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About blockblack

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  1. I am more like that type of player that their skill depends on their self esteem
  2. What I worry about my threat, I worry about becoming bronze then everyone call me a noob/bad player
  3. ye was on a defense mission with 7 stages the first time that happened, I tried so hard I almost broke my mouse because I pushed my aim to full power, but even trying hard won't work in 3v2, they should at least make the other teammate gets the lead when the leader is AFK
  4. So I am r239 enforcer and as you know, the leadership system in the teams picks the person with the highest rank as a leader, so here's what happened, I got in a 2v3 mission, my team with 2 people including me, the opponent team with 3 people 2 silvers 1 gold, so far so good, right? Nope, Here's the problem, My teammate who's r255 and the leader went AFK from the start of the mission till it's end, And I wasn't able to request leadership because we're a team of 2, And wasn't able to request backup because I am not the leader, so it's a 1v3 fight, And I certainly lost it, I wouldn't have a problem if that happened once, but that situation happened unbelievably 3 times today, So how can I deal with this situation if it for some reason got so popular? Also I think the kick system is bugged as it didn't kick my teammates in any of these missions even though they were AFK for the whole mission...
  5. Let's nerf agrotech sniper rifle, 3 STK iS tOo GoOd FoR A SnIpEr
  6. Actually the weapons you guys want to be nerfed are the type of weapons that will only be good if you are skilled and know how to use it, I'd say that they shouldn't be nerfed as skill in that case is a bigger factor than the weapon's stats
  7. blockblack


    Is this some sort of APB Veteran joke I don't understand?
  8. Hmmm, The graphics at the beta testing yesterday looked really good, will the graphics still improve even more? When will public beta be released? When the beta is over and the engine update be official, will they terminate the beta game launcher and make everyone use the main game launcher or not?
  9. Still, I only noticed these problems started happening today, I didn't notice these problems any time else in this month... why today exactly?
  10. I didn't notice these issues yesterday, but today I can't even get in-game because of these issues...
  11. Hello everyone and welcome, Today I noticed 4 connections bugs that I would like to talk about... 1- High ping for no reason, my ping is usually 50~70 ms and I did ping google.com -n<number of tests> command and the ping is 50~70 ms, google is consistent and reliable to test ping and packet loss, but in APB I sometimes get 70 ms ping, but sometimes when I switch server I get 120 ms+ ping until I restart the game, and that sometimes doesn't work too... 2- Getting stuck at "Connecting to district server" when joining a server, this problem is so annoying, After it happens the only thing I can do is disconnect and reconnect my internet and/or restart the game... 3- Getting logged out without a previous warning, sometimes after 1~2 minutes of joining the district I get logged out to the login screen without any previous warning, and when I get there I don't find any message telling me what exactly happened as if I intentionally gave the game the command to log out... 4- 2FA sometimes doesn't appear when I log in even though I didn't turn on "remember me" in it, And it sometimes tells me the code I inserted is wrong even though I entered it right as if the code on my phone and the code in their servers is not aligned... So does anyone else have these problems? Does anyone know the fix? Have a nice day/night all...
  12. Was wondering if anything is bottlenecking it (I don't own an SSD btw)
  13. Hello everyone, I have a question about PCs. Amy help is welcomed, I have been wondering if there's something I should upgrade in my PC, And I apologize for shitposting on this forum a while back ago (Message to Ketog: I am sorry for my mistakes in my previous posts, I didn't know it's shitposting ) So my PC specs are: -Core i5 4590 -8 GB RAM Dual channel 1600 Mhz -XFX Radeon RX 570 running at 1284 MHz So I have been wondering if there's something bottlenecking my rig in normal games (normal games=not too CPU intensive and not too GPU intensive=Balanced intense) So what do you guys recommend me to upgrade? I am thinking about playing games like Cyberpunk 2077 (when it's released) at 1080p low~medium settings 60 FPS or playing games like Call of duty Warzone....
  14. That SSD is not mine, it's my friend's, I borrowed it do tests on it to see if my HDD is the reason, Turns out it was... for SOME of the bugs Snipped removed content. - Azukii Before I had tradelock I had AMD Drivers 19.2.1, downloaded new drivers for my RX 570 (Drivers 20.2.2) and then got the one hour tradelock... Merged. How?... This is... paranormal... Ye but I am scared my account gets stolen, and afraid to find out and change my password when it's already too late and the abuser sent all my legendaries to their account...
  15. Hello everyone, I haven't posted on this forum for a while, And sorry for shitposting last time, was just too bored.... So I have noticed a lot of weird stuff going on in my APB recently... here's a list... 1. "Remember Me" option doesn't work for 2FA, when I click it and try to login again it still asks me for code again... 2. When I click "return to lobby" on my account it logs me out instead of returning me to lobby even though on other accounts I return to lobby normally 3. I got a tradelock for 1 hour even though I got 2FA 4. Often getting stuck at "connecting to district server...." stage when changing district server and having to restart the game 5. I noticed something that's very unusual, I have 2 copies of APB, one on my HDD and the other on my SSD that are exactly the same, I am very sure, I have noticed that when I play on the HDD copy I get a very bad ping that's over 140 ms and when I play on the SSD copy I get a normal ping of 50 ms average... 6. Weird stuff happen on my HDD copy, for example it sometimes doesn't show loading videos and shows some random blank screen and in login screen it shows no-textures screen of waterfront 7. Random disconnects in my HDD copy 8. Disconnecting in HDD copy 50% of the times in the "entering world server" stage or "contacting login server" stage So do you know why these problems happen? it doesn't feel normal! (And no, there's nothing wrong with my internet, And I tried the "repair game" option multiple times for the HDD copy)
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