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Found 7 results

  1. Hello, so i am writing this from a position of former closed beta player (4/2011 i got the key). It almost tears me apart that my beloved game is almost completely dead, and i wonder if LO is willing to maybe try to change it? I mean, some advertising, bunch of new content, new district maybe? Or something like APB 2.0? Completely new game, made from scratch? I honestly don´t understand HOW, actually HOW there is NO company that would want to make MMO in such a classic genre as Criminals vs Cops is. People love Crims vs Cops, only game out there that is remotely close to APB is GTA Online, which is bulls*it, fighting on flying bikes etc... - no thank you. That´s what is making me wonder how in 2024, with all those possibilities, really no one decided to make something like APB is , as i said before - APB 2.0, completely from scratch. I´m no developer and i understand that making a game is not an easy process and takes long time, but maybe it would just be a better decision than trying to somehow revive APB:R .. It´s insanely sad to me, as i am expecting complete APB shutdown in next few years, which scares me... There is no point for devs to put their money and their time to a game that is being played by 200 players, if they dont have some ace up in their sleeve, some kind of a "surprise" or anything like that.. I dont know maybe it would be enough to just advertise the game a lot , i remember times when this game had 1000-1500 players and it was actually more than enough, every rank had their district server, everyone could play. Nowadays, if a new player starts this game he propably get smacked from goldies in first 20 minutes, and propably never turn it on again. I dont know, im just being desperate about this game, as i really love it, and dont wanna see it die completely and get shut down, so i tryed to help myself out writing this post, maybe someone can relate? Or we can just discuss, y´know
  2. As the title says, will you guys prolong the premium or not? Also, you could have at least warned us or something that premium will expire today. Now most people are stuck with their clothing, tattoos and other creations. If you already unbanned literally all cheaters ever banned, least you can do in my opinion is to prolong the free premium. For all the "smarties" who will say, buy it, I won't invest a single cent into apb anymore, until I don't see at least one single new content delivered. Give us new clothing or new contacts or at least something so we can see that game is being worked on and is alive more or less. I will count a new anti cheat system as new content as well, even though I know that in few months all the cheaters will start making posts about "false bans" so you guys can again pardon them and unban them all. Thanks in advance for a reply.
  3. hello i love apb and read that an engine upgrade is coming. Play on ps4, but there max 5 people on a server since days. Is there a server browser or are there really so few players active?
  4. Hello. As it's forum to share our fan arts etc. i'd like to introduce you my horror movie trailer parody. I hope you enjoy it :). And please, don't hate so much ( Yes i know, youtube lowered the volume of background music so i recommend to watch this at the full volume ).Say what you think and rate. PEACE.
  5. Hello again, as in the previous post (some secondary weapons "simple version") I decided put some more images of other models of weapons as it would be in the simple version. "Here is a suggestion of simple weapons, without attachments or mods, that I wish there was in the game. Especially this Joker RFP-9 in Semi-Auto version with the statistics of OCSP. and I would like to see the "simple" version of FR0G in the JT store. This version Colby Snr 850 could be with the statistics of Colby .45 but only with 6 shots and slow reload." In these next images are some weapons already present in the game with mods, however it should have the attachments in them, because they are weapons with fixed modification. and as a special, I made an image showing what Colby .45 would look like with extended magazine modification. (9 bullets, maybe?) This post of suggestion is more for us just to imagine how it would be if it had these weapons differentiated in the game. Sorry for any mistake in writing this post.
  6. So, most people have probably already noticed that criminals hold pistols(like the FBW and .45 AP) with one hand, whereas enforcers hold them with both hands. I personally main enforcer and though it is a very small thing, the pistol holding animation for enforcers does kinda bother me. I'm sure others like it, however, so my suggestion is as follows: Add an option that lets you choose which animation you'd like to use when you fire a pistol. It isn't anything game-changing, I'd just rather hold my pistol with one hand on enforcer lol. Thanks for reading!
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