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  1. i mentioned the threat system taking into account each person current threat and predictions wouldn’t that be the average then?
  2. I want to delete my forum account but keep my game accounts
  3. i though there was 2 character slots as default for f2p accounts its intended so that you can have both a a male and a female character, or a criminal and an enforcer - if you want anything extra you have to pony up the 10 bucks for another character slot (through armas) a fair deal imo
  4. I have like 7 char slots and I never bought any. :)))))))) Feels gud. Also I don't see the issue. You're a free account.
  5. Hello everyone I wanna unlink my gamersfirst account and steam account. However i did not see any option for this. I sent a request for that situation. I'm not sure how fast supportg1 nowadays and i wanted to write it here aswell. Please comment your thoughts. The reason i want to seperate them cuz of not using steam account. It(steam) was also common account so, i do not want something happen wrong. Thanks Kind Regards
  6. I do not think it is, unfortunately. Otherwise, I'd gift something... to myself, on the other account.
  7. maybe we can get some actual new clothing now? or maybe some more account bound packs? at the very least can we get this artist to actually use the ingame symbol editor to make presets??????????
  8. Which way would have netted them more money? Giving them thgeir acc back or making them start over and rebuy everything? Im quite sure more would have been made by making them rebuy on new accounts.
  9. You tried re logging in and see if it gives you then? bought the exact same thing awhile back and i still get my account bounds in the mail.
  10. Cuz they are not, lol. Actually I can't see reason why LO won't make such packs account-lifetimed. It's would make me buy them asap
  11. does the 25 days of premium "append" onto someone's account that already has premium? so existing premium folks get that added to their existing paid term?
  12. Remember that one time LO bought APB and the Community Manager spent the next two weeks playing PUBG instead of learning APB, only to eventually boost their APB account to max rank.
  13. No, I don't think they removed gifting because chargebacks makes them financial unstable. But guess they don't wanna deal with it. I think people use dummy accounts to gift things to themselves then chargeback. This will eliminate the issue. And if someone wants to use high rank alt account they better be ready to get banned.
  14. I was in social and counted 5 people that disappeared during the January ban Hammer this year and now they are back. Extremely blatant players that literally killed the game over a span of years under many accounts and different clans with the same objective - kill player retention. AND now they are unbanned some so blatant they admitted on ffbans to the offense. Those that got banned during L.O made youtube videos to mock us and even streamed on TWITCH. I took screenshots of conversations with these individuals and it just crushes me that L.O. would go this low to boost up player count. I am truly saddened by this move. One in particular has a reputation (Shall not be named) that EVERYONE here knows by name. Honestly this is so wrong. Why would you give them a chance? They didn't give a the community anything but grief and anger over the years, yes, YEARS. Sad day. Maybe, nobody cares at this point? I guess I just need to give up my account and move on maybe.
  15. I think for the most part, we can all agree that there are a lot of toxic people in the apb community. Lots of threads "showcasing" this. This isn't one of them. Both my mains are R255, and I've been around this game for a number of years on and off. So, not a newbie just starting. Newbie in-game, but not just starting the game. I'm one of those guys that does the daily activities (DAs) while I'm playing my missions, etc. I enjoy most of them as it forces me to use a different weapon than I would normally use, plus has the added benefit of giving me those JTs so I can collect em up and maybe get a 3-slot character bound weapon from the joker store in social. The problem for me is that there are some of the daily activities that take me a while to get and because I am at my fifth daily activity, I can't switch the activity out. Or more often than not, I forget that I can actually go to a contact and change the DA. I think the one I dislike the most though, is the resupply 25 ammo to teammates one. Takes forever. It takes me a long time (usually) to "run 2 (or is it 3?) people over with your vehicle" and this one frustrates me. Earlier this month I had this particular DA and it was about an hour and I still only had run only one person over. I got so frustrated that I asked in district chat if "one of the nice terrorists would allow me to run them over so I could get rid of the DA". Wasn't really expecting someone to say "yah, I'll do it if we get opposed", but someone did. Figured, Ok just someone messing around with me, but lo and behold we ended up opposed and he whispered me and said "where you at? I'll let you run me over" ... and he did just that. Sadly, I can't remember the players name. I'm pretty sure I was on my "AmorousAardvark" alt enforcer toon at the time. And last night, I had a player deliberately spawn his vehicle and bring it to me to allow me to blow it up (twice) so I could clear my DA. This one I remember(ish) the name ... Weatherin or Witherin. I was using my main enforcer toon, "LewdLemming". So yeah, just wanted to say THANKS and say that not everyone is toxic in this game. Maybe I'll be able to pay it forward to someone else.
  16. Delete nothing. And damn I thought I could stretch my epeen a little longer by being the oldest account here but Aero beat me by 6 months.
  17. I can confirm I don't have the skin on my account yet. (Not that I'm bothered by it too much though :V )
  18. I haven't noticed this. Basically, when we completeled the ARG we were given a token that marks us as a participant who completed it and are to be processed for reward. I was sure I was T2 and even at some point many recieved rewards according to discord chat. I had to contact Lixil, I did through through forums and got a confirmation. Nothing has happened after that with me, but I may be wrong. Maybe I've not noticed that the skin was sent in my account.
  19. Trying to delete my account but its not working, whats wrong with it?! it says clearly "Click here to Permanently Delete your account" but its not working!
  20. Hopefully they will take into account name age instead of character age. I can just change my 2011 characters name and steal a name that way.
  21. Sacre bleu, this is sacrilege. It always trade lock me whenever I log into an account for the first time. This is blasphemy.
  22. Highly doubt he was "hacked" as that would be deemed pointless due to the value of the account. Most likely he tried to download some "files" from a unknown source and got infected. Trade lock activates every time a new "entry" attempts to login and since this is automatic feature using algorithms, it's impossible to not be flagged for trade lock. Someone isn't truthful, but best of luck. Support is your best bet.
  23. Its been so long, apb did a recruit a friend thing and you could acquire it through that, not a bad idea really unfortunately we all just made alt accounts and helped out each other lol. You could have also gotten the .45
  24. Only if all of the following also happen: Players with the RAF CAP40 are retroactively granted account-bound copies of the 3-slot CAP40. The 3-slot CAP40 is added to ARMAS for players that joined after the RAF program was shut down. The CAP40 Sergeant's third slot is opened. It's only fair.
  25. u really care about that mask? I'm missing STAR LCR 'old glory' (some ppl got that one on PC... i think innova accounts) and VBR 'temptress' (i missed to exploit it like most ppl). I'd instantly buy bothy from Armas!
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