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  1. the text you circled is always present whether an item is account bound or not
  2. i understand the spirit of what is being said. yes, it would be great to have a larger player base. and, it is frustrating to not be able to have the same load outs across accounts on servers. i play on jericho and citadel a lot. it is expensive to "dual equip". i always buy account-bound items and not character for this reason when possible. i started on jericho but added my citadel character a year ago because of the dwindling population. but i love the game and don't mind doing so. i think at this time if LO decided to do something like this, jericho might get really sparse. and i don't think you want a single "Europe only" option coming about... especially for us 'merica folks. if you want to know what citadel is like performance wise, just add 100 ms to your current ping time and you'll get the 'citadel experience'
  3. do you think LO can not track multiple accounts used by the same people? Rank does not matter.
  4. majority of the people i know who AREN'T BANNED havent logged in their main accounts for about 9 months now. and by main account im talking characters
  5. How it comes I was banned on OTHER account and account on which I was doing on was left intact? How it comes that there are many people who were unscatched by this "anti-glitch" ban wave (including many repeating offenders using that for advantage in Halloween)? How it comes that there are shitton of other people with similiar suspicious bans? And the best for last. How comes that Matt himself was banned by fucking FairFight? I don't tell you to believe my conspiracy theory because I have no evidence - but from my point of view it looks malicious. And mind you, there were multiple attempts to undo that mistake - Each time G1 was totally uncooperative and putting cape of benevolence - and then went silent what... few months after? But yeah. Mitne fucking "cheated". People with vegas who were on building were "cheating". People who were just playing game and randomly wrapped out are "cheating". Believe YOUR false truths.
  6. Never lost my account, cause I don't hack. never have, n only have one account. Don't try that victim blaming stuff with me. But that's ok, your reply's have confirmed my theory that I'm one the 3 legits left. BTW we are up to November till I will spend. Each time BE kicks me upon loading the district, I will add a month that I wont spend. Unfortunate cause I want a huntress, n have the cash. I wont spend anything till the lag and hacks are stopped, period
  7. Anyhoo, I think we've derailed this thread enough. Glad you got your account back too.
  8. the balance of weapons in teams is always very different . the matchmaking system works-player on player, team on team . it does not take into account all other parameters-weapons, what kind of machine skills in your teams, communication,....... one question how long have you played the match in a draw ?
  9. They are still down or its something about my account ?
  10. Hey everyone, We are dropping the price of the Old Glory in ARMAS to 1999 G1C for Character Lifetime and 2399 G1C for Account Lifetime. Anyone who has already purchased this item, in the last 2 days, will be refunded the difference. Support is already aware of who has purchased the item and is already in the process of doing the refunds. This price drop is to bring the weapon closer in line to the price balance that was done to ARMAS previously. Thank you! Selali
  11. No problemo keep credits and send over VBR temptress accountwide on this account here.. ty xD But yea thx much appreciated.
  12. "Half-decent" as in all ex caught exposed and banned hackers, alt accounts, or groups carried by rank 14 pro trainees who dont miss and are all knowing behind walls re roll players on trash accounts with 10 day weapons and 0 invested armas aka irl money into the game type of "half decent" opposition? Yes such spineless opposition is not worthy of my presence nor time.
  13. "Bruh. I was always legit. Just cause this is my 15th account doesn't mean I'm not this time."
  14. a bit of good news, perhaps all the naysayers/whiners will be quiet for a while now that there’s public proof that accounts are being banned
  15. If you look for it on the web.... There is a small group of people active on the site that's currently the main cheat-developer for little apb. They sell it, includes the bypass. There is a small group of people active on the site which rmt-sells armas guns for real money. Huge pile of guns is being offered though by a few people. There is a small group of people who are very active with cheating alt accounts. There is a small group of hardcore trolls that don't play here, it's what they do for a living. And finally we have a few suckers who buy their junk. We have around 300 concurrent people online. If you can't spot the weirdos you're a troll yourself.
  16. Hello Mr Scott, I don't know if you or a member of your staff are going to read this post, but I submitted a support ticket 2 days ago about an issue with my main account. So it seems that my email adress linked to my account has a technical problem with your website because I got this error message "We've discovered an error with your email. Please contact us at support@littleorbit.com for more assistance". Well, I had a long break on the game and I forgot unfortunately my old password and need to change it for a new one. I read an other post about this problem encountered by other people. Is this right that it happens for PC players using steam auto logging-in ? (like me) So the logging-in is still working good and I can continue to play but I would like to resolve this problem as soon as possible... What do you think about it ? How long do you think I'll have to wait to have an answer for my ticket ? Thx alot for your help !
  17. You announced BR - despite nobody even asking for it. You tested BR - and decided to ignore most of suggestions. You released BR... and it turned out exactly as "pessimists" like me expected. Awful. Badly done. Unfinished. Done against will of community. What is so bad in it?: Big clans groups dominating, solo players. (For me personally, biggest offense. It was risen as possible issue by me back then. You said your team gonna fix it @MattScott. My proposition was to randomize team despite groups. You didn't make sure that will be thing in the end. Now being solo in this game is punishment.) Cheaters teams which prevent you from winning. (Above issue + EAC at work ladies and gentlemen) Small population essentialy kill chances of winning ever (If I run in the same groups six times despite changing matches... something ain't right in that BR, right?) Boredom between fights. (Finding loot zzz...) Boredom between matches. (Waiting for team to die, loading, eventually crashing, waiting for it to verify files and joining game again ._. ... I can't even make that up...) Crashes (the weaker the PC, the bigger the chance - users of low-end and medium-end PCs be aware). Bad spawn system (Near border of non-contaminated zone is fine but way too often I spawn in gas half-way across map, with no possible chance to even reach desitination - even then borders usually are camped by other team. + Separation from teams while spawning + If I pay for respawn... why I don't have choice WHERE to respawn?) Bribing at the end (Excuse me... why we even collect that cash... if "bribing" means bribing with non-existent cash in king-of-the-hill style? - encourage camping at finale zone as well) - after investigating it longer, it turns out bribes come from team account. Locked finale zone (The fact that you can localize finale zone (just look for zone which have no RIOT device) - means that teams are bound to camp on it, while others who do RIOT devices can do shit) Legging it across map (Boring. Boring. BOOOORING. Stray cars on the street. Too much to ask? Why even put OSMAW or LMGs, if you don't plan to put in usable vehicles?) The fact that all RIOT devices don't self-activate over some time. (Self-explanatory. That moment when all teams are in finale zone but one of RIOT devices isn't activated somewhere between 3 zones near finale one - if RIOT devices would self-activate randomly after some time... this wouldn't be a problem.) Lack of any background sounds or music + Sounds from normal APB like in action which don't fit in deserted San Paro environment (adds to boredom and kills mood of this BR) Incomplete tutorial (Sure. 4 steps... what about more? Like bribing stage is not explained...) Respawns on it's own (with connection of bad spawn system - honestly? I would prefer permadeath. At least it would be more fair to me and others... and would let me search other game instead of dying few times in row because I can't find any serious weapon in finale stage.) Strange lore (This is first time where lore made little sense to me. Lead me to believe that this was even more rushed that you want us to believe.) Very repetitive gameplay. (Honestly after 10 matches... I felt pretty much bored. Even FC is less repetitive in feel - and that's achievement taking FC is usually TDM or capture the point in huge group of people) Weapon roles don't count in RIOT (Honestly... just why? Makes little sense in this BR.) Bribing stage. You killed every enemy team? TOUGH LUCK. This who bribed most auto-win! (The fuck was this shit? I won for FIRST time since 3 days. But game said I didn't. Why? Because they bribed driver HIGHER. How does it even make sense?! Corpses gonna drive out from zone?! And who gonna carry them?! Team which lost?! Lore-wise, function-wise and fairness-wise this is idiotic as hell.) 16 people TO START (Yeah, good luck keeping this gamemode alive after month. FC dies because there are only 2-3 people always missing to start it and you want to keep regulars at RIOT? Ha. Good joke. Quick glance at will.io/apb and they will resign.) Three easy achievements and one impossible (You all though wins gonna be easy to achieve, right? Ten fucking wins. Are you mad? And all of it JUST for 100 JTs.) ~ (Sidenote: I'm gonna farm this achievement so badly by rigging RIOT and I dare you to ban me. Credibility is lost. I see people rigging up this thing already for wins. Congratulations.) What is so good in it?: ...I guess pretty much nothing... Oh wait. JTs and Yakuza skin (Looks very good). What this gamemode remind you of?: ...Autumn Assault... Seriously. Start to work on it and addressing at least SOME of this issues. This gamemode is already on it's path to death. Just as expected by me. Hope you take it to heart and fix it. Because honestly? After all this rant I think it got potential... but this issues must be addressed and I mean ASAP.
  18. considering little orbit has charged five dollars for a single standalone clothing item (a hat) i think this price is ok the lack of an account bound option is definitely frustrating, especially with little orbits continued promises to transform armas into a more consumer friendly storefront
  19. You are very naive if you believe the game is free of cheaters right now. The more I play, the more I see them. It is usually this one guy solo killing the entire team in the moment they get in his view. Some cheaters don't even hide but have it induced in the name of their new account. Btw I haven't seen a single cheater in Paladins.
  20. Spore


    As long as the cheaters have a sense of immunity against losing anything they hold sacred, nothing will ever change regardless of what anti-cheat is running, most cheaters don't care about the accounts they lose, its time they lose something else. We need real world consequences for those caught cheating.
  21. it can still help identify multi accounts so it helps a little at least when time of ban deployment One is Germany.
  22. People who have played 1000+ hours on a game that's barely even alive and all you see that loyalty valued at is barely even a single account-bound gun? Are you being serious? That's laughable at the highest degree.
  23. On a serious note, always happy to see new content. For the love of god, tell me this is an account bound pack. So many packs are already missing that option. I look forward to buying it and maybe possibly one day using it. G1 releasing something that is unbalanced or broken, that'd never happen. *Glances at the trouble Maker & Yukon*
  24. Let him eat cake! I agree LO shouldn't make it too easy to gain free stuff, but I don't think a little boost will have that much negative results especially if those players never intended to pay anyway, they're freeloaders (I'm one of them, so no hate here) irregardless of how hard/easy it is to grind JTs, so they don't lose out on money that was never there. That said, I am not an accountant versed in the ways of catching Whitewhales in """F2P""" games - so maybe that 12000 hours for 1 JT Weapon, while it may cause a percentage of players to either grind it out or leave the game entirely, it might also cause a smaller percentage to go "Fuck it, i'll just buy the gun with IRL $" and that small small percentage is enough of a cash bonus to keep the model going. Who knows? And I doubt any company is eagerly wanting to release any data on the matter. The rest of my idea was misreading what you said about LO trying to pay the bills - I think JT boosting Premium (and making Premium more versatile) will help towards establishing more income for LO. Every little bit helps little orbit. But again as above maybe they prefer their model of JMBs and catching that small percentage of paying players.
  25. I REQUIRE MORE MACHO MAN GIFS. I'll be there, will the title be account wide or just character bound?
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