to be the same as my playmate : xxpuma1xx Citadel EU The screenshots are dated 2012. The screenshots i provided both coming from my own steam & the person i played with. Could you please swap me back to Citadel EU here is the url of the pictures: https://app.gemoo.com/share/image-annotation/572277641518653440?codeId=vz8K1d1WrZB35&origin=imageurlgenerator
  9. I can't even play since EU server is no longer in EU,nor can I waste my life on playing my favorite shooter smh.
  10. (UNOFFICIAL) Server Maintenance began 1:55am PST - [Undetermined] Official information undiscovered. Stretch, snack, hydrate, rest. Health is wealth.
  11. I currently live in a dorm, and have sims on two mobile networks, one that gives me good speed (A), and the other which has good connectivity (B) all over the country (India). So whenever I try connecting from A , i either get stuck on connecting to district server or just get outright disconnected with the error in title. It works really fine on B , but I seldom get good speed on it to be able to play. So then I managed to get a local isp to get me a fiber connection I tried setting up port forwarding and static ip to no avail. help.
  12. had no problems with my latency and packet loss before the useless event update:( Removed Naming and Shaming. - Azukii ping went from 20-50 to 90 and higher. Packet loss is like 1-8%, just in case if it'll help o/ Merged. UPD: connection from UA , some russian friends have the same problems
  13. So far I've seen 3 issues that are pretty common. Rubber banding/Warping. Random D/Cs. Random PLs/High Ping. So, with those being common and most likely in correlation with either the BE update or DDoS attacks. I've noticed a few other things myself that have been either insanely frustrating or even game play breaking to a degree. With the frequent warping and rubber bands, loss of car control (Unresponsive steering), inability to switch shoulders consistently or lean timely and peak without warping into the open AND disconnects. I just can't find myself playing the one game I would happily spend all day doing. The lag is just too much. Even there are times that my game will randomly black screen for half a second and show some activity circle from a frame a few seconds prior. Like the bugs are getting out of hand, whether it's client side or server they need to be addressed and as soon as possible. It's worse than it's ever been. So from what I've covered above, has anyone else seen or had anything else unusual happen since the update? I'm curious if I'm the only one on that out of place frame bug I'm having or not, or if anyone else has had something similar happen.
  14. xkamVenx


    Hey what’s up. I normally don’t use forums for any reason, but I’m getting annoyed for the past hours that I have played. The idea that the servers are in NY is great because it’s the first time I’m able to play with 1ms. However, it is the worst experience i’ve ever had lmao, i have 1 ms but it literally feels like more than that for some f***ing reason. I am just warping around all over the place which is so annoying. Not even when i had 40 ms two weeks ago, I was just fineeee i wasn’t teleporting like i am doing with 1ms right now, it literally makes no sense and i hope you guys can fix that. I know servers just came up yesterday, but i am just letting you know this is a problem you should fix. Thank you.
  15. Citadel Server are lagging Merged. server are still lagging can u fix the server pls? maybe?
  16. Fallen Earth will be down for maintenance Monday, Wednesday, and Friday starting at 9:00 AM PST. If the maintenance goes longer than planned, we will update you here in this forum. Weekly maintenance is meant to improve server stability and reactivate all Progress and Conflict Towns. __________________________________________ Update (5/29/2018) 10:45AM PST My sincerest apologies for not getting the schedule correct on the first post. I was working off older information, which is still inexcusable on my part. The server maintenance time, confirmed by our team, is Monday/Wednesday/Friday 9AM PST. Again, my massive apologies, I know there was a lot of confusion over the holiday weekend. -Shy
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