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  1. 1. Nekrova CCP (Compact Carry Pistol) 2. Colby MSR 900 (Magnum Snub-nosed Revolver) 3. N-OVA 5 4. Colby DBS 'The Farmer' 5. N-FAE 9 'Blade' 6. JG MFS-1140 JT3 7. Joker CMP 'Eden' 8. Nekrova UMP PR1 9. OCSP-S 'Mute' 10. N-TMG 762 III 11. COMMANDO 'Megalodon' Perfect for masses of enemies or their vehicles. Rockets fly a bit slower than OSMAW rockets. Unlike other rockets, these, are heavier and start dropping down after further distance. In marksmanship mode you can shoot 4 rockets at once, but the charging is very slow. But the recoil is so powerful, it makes you look 90° up instantly, and hurts you by taking 15% of your health. Mod: Thermal Rockets Rockets with hydrogen charge, creating heat and bigger blast radius than regular rockets. Best for enemies on foot, heat is not very effective against cars, especially armored ones. -------------------- COMMANDO 'Stingray' This model has an installed adapter for small rockets. In marksmanship mode you can shoot 4 small rockets one after another if you hold LMB. These armor piercing rockets are not very effective against people, they fly faster than any other rockets, but they are small, making it hard to hit a person. These are best for stopping vehicles, especially heavy ones. The frame is made from carbon and alluminium, allowing you to walk faster than with any other rocket launcher. Mod: Xtreme Penetrator Micro - Rockets. (Xtreme Penetrator is a real life name for some armor piercing ammo) Very fast and small rocket projectiles can go through 2 vehicles. -50% damage after going first one. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 12. Dual Pistols Minimum rank 195. -1 grenade capacity -25% primary ammo capacity Should only be available in armas, joker store or a reward from a contact's daily activity. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 13. Dual SMG Mod Character modification that allows you to dual wield SMG's for a short time. Minimum rank is 195. Effects: -2 grenades capacity -50% secondary ammo capacity Mod deactivates when your magazines are empty or when you press "deactivate". For this mod to work, you need 2 identical weapons, like for example two OCA-EW 626-SD NFCP3 or Colby PMG 28: TROJAN X-IV or CBMP-45 'Dart'... etc. If your weapons have open slots, they must have same mods placed in the same spots, or no mods at all. Selecting this mod, adds a new function to your inventory, new slot where you can select the second identical SMG. Recommended to use when the magazine is full. 14. Petrol bomb 15. Smoke grenade https://discord.gg/bfwTSYyYjP
  2. When APB launched under RTW, the gun models were very artsy, and only roughly based on their real life counterparts. Then G1 took over, and all the new weapons were modeled after real guns, which was a huge improvement as they actually looked good. I've made a quick comparison between some of APB's ugly weapon models, to what they were based on. As you can see, the game models are absolutely disgusting. The CR5 looks like the deformed brother of the M4A1: The SR15 is a disproportionate SIG 552: The CR762 is an ugly SIG 550: The OBIR might be an HK93? It's so ugly, who knows. The OSCAR looks pretty similar to the OBIR, so I guess it's a tacti-cool HK93: Any chance you could update the original game's weapons to look more inline with the new ones?
  3. Here are some pictures from Keyshot 7.1's viewport, not proper renders yet. I'm probably going to add those as I make them in the next couple days. Modeled completely in Fusion 360. More screens below
  4. now i can understand the price of 'account life time weapons' in the armas marketplace. when you buy the account life time weapons from armas marketplace, you can always get that weapons for free and infinitely from other characters or new characters as long as your account not get banned. i can understand. however most of the joker store weapons are character permanent. that means if you accidentally remove the gun from the inventory then you have to pay another joker tickets to buy. if the joker ticket weapons cost like 'less then 10 dollars' for character permanent then i can understand and buy more joker tickets but most of the weapons from joker store are cost 'more then 10 dollars' also some of the weapons are expensive then account life time weapons from armas marketplace. especially 'Joker CR-5 w/3 slots'. so in armas marketplace, Joker CR-5 w/3 slots for account lifetime cost 15.99 dollars. however in joker store it cost 10000 JT for character permanent. that means it cost 20 dollars for one joker cr-5 w/3 slots for character permanent. that's really expensive for one characters. so my opinion is... -remove the '7days and 30days expires option' of joker store weapons -reduce the price of 'character permanent option' from joker store weapons same price as '7days or 30 days options' thx
  5. I have a condor and ursus along with a nano and colby commander. I even have a sitting duck too please contact me on forums messages if anyone is interested to negotiate your best offers I am on the Xbox North American server. Thank you for your time.
  6. Hi everyone, As the title says, its about the stuff that can be added into the joker store. The joker store was put up into the game with one motive "try before you buy". The cars were put up later on. Ppl jus buy mods like mobility sling from the jokerstore on a regular basis. The 4x4, firebomb and crown are bought by the players after a long time. My idea: Some of the rarely used guns can be put up in the jokerstore so that players can get to play a variety of guns in the 1 week period. 1. The norseman series guns- for example is one of the rarely used guns in the game. Only a handful of ppl in the game own these guns. 2. SBSR IRS - Not a much preferred rifle amongst players. Ppl generally stick onto obeya cr762/sr15 3. SWARM series - least used lmg in the game, 4. Mountie nunavut and northwest Modifications 1. Muzzle brake can be added to the jokerstore. Would be helpful for players who jus have the shaw556. Consumables: Putting consumables for ingame cash would be a good thing as well. I dont think players purchase ammobox from the jokerstore for 75 jokertickets. Any suggestions and ideas are welcome
  7. ...shouldn't we think about fixing the pre-set lease weapons that you can purchase from contacts? Right now most pre-set mods are bad (IR3 on HVR) or straight up downgrades for the weapon (like HB3 on ALIG), giving these weapons little to no reason to use them. Of course, you can argue that "you can buy 3 open slots version on ARMAS" or "you can level up that role and get a 3 open slot version from contacts", but the first solution takes A LOT of real money and the second one takes A LOT of time. It shouldn't even be the best combination of mods ever possible, you could for example put Tagger instead of 3PS3 on HVR, making it a sub-optimal version, but at least you feel rewarded for unlocking these weapons and progressing through contacts. This should also apply to some of the pre-set weapons that we can buy in ARMAS: ALIG "Surefire" and Shaw "First Blood" always come to my mind lol, they're supposed to make up for the fact that you can't afford mods atm so instead you buy pre-modded weapins for, say, one month. BUT! Surprise! These mods suck patootie and you wasted your money (real money tho). Of course this would be a very low priority, the game has so many bigger flaws and I think most people are now used to pre-set weapons being terrible, but I think this should not be overlooked. What do you guys think, is it a bad idea? And if so, why?
  8. I specifically said the first time to leave auto shotguns alone but noo you people just had to whine about them and now i am seeing posts of people claiming some automatic shotguns are broken or over op or less op g1 may screwed up on a lot of things but they sure knew how to keep the shotguns right I’m just glad i see the same people who disagreed with me in the first place now disagreeing against the new changes im glad you’re upset you deserve to be upset. and the topic is about why the new shotgun changes is unnecessary
  9. First of all it's nice to be back and see the game is still alive, although it's noticeable that the playerbase is still decreasing and things right now are rough Now for the questions! First: I'm EU and I've noticed nobody ever plays in Baylan Shipping's fight club, is there a reason why the Asylum being more popular? Is there a time when people gather in Baylan and play there? I used to love 2 hours sessions of pure killing in that area, one of the most fun game modes in APB imho, so I'd love to experience that again. Second: I wanna waste some JTs and I've always wanted to try the SBSR rifles. When I checked APB:DB to learn the differences between IRS and Coroner the only one I was able to find is that IRS, being a sniper rifle, has 15 metres more of effective range. Is it really the only difference? Like, is the Coroner a straight up worse version of the IRS? Please enlighten me!
  10. I have never posted on these forums until now but I felt it was important to address some of the weapons/class of weapons that I feel really need work on a competitive level. I have played competitively for years and have participated in several tournaments so what I post here and what Id like to see posted here are things that genuinely need improvement on a competitive level. This means weapons that when used correctly and to thier full capabilities still cannot compete with weapons that are outside of its class/role. Weapons outside of the designated role either out perform them completely or render them inefficient/useless when performing the same task/role. For example the anubis adeem. As it stands it has no use. Poor accuracy, less effective range compared to other sniper rifles, slow rate of fire compared to weapons like obir or an N-tec 5. These two weapons out perform anubis at its own task which shouldnt be happening. At the most anubis should atleast be able to compete evenly due to range and accuracy because it is a sniper rifle. So below I'll be stating why these few weapons from my personal experience need work and why. Anubis Adeen Rebalancing - From what Ive found on the weapon Time To Kill - 1.53 I feel it should be reduced to 1.43. This weapon has more incommon with a rifle then an actual sniper rifle. So bringing the fire rate closer to a rifle such as obir is a step in the right direction. Accuracy - This weapon needs a buff in accuracy. Its very noticeable how inaccurate the weapon is even at mid to semi long range. For a sniper rifle to be called a sniper rifle it needs to meet this requirement. Even when managing recoil itll miss during tests at mid range even though recoil is repeatedly kept in check when firing the weapon at max speed. It has a built in accuracy modification that when paired with heavy barrel 2 makes the weapon usuable to some degree. I still feel this weapon needs improvement in accuracy though. Damage - As it stands the gun sits at a 3 shot kill. Having heavy barrel 2 reduces that damage to the point that any kevlar opponents makes the weapon a 4 shot kill. Heavy barrel 2 cant be taken off without loss off accuracy per shot due to how inaccurate the weapon is to begin with per shot. I feel this weapon either needs a small buff in damage to keep it at 3 and keep its overall effectiveness or to counter act the required use of heavy barrel and give it the accuracy it needs per shot. Sniping takes alot of skill. I dont believe players who go out of thier way to master such weapons should be penalized for it. Snipings a difficult thing to do to begin with dont make it harder with virtually no reward. Harbinger - Time to kill - .90 I feel the harbinger is completely useless at this moment. Its not functioning like its suppose to at all. Its a sidearm thats an sniper rifle that currently just warns someone with the first shot fired at them. But I feel the time to kill is perfectly fine. So with that we move on to accuracy. Accuracy - Currently this weapons two biggest problems are the accuracy degration per shot and recoil. It already requires 4 shots to kill so these two draw backs need to be reduced to have any chance of making this weapon effective if you decide to go this route. A very small reduction in recoil and less reticle bloom per shot/accuracy degration per shot. This route i believe will have the weapon function as originally intended without making the weapon too strong. It will function alot like a 4 shot rifle. Which is what it is a primary side arm like the rest of the magnums. Magnums are apbs way of giving those who have short range primary weapons a fighting chance against those with long range capabilities. Weapon roles are just reverse. Damage - If you do not go the accuracy route then the next best thing would be increased damage per shot. The gun would still require the same amount of skill to wield with virtually no differences in function except now youd be rewarded for it. By turning the weapon into a 3 shot kill itd give your oppenent less of a chance to get away due to the fact that youd need less shots realigned. This however has a draw back. By reducing shots required to kill and maintaining the same fire rate would cause the weapon to kill at .675. Which is a little faster then average assault rifle Time to kill at .70. So youd need to slow the fire rate down to counter act the increased time to kill to keep it around .90. Recoil and accuracy degration could still counter act this however. Its very doubtful that someone could possible land all 3 shots at max speed at long range due to the accuracy degration itself even if you manage the recoil. I feel this weapon would end up functioning alot more like a combination of the Joker RFP-9 and colby RSA if you went this route. The playstyle would be a cross between the two which necessary isnt a bad thing. Ill post more later but for now this is a small bit of what Ive been thinking needs rebalancing and my reasons why.
  11. Once the dust has settled on the engine updates and we can get the ball rolling on content again, I'd like to see the following weapons make an appearance in some form in order to diversify the weapons on offering in APB. Please note that this is a subjective list and as such you might not find everything to you're liking. That's okay! If you want to make your own, here's a format to copy and paste: Weapon name: Weapon model: (If you're not making a generic weapon.) Unique mods/mechanics:
  12. For those that don't know about the previous thread or want to check up on what's already made in the weapons thread. For those that don't know about the previous thread or want to check up on what's already made in the vehicles thread. For those that don't know about the previous thread or want to check up on what's already made in the vehicles thread.(Alternate thread) For those that don't know about the previous thread or want to check up on what's already made in the mods thread. (Scavenger) For those that don't know about the previous thread or want to check up on what's already made in the mods thread. (SteamAnimator - Broken Images) Basically, we'll try to suggest/brainstorm new things for future reference/request so the devs can get an idea of what the community wants. For the new stuff that gets added, I'll try to keep the OP regularly updated. Vehicle Suggestions: Cont'd Weapon Suggstions: Cont'd Mod Suggestions: Cont'd
  13. Alani

    more weapon reskins

    like ye its probably an unpopular opinion, but i feel like the game could benefit of having different sounds and new weapon reskins. like the current set up is all western weapons, why not increase and add more eastern stuff too? this is a selfish plug to add ntec/oca/whatever variants of chinese guns yo
  14. Hello everyone it’s been a while since i’ve been thinking on new items,weapons and modification that the developpers could add to the game so we can have more options of strategy into opposed missions. Imagine being possible to flashbang enemies or “slice them into pieces” (lol) Melee weapons would be an awesome thing, for sure a lot of persons already had the same thaugts like me, lets try to get this seen. List of items: - Katana - Knifes - Flash grenades - Molotov - Gas grenades Would you like to see those items in the game ? Suggest some other items
  15. https://apbreloaded.gamersfirst.com/2018/09/mid-september-update.html?m=1 what do they mean by 4 shots from 7 meters?
  16. It was nice to see and spend time with the Devs and GM's in-game, so thank you for taking the time to do so! I noticed there was no thread at least in social for feedback yet so here's one. --------------------------------- Open PVP didn't work out too well, it was somewhat enjoyable but definitely nerve wracking trying to figure out if the out of mission guy next to you is going to kill you or not. Luckily this is being addressed. Gm presence was great to see, though I do agree it would be cool to see them as split between ENF and Crim so that more people get to play against the GM team during events/testing. Testing: For testing I only used a few guns during the testing time (shredder pr3 preset with ir3) and strife. So I'll mention my experience with them and opinion. 1. Shredder got a much needed decrease in effectiveness, at least that would be for the base variants, the IR3 (pr3) version which has now only a partial gain in range in comparison to before sadly got hit with the extended rof decrease giving it a roughly 1s ttk for a weapon with ~25m range. The weapon no longer effectively 3 hits as easily, which can be seen as a positive however, that often leaves it severely lacking in most situations in the closer range ranges even against ARs with its now very high ttk. The base variants without ir3, should however be much more balanced than before the changes and won't have the same issue as the pr3. But I cannot give a full review of them as I didn't use them. Next 2. Strife, I'm unsure what to make of the change I didn't notice too much of a difference, however, it wasn't exactly too strong before imo, especially since it's high ttk kept it in check. So while I'm not against the rework it's not something I feel was needed. The strife itself isn't used very often in general because most other shotguns are better choices in most, if not all situations due to its ttk, so having a high Overkill for it isn't something I'm against. Didn't get to play around too much with the ar changes, but a test beforehand showed ntec could 7/8 hit at 52m which seems to have the desired effect for AR's. So that's a plus. Further observations: IR3 Ir3 as a as a mod or even as a preset on shotguns seem to hurt them with very little to no benefit now. Before it was used as a way to improve the weapon with no downside, now that the mod has a downside, any shotguns with it often become worse for little gain due to the rof changes and at most ~4 to 6m average to gain. If you account for spread on shotguns it may not be a very good trade. This difference forces them to lose out against their peers due to ttk differences. The mod at one point being preset made sense. With the new changes I am unsure whether it can holds true for so little to gain with the current downside. On smgs IR3 has a little better effect, however, most times they aren't effective in reaching and taking out enemies at their max ranges in the first place so it isn't likely going to see much if any use on many smgs if any. Due to losing out in cqc and unable to make use of the extra range.
  17. A few suggestions: + add delay to switch back to pistol. or + reduce weapon damage with this mod. 3-Point Sling 3 shoud be ballanced.
  18. i don't even know how to start this, that's how bad these changes are, holy crap. im just gonna get straight into it, ill start with positives since that's a much shorter list Positives: N-TEC 7 'Ursus' Delay before bloom begins to recover: 0.075 -> 0.085 (Nerf) Maximum Bloom: 2.4 -> 2.8 (Nerf) Marksman accuracy while moving: 1.2 -> 1.6 (Nerf) Minimal changes that make the gun handicapped enough to not be as big of an issue before. thanks. why can't you do this for other guns? N-TEC 5 Maximum Bloom: 2.4 -> 2.0 (Buff) Allows the gun to be viable enough to spray in close quarters again. thanks, it's not terribly accurate but its enough to not lose every fight because you have your ntec out. Stabba PIG Stamina damage: 950 -> 675 (Nerf) i mean, it doesn't fix pig perc, which was ultimately the issue, but it does lower the strength of combos like JG pig or CCG pig. so im ok with this change, it's not awful. N-HVR 243 'Scout' Damage per shot: 550 -> 600 (Buff) Equip time: 0.6 -> 0.8 (Nerf) small change, noticeable enough to make the gun seen a little more commonly, while keeping it balanced. im ok with this Obeya CAP40 'Sergeant' Recovery per second: 4.44 -> 4.5 (Buff) Radius at 10m: 37 -> 36 (Buff) nice FAR Maximum Bloom: 1.45 -> 1.65 (Nerf) nice Colby PMG 28 Accuracy when crouched: 0.8 -> 1.0 (Nerf) Accuracy at 10m: 33 -> 34 (Nerf) Effective Range: 35 -> 20 (Nerf) Min damage Range: 50 -> 35 (Nerf) Recovery per second: 7.2 -> 6.9 (Nerf) It's a little overkill, but the gun's still useable, so props. onto the negatives we GO OBIR Bolt timer: false -> true (Nerf) Reserve ammo: 240 -> 144 (Nerf) this was by no means the way to fix the OBIR's strength. lowering the damage so that the gun didn't have literally insane overdamage(as it still does) would have allowed the gun to keep its place in the meta. now there's no reason to play the gun because the Obeya CR762 exists. please for the love of god do NOT touch the cr762 and just revert this change and lower the obir's damage. N-HVR 762 Damage per shot: 850 -> 800 (Nerf) can't you just revert the stupid crosshair thing and then lower the damage to 750? S1-NA 'Manic' Accuracy while jumping: 2.2 -> 4.4 (Nerf) Damage per shot: 115 -> 110 (Nerf) Maximum Bloom: 0.6 -> 0.725 (Nerf) a great way to completely destroy a $50 gun and completely remove it from the meta. Joker SR15 Carbine "We decided to bring the Carbine back into the spotlight again" Bloom per shot: 0.23 -> 0.20 (Buff) Reserve ammo: 100 -> 140 (Buff) first of all, the carbine was never not in the spotlight, second of all, now you have people lasering with the carbine at ranges they shouldn't be. ACT-44 Effective range: 70 -> 60 (Nerf) Equip time: 0.6 -> 0.9 (Nerf) im ok with the range change, but why would you nerf the equip time? like, yeah dude, the #1 thing I want to do is switch to my ACT44 in close quarters because my close range primary is totally not a viable option. if a player needs to switch to this gun as fast as 0.6, it's because they're in a deep situation. now their secondary is no longer viable to get them out of the situation. by the time anyone pulls out their ACT44 they're gonna get melted by literally every gun that isnt a sniper/ marksman rifle. Colby RSA Fire interval: 0.85 -> 0.9 (Nerf) Delay before bloom begins to recover: 0.5 -> 0.3 (Buff) Accuracy while walking: 1.2 -> 1.75 (Nerf) Accuracy while running (not sprint): 2 -> 2.5 (Nerf) YOU NERFED THE RSA? THE ENTIRELY OFF META GUN THAT NOBODY EXCEPT ACORN AND SHERIFF ROLEPLAY DUDES USE BECAUSE IT WAS ALREADY BAD. I needn't say anymore about this. OCA-EW 626 Fire interval: 0.1 -> 0.096 (Buff) Recovery per second: 5.15 -> 5.35 (Buff) Maximum Bloom: 0.7 -> 0.66 (Buff) Accuracy when crouched: 1.0 -> 0.8 (Buff) OCA-EW 626 'Whisper' Effective Range: 50 -> 30 (Nerf) Min damage Range: 55 -> 35 (Nerf) Accuracy at 10m: 36 -> 33 (Buff) dude, wHAT? who thought this was okay? If you're nerfing the pmg you can't buff the OCA as well, ESPECIALLY NOT THIS STRONG. Now there's absolutely no reason to use a PMG, and no reason to use a shotgun unless you're holding a corner. You nerfed the range on the whisper but with the accuracy buff, it might as well not have even happened. Ridiculous. Colby SNR 850 Equip time: 0.1 -> 0.5 (Nerf) so the only benefit to an otherwise dead gun is gone now, nice this is entirely opinionated, you're free to disagree with it, just, y'know, be civilized.
  19. So, when it comes to FFA R&D3... ain't that a rare gem in game right now? Almost nobody owns it and almost nobody is able to afford one even if they wanted (prices are ridiciolous because whoever has it, can dictate prices pretty much unchallenged...). But I don't see anyone having problem with that. And when they do, they are silenced for being silver and wanting to take only worth thing away from people blah, blah. So here it is. I'm owner of FFA R&D3. I could afford maybe two more if I really wanted (with such prices...). They are unscoped OBIRs with 3 mods slots, agreed. But question is why they aren't at Anne yet? I think since we want all legendaries to lose they unavaliability status, that's only way to do it. Put it on Anne. Maybe make it so each lease is 10k JT so people don't whine. I don't care. For me it can be 2,5k JT. Nothing justifes fact that this weapon is somewhere in shadows and only owned by few. I don't even use it. For me it's symbol status. So make it avaliable.
  20. Hello again, as in the previous post (some secondary weapons "simple version") I decided put some more images of other models of weapons as it would be in the simple version. "Here is a suggestion of simple weapons, without attachments or mods, that I wish there was in the game. Especially this Joker RFP-9 in Semi-Auto version with the statistics of OCSP. and I would like to see the "simple" version of FR0G in the JT store. This version Colby Snr 850 could be with the statistics of Colby .45 but only with 6 shots and slow reload." In these next images are some weapons already present in the game with mods, however it should have the attachments in them, because they are weapons with fixed modification. and as a special, I made an image showing what Colby .45 would look like with extended magazine modification. (9 bullets, maybe?) This post of suggestion is more for us just to imagine how it would be if it had these weapons differentiated in the game. Sorry for any mistake in writing this post.
  21. Since the gun will get a buff ill start using it so what mods should i put on and how would the playstyle be?
  22. What ever happened to the VWP? I was looking to buy it again on my new account and couldn't find it, assumed I was crazy and it never existed. Then on a whim I looked at the purchase history on my old account and sure enough, here it was. Vital Weapons Pack (Account Lifetime) 1,039 G1C 2015-08-11 22:19G1 Credits Why was this removed? The more important question, can it come back? It provided some basic weapons including the: NTEC-5 Joker SR15 Carbine JG-840 OCA-EW 626 N-HVR 762 These basic no mod weapons are perfect for casual players like me that play once in a while and want to be able to do Joker challenges (and with the basic tutorial completed, the choosing of the Shaw has all the basics covered) without buying temporary weapons or purchasing extremely expensive premium ones. It would be a nice way to introduce new buyers into Armas as well. However unlikely since this is supposed to be business, but if these weapons were to be given for completing say the advanced tutorial, would also be neat but I don't see that happening.
  23. Ok so hear me out. I think it is cool if you have a grenade launcher on the Joker CR-5. Which is an M16 in real life? This Idea popped in my head after watching a madness combat incident (by krinkels, not fan made) That had Deimos pick up an M16 with a grenade launcher and he loaded the shell in it. When he Shot it had exploded the L33T agents to pieces. But In APB this could be a good Attachment if done right. It could even have a Stunt mode where it's full of stun Grenades and for enforcers. Ok, let us go over the details. The weapons that can have this are... The Joker CR-5. (The gun can be used since LaRocha got a back thing with a black CR-5 with a grenade launcher) The COBRA-VENOM. (I'm gonna go over the pros and cons) I would say atac but it's more toxic when you're using atac and use a perc grenade to finish them off with the launcher. (I'm gonna go over what grenades that can be used) NTEC-5 since AK'S have grenade launchers but a different type. Ok, you can add your suggestions on what weapon can be used but here are the pros and cons. Pros: Can be used to finish off or stun someone. Make your weapon look badass or ugly. Makes use of perc grenades or stun grenades. Cons: Percs and stuns can only be used (MOST GL weapons and launchers have impact grenades that go off at a certain distance) Uses the 2 grenades you have on you. Expensive (Don't want everyone running around spamming this shit) removes grips from weapons (Cobra grip, And other weapons) Only in the joker store and costs 15k joker tickets since It's perm. That's about it for Grenade launchers. Now, how about lasers and silencers to weapons? Silenced weapons can have different sounds but do less damage due to the silencer. Lasers that can turn on by D-PAD UP or... E on the keyboard. Pros and cons for silencers. Pros: Makes you not appear on radar, Adds a suppressor to your weapon, Looks cool. Cons: Changes reticle due to recoil being reduced (I may be wrong on this) Makes your weapon do less damage. Joker Only Attachment. Pros and cons of the laser. Pros: Makes your weapon looks badass with a laser on it. Laser color can be customized by buying skin colors for this with in-game joker tickets. 100 a piece. Laser appears on the person's chest. Lowers Reticle due to the laser. Adds a realize laser that's long and seeable when you walk. Cons: Can be located when shooting. People are aware of the laser meaning they can follow the laser while they're shooting and get caught off guard. This wraps it up. Please add on in the comments. And Please don't shit on me for my shitty cons, pros, or my Suggestion
  24. Hi guys, When owning a lot of weapons it can be annoying to find weapons quickly during missions. It would be great if there was an option to make a custom list of favorite weapons that show first in the total weapon list, so that you don't have to scroll and search any time you search for your weapon *. * This often takes too much time, when you are to late the next mission might be started and you need again selecting another weapon. In the 8 years I play APB Reloaded I saved up a lot of weapons. But even for players with less weapons this is a great and simple idea. Suggestion: Tag favorite weapons by user (maybe a star?) Show the favorite weapons first in the list of weapons. Add the "Favorites" option above the assault riffles in the selection field. Let me know what you guys think of this idea in the comments. Kind regards, Setian
  25. I have 8 million also i might be interested in the kommandant with the hearts tagger please reply only on the xbox console
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