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  1. People are,pardon my French, wanking on the guns too often and never spot other items being outpriced... this will happen with crown, and I think LO will include half of armas gear in jt store, the matter of time. But I want these clothes being account bounded now already. I never understood why people don't appreciate them, APB is afaik the only game where I can customize my clothing. But there is a kinda character quantity gap for me to buy every item for every char. So LO, why not now but someday soon? P.S.: Gauntlet Gloves pls.
  2. Account bounded... everything, including... xd
  3. Finally someone who thinks like I do lol... attention to details! Oh btw, Matt, give us all those Halloween items in Armas pls. Account bound.
  4. Havana

    Cars/Armas/Me ;)

    Account bound car kits yesterday please. Unless LO don't like players spending money. Everyone who bought a Vegas kit or any car for that matter would probably upgrade for account bound option.
  5. Why to play a game if you have allready maxed out all factions/contacts? The G1C could be account bound, not giftable. How long it takes from after the reset, to maxed out all contacts too? Also only for one side Enforcer/Crime.
  6. Theres a lot of things missing account wide options, almost every clothing related pack for example, vehicles and as you pointed out, kits. This is known by LO most likely and since they're working on an ARMAS marketplace overhaul, i'd imagine, hopefully, they'll be adjusting almost everything to have an account bound option available.
  7. Hi LO, i been trying to hold back with requests and suggestions so far seeing that the forum is flooded with them, but at this point i'd like to toss this one out again. In my account spread over several characters i think i have an estimate of near 1k mails with weapons attached that i got from JMB lootboxes. I am not able to delete these mails, nor am i interessted in retrieving said weapons because i usually own them account bound anyways (no need to clutter up my locker any further). I usually end up buying at least 20 JMBs per month (if not an account bound weapon as well) - simply as a contribution to the game, if i get the legendary it's nice but not really important. Anyhow, this is the reason why i stacked up quite the amount of lease-timed weapons which i would at times like to pass to friends, or the occassionally "p2w"-complaining newcomer. I know for a fact that friends of mine are in a similar situation, and so i would like to ask if you could modify the system in a way that will allow me to forward the mail itself + attachment to another player. Why? 1. The weapon has been paid for anyways. 2. It will give (new) players a chance to play with a certain Armas gun for an extended period of time without finacial commitment on their behalf, and could thus be a ruse to get them into buying the weapon permanently lateron. 3. It could be one of those nicer gestures the community clearly needs and is absolutely capable of providing if enabled, thereby decreasing at least in part the toxicity of the game 4. It will serve those that claim p2w as a way of learning better. I doubt doing this will permit off-world transactions, simply because a lot of people will be passing out guns making any off-world transaction rather pointless - after all why pay money if some person in game can give you the same weapon for free?
  8. Can you please allow the option to select Account bound for any and all of the ARMAS items? I don't understand why you would only allow it on certain of the items... Bump the price up for Account bound weapons, etc like you do for the select few that do give you that option. Pretty please with a cherry on top?
  9. Could you also make an account bound version of it please? I hate having to wait until February to buy it for new characters every year, and it's a great base for costumes. @MattScott
  10. IMHO, it's a way to create flexibility when purchasing weapons in Armas Marketplace. MY idea. The Pack should be Account Bound ONLY, divided into 2 bundles and contain the Following: Pack 01: Primary Weapons: - Assault Rifle: NTEC-5 DVAH - Light Machine Gun: SHAW 556 R&D 3 - Semi Auto: Obeya CR762 NFCP3 - Shotgun: JG-1140 - Sniper Rifle: NHVR-762 Dvah - Sub Machine Gun: OCA-EW 626 NFCP3 Secondary Weapon: - Colby .45 AP All Prices Combined Separately: 22893 (All ACCOUNT BOUND prices) Just take this combined price and give a 30% discount on it. Just an idea.
  11. I've got stuff I want to buy but its not got an account bound option yet So~
  12. Thats why i say "Remove Med Spray". The Med Spray will kill the balance total. Or Orbit add Poison Weapons to the game to break the Med Spray... but this is running in to a wrong way. I am thinking we dont need APB with a elemental System (ressistance/damage etc.) what some other games have. But a few new ammo types can help to become more options for the weapons (by adjusting some possibilitys). There are so much Re-Skin weapons, we dont need! This is just very confusing for all players. For example: I have purchased the VAS Empire (LMG from Armas) + VAS Sword (Assault Rifle) and now the "Juggernaut Pack". In the Pack there is a "Frenzy" Assault Rifle (reskin of VAS Sword Assault Rifle) and the TIC LMG (Reskin of VAS 2 Empire). Both weapons i allready own... but there was no informations about this This is frustrating if weapons or mechanics are to equal to each other and there is to less informations about it. Same for Kevlar and Clotting Agent. New Players maybe thinking "wow Kevlar gives me more health (protection)." But in real, the Clotting Agent gived you much more bonuses without a penality. So your combat possibility is much more increased, compared to Kevlar or Flak Jacket. Merged. A good player with a bad weapons is well balanced against a bad player with a good weapons. But if the good player use the good weapons and the bad player the bad weapons (because of missing informations), the situation is unbalanced and unfair. So there is a high chance the new player can left the game (maybe forever). The "New APB" need more new players to refresh the community in the game. But if good players are dominate the new one (we have actually this problem), new players dont stay in the game and this issue repeats. This is why the shop need a rework and my idea from the suggestion forum, about "Armas Weapon Upgrade System". This gives every player the safety to upgrade every (character/account bound) weapon in to another for just 50% of the new price. If a weapon cost 2500 G1C for account bound, you can upgrade this to every other weapon you like. For just 1250 G1C (with 2500 as example). The system gives more safety to all players, because you can not do a bad purchase in the shop, and its important the player spend money for the game! But if you like to support the game and you have purchased a bad weapon (there is no refund mechanic) you become more frustraded about this and you will avoid the make a new purchase again. I hope you can understand what i mean. Game balance of weapons comes and go, but you whould like to have MORE from your purchased stuff from the Armas Store. Also safety! More information about the real mechanics for the weapons and a free testing area for all items in the Armas Shop. + a Guide to "how to use the weapon/stuff". So new players can better understand what weapons are more friendly foe beginners etc. This all gives more safteys... now we need to fix some of the unfriendly community to make APB greate again. A Mentor System for beginners. You teach a new player how to play and both getting rewards at the end of the Mentor System. Its a Win-Win Situation for every side.
  13. FC is there for a reason tho, also most guns are reskins you don't have to buy them all. If you buy JT they're pretty cheap tho. People used to grind and buy firebombs and even crowns, i don't see my 10k JT for a permanent 3 slotted gun (you can buy them account bound on armas a lot cheaper)
  14. Currently there exists only one secondary weapon in-game. But yeah the starting grind is horrible unless you have account bound 3 slot weapons. Imo they should have rank locked districts. Even if someone would create a new char to stomp noobs they would still be bound by rank restrictions on char and weapon mods...
  15. As said previously, wrong forum section. As for your question, all purchases for account bound can be used in other servers. All purchases that are character bound will be locked to that character in that specific server. Account bound can be used in other servers because it's linked to your account, so any character created in any server will get the items.
  16. From my perspective, THE ONLY THING, I mean THE ONLY THING that has a good true pricing is Revelations pack pass (4 weapons+car+5 kits account bound) for 3999G1C !
  17. I really do liek the smole size of the shotgun but Ive already bought the Key to the World pack so I already so I dont wanan have to spend 30+ dollars just to get clothing I already have account bound and the same kit I already have account bound.. I think Ive already bought the same damn pack on 3 other characters for the same reason but trying to ask GamersFirst to help you out is ugh... Well weve already seen where that leads to lmao. I just noticed my computer auto corrected the term buyable cause I miss typed it, gg
  18. Why the fuck can't I find anywhere if this is character bound or account bound... And is this usable for both crim and enforcer? Arma's is not friendly at all when it comes to searching things...
  19. You could always delete the character and remake it, but that's about it. The gun is account bound, so it'll go back into the remade character. Although, I don't think you wanna do that. But if I get a Hazardous, I can just give you it
  20. Hazardous is not account bound. It is a legendary.
  21. Districts should be segregated by rank, not threat level - ex. R < 100, R < 195, R > 195, with of course a "free" district where you can challenge other players regardless of your rank. Rank to be calculated across all characters in your account by the way, not a single character (a player with a character over 200 making a new toon will be forced to play in R > 195 or Free). People will of course flock the Free channels to get more variety but that way newbies have a safe haven to learn the ropes against other newbies before gradually moving up. And permanent weapons could be the biggest money/time sink ever if they made it like RTW 3-slotters. APB$1M *and* 10,000 kills with a weapon class for a single weapon is enough of a daunting task to make people consider buying permanent account bounds, not to mention that if they want the same weapon on a different character they'd have to do it again every time.
  22. A while ago I gifted someone the Pestilence Overalls (character bound), I still have the cheap option for account bound
  23. The speed at which bullets move wasn't changed, so that's not really anything that needs fixing ^This Though the Fang now has a ttk of around 1.24 seconds, you also have a 47.5m damage dropoff (49m if new IR stats go live)vs a 40m damage dropoff. Try to think of it as different rather than worse when compared to the standard RFP. Full disclosure: I have the Fang account bound on 2 accounts and I too was rather upset at first, but once you get used to it the Fang is still a monster of a gun.
  24. no G1 was not generous. G1 made high prices on ARMAS to take as much money from players as possible. G1 made multiple guns of the exact same name and type of gun just so someone would have to buy the gun again to make it account bound. Because Little Orbit released the prizes in this manner many who did not have them before do have them now. Fine by me. do we have those hats and ear muffs in game already?
  25. Kinda wish there was more account bound clothing items
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