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About NotTheEnforcer

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    Watching APB crumble >:D

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  1. I mean, unless you got specific info stating otherwise, who are you to make that determination? It's obvious there's blatant ragehackers running around both in Jericho and Citadel right now, so the "you consider" part is a very dumb thing to say. My entire team of 4 quit the game and I was the last to leave upon being matched against another team of 4, where 2 of the opposition were such blatant ragehackers that there was no "you consider", they were known to both sides throughout the server without question to be obviously cheating. So what would be the case if he was going up against such players like that and voluntarily not playing, like many current players are? Yet you're here stating otherwise? As far as I can see, you have no position to deterministically state such things.
  2. 1) No. 2) No. 3) Lmao. Trust me bud, you're in the same boat as the majority as the rest of the playerbase. We wish APB could be something greater. But LO is in a sinking ship they can't repair and they're 300 miles from the nearest drydock. But they're also too arrogant or too far gone to seek help or funding from someone who actually has the capability. They very clearly dont have it. I guarantee the team working on APB is in the single digits at this point, and the amount of actual DEVS is likely below 5 and probably working on other projects at the same time as well in order to just keep money flowing through the company. LO's majority problems are that they have: 1) No process - They have zero development process. No progress has been made. In the last what, 6 years, all they've done is upgraded APB to 64-bit so it stops crashing when it hits the RAM limit, and introduced a half-busted vehicle and some guns that Gamersfirst had already mostly completely but stuffed in some depths of the files. Oh, and removed Joker Boxes because the EU (and later the US) made buyable lootboxes illegal lol 2) No foreseeable future - Because of #1, there is no foreseeable future for this game. They're going to have an extremely tough time finding any investors for this game without putting a ton of time into a genuinely thorough and viable partnership roadmap and development plan. They claim they're working on an anticheat and Cross District Matchmaking, but I've seen absolutely zero progress reports on either of these in months. We have no information on anything, nobody tells us anything, there's no communication anywhere. 3) No standing ground - They have no ground to stand on. The game is 14 years old and crumbling beneath them. The playerbase was crumbling beneath them for years, and then, in a desperate attempt to salvage whatever they had left, decided to unban probably thousands of accounts (mine included). However, (contrary to what they said), this also included probably hundreds if not thousands of known cheaters who are now running around Jericho and Citadel blatantly aimbotting like there's no tomorrow and actively ruining everyone's time because THERES NO ANTICHEAT AT ALL. Great job LO, fantastic work, really though that one through, did ya? 4) No viable method of achieving success alone - As I stated, their staff is likely down to single digits, and they're probably bottoming out on funding as it is. From what I've managed to gather, their customer support team is down to TWO people, who have to deal with a 3rd party support system and a 14 year old game, that's gotta be a fun time lmao, $5 says they're both on antidepressants, I probably would be too in their position. The company has no viable method of bringing this game to any sort of viable life status without outside help, whether they like it or not. They've made jack shit for progress on their own. All those years of work on the "Engine Update" is effectively null and void and could've been spent literally just rebuilding the game from the ground up in UE4 and then upgrading to 5 when that came out. Anyway, thats my rant lol.
  3. Yeah, ran into more than a few players running blatant triggerbots yesterday and they didnt give a damn. Im talking like 2012 fresh-off-the-ShawCopter obvious TBots. LO is dead in the water
  4. Jeeeeeeeeesus christ that's appalling lmao. I cannot possibly imagine they have a business plan in place for this game that extends into the next fiscal year. They're gonna end up like G1 and skeleton crew'ing their offices by the end of the year and take 6 months to tell us "oops sorry guys we biffed it and we're closing shop lol" They should just auction up the game and the Reloaded IP and see who will take it. Honestly at this point I wouldnt even mind EA taking it, because we already have microtransactions out the wazoo thanks to G1 (and LO doesnt seem keen on changing those), and the 4th of July "sale" isnt much of a sale either lmao, its only like 20% off for items that had prices set in like 2013 back when people actually made more money and this game had a stable population lmao This game is dead in the water and so is the company lol
  5. Exactly lmao. I did my once-a-month check of the forums, saw this post, and immediately laughed because I hope to christ nobody spends a cent on this game lmao. They've done nothing in the last 4 years except release a broken as shit car that took them SEVERAL months to fix (if its even fixed, I havent heard anything on it lmao)
  6. Lmao I'd do it for free. After playing for over a decade, its REALLY not hard to see whos cheating and who isnt, honest to god. I get that there's obviously an issue with using such a "personal perception/discretionary" method, but at this point, its essentially equates to goddamn job experience and I'd probably have less false bans than EAC at this point, and I also wouldnt ban for chat infractions. Just hand them a mute and you're good to go, wowie problem solved. (Although knowing LO, they probably never thought to develop such a system lmao)
  7. Lmao they sold out the IP to some totally-not-a-shell-company Chinese group or some shit last I knew. That company had no public history, no public records, had a website but no actual available information on it. They're called Unit Game. Checking now, their website doesnt even have a valid HTTPS certificate (expired April 28, 2024), and was registered through fucking GODADDY lmao. They have no contact information. No location information. No staff information. No company information (aside from claiming to be based in Hong Kong and established in 2001 which I think is a lie) Also, the video they use on their website I believe is from an ancient RealTimeWorlds version of the game that dates probably back to pre-release days of the original APB judging by the UI. Compare with this vid: This is all to say: Game dead lol, dont get your hopes up.
  8. Lmao cry about it, oh wait you already are. You really think a couple mean words in /d are worse than the rampant cheater problem? Cool, then I guess you're part of the problem then. Degenerates like you who are incapable of handling a couple "mean words" but completely fine with aimbotters shawcopter'ing around every waking hour of the day are why Jericho and this game are dead, congrats, you're a saint. Ah, your whole profile consists of sucking off APB at every given opportunity. Your mentality makes a lot more sense now. Dont worry bro, Im sure the devs will see it and reward you or something lmao
  9. Lmao I got perma'd for using just talking shit to the enemy team while they had a blatant aimbotter. Yup, you read that right. For telling someone to uninstall, and to stop playing with their "friend" if they cant play legit, I got perma'd. Oh, and that cheater still hasnt been banned, even after I sent very, VERY obvious video proof to the support team and got told "they'd look into it". (Which is just code for "fuck you we're not gonna do anything lmao"). Dude was literally using a stock SHAW and spinning around killing everyone like the SHAWcopters plague back in 2012. Im sure cheaters are probably 90% of their income base by now. Nobody legit is gonna spend money while they're getting ran down by cheaters constantly and LO hasnt updated shit in 3+ years. The game is officially/unofficially dead, and good riddance honestly
  10. Lmao right. At this point, as much as I hate to say it, Id rather a company like Nexon take over APB.
  11. Lmao, so things that should have been done well before the vehicle ever fucking released are going to be looked into? Oh gee well thats reassuring lmao. Its almost like they should have done literally basic entry-level Quality Assurance to make sure it wasnt a flaming pile of dogshit PRIOR TO RELEASE first lmao
  12. After seeing the other post with how bad the render quality was on it, I was half-expecting that they'd just skip animating the fuckin thing and it'd end up like the black placeholder vehicle model you'd get sometime when the game would have issues loading sometimes where nothing on the vehicle would move or animate XD
  13. Anyone who legitimately thought LO would spend any quality time on this car really should evaluate their Critical Thinking skill. They're just desperate for money. They dont care about quality. They dont care about testing to see if it functions or looks good. I've seen 12 year olds make assets that look better than this pile of dogshit. Glad I involuntarily dropped out of this game so I wasnt tempted to buy it lmao. But then again, I dont feel sorry for anyone who bought it. Anyone whos still giving this company money in 2023 is a fool. They've done absolutely nothing to deserve it. I made this post back in August. In this entire time, they've managed to do 1 task. Just one. And it was the new car. And they couldn't even do that properly. They couldn't even half-assed it. It was like, quarter-assed, or eighth-assed lmao
  14. So this is the mystical "Mirage" after all these years? Yeah, it's definitely fitting of the name, cause Im gonna need a "mirage" to cover up that fuckin dumpster fire from my vision lmaoooo What a fucking pile of shit. Pretty sure there's better FREE assets on the Unreal asset store they could've modified in a quarter of the time and it wouldve been infinitely better. They must be really desperate for some form of income.
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