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  1. There might be an issue on your end, but this game has had hitreg problems for years. The main thing to check is if your ammo goes down after you shoot. If it doesn't go down, this is called a "Ghost shot". Usually it happens when you click too perfectly with the weapon's rate of fire. The server thinks you shot too soon and doesn't count the shot. If it's happening when shooting slower, then it might be upload packet loss. There's no way to check for this in-game. Packet loss will show 0.0, even when 99% of your uploaded packets are being dropped. Due to the weird hit detection, sometimes you can compensate by aiming ahead or behind the player. I've gotten plenty of kills by intentionally shooting into the edge of a wall a player was about to run behind, rather than aiming at the player. Same with those yellow dumper bin things. Sometimes you can shoot through the top corners. You'll see bullets hitting the dumper, but you'll get hitmarkers on the player. Also, it might be a new issue with their service provider. I was playing last week and noticed hit registration was acting weird. For a few minutes, none of my shots would could, but the oppositions shots all counted. Then in the next mission stage, all of my shots count, and I rarely took damage from the opposition. Never experienced this before. It's usually the same, good or bad, until the server restarts or I switch to a different district.
  2. I am experiencing game freezes or stuttering when bullets hit vehicles, only vehicles, with AMD Smart Access Memory enabled. I cannot find another object that causes stuttering when it gets hit by a bullet. Disabling Smart Access Memory seems to fix the stuttering issue, but there is still a significant framerate decrease. For example, standing next to a dump truck and hip firing an Agrotech ACES at it causes about a 20% loss in fps, but aiming down sight, while shooting the same dump truck, causes up to an 80% loss in fps. This performance loss is about the same on 2560x1440 and 1024x768 resolution, and the same between max and minimum graphics settings. Steps to reproduce: - Install an AMD RX 6600 and the latest AMD GPU drivers. Current version 24.6.1 - Enable Smart Access Memory in the Adrenalin application. - Restart PC. - Launch APB Reloaded. - Join a district. - Equip a high rate of fire weapon, like an Agrotech ACES. - Stand next a vehicle and hip fire at it with your high rate of fire weapon. Notice the game stutters. System Specs: CPU: AMD 5700X3D RAM: 32GB (2x16GB) DDR4 3600 14-14-14 GPU: AMD RX 6600 Suggested Fix: If possible, add a graphics option to remove or reduce the bullet impact particle effects. There's two options called "m_bShowServerHits" and "m_bDebugHitMarkers". Enabling these in the past disabled the bullet particle impacts, and replaced them with red dots. I would look at these features to figure out how to turn off the bullet impacts without affecting other particles.
  3. Whatever it's locking onto, it's sure ain't the opposition.
  4. I don't blame you. I have reported a few blatant cheaters, with evidence from their own youtube and twitch channels. They eventually got banned. Then Little Orbit decides to unban them. Why waste more time reporting if they're going to get their accounts back?
  5. Have both of you been smoking with Mack lately?
  6. Most of those changes were after the retail release. There's plenty of retail boxes floating around. The important parts can be extracted, like the old districts and weapon stats. G1 shipped the whole stat file with the retail version for years. LO have access to all of it if they feel like looking for 5 seconds, but like you said they can't get out of a wet cardboard box. It took them a year to release an "almost finished" vehicle, but it was still in the concept stage of development.
  7. You can try lowering the USB poling rate on your mouse, but it will increase input lag and turning the camera might not looks as smooth. On my old PC, I have to turn off HPET, both in Windows and the BIOS, or I get massive fps drops when moving the mouse. Quoted Floid from the Steam community: https://steamcommunity.com/app/1527950/discussions/0/6222330214313935470/
  8. And it's not hard to add notes to bans that confirm cheating from the cheaters perspective, like the few I've reported. I bet they screwed up their ticket database when migrating to zendesk, and gave up because the only person who probably knows their old system was fired.
  9. That mission wouldn't be so bad if the truck didn't respawn. Imagine if you had to repair the truck instead, but it can only be repaired moving below a certain speed. . Give everyone a blow torch. Instead of exploding, it catches on fire and quickly damages anyone inside it, to prevent people from hiding in it. Maybe only give points while the vehicle is moving.
  10. Since EAC won't be used, and Battleye most likely won't make a return, does this mean we can use DXVK (DirectX to Vulcan translator) and play on Windows 7?
  11. If you leave missions you know you'll lose, it will negatively affect matchmaking for yourself in the long run. The missions you choose to play will have a higher probability of winning. More wins generally means threat goes up, due to the score bonus. Then you'll complain about unbalanced matchmaking.
  12. People don't really change, they just follow the path of least resistance. If creating new accounts feels more restrictive than playing legit, they'll play legit. Giving them their old account back negates that feeling. I can see the future. This new anti-cheat will have another wave of "false" bans, and LO will unban everyone.
  13. There is a Game Updates subforum. Use this forum instead of Discord. Little Orbit shouldn't require people to create an account and join a 3rd party platform, just to get notifications of game changes.
  14. Which means they can easily add this data in game to the weapon descriptions. Realistically, all they need to do is set the description textbox to use unicode, then they can list all the stats below the description. I'd remove the visual bars, since they don't mean anything.
  15. I just don't bother signing in. Not sure why you keep logging in if you're not going to play. I've been on 2 or 3 times since the new matchmaking was put in. Each time I sat for 30 minutes or more waiting for a mission, only to get the same group again as opposition in a full district. It's boring. I still have the retail boxes. I wouldn't destroy them. I have way more good memories than bad from APB. Met some IRL friends here and went traveling across the country with them.
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