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  1. I was scammed out of my Condor .45 by a fellow named a few days ago. Grinded for over a week to get it. I sent in a ticket to G1, but I dont know how long it will take. vBelievev was my account. Might take a few months off of this game until things get resolved. Hate to see the community go downhill, Have fun everyone! And watch out for !
  2. The mass unbanning is not a perfect science, this is why we are looking at accounts individually. We are doing everything we can to help players that were banned. I have put out a automated response to all the tickets that is asking for more information about your account so when your ticket gets looked at, we already have all the information that we need to verify the account and then look into reason for your account ban. Also, please do not put in new tickets for you account if you have already put in one. This does not help make things go faster, instead it means we have to take the time to merge tickets together. As long as you reply on the ticket that you received a response on, we will get to your account. None of you are forgotten, it just takes time to do our account investigations. *EDIT* If you reply on your ticket, the 'solved' will change to 'Open' and reopen your ticket. Solved does not mean that the ticket is closed.
  3. I half expect to lose money on my account that was unbanned in the first wave again .... I never got that 100k back :c
  4. This is not perfect process and we have hundreds, currently sitting at over 600 tickets in our system for accounts that they feel were wrongly banned. It takes time to fully investigate accounts to make sure that the ban that was placed on the account was done correctly. We are not saying that the accounts that were not unbanned in these waves will not be unbanned but we have to decide on each account, one at a time. There will be an auto response put put to those tickets shortly that includes information that we need to locate and verify your account if your account is still banned. This is a time intensive process and we are working as hard and as fast as we can to get to each and every one of your tickets. I really do thank you all for your continued patience.
  5. So i just tried to log in and it turns out that I am UNBANNED! Although when i log into my account on the G1 website, the status is still marked as 'Blocked' but despite that i am currently UNBANNED. Guys, please, if you're only checking your account status please attempt to log into the game and check your accounts. You may be unbanned in-game and still be marked as 'Blocked' on the website. I can not believe that I am finally able to see my old character and play APB once again. Just checked my total playtime and it's 981 hours. And that was from 2011 when i started playing until around 2013 when I got banned. I can't begin to imagine how many hours I would have if i hadn't been banned all these years (5 or so). Lastly, i think i was hacked and that's why i was banned. I had my main character still there, but renamed, and there was an alt-character with a racist name. I have gone ahead and deleted that 2nd character with the racist name which I DID NOT CREATE, EVER. I only ever played one character, my main. So i can now assume that is the reason for my ban? Who knows.
  6. Well it was worth a shot, sorry to hear that. I just thought I'd share since i was here saying "I'm still banned" because i was going by the status on my profile, which is still 'Blocked' even though I'm unbanned in-game. From my understanding of Selali's response to me, some accounts were hit by an incorrect filter and he is going to rerun the unban to hit people who were banned for a specific reason, in the same category as me. So i would say sit tight and be patient, he is currently hard at work on it.
  7. Yes, otherwise @JudgeAnderson , you will be held accountable. lol
  8. the bans don’t seem to have had anything to do with GMs, so there’s that and honestly, yes - as we’ve seen over the years players are perfectly “happy” to create new accounts even after being “falsely” banned
  9. I don't think you can "accidentaly" ban "innocent" accounts which shows evidence of being used by the same network connection. Quit your bullshoot. ~ LilyV3 2019 Also selling accounts is illegal in pretty much every ToS I saw in every service. That way company don't receive any money, it just circles between users.
  10. Look up at the sky "Is that a pig flying" ? Them false bans really have abit of account wide salt added with it this time around.
  11. thanks man ill be here all week signing autographs in all reality the trade lock is for 7 days, afaik its caused by someone logging into your account from an unrecognized pc - which means almost everyone got hit with it when it was introduced because everyone's pc was unrecognized the first time they logged in ive also heard that some windows updates can re-trigger it for another 7 days, dunno if thats resolved yet
  12. if they want to gather new players they should fix the gun balance (oca, shotguns, and rfp) basically to what it was a year ago, work on rebalancing some simple things like car spawn or remote det and THEN push engine upgrade and riot while continuing to take player feedback into account and adjust minor things
  13. Had the same issue, disabling and reenabling „Tokenize“ from the gamersfirst account page did the trick for me. maybe it‘ll help you too aswell
  14. I would appreciate my otw account being upgraded, I may or may not be coming back. PuffDragon is my otw name I believe or KKPuffdragon.
  15. Maybe your account seed is bad You need your account to end in 777 if you want to win more often. Sorry for your bad luck chummer
  16. ^This is why I don't even believe in the Engine Upgrade. FF was on manual BTW with Tiggs calling the shots. that's not even investing in the actual FailFight program. What we have now, is essentially nothing, since well all know BattLEye is bypassed. And yeah, sorry but ANYTHING is better than nothing. Let's see.... invest in an old poorly coded, hacked game, start out by amnestying all the old banned cheater accounts (yes many false bans among them) and VOILA!~ 2019~ Taadaaa
  17. define "support". Being around doesn't mean support friendo, hasn't the guy got the account back from the mass unbans? Lol
  18. actually, the chance of him getting hacked are there, we just have no reason to believe its g1 or LO's fault. for example: lets suppose OP has been using the same password for years, and its the same password for all his accounts. now, lets suppose he used to play neopets. neopets had their database leaked and... surprice surprice, the password was not encripted. other options are trying to do X thing with his computer and ending up with a keylogger in his system. would someone who has access to that database / install a keylogger in a random's computer, be interested in APB? unlikely. there is a chance OP tryed to download a hack / the advanced launcher from some... obscure, not trusted webpage too, wich is an easy way to get usernames and passwords, targeted to APB players. anyway, as you said, OP's fault unless valid proof is shown.
  19. It's a defensive position and technically It's NOT out of bounds (no timer) it's a spawn point.
  20. And this is exactly what i am talking about, trickery. I even would pay if they actively ban cheaters and send it to my mail which one are cheating and how they caught it. A daily list with known names, and methods to prevent them to create new accounts or just make them pay again to create one. I was so happy when they implemented ff that i made a buy (never wanted to spend on this game because of cheaters, with all the honestity). Well that didn't last long, but that month, that single month, was the happiest in this game. Do you even know how it felt the lag free, able to shot at something without getting instantly killed, or have a decent to excellent score after years playing legit? I doubt it. It was like my efforts to learn to play the game and all my items were worth for that month.
  21. If the enforcer and criminal packs were for any enforcer or criminal made on those accounts I'm sure more people would want them. It's a lot of money to spend for some people who have a dozen or more characters
  22. Why is the Cr-5 like the most expensive gun now? A different but funny price illogicy is all three fr0gs acc bound bought separately add up to 1,400g1c less than the pack now, and don't tell me the 2 skins are worth that much
  23. I think i can wait till BE works again, my old account get unbanned so i can go see my long lost theme, songs and designs, and the packetloss stop spiking to 10... Sahnok is being released to live servers end june tho...so i can wait for a long time (PUBG)
  24. Matt said within the last 60 days? i have logged in with 3 different accounts and none of my characters have premium. Why didn't just give us a code to make it simple? I have friends who haven't played in 2 years, who logged in this morning and no premium. No offense, just make it simple and give us a code
  25. I hate to say it, but your best bet might be to contact support. I wasn't aware that console accounts are handled differently than pc. Hmm. Maybe if you login then select APB on the next screen, there will be a marketplace link somewhere? (Shows up at the top of the page on PC, anyway.)
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