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  1. Ah they way I see it, they are saving me money, I'm not gonna spend with the 'Marketing dept' and their cronies making comments about my Skill and lack of hacking, my mother ect. I figured for a long time some of these 'Marketers' were a gm's alt or at least sent by the gm. Then they crossed a line, that makes me reconsider who is what. Not just the Mother insults, now its gone into full on racism, anti woman, you name it. They are getting away with it. Its like they blame me for them getting banned, when I haven't used report since they bypassed eac. But when they got racist I knew it wasn't the gm. I think the hackers think I'm the driving force behind getting them banned, well thats a stupid thing. Cuz eac never detected a hacker nor banned one, only legits and the legit never came back. These are all people banned a decade ago during my first year. So I just block em, funny how kids are these days thinking they are smarter than older people. But thats the way LO wants it, so I'm not gonna report or cry. I'll just dabble in the game when I'm tired of War thunder. I had pretty much quit playing because of the harassment and was trying to turn in stolen cars n a mob of em stopped me n blocked the impound lot. Which pushed me into a psychosis where I decided to play 'My Way'. I'll put like this, Imma play but I"m gonna put in the same effort that Matt has, and any further effort will depend solely on the gm's actions or inactions, regarding toxics. furthermore I won't touch the report button for any reason, you could hack upside the walls n ceiling n I won't say nothing, Say what you want about my mother, I won't say nothing. However, I wouldn't rush to fix the mirage or any other additions to armas, cuz I won't Spend Ever.
  2. Well this should be put on the back burner till most of the main priorities are finished. They are years over due on promises made years ago. They need to fix so many things, and right now they are refusing to fix anything. (refusing) as in ignoring players and not communicating since the ama. They have to fix the car, the parts are just laying there, they need to fix MM so a Gold player is rarely mixed into missions with regular players, and visa versa where regular players are rarely vs Gold or having gold TM. They need to fix the servers so that latency is not an issue, and players cannot use lag bots or lagging exploits to lag the players in the district. They need to add content, as in contacts, cross district joker jobs and contact progression. So that people dont have to wait till WF is popped to work those contacts, and those that have finished WF or Fin and have to play on the 'other side' can do joker jobs from either district, so that the Max rank has something to do, or reason to play. They need to rewrite the joker pay from the jobs beings its 2024. Just add a zero to the award of each job, same with cash awards. They need an anti cheat but will never find one that will work. They need to seriously buff most of the guns, and adjust the chart that shows when You click on one of your guns, to match what the gun's damage values are. I hit someone 5 times at little more than point blank range with slugs and he dint even flinch. So they have all this work to do, they aren't able to hire staff to do it, The trade issue is their own can of worms, they chose to open, which ended the game. But the Regular players should not have to wait longer for all these things to be fixed till after they fix the trading issue. Of course at this point it doesn't really matter.
  3. Welll I don't want to stray off topic, but Yea. The difference is that Actual Dung has value. It is not the Game itself, it is the people. Its not 'Fun' anymore. I think waiting for new owners or for this owner to do something is hideous but I try to hang on, do what I can. But as long as LO and the sweatys like having players angry at them there is no game. It's not a f2p open to public game, its a Club, and You and I are not in the Club.
  4. there is big difference between 'total active players and total player accounts
  5. Voip has been gone for Years, since before LO, Social has never been Social, its for people selling (outside of the peps using the designers). It is all WTT/WTS/WTB spam. Nor is the Social area of this forum for Socializing, Mod's will delete any sort of friendly thread. So it's not like I could open a thread regarding the price of eggs, or I might write about the good time I had at Red Robbers beings it was so loud I couldn't hear myself think, but the food was "Yummm". Then ya gotta cross the "Mall Baby" line to get back to the car. So the Mall wont let U young sweatys in, so theres no less than 50 14 yr olds, dressed in jackets and other winter wear, sitting in a large group outside the Mall doors. And it's 113 degrees out. I Freeze in my tracks, hold out my arm to stop my wife and in-laws from taking another step. I point at the sweatys and hollar out, "Golds" LO figures that Hate generates numbers and revenue, must be why they're letting all these haters run Amok in district. They are not fond of Happiness or friendly banter. NA in general will end up being closed soon as the LO and the sweatys are done removing or dissuading Legits from playing. Welp, fine my me, Let it Burn. Really is too bad, but it is what it is.
  6. It's Too Late. The Ship has Sank. The Crew Abandoned Ship. It is Over.
  7. Naw, thats common everyday everyone thing. LO won't ban any cheaters or toxics, only legit types. Thats like 99% of NA pop right now is. If there is a GM watching from the 'Tower' they are letting all this go on day after day. Half of the toxic cheaters don't want you to even make it to a mission, they have their friends in a constant all day Troll. Crashing up players cars so they can't even try to K up. n Ya know these are real hacks cuz even the people I would consider or suspect are calling em hackers, but ya can't get to a mission to get hacked because of all the trolls. And they refuse to ban anyone right now. Unless its Me, because I won't just Lay down and uninstall. Its come down to actually needing the big truck just to keep trolls from crashing you. N if ya get into a mission the Golds stick together, if golds on your team he will tk you while standing near the point and not capping it, basically exploiting for the other team. They haven't banned anyone since the unbanning, they tried to ban me. Game is a dead carcass in the road being picked at by Birds, Ravens. I gotta add that U people using cheats and or just being Gud, it is kinda counter productive to have your buddies crashing everyone so they can't k up. Why reduce your kill count by preventing opp from coming to the mission with your troll friends. Ya know the ones in the Vegas'. So I guess I'll give the gm's what they want, which is a chance to ban me. Nobody else has had to put up with the amount of hatred from LO than Me. I no longer have anything to lose, there is no longer a game to play. There is no communication from LO as to when this tribulation will end, when staff will come back to the game, when an anticheat will come, and this pipe dream of more contacts and content. They have abandoned the game.
  8. LO has some fundamental issues when it comes to running a business. And everything that is done in a buss is partially reflected inherently to Marketing. As I've said before, the company does one good thing, that thing will be remembered and repeated to others for up to two months before it is forgotten. The company does one bad thing it can be remembered and repeated to others, for average of two years. So LO's past actions are gonna be added to todays opinions. Lets start with the years it took to install eac after removing FF. So years went by with zero ac, they desegregated claiming population was low after they killed it by turning off FF, both only helping hackers and the few golds we had. So from then on everything was against the casual legit player. Ya had people with names like EAC bypass hanging out in district with gm's. To my knowledge eac rarely banned any aimbot or combat hackers. Only a few designers and a Legit. Word is that the Legit they banned moved on. U bring us this half baked car, and I buy one knowing the cop lights aren't on it yet. Then to be told that the 'Parts' for the car are just 'Sitting' there. And then, Oh btw we are getting rid of eac because it Sucks, Well Ya it does, We been telling you that since the idea was born. But were gonna turn it off and have no AC and we're gonna let in all the people ever banned. This Man is Crazy. Now I remind everyone this is not a general Mack rant, these are reasons why LO has no funding. You can't operate in this backwards way, when it looks like you're trying to ruin your own company. To be Devils advocate; I think the joker store was and still is a great thing, this has had a major role in in income and population. No more is it only the Rich Whales that can have Legendary's, a player does not have to spend real money to get these things, you can earn the tickets. Also the new 'Escalation' feature is really cool. Armas Sales are good, but elementary math shows that if you want to sell a car, you will sell more if it is finished, and has kits, lights, ect. And the software is just 'Sitting There', Sir why are You Not leaning over a terminal with sweat upon your brow fixing this? @MattScott You have loads of income potential by putting sound kits on the cars that you do have, that dont have it. You put in a decent Anticheat and your numbers will Soar!
  9. just googled it. I simply don't do missions as much anymore, However if I do one I stay active or I quit. This is due to the idea that there is no anticheat and we had plenty of hax before, n everyone knows they have no way to detect it now. The cash pay out for missions is very low even if you win. So outside of joker tickets, the cash payout being low, the opp always being golds, I just sorta Made my own faction. Which has seriously angered the try hards. Mission aren't worth much now, there is no AC to report to, nobody is policing the hackers or toxics. The GM only seems to be interested in what I do. While watching the trolls and toxic go on and doing nothing. So with No AC and No way to report safely I just don't do missions. Now the Gold or Toxic can report me and instantly ill have the gm up my nose. Same thing if I report anyone, the gm will be up my nose. Now most of the playing in NA is done on the far Eastern servers at 90 ms since desegregation. So I am always gonna have high ms. There are so many factors that make missions unprofitable. But if I want the cash I need to stay thru the mission, and I need to stay active. Now I could just stand where ever I spawn n just stand there, maybe hop or shoot to stay non afk, but still not trying. And this could get me a ban, because the gold will not like it and will dm a gm and I will have instant karma. I already know I may not win, but I can clown them, blow up their car, or flank. I like to flank and distract the opp, while my golds sneak in the other way. You just don't go running back so fast n rush in. Farm the perimeter or do other things rather than rushing the point. They can try to ban me all they want, but I won't break any rules. So they are gonna have to get creative. I think it's funny they all hate my Tow Truck and my little 3rd faction.
  10. Yes, do all the objectives, win, and do it all 20x in a row. Last 5yrs its been premade groups of golds vs lower threats, with no real control over cheating. Getting Gold may be easy for a group of friends. But allot of it depends on the Average in that world. Maj told me this after i went gold in 2 missions in otw. So its a matter of averaging over the world average and I also believe that past tense average is also a thing. So someone with say 5000 hrs and years of play with a lower average. Will have to over come that stagnation so it would be double or triple the wins and work. It's never been something I've wanted, but I do want to understand it. 5 yrs ago they let gold into bronze district stagnating any goals. Matt also suggested that, when all these changes are finally made, that Joker tickets would be the new currency. So the name of the game for 5 yrs has been grind for tickets not dig for gold. Grind for the future and wait. We waited for years and got patooties on for an anticheat. So the feeling has been we can do nothing but keep waiting and feeding the golds that with LO's help stole the district. Be nice if they could Reset the averages, and that should have been done when they desegregated. Also be nice if they posted an official notice of what factors raise or lower your threat. What you say about doing one objective, is all it takes to go from bronze to silver, or one kill. Yet it is more than 20X the effort from that point to go Gold. In addition the system is broken, has been because why does one upthreat from bronze to silver after losing a mission and doing poorly relative to the team, and You up threat.
  11. is only 150- 250pts, You need to average over 1000 20x missions.
  12. well I'm sure the hundreds of golds in district are financially stable and can fund LO, cuz I won't. The Gas Light is Real
  13. The Dunning-Kruger effect occurs when a person's lack of knowledge and skill in a certain area causes them to overestimate their own competence. By contrast, this effect also drives those who excel in a given area to think the task is simple for everyone, leading them to underestimate their abilities. So this hypothesis works in both directions. Let me quote a Gold chatter from last night. "Gold is so easy to get, almost everyone is gold now' Ya know this isn't the 'Space Race' its a pretend video game. And it's not an unwillingness to learn something new, its an assumption that certain tricks or actions are some sort of hack rather than a skill to learn. For instance someone using a corner for cover and being able to shoot but not be exposed, where you can only see the gun, or the way people run to the side of a door and jump kick it, as they continue in the same direction landing to the side of the door. So there is the possibility that I am ignorant of certain tricks and legit actions.
  14. I don't want to stray off topic, but Youtube is where the real TV is. I'm a YT watcher not a video maker. However I will add that YT is where i learned about how 'smooth aim' works, what it is ect. and there are no obvious signs that someone is using it. Other than they rarely miss, and in the video I speak of, the 'User' is heard talking about the aimbot and that the aimbot didn't 'pick up' the target this time. So if it weren't for the User being an idiot and incriminating himself, I would have no knowledge of what smooth aim is, and I would not have the opinion that most Golds used it to get the extremely long way to the gold threat. Again I'm not pointing a finger at golds, I am simply pointing out the idiot move by the User in that video, that has caused all this. It did not help that LO desegregated to make sure lower threats were always met with full premade teams of golds, and that continues to this day. Gold will Gas Light you n tell you getting gold is extremely ez, walk in the park. All that does is promote my own opinion that the particular gold is gas lighting so he must be dirty to say that Gold is the Average. This is also why anyone telling me I'm just bad, is thought of as a gas lighter and to be in alliance with cheaters. I want to add that I think the GM Maj is a good GM. The silver loud mouths nettling me are not the ones cheating, and the one's cheating are not the ones running their mouths. My guns don't seem to work right anymore, maybe its my mouse pad. Course most of you kids don't use a mouse you use a controller or joystick config. So until LO fixes MM to where golds are not in lower threat missions, fixes the guns which have all been nerfed to death years back, stop charging me for car spawns and ammo that doesn't kill, puts in an AC that works, then maybe I'll k up more. Until then its a mostly open world game, and as a cop i make more cash picking up stolens than I do profit from missions that aren't a guaranteed joker ticket paid, and this way I save in the 2 grand in ammo wasted in missions, and of course with the exception of buying one kit for the mirage in a couple years when they finish it, I won't spend anything. LO has to show me they are ready to run a business and Earn my trust. For now they have Impeached the credibility of their honor. They have directly insulted those that follow the rules multiple times
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