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  1. So all bets are off on what the hell it is i got banned for then. Probably some fabricated bullshoot. Now that we all know the dirty little secrets of the old support/GM team and their corruption, at this point I'm not even gonna bother guessing. I'll just have to wait this one out. Nevermind, just saw your edit on the post above. Well shit then, long wait for me. Also congratz on the unban and i hope you have a great time back in-game on your old account! Maybe i'll see you one of these days! Haha
  2. My account shows blocked aswell, just wait, its not even the deadline yet, and it will probably take about 24 hours to unban everyone
  3. Give it some time they've got thousands of accounts to go through.
  4. my account with my main enforcer is unbanned but not my main criminal account rip
  5. Reasonable player testing things on OTW: "Hey, i'll join OTW to test things out and help LO fixing stuff, so i can gain on a long term, with a stable game having additions of new content. That's a reward for me also!" < This player fairly gets a reward based on what Nite said, and he gets a reward in the early and long terms. Success!! "What i'm afraid of" player testing things on OTW: "HEY, LEMME TEST THINGS ON OTW SO I CAN GET STUFF FOR MY ACCOUNT" < This player joins OTW, joins Waterfront, drives around for 5 minutes than starts ranting: "WHERES MY STUFF? I WANT MY REWARDS" *sends ticket to support to complain*
  6. Isnt LO planning to unban more than 17,000 accounts though? Tiggs must have been super busy. Now I feel bad for criticizing her so much. If they dont, why do you? Just food for thought.
  8. The game is free to play on steam, anybody has access to the game, like the rating is going to stop anybody because you can just pretend to be older than you are. Plus not everybody has the same opinion on nudity, personally, I'm all for it but I do agree with Mr Scott in saying that it has no place in a game. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The guns AREN'T their top priority, if you bothered to pay attention to the QnA, you would know that. Their priorities for the game are in a very good order, to quote the QnA they are going to lay the foundation for the game before they start adding stuff in. Not only that but they won't be adding stuff until the engine updates since it would make more work for them when they come to move it over to 4.0, which should be common knowledge to anybody who plays games that gets updates. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lastly, the loot boxes, if the laws were to go ahead and come to the rest of the population, they would have to change it anyway. The game has done a very good job at keeping RMTing down but it will be in the game somewhere until they set a specific trading system into the game, they did say they were looking to make legendary guns account wide which is an excellent quality of life change for the game. "I told you so"...... Don't be petty, at least wait until you start saying things. You should be thankful that a company is so motivated to pick the game back up, no matter their intention.
  9. That's assuming the Obeya/HVR are just sitting in the open. HVR wins at range if the HVR has any cover. It's taking into account any hypothetical situations - HVR has generally been seen as only TRULY counterable by another HVR simply because it's the only weapon able to pull out the amount of damage in that short span of time. Forcing a stalemate. At mid-long range with favorable set-up and all that, sure, those weapons aside from the STAR counter an HVR. But these days, you're not gonna find a HVR that's either not QSing or out of cover. Not to mention, that's not even taking into account the enemy team outside of the HVR - or more HVRs. I mean, my personal go-to counter to the HVR has always been a brick in the face since they usually don't see it coming but I'm always laughed at by my team for using them. Yet it keeps giving consistent results.
  10. what you said is literately nothing new. people are doing that the now anyways because it means their character is more easy to control when de-threating. also who says that would be the case. like i said the threat system needs and overhaul as well as matchmaking. so the chances of them smurfing actual new players would hopefully be very low. either way smurfing is nothing new and is in every game that has multiple characters per account
  11. NotTheEnforcer


    A lot of cheaters buy Armas Weapons and Premium, what if every time they got banned they lost some of both? That gives them a monetary cost to cheating while still being able to retain their account/items if they cease cheating(Or at least getting caught, so they'd have to stop being blatant) The problem right now is, once they get past BattlEye (not a difficult thing according to a lot of people here), cheaters are basically free to go as hard as they want. There's no incentive to playing otherwise when all they have to do is put a little elbow grease in getting around BE and they're home free. Perhaps they should boost the server count by a few slots specifically for SPCT members and GM's to fill a special Spectator role. That way, we can have active coverage of a district and those Spectators can flag/suspend an account for further review.
  12. Spy


    2 weeks ago, new special features where added to a private cheat, made by a known cheat developer. These features made it so that spectators and/or GM's are having a very hard time detecting the rnd aspect of the cheat. I know for a fact (proof) that at least 10 people play on Jericho and even more on Citadel. They play every day and they're still not banned and I'm pretty sure that those new rnd features are mainly responsible for it (I saw the private video). Even if LO had access to this cheat or how to counter it then still they would have to deal with the rerolling of it. Technicly you can ban the cheater but with their 'np, new account in 2 minutes' attitude, legit people face the same cheaters within a very short period of time. This will continue unless LO changes it course when it comes to cheaters, there are solutions that has been proven working well for other companies but LO is not willing to accept and work with that concept.
  13. CookiePuss


    As I understand it, you may reroll so long as you are legit, if banned more than once and identified as the same player, you may expect to be banned anytime you start a new account. I understand that Citadel has cheating issues, and I feel bad for those playing there. Jericho may be dead, but at least it's more or less cheater free.
  14. Sooooo glad to hear this MattScott, I made this account just to thank you in private. Cheating is bad and bad for the game and we see to many currently! The only thing I would like to add is: 'Battleye' isn't that good / gold as their website claims it is! It is not just APB - many games with 'Battleye' still have cheaters (for example Fortnite, they even stream their cheats on YouTube). Bypasses and neural network leave Battleye behind... simply and short put: human moderators / gm's are still needed - just like the good ole days! Server admins ftw!!! (With Battleye support ofc)
  15. Fortune Runner


    Ok this is enough of the accusations. First I see a typical cheating post and it was quite civil and the expressed concerns which were seeming valid enough to discuss. Now I'm seeing accusations of "everyone is cheating and protecting them" when its we ourselves who wanted a better anti cheat to begin with., A few people on this thread claiming "cheaters everywhere" are the same ones who talk the exact opposite to attack us for defending APB with BattleEye as well as mentioned that they had low threat and rank along with an unsuitable knowledge of APB and its programming in general. Makes me really wonder about you guys claiming cheaters everywhere. For the record just because I don't agree with you does not give you the right to accuse me of cheating. If you have nothing valid to show it does not give you the right to hackusate people. I'm a silver and if i was cheating and/or hung out with anyone cheating two things would of already happened. 1. I would of been banned a long time ago long before Little Orbit because the cheaters back then did in fact get caught As those of you claiming "cheaters everywhere" mentioned , they get banned then make a new account. 2. I would be gold and wouldn't be borderline for gold , I would absolutely be gold especially with how I don't know how to go easy and give every match my all. I play both bronze and silver , and break even on the scores. I don't do good enough to get gold normally. And some of you on this thread claiming "cheaters everywhere" already mocked me in game for that. Some of you who are claiming cheaters everywhere are bronzes and silvers. Others just like being rude and trolling when they themselves have questionable morality issues and this time are stirring up toxic behavior claiming there's "cheaters everywhere" because they enjoy trolling. Sure I play on Jericho and have stated plenty of times about that as well as how we don't see them on Jericho. I also stated plenty of times on the forums how I can not speak for citadel since I don't have a character slot to play there with and how I plan on buying one so that I can play there. But that doesn't give anyone the right to start accusing saying that those of us who say we don't see the on Jericho are helping the cheaters or are cheaters ourselves. That itself is toxic behavior with intent to do harm to the community and it needs to stop. No anti cheat stops 100% and if you happen to run into a cheater the /report function works now. An easy way to use report is to open the team roster of your team and opponents , then click t whisper them , and then change the /w to /report and no matter what characters are in their names ( even a iiliilil name) it will then get reported for Little Orbit to review. If you're not gold and get dominated , keep practicing and try again. if you suspect someone use the /report to have staff check them out. But please refrain from intentionally causing toxicity on the forums.
  16. I don't think so aswell, I would like to have all weapons, but my lifetime money won't let me hahaha... One thing that happened recently: I bought four weapons when Hoplon was alive, but for my character only, so recently I sent support ticket, to upgrade them to lifetime account, but guess what? I have to buy the full price again, and that's not gonna happen, I'm a student, I barely have money to buy a 99$ keyboard that I want, I guess I will buy it in the end of the year
  17. EMilika


    There literally 10's russian account streamers who cheats and play apb too. dense
  18. No? I don't think accounts that are in-active due this amount will be wiped, what about people whom banned few years ago and still getting wiped aswell will be a harsh punishment to them all.
  19. I mean the person may have quit the game altogether so then the account becomes in-active but i could be wrong.
  20. I can imagine support answering things like: "my acc was banned i didnt do nothing wrong"; "i lost ALL my legendarys"; "what time it is?"; "help x scammed me when i tried to buy his account with real money"... etcs.
  21. So I used to play back when the open beta was first released and stopped a year or so ago. Now I wanted to come back and check it out but unfortunately my password expired and I get no email when I reset it, nor do I get an email from support when I put in a ticket. I have put far more money than Id like to admit into the account. So far my experience with this game has been sub G1, so I mean, am I even missing out on anything?
  22. sorry if this was already asked but i didnt maybe catch it.. is it possible to merge ingame accs? i have 2 accounts now and if there is possibility of merging them into one... would love to see an answer directly from @Lixil thanks...
  23. Hi Lixil, I'm wondering if you have a tentative timeline on this, or a definitive word on whether it'll be something coming in the future for sure? With the coming sale, I'm considering what to spend G1C on and I'd rather get some new things I'm interested in rather than duplicating gear and weapons that exist on another account that could potentially be merged in.
  24. Im installing it now ti find out. but the market place also says that my account has no characters so im not too hopefull
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