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  1. Scott promised that unban, who have been familiar with this situation. I perfectly remember that in some article "little orbit" talk about block accounts will. He wrote in some article "little orbit" talk about block. And with this game long to blocking, forever. Matt Scott promised same, it is not want to understand this situation. I perfectly remember the players who have been familiar with another measure punishment. EAC they respond with a pattern. Matt Scott promised.
  2. Can't you just redeem them on a mypaysafe account and then pay with that?
  3. The only thing with texture resolutions that you can do is doubling, otherwise they stop being a power of 2 and that's bad for mipmapping. As for whether or not it's in VRAM or normal RAM is a good point, however, even if the likelihood of this ever happening is very low, it IS possible, so it needs to be accounted for. Additionally, 5GB of RAM for something that right now takes only a bit over 1 is a very massive step up in memory usage, which again, is just character and car textures, no models, none of the other graphics or memory things required to run the game. This is the price of APB's insane customisation, it's very expensive on the memory front, be it VRAM or just RAM.
  4. Matt, Thank you for putting out a statement. The recent issues (which will likely be resolved in the near future) aside, I feel like you and your team at Little Orbit have done some pretty incredible things with APB. Within your first couple weeks, you removed or back-seated the old staff members that were causing problems and animosity within the game. You implemented a brand new anti-cheat system, and you unbanned accounts that were unfairly banned by the aforementioned staff. I have been following your blog posts, road map and the recent announcements and have to say that I'm impressed at how well you and your team grasp the current state of the game. The CEO actually reaching out to the community is something we never saw with Gamersfirst, we were lucky to have occasional communication with Tiggs. Come to think of it, I played since Open Beta, I don't even recall the G1 CEO's name. I want to thank you and your team for the efforts you are taking in revitalizing this game. My clan has seen a major boost in recruitment since the initial announcement of Little Orbit purchasing APB and it continues to flow steadily. Please maintain the enthusiasm, professionalism and persistence that you and your staff have exhibited for bringing this game back. I know that a lot of players (myself included at some points) are frustrated with the current lag and issue with various blatant hackers, but I understand and try to convey to others that this is a growing pain associated with any transition of this nature. I am confident that if the player base can exhibit some patience during the transition, they will likely be surprised and pleased with where the game will be in the not-so-distant future. Again, thank you for your diligence and for reaching out and communicating with the community.
  5. Will there be any change to make it go faster? I have the feeling that every person i report has enough time to prepare for a ban til that account gets banned. I know that's easy to say but i'm just worried
  6. "I kind of knew this would happen" So you didn't investigate purchasing premium? That's on you homie. I would cancel the premium subscription and deal with having premium for an extra month. It's not much money, 1 or 2 cheap fast food meals at best. If that breaks the bank you have your priorities wrong. I do understand your frustration if you're still a kid and this is your allowance money. Take it as an easy lesson to confirm what you're purchasing. If you must have this money back, I would NOT do a charge back. It will result in a ban. You can try contacting support, but they most likely will not give you a refund due to their policies. I think the most support will do is cancel your premium and add the same value in G1C to your account.
  7. Yes. We are prioritizing those above others, but there really isn't a need to open a ticket now. We're working proactively through about 100 Citadel accounts that were affected. Some of these were accounts that missed the delivery of an item going back as far as November. We got about half of them sorted out today, and we'll hit the rest over the next 2 days.
  8. Small update: All the winners have received their G1C and premium. As soon the rest of the rewards is out, it will be delivered to the winners account.
  9. you’ll have to make another account and confirm ownership of your main with support afaik i recommend using authy for 2fa in the future, as it’s easier to recover access in most cases or just not use 2fa at all tbh, not like it actually does much for apb
  10. My story ummmm I started on 2011 no trading system was a thing first legendary guns were coming out a year later so much fun i spent lots of money in the game coz i loved it got so many permanent weps, 2012 g1 decides to ban me and few more pl randomly from my clan we got shit i left the game i tried what everyone wouled do to create a new account and play again but nah it wasnt the same, 2016 where everyone got unbanned boiii the feeling of finally claiming that shit loads of codes i had in the account that i had no idea what it was but then i realized like very reciently that was from some loyalty reward however i only played till xmas that year bye again 2019 im back again idk why but having some fun again and currently right now i decided to disarm my pc and make some upgrades so yup im gonna be away for a few again LOL.
  11. Most ARs don't really have a real drawback to IR, pretty sure any non cqc guns doesn't have a drawback for IR. I guess I didn't take into account the dmg dropoff which isn't on APB db. Could also compare Ursus to the Obeya. Obeya doesn't really have an adv against Ursud right ? Anyway, I was just pointing out the non reverted nerf. My in-game name is Metalski/Metalsky. I can't remember going against a huntress today tho.
  12. i take part in event with crime and got jt's, all good but on my cop (where i don't take part atthis event) i get them too. that means only jt's are account wide or skin too? how about to run the event on 3 servers with 20/20 or 15/15 or 10/10 pop to have better performance better chance to win and at least to have fun don't judge me, i know my english is bad ty
  13. Nope. We're batting a 1000 on this event. We swapped out the Butcher for the Autumn skin, sorted out how to make it account bound (wasn't trivial), and then never changed the post on the forums to let the players know. I have now edited the forum post to reflect the change. And GMs are mentioning that the skin is account bound at the start of matches.
  14. Hey, the fact that you figured something out for having it be account bound is cool at least, I'll admit that's impressive at least for such a short turn-around. As one of the people who asked for it to be account bound. It seems like you all kinda' jumped into the deep end in a lot of ways, you'll figure it out.
  15. Thats great its acc bound MAtt but it doesnt solve the fact that the same ppl repetedly win leaving everybody else unable to get the skin cause you have it setup for only the winner gets the skin. It should be something like top 5 on the leader board gets the skin as aside from #1 always being the same person #2-5 vary each round and it seems fair for everyone. I also think if uve won the event you should be barred from joining the event to ensure there is a new winner each game. (It would also take alot of stress off of ppl playing the event as that seems to be the common theme due to its current setup.)
  16. feel free to send evidence to me as well so that i can try to have this 'evidence' included in the investigation into those accounts.
  17. Hmm.. My IP changes every 24h, so i should have been banned tho then (If the IP logs get checked automaticly). Even if you would share your account with ur friend, it shouldn't be bannable.. Since it's your decision if you give ur login details to someone, why would they mind about it. If the account gets stolen it's ur problem then and not theirs haha.
  18. @MattScott In regards to ARMAS being shifted into a purely account-bound purchasing platform, what will happen to existing character-bound items we own via ARMAS (not talking about Joker Store stuff here)? Will they be upgraded to account-bound for free (would be insane PR move, but doubt it'd happen for obvious reasons)? Will we be given the option to upgrade our stuff for a heavy discount (like we already can with character-bound weapons)? Any other specifics you can elaborate on for us?
  19. Hello everyone, I haven't posted on this forum for a while, And sorry for shitposting last time, was just too bored.... So I have noticed a lot of weird stuff going on in my APB recently... here's a list... 1. "Remember Me" option doesn't work for 2FA, when I click it and try to login again it still asks me for code again... 2. When I click "return to lobby" on my account it logs me out instead of returning me to lobby even though on other accounts I return to lobby normally 3. I got a tradelock for 1 hour even though I got 2FA 4. Often getting stuck at "connecting to district server...." stage when changing district server and having to restart the game 5. I noticed something that's very unusual, I have 2 copies of APB, one on my HDD and the other on my SSD that are exactly the same, I am very sure, I have noticed that when I play on the HDD copy I get a very bad ping that's over 140 ms and when I play on the SSD copy I get a normal ping of 50 ms average... 6. Weird stuff happen on my HDD copy, for example it sometimes doesn't show loading videos and shows some random blank screen and in login screen it shows no-textures screen of waterfront 7. Random disconnects in my HDD copy 8. Disconnecting in HDD copy 50% of the times in the "entering world server" stage or "contacting login server" stage So do you know why these problems happen? it doesn't feel normal! (And no, there's nothing wrong with my internet, And I tried the "repair game" option multiple times for the HDD copy)
  20. I think they should change some stats on the CAP-40, since OCA is getting reworked, balancing Cap-40 could add more diversity to the SMG meta of the game. As of now specially in fight club, apart from shotguns, OCA and PMG are the dominant weapon choices while there are other SMGs that have the potential to diversify the niche and add variety. I think they should add 4 rounds to the magazine, increase accuracy by a bit, keep the same rate of fire and bloom. Since Cap-40 fills the gap between the spammy spray and pray OCA and the RNG of PMG, I think a balanced and capable middle ground can be used to add more spice to CQC situations. The reason I think CAP 40 should be worked on next instead of other SMGs is that a lot of people have it on their account unlike manic and the one you get fro pack of revelations or pretty much any other SMGs. Feel free to share your opinions.
  21. In their defense, many of those players had never left. But giving back banned accounts artificially inflated the player count. Got 12 accounts back? As long as you log in to all 12, you now count as 12 players instead of one. *giggles*
  22. 1) Dude, a false assumption is a false assumption. There's no "degree" or "opinions". You simply ARE making a false assumption by claiming that because you decide to release some people, it means you "GOTTA RELEASE ALL" - again, no matter how you twist and turn it, it still remains a false assumption since there is no such universal law, forcing any company to release all cheaters if they release someone whom they believe was "unfairly banned". 2) It's quite a claim to make from you, to say that "almost everyone got manually banned" --- imho, that's total bs. If by manual ban, you define it simply by a staffer pushing the ban through AFTER a player has been caught by FF's slow but eventually effective server-side stat analysing, then wtf does it matter? If by manual ban, you define that G1 ran around and a staffer personally banned those thousands and thousands of accounts, then big lols @ you dude srsly=p That's not how it worked, no matter how much you wanna hate on the past administration or how blue-eyed you wanna be lol. 3) Perma-banning is a bad thing, without warnings and punishment escalations and almost all games have these things? What online games can you cheat in with 3rd party software such as aimbots or wallhacks and only get away with a warning or a temp-ban? I think you're reaching tbh and I don't see how there's ANY remorse to be had over a player getting perma-banned if caught. I will say it's different about lesser violations, such as abusing an exploit in an event or similar, but imo it's totally fine if a company feels like they issued enough warnings so that a player deserves a perma-ban, if he/she still decide to say fk the rest of the player-base, i'm gonna exploit to get ahead. Finally, the comment you make about spending money on ARMAS and in this way being of value to the community and should be treated with a different care? ... sorry, I'll obviously disagree, you're literally talking about favoritism based on financial efforts. It brings back bad associations of a certain player who got caught red-handed cheating on his very very very expensive account. If anything, i'd say that kinda BS is the only reason I could respect a new company allowing ex-banned cheaters to message my staff and make a case for themselves to have their account ban-reason checked and possibly reverted if indeed it shows up that their ban wasn't something categorically definitive, as those ones I listed in my previous message (here: . Imho these claims about "unfair bans" is a tiny a minority out of the thousands and thousands, but vocalized by very loud certain members of the APB community and instead of unbanning every damn cheater and scammer, they should have the patience to wait until staff has time to check their ticket and claims, even if it'll take a year, it's more fair to all of us, than releasing definitively caught cheaters and scammers right back into this struggling population.
  23. I'm only quoting your first line, because already there you're making a false assumption. Why would you need to sift through 15k bans? ... you only need to sift through the players who contact you and present what seems a valid case. The ludicrous fact is that they went ahead and released all cheaters and scammers, ... and only kept credit card fraud'ers banned. (So ok, you release all the worst community members that directly affect other players with negative impact... but the people that scammed your company for $$, those you deny to release humm okay...) Why would you release the players who got caught by undeniable FF server-side stat calculations. Why would you release people who spammed cheater accounts and then fucked up realizing they got IP-banned on their main account. Why would you release someone who got caught red-handed scamming other players. Why would you release people who got caught event-cheating again and again even after multiple warnings. There's plenty of categories, you would keep forever locked the f**k away from your community. Sorry but it's a total mis-conception that just because someone CLAIMS and perhaps few can even "PROVE" they got unfairly banned by a former staff... that then suddenly you should release EVERY friggin' SCAMMER and CHEATER ever caught ... wtf kinda of logic is that and how did the last remaining loyal players deserve to get that shit-wagon attached. (couldn't help it ) honestly i'd say LO's success or failure depends A LOT on what they do the next 3 months, cuz' these first decisions were really not what I think most people "hoped for" by a new company taking over. They need to start listening to veteran players that know objectively wtf they are talking about. (no not me, i'm just pissed off about my mod-locked TAS/CSG and ATAC being randomly fucked over by a decision they didn't think through and pushed out without any community influence what so fkin ever.) ggs
  24. fairfight was very deniable, orbit has already made it very clear that it was running improperly there was an abundance of bans with no documentation - if orbit had no idea who did what and when, on top of an incorrectly running anticheat/ban system, what exactly are they supposed to do? (keep in mind, requiring people to send in unban request support tickets would have been even more of a horrible mess than support currently is right now) seeing as it wasnt a "tiny minority" and little orbit felt justified unbanning thousands of accounts, i think its safe to assume some combination of problems affected a fairly large majority
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