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  1. By Lixil 05/25/18 Hello and welcome to the GamersFirst Forums! Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with these basic rules of our GamersFirst Community Forums. They have been implemented to make sure that the forums promote a healthy, happy, and safe community. No Hate Speech Discriminatory language or comments towards certain groups (sexist, racist, or homophobic in nature) No Flaming – Refrain from language/comments that are antagonistic, derogatory, abusive, aggressive, confrontational, slanderous, or provocative. No Harassment Continued intimidation, pressurized, pestering or forceful remarks towards a member in public or in private, sexual or otherwise No Explicit Material Posting or linking to any explicit, movieographic or offensive media; such as sex, nudity or gore (this includes signatures & avatars) No Spam Nonsensical, one word or non-contributory posts, and double posting. Do not bump a topic unless needed. Off-Topic discussions should be in the appropriate board and may be moved as needed by a moderator. No Warez Discussing illegally obtained or pirated materials; such as games, software or other media. No Advertising Promoting your website, Twitch/Youtube channel or other services such as referral links by posting topics or DMing members (signature promotion is allowed) No Multiple Accounts A new account should only be made if there is a legit reason; members using another account to break rules or evade bans will be taken care of appropriately No Naming/Shaming If you believe someone is cheating please reach out to our support or to our GMs No talking about bans This is private information to the player itself, you should not be giving this information to other players. Please reach out to our support if this happens. Just scroll up to that red bar on the top of the forum page and click it. All of this is right there.
  2. i defer to your far greater experience with account creation
  3. If will be an merge that say that they will need to move all the purchase's from the both accounts to 1 account ,it will be a problem soon I don't think it will be.
  4. It is less about wanting multiple forum accounts and more wanting them to remain separate to 'main' a forum account and remove yourself from any issues regarding that.
  5. What a sterile debate guys... Macro script for computers or Turbo mode for game consoles does exist since ages. (from mouse, alternative softwares, arcadestick, controllers, etc...) Doesn't matter what kind of game we are talking about when the subject is : Macro good or not ? Bannable or not bannable ? Actually,only non official tiers software like AHKprogram is Batteleye detectable, and BE should kick you from the game and not bann. The community so depending of the amount of reports will be a result of a manual bann. So can I use a macro script ? Dude if you are an adult enough, use it at your own risks. But believe me that is less bad than using a cheat software. End of the discussion. PS: Meanwhile in PUBG Support. Hello. All macros are detectable whether private or public, if you use macros and players report too often, your account will be manually verified by PUBG and you will be banned.
  6. I don't see how it would be a protection at all since if somebody stole your account they would transfer everything with the marketplace at 1$ anyway. The delay has no point other than making some weapon trades annoying.
  7. I beg to differ. I still remember January 2018 G1 account password leak. Of course I understand problem but then again it's some kind of protection if you lose suddenly access to account.
  8. This is not an isolated incident, I've heard around and two others out of the players that circulated citadel today have had this before... I don't know how to reproduce it since I have limited bandwidth so I can't patch otw atm and I'm too poor on live. What I did was run to the npc instantly upon connecting to social, buy the mod, jump to action directly after purchase, like, directly without moving at all... Just buy esc esc dist select join... I'm not bothered by the loss of it anymore, but thought I should notice that I'm not the only one... This hasn't occurred any of the hundred times I've shopped for jt during the years across several chars and accounts, just this time Not if ur a spaz like me, if I tag someone then someone comes shooting at me, I'd like to feel comfy knowing my teammates sees that dude is shot while I focus the one hitting on my face instead... It's a great situational mod
  9. I didn't claim removing video's is weird, I find it perfectly sensible, even in the case you did cheat before, for you to remove such a video. What I did say, was in the video brought forward by Cybernetic, I couldn't see any hard evidence of you cheating. However being banned whilst loading in a district could, keyword here is could, suggest there was disallowed interference in the loading sequence. I am not trying to feed the hackusations towards you, I am merely explaining what I am seeing and noticing. As a ex-programmer and having studied Computing science in the past, I can make educated guesses (merely that though) which is what I did and am doing, but naturally also realizing no sound conclusion can be drawn from the information presented and therefore no hard evidence is in place. Your suggestion however about being banned on loading, applies to the connection process to the servers. I am not saying you are flat out lying or anything, however offline bans result in you receiving the ban message when you are trying to connect to the gamersfirst servers on your account awhole, not even the character picking. The biggest hint I see in the afore mentioned "weird" loading sequence is the mess that have become the notifications in game, the stuttering in loading order of rendered objects and the instant response to that process from FairFight. Again, this is not a hackusation, fairfight caused a lot of abnormalities and banned frequently in odd manners which it became notorious for. I am merely stating what I am seeing. In my book youre a fair player until proven beyond doubt that you are not, so kuddo's, no need to feel offended. And indeed Cybernetic has thusfar not shown any nameworthy knowledge about cheating or hack related mechanics and therefore shouldn't be considered an expert on the topic, neither do I claim to be an expert on this but in the least more knowledgeable than the average PC user.
  10. That's not what my sentence is saying. "The issue is that you bought it [the ACES Rifle] in a bundle for far cheaper than a standalone character version would be." So not only doesn't it bear reference to the all round price but merely the difference of the character bound ACES-R price and its hypothetical included bundle price.
  11. Good evening dear community and Little Orbit I'm rather the quiet reader in the forum and must be here a lot going on what is on my heart and just depressed me to start this game. I play APB: Reloaed since 2014 and have nearly 4,000 hours in steam. I too was shit, a noob. But you always get better, be it with the advance launcher or change the resolution or other. Currently I am gold, I have 5 characters, some know them, some do not, I do not care. what I really want is what happened to me today. I was allowed to compete against 2 cheaters today, I do not mince words, but because of such subhuman it only makes me sad to start this game, which I come to the district, and which teleport as if they were son goku , It may be that BattleEye does its job, but sometimes I wanted FairFight back. Because they did their work. The banned these cheaters and never came back, it was the have made a new account which does not take 2 minutes. What I really want, Please do some little orbit. I love APB: Reloaded since I installed it and people like that ruin all my fun. I hope it will change soon in the future. PS. Before all complain about my english. i wrote it first on google translate and copied it. I will ignore any messages about my failures on english and grammar. Greetings and Good Night. EDIT: deleting "i was a silver" because i hurt someone the feelings
  12. Just a suggestion Little Orbit that may bring new players to the game... Adding features that would only be available to new players/account like Login Daily Rewards....that would features some simple rewards that new players could obtain upon logging in to the game daily
  13. Racing helmet... actually, making that pack acc wide option would make me satisfactorily happy. Pls addd a acc bound option option to all small clothing bundles pls? :c I've been very pleased with the items thus far, alotta items I dont know I need until I see them for 99g1c >.>
  14. I mean your forum account is not even 40days old yet and you can wait another 100days?
  15. How can it possibly be dead when we still log on with or without you? Your account is not even 100 days old so how could you possibly know how bad it was under G1 and how much work Little Orbit has done as well as is continuing to do? It's becoming more alive with hope and promise from their work not dead like your whining says. Your post makes you sound like you believe yourself to be entitled to everything now , but guess what getting good things takes hard work and time and Little Orbit is doing just that. Toss this thread in the pile of "Little Orbit did something I don't like so the game is dead" so that I can get back to shooting at people who suck it up and play through the mess until its cleaned up.
  16. Like not even locked, just straight up deleted. Here are the current forum rules: No Hate Speech Discriminatory language or comments towards certain groups (sexist, racist, or homophobic in nature) No Flaming – Refrain from language/comments that are antagonistic, derogatory, abusive, aggressive, confrontational, slanderous, or provocative. No Harassment Continued intimidation, pressurized, pestering or forceful remarks towards a member in public or in private, sexual or otherwise No Explicit Material Posting or linking to any explicit, movieographic or offensive media; such as sex, nudity or gore (this includes signatures & avatars) No Spam Nonsensical, one word or non-contributory posts, and double posting. Do not bump a topic unless needed. Off-Topic discussions should be in the appropriate board and may be moved as needed by a moderator. No Warez Discussing illegally obtained or pirated materials; such as games, software or other media. No Advertising Promoting your website, Twitch/Youtube channel or other services such as referral links by posting topics or DMing members (signature promotion is allowed) No Multiple Accounts A new account should only be made if there is a legit reason; members using another account to break rules or evade bans will be taken care of appropriately No Naming/Shaming If you believe someone is cheating please reach out to our support or to our GMs No talking about bans This is private information to the player itself, you should not be giving this information to other players. Please reach out to our support if this happens note: no names were given, and no ban was issued So Im just wondering why this thread was erased?
  17. I don't trade without ba middle man or if someone is not going first. I encourage them to record the trade when they're going first, too. It's not about me, it's about many people that doesn't even know the apb forums thus aren't familiar with any of the current decisions. I suggested putting a banner on the login screen or something warning about trades not being supported anymore. The whole issue was that someone was asking whether someone (a very known scammer that has scammed more than 7 or 8 people now) was trusted or not. I told him no he's a scammer and he's scammed many people don't trade with him. Same as many other people confirmed that he's a scammer in the chat. I got muted for 4 hours by a GM and threatened to get my account banned if I said that again. He told me to not say that again and let support handle this which, surprisingly, support doesn't do anymore. So I have to let my friends and other players get their guns scammed and not get it back or else I'll be banned for warning them. And nowadays the game is pretty unplayable due to the shotguns and other issues, so I only login to either trade or spend time chatting in Social. So "Just don't trade" might not be a very good idea for someone like me.
  18. Eww I guess you don't realize that half if not more of Citadel pop is cyrilic spammers and to account cryers in/t and toxic death themes 110 cap is really not enough. I keep seeing same people everyday it's not like APB has so many players. /D has become more readable without as much cyrilic as before but I could still clean it bit more.
  19. took me 3 weeks and 4 weeks for my two account related tickets
  20. blm calls for the murder and attacks on white and police= hate grp Antifa calls and carriers out attacks against conservatives and anyone not part of there echo chamber= hate grp the confederate states had black soldiers and was not completely about slavery ( northern sates still has slaves after the war) the civil war was about the government over stepping there bounds and trying to dictate every part of southern states law yes slavery was a big part of it(also not all slaves were black irish slaves were actually more common treated worse and cheaper but they are white as white can be so nobody want to talk about them)
  21. but the point of the matter is the symbolism is very much a part of outlaw mc culture its part of what seperates 1%ers from yuppies and I may have certain undertones to my character and I have unpopular beliefs but clearly to the fact my character has looked this way for 7 years I clearly don't go around racial attacking people or yelling racial slurs because I have more then 700 dollars worth of cosmetics on my account and don't want to get blind sided with a ban. during g1 era I confirmed my symbol was fine but in the post about nudity was linked to a blog post from matt and he clearly stated no tolerance for anything related to Nazi germany.
  22. /report hasnt worked in a while now all you can do is send a ticket to support, then wait several months for a reply We've never actually been given a statement on a listed set of action for symbols. But Lixil has been quoted as saying you can have ALL your symbols deleted, and more recently some maniac was spamming the forums claiming his account was banned for symbols. Unfortunately, as I said before no actual official word from LO on how this is all supposed to play out.
  23. Interesting i'm assuming account recovery was the first one? It kinda sounds like they're putting old tickets on the back burner But was the double charge on a different account? If you're using the same email/account for the ticket they might've looked at the cash related ticket and addressed your other tickets while they were overlooking your account or just gave you priority since you spent money They probably have Cash related tickets highest priority atm which is good for business otherwise they could encounter legal troubles but as a result it leaves everyone else in the dust aka low priority
  24. Exposed. It's my old main account before I got banned, so I had to make a new one because couldn't even use forums. It was misclick when was choosing login details :^)
  25. That is truly stating the obvious. By "It's not like every GM in every game will go thru all the pain we've gone.", i considered the fact that GMs usually show off their maxed characters/account. They certainly have their personal characters undercover. I would not be so harsh to LO team since they barely started and they have huge piles of things to achieve/fix, but certainly Majiik, Androvald and Aphadon are the staff with most experience. (now its me stating the obvious) They probably know much about the aspects of the game, but let's take Matt as an example from his experience with lag: he noticed that after a fresh restart to servers, the lag spikes would be lowered, and how server code was probably involved with this. In this case, i don't think Majiik/Aphadon/Androvald ever noticed this situation. Anyway, i'll finish my part here because i don't even know where i'm heading lulz, it's almost 3am, english is not my main language and this is getting confused I think we all just want a better APB, im gonna sleep now before i start drolling kek
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