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  1. Looking good, my only real concern is that the pause menu is right in the middle of the screen with a blur filter behind it. I like how with the current pause menu you can still see everything that's going on around you. That and the neat graffiti look is gone from the old kismet menus (inventory, etc.) I feel like more options could also be available in the main pause menu. Great start though.
  2. I'd love more items that have a focus on customization, more plain blank canvas type clothing items. A morph suit being the ultimate example of a blank canvas item. More masks, like a version of the plain hockey mask but without eye holes. A smoother sphere head type mask than the snowman head too. Would also love more than anything a Matte Paint checkbox beside the metallic paint option in the vehicle editor. That would do wonders for those of us that like rusty cars Kits for the lower tier cars would be great. New Fresno kit too maybe? Armored Van and Ambulance as player owned vehicles. Make Han Cellante purchasable again. Male hoodie (hood down)
  3. What the hell are you even talking about man? I really hope you're just joking about the unlimited health thing. -Player health is handled server-side so there's no cheat that can do that. -The teleporting you're seeing is either a bad connection or a lag switch. -It's not Wire-Fraud. Wire Fraud is a financial crime. Tricking people into thinking you're good at a video game by cheating isn't illegal (let alone a federal crime), it's just dishonest. -They're cheating against themselves? What kind of command centers do you think these no-lifes have?
  4. AFAIK now that it's 64-bit, all the stuff made for the engine upgrade will now work in 1.30 based on something Matt said recently.
  5. Howdy, it's been a while since I posted here. I made a few images to better illustrate what I'm talking about. These are all things I've been complaining about over the years. Sorry for the aspect ratio of the images, I made them on my phone. These are all pretty minor issues, but ones that bother me a lot more than they should. I may be adding more as they come to mind. So far my wishlist is: -Fix nighttime bloom -Fix HQ Bloom -Fix Rudigo Taillights -Visual adjustments regarding nighttime fog to bring back the illusion of light pollution -Revert the Vegas engine audio, or offer the old sounds in the form of an Audio Kit -Fix the suspension on the RWD Vegas -Fix the suspension on the Pioneer -Disable the OOB system when not in a mission -Bring back the old main menu/login screen
  6. We won't know until they try it. Same goes for the other upgrade attempts. We didn't know that we were going to hit some impassable wall, now we do, so they stopped those attempts. We're never going to get anywhere without trying new approaches after one fails.
  7. Where are you getting those dates from? Not anywhere even close to being right. RTW ran the game for the first two months and then went bankrupt and sold APB to G1. Energizer was already removed in 2010, not 2015. Everyone has it on by default, and it no longer takes a mod slot. I think your perception of time is broken. Do you know what year it is right now?
  8. We're not trying to make actual art or anything useful out of these, it's just something fun to mess around with.
  9. I can weigh in on this. Remaking the game in Unreal 4 wasn't actually Ellix's work. That was the Phoenix Project by Nekrova, which I do the audio design for. We didn't get in any legal trouble, but we made the decision to make our own game as a spiritual successor to APB instead of just remaking APB because we came to the realization there would be no way that we could sustain it and we definitely would have gotten into legal issues if we kept going. When LO took over we had already changed our direction but we talked to Matt and Lixil directly in a Discord call to prove that we weren't using any stolen assets anymore. There's no bad feelings between LO and Nekrova and the call turned into friendly conversation about the future of APB once we got all the legal stuff out of the way. All I can really say about what Matt said in that conversation is that APB's future looks bright.
  10. Hoo boy. Yikes. Source Image: (Really old screenshot) Most accurate but still creepy. Corpse? Zuckerberg? How did we get to this point?
  11. I'd like bounties that are in missions able to be killed by players outside the mission unless those outside the mission are in a mission themselves. One of the things that was lost with the imho stupid change was that this feature was intended to balance players that were doing too good by giving them more enemies to worry about. So my suggestion would be to make it so bounties can be killed by players that are in free roam, but not by ones that are part of a separate mission, and that bounties can kill outside players that are not in a mission. The whole system is supposed to work as both a balance measure and a bonus to the person who has a bounty. If they're doing too good then they get rewarded with 2X rewards, but they also have a higher chance of being killed. This fits in perfectly with the game's intended risk/reward mentality. The only people I've seen complain about this system are the few that consistently get bounties. You know, the ones that it's supposed to be balancing. I explained to my friend who was somewhat new at the time about the change they made to the bounty system and they said that's one of the dumbest things they could have done to it.
  12. I'm a little confused about this. Does this mean that Boomboxes don't disappear after their duration or do they? Great patch though!
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