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  1. Is there a way to transfer all my stuff from Google Auth to Authy without having to manually go through every single account?
  2. oh crap, that I dont know I only learned of Authy when I bought my new phone like 2 weeks ago and couldnt access any of my accounts due to google auth. Basically I had to remove it from anything I used it for using the old phone, and then set it up again on new phone with Authy.
  3. we just hope with the many threads about account merging, you'll put it higher up on the priority list. obviously UE 3.5 is highest priority, but demand seems really high on account merging. I'm excited for the future... account merging, district phasing AND no server boundaries all possible in the future... furthermore we'll have better graphics and hopefully performance with the engine upgrade, and maybe we'll get as many items as possible (probably all of them) made account wide on armas! so many good things headed our way that'll turn this game around, I really hope you guys will manage to deliver!
  4. cant you ingame email the items to your other account? btw I didnt read any of the others posts so if this has been said then..
  5. There are F2P games that still survive with less than 30 players active daily And you don't need to compare things to realize that one of them is too expensive, paying 40 dollars for two weapons+maybe another 20 for a car is simply too much, not taking into account that you may want to buy more than one main weapon (and no "buy in-game" bs, there are only a handful of guns available at contracts, JT store is beyond the possibility of grinding weekly for just one weapon, and the only cars worth using are Nomad/ 4x4)
  6. Respects to the APB players in their forums. I am a very long time tester/player of Fallen Earth and a Wastelander down to my bones. For 11 years I have looked for something that has the same.. soul that Fallen Earth has and sadly, it doesn't exist yet. Some things are worth saving. For instance, like the California Condor was just a handful of chicks from extinction. A bird I can well imaging gliding across the Plateau, perhaps near Pass Chris. ((Hint hint)) I believe some were even relocated to the Grand Canyon. I know numbers are not great but take in consideration that not everyone uses steam for FE because it can cause issues for some players (like me). New and old players have increasingly been logging in and I am quite free with my Fallen Earth links. Brought up to date, stabilized and marketed, I think it could do quite well since so many playstyles can be enjoyed there and well .. its the Apocalypse. The wastelands can get lonely because because its vast, gritty and unforgiving and there are so very many ways to die and places to watch a stunning sunset. This makes us a bit inclined to welcome new players and give them a hand now and then. It's a really big world with so many options they are bound to find something that will lure them up a sandy hill on a dunebuggy they built themselves, a controlled territory or team up to battle a giant, mutated tarantula. Or you can walk into a tavern with some friends, play music, drink talk and dance. Thank you Matt and the all the rest of the LO team that recognized something so very special and like us, know it would be a tragedy for this place to not exist anymore. We really are grateful.
  7. What's the point on that? I really don't understand, and i can't. Exactly, the stats are the same. When aiming the NorthWest win VS the Yukon for its speed firerate. So.. my question is, would you buy this legendary weapon or try to find it by purchasing JMB's? Because honestly.. seems useless, completely. Okay, okay, alright.. with its mod the Yukon and aiming, have +75% of accuracy and it turns into an RFP-9 but still. You could easily buy both RFP-9 and NorthWest as Character Lifetime or Account, how you prefer and you will save a lot of money (except if you are lucky and can find legendaries after 1/2 boxes, normal, not golden). I would never buy it if i didn't had one. I can understand the thing of nerf because was frustating, but in that way i think is too much. I don't know if someone alredy made a topic about the same thing but whatever, i need answers, i need thoughts and opinions from this community, what you guys think?
  8. Hi all, For the record, we get daily analytics from /report. We had a different process until June when Easy Anti Cheat launched. Now /reports go directly into Easy Anti Cheat and trigger extra client inspection and a number of other items. The /report system itself is rather complicated. We don't weight additional reports from the same account to the same account. We also reduce the weight of new account reports. And we reduce the weight of false reports, but over time all reports lose weight and "fall off". So in Seedy's case, he doesn't need to do a thing. Things will self correct. With respect to dethreating, griefing, and AFK players, we have struggled. None of our previous efforts have made much of a difference. However in the last 2 weeks, we have adopted a new strategy which utilizes a combination of behavior analytics, invisible GM reports, and player reports. We sent out a significant set of warnings to players violating this policy. Many got a 1 day ban. That seemed to have a much better impact overall on the issues, so we will stick with that procedure. Thanks, Matt
  9. I dont believe anyone in the current SPCT have had their accounts banned, next time mail LO what evidence you may have don't post on the forums. I think the current SPCT is better than what we had before, I was in the first team n the drama was just pathetic.
  10. look for a problem in Brazilian accounts . no wonder G1 kicked all the Brazilian accounts of HOPOLN .
  11. the nekrova transfer compensation is only for nekrova players transferring to citadel. innova was unable to provide payment history of players, so they decided to scale the rewards based on player times. jericho and pre-existing citadel players are unaffected. also, it doesn't seem like they have an easy way to add a certain amount of premium hours to an account to compensate for interruptions.
  12. iono they seem to be coming up with a lot lately like a NY server for US and EU to merge... Edit : stop rerolls - is a broad term. some refer to new accounts while others refer to new char slots. if you mean new char slots that supports APB and everyone has the right to buy new char slots. if you mean a new account , some people live for shooter games while others may possibly be a cheater returning. Regardless banning someone just because they are low level and good is by far a terrible idea to do on its own if there is no cheating involved.
  13. Savvy? I'd guess that's opinionated and not very bright revealing they had been into another account
  14. Hi, Just wondering how long it takes for a ticket on a banned account takes with support. A few many moons ago I had one too many beers and probably a bit of wine thrown into the mix too. I decided to give away my account as I had no intentions of playing again and was instantly banned by Tiggs. Then along came Little Orbit. Just wondering my chances of this been sorted out if any?
  15. Trading your account is and was against the ToS, making that decision while being drunk out of your mind doesn't change that. It's unlikely that LO will release the account, but it's worth a shot I guess. If your ticket is older than 35(?) days update it and ask for a status update, otherwise, just wait and they'll get to you eventually
  16. "I sold/bought account on a certain trading forum and got instantly banned" fify
  17. @aol.com LOL. You have got me guessing and yes that was the one. I'm interested to know how you remembered and guessed it was me! Such a long time ago indeed. Merged. That paranoia feeling when someone knows about you Aliens will have all my accounts next... f*uck it time for another beer. Merged. This was about the time I did this with my cneville account! she did get a good home Merged. This was another vid I made and Sooo off topic! All I wanted was some information regarding a ban. "ENJOY" I kept Dotty as she had problems with her feet. She lost a leg and only has three. The Happiest dog ever This is for the dog lovers.
  18. account was hacked 5 years ago after recently opening volcano and nano then gamersfirst perma banned me with no reasoning little orbit unbanned me but am now missing multiple guns and cars. If i was able to choose what i got back it would be my volcano thats legit all i want. Anyone in the Jericho NA server able to help me out please D:. i have loads of transaction history purchases joker boxes just wish it told you what you got because i was so hyped when i got them but of course no one believes you because no screenshot which is so annoying. If you can help me i greatly appreciate it. Name in game is WhitesUnite. Dont question my name lmao i know its a little racist but ive seen much worse
  19. Theres bound to be bugs since they did say it is not quite the fist season yet. CookiePuss mentioned the details of what he knows on other threads I personally do not remember the details
  20. some hero told me some time ago that re-enabling the token on the gamersfirst account page fixes this issue
  21. I'm oke with the trade lock at the future all legendary are getting locked but i think they have to make it account bounded not character bounded i would like to hear what Mattscot thinks about this if he have any plans according to the situation.
  22. LO can change/alter any content in the game according to their will and the account which we're using too belongs to em and they can ban us without giving any reason. Ntec,hvr and oca are the most used guns in the game and i dont see much of atac, frenzy,issr guns even tho many ppl own one of em. Even if atac gets a slight buff that wont stop everyone using a ntec to move to atac. Also hey...if we're talking about compesnations...you oughta pay them for the engine upgrade, cuz only paid the money for the weapon , now ure getting an engine upgrade. So pay them a fair compensation.
  23. I'm yet to find a post where anyone has thanked LO for migrating your accounts at all... you should be grateful you still have your account.
  24. oh look, a post about banning, and the cheater troll account brigade is having a circlejerk over it again... you guys truly are dense if you think people don't understand your trolling and then calling yourselves names like neo-phobia hahaha you guys truly are exactly what all legit playesr imagine you to be dumb 3p trolls
  25. Even with my history, my accounts are still intact even with my inactivity and changing hardware, so unless you magically tripped some sort of account-theft prevention system (if there is one), you probably did something stupid again just as you always have before your inactivity. You gave G1/RP plenty of reasons to not want you in their community anymore.
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