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  1. I like this project, but... Are you guys still working on the plans for APB Reloaded as promissed, according to this source? ---> https://www.gamersfirst.com/apb/news/2018/12/29/state-of-the-game-2018 Merged. And btw, are we able to transfer our APB Reloaded Accounts to the new APB: Riot? And will APB Riot have the same content that APB reloaded has, along with new content? If yes, are we able use the same content we purchased in Armas Marketplace in APB Reloaded before to use it on the new game? Merged. And also, if yes, will also our creations be imported to the new project? (Sorry if I'm being to annoying here...)
  2. Pro-tip: Don't try and communicate in any other language than your native one if you don't actually know the language. Google Translate is *not* your friend because it fails to take into account context and subtext.
  3. I don't know if you played when FF was first introduced but it doesn't sound like you did because FF did absolutely amazing compared to other Anti-cheats APB has had in the past when it was first released. However, along the way G1 tweaked settings, started banning accounts under FairFight for various non-cheating reasons even tho it was meant to be for cheaters only and then went as far as make FairFight completely automated which meant that it had to run at settings that weren't aggressive at all just to avoid false positive bans which ended up happening anyways. FairFight is by no means an Anti-cheat that can work on its own, people begged for a new client-side Anti-cheat ever since PunkBuster was removed but G1 instead worked on making FairFight automated which didn't work out at all and added a massive delay when it came to banning cheaters all around.
  4. That really sucks... My father was in the hospital (he's doing a bit better now) and I didn't even have a chance to try and get the event finished... I was finally able to play again on Saturday thinking I could grind the event like we were able to in the past... but unfortunately that wasn't the case.. because of this timer... I was only able to do the daily's every 12 maybe 15 hours... I was also told by others, people who played for 5 years, they said when they tried playing the event the server was either crashing or down or just over populated. So the people who wanted to do this event didn't have a chance to because of these things that kept happening. I mean I can't log on all day and I'm sure it's the same about other people. It's not like I can have anyone go on my account for me because that's against Code of Conduct or whatever it's called... I don't mean to complain... but because of the glitch and ALL of the other things that were going on... it would've been nice to have a bit of extended time for the people who were WANTING to do this event... I have ALWAYS gotten excited when the Halloween Event was coming up.. Halloween is my favorite holiday afterall. But this year... everything that's happened.. I'm just disappointed..
  5. I believe yood is just talking to you how ping is bad for some player in that picture he added to the point that they are selling an account. yood normally talks about the low player count and what ping people have.
  6. and thats when they finally need to lay fo the "We want everoyne to be happy" attitude and just ignore some of the always complaining ones and just do their thing. We should have streams, and devs shouldn't care about every single member complainign abuot stupid stuff. Stremaign APb means playing with and against other people, and if someoen goes mad because of this should this really mean streams should stop? I don't even care if Lixil gets the max rank all item account, it's not even going to help her much. if she really played with a hacker, well it just shows how easy it is in APB to meet one and how the average person isn't able to spot this. But then its probably LO's job in the aftermath to investigate this. But I hope LO grows enough balls to understand that we soon have no nice things left anymore if they always act like this just because a few guys complain with their hurt ego. Never seen the MWO community cry about this, everyone was just happ if any of the devs were in a battle. But here, OMG conspiracy world dooming actions and flamign happens beyong and scale of measure. Lets please just not lose all this possibilities because of a bitter minority and keep streams happening where devs make missiosn with changing community members so many get the chance to play with or vs them.
  7. Hi there LO staff ! @MattScott @Lixil I would like to have sireous answer for my question, what have changed now from the beggining of your way ( I mena when LO purchased APB ). There was many many players got unbanned and now there is term that if i will ask to unban my account you will remove my characters?. How it helps me if you unban my account but also removing my characters it's literally new account that i could open long time ago instead of waiting so long to have answer for the ticket. I will just keep my account banned untill you maybe will change your mind and will unban without remove characters. It's really not fair that many hackers,scammers etc.. unbanned and got their accounts and we have to remove ours... I hope you will come up new idea at least with more sense.
  8. With Halloween closing in on us, everyone is busy picking their outfits. You can be whoever you want, so why don't we do that, APB style? We will be having a costume event! Ever dressed up as the vampire or a zombie? Try doing something similar on APB! However, there is a catch: you can only do this using three colors! This contest will start on today, October 17th and end on October the 29th. Winners will be announced on the Wedensday 31rst! The rules for this competition are as follows: You are only allowed to use three colors Orange, Purple, and Yellow (if you need color reference look for HSL code below) You can ONLY use the three colors presented above in your design. How you choose to use them is up to you! The costume must be made by you (keep in mind account sharing is not allowed by our ToS) The costume must have been made after this announcement Your Costume must be PG13 Your Costume cannot be a render Your screenshots must not be edited How to participate: Make your costume, take a screenshot and post it here! And naturally, make sure to follow the rules! The rewards are as follows: 1st place: 30-day Premium code, 1000 G1C, 3D glasses, and a sweet Vegas G24 4x4 - A fully customizable Patriot Vegas with 4 open slots and four-wheel drive 2nd place: 15-day Premium code, 3D glasses, 500 G1C 3rd place: 3D glasses, 100 G1C and a 3-day Premium code We will be adding a 4th place if the top 3 winners are all players with Premium. This reward is: 30-day Premium code, 1000 G1C, and 3D glasses Have fun! Winners of the contests:
  9. I’m okay with cheaters in apb if they sometimes get banned. But. What would you feel if you get the same persons as opposition on same accounts using triggerbot, streaming with it, advertising the site where you can buy their soft in district chat, and this has been happening for months. Even, they have their nicknames on the site And you keep reporting them and reporting them and reporting them, and nothing changes
  10. I don't think anyone here was talking about the general balance of the game, just the matchmaking system and how crazy it can get sometimes. When a threat level 255 bronze deranker gets placed against a trainee this is not acceptable no matter how you look at it. Though there are other factors to consider, if matchmaking had never been much of a problem then APB would have retained far more players over the years. Here is just an example. This is a bronze district, I was called into backup a r9 and a trainee. The second I joined the 255s on the other team called for backup and got a 3rd 255. Heres another one. I wanted to see how bad things were for trainees so I logged into an alt account I made awhile back This was my 3rd match on this character, the second the 255 started losing he pulled out his OPGL and I called him out on it. This was his response: I have known the APB community for a long time and I think a lot of us have just gotten use to the dethreating and the general toxic behavior of most players. But new people coming into this game for the first time will see this sort of behavior and uninstall the game without looking back.
  11. The problem is that even if you use Steam (and have it's own 2FA enabled) it won't stop anyone who has somehow acquired your GamersFirst Account Details to just login in-game without needing your Steam account at all. They are not related in any way. The GamersFirst 2FA MUST work with and without Steam login. Like, this is an absolute MUST.
  12. fo shizzle ma nizzle brb making new accounts to report the guy who hurt my feelings.
  13. I have authy for my twitch account but, i wanted to make sure i could use any, and used google authenticator as an example because idk if everyone was familiar with authy lol. but thx for letting me know it works!
  14. Last we were told, account merging is not a possibility at the moment. (just in case Matt's too busy to respond)
  15. Ownership All content on the Website and available through the Service, including designs, text, graphics, pictures, video, information, applications, software, music, sound and other files, their selection and arrangement, and your Account (the "Site Content"), are the property of the Little Orbit or its licensors with all rights reserved. Source: https://www.gamersfirst.com/terms-of-use 4.6 You hereby absolutely, irrevocably and unconditionally waive, so far as is legally possible, any and all moral rights which may subsist in User Generated Content created by you, and any broadly equivalent rights which you may have in any territory of the world. Source: https://www.gamersfirst.com/apb/eula Dunno who the hell dislikes you man. It's pretty fair point. But... 4.5.3 You irrevocably appoint Little Orbit as your agent for the purpose of removing or taking down any User Generated Content, whether from within the Game or elsewhere, where there has been a breach of the Rules of Conduct set out in condition 9, or any other breach of the terms and conditions of this End User License Agreement in response to a complaint or valid take down notice, (as referred to in condition 11) or otherwise at Little Orbit's discretion. One of conditions 9 states that: 9.7 You shall not (and you agree to not) import any song or music in to the Music Studio within the Game (or any other part of the Game that allows music to be imported) without first holding all necessary Intellectual Property Rights and/or other legal rights in such songs or music to enable you to import such songs or music in to the Game without breaching the rights of any other party. So yeah, question is - is song which is duped original or... copy of irl song? If second - you have no single law, bah, you actually breaching Rules of Conduct. But original, self-created song? I guess if you press LO, they might act.
  16. Same problem, but first one created on the wrong account. It's been hella buggy for me in here recently. Even tho it said it was my main account, the ticket got posted on the other account. I cleared my cookies and things work fine now. ^^ Never dealt with this support here before. I am used too 2~3 days usually.
  17. So following your argumentation 1shot should be a non issue since people can just walk out of the radius anyway. After all what are 2m 1shot radius compared to a reduction from 10m to 7.5m radius. It all comes back to my point that when just comparing the 2-shot ability which poses a far higher threat than the odd one-shot here and there that the CD is stronger. Comparing stats isn't all in a balance discussion if one doesn't know how they apply ingame and what it means in terms of viability. I still don't know where you get the 4s fuse time from. Both have a fuse time of 5seconds and the same projectile speed/flying arc. Seriously? You argue that CD is weaker due to potential misses? Lethal doesn't suffer "same fate at times" it's the same gun. That's not even a valid point for a balance discussion. They are the exact same weapon in that regard in fact CD is stronger due to the larger max radius giving more leeway for an actual hit then the lethal counterpart. See what this means? CD is the stronger GL apart from the mechanic that it still requires an arrest (even optional with lethal sidearm; also elaborate on other drawbacks please). So all your points that you're trying to make lead back to CD being the more powerful gun? So come again why I ask for it to be brought in line. It's almost like the game is clearly not intended to be played solo (it's even disabled in the games mechanics). So maybe just maybe that should be partly taken into account when thinking about balance. A real pity that you keep trying to slander my position by trying to pull it into those subjective levels of favoritism when all I ever did was give you hard objective facts. But I will gladly disprove your last accusation too: I mained enf and maxed cop before even starting a crim. Also no idea who you think I am but I started on Obeya and migrated to Patriot before the merge (what does that even matter? More of opinion based standpoints?).
  18. Good day, I still have not received my premium. My account type still says Free to Play. I got my friend who has not played in a long time logged in last night and he received his but i still have yet to get it. Please assist. IGN is Clovis
  19. @MattScott What is with Players who havent logged in for more than 60 days on theyr accounts? Because you sayd that every player will get the compensation: I only ask about curiousity, it confused me a bit. Before somebody think something wrong....: “No, i dont need Premium, i have around 3k days.“ and atm i am happy with that. Thx & greetz, Speedy^^
  20. @MattScott Wouldnt it be easier to make an bound redeem key (like we have 15 Days Premium from Loyality) for PC players to all accounts "ON PC" and then focus on adding premium manually on "consoles" ?? just wondering why that method ?
  21. Yeah. Problem is ToS states that GamersFirst can do whatever they want with accounts as they "own them". Unjustifed bans for their own mistake included. Still if you do that - it's PR disaster. Did they even offer refund btw?
  22. Wow finally someone coming in with some sense! Some people like Beacon and would like some different content. What would actually be cool is if Little Orbit put fc on a rotation. Maybe when fight club restarts every week or so it'll rotate a new map in. Week 1 - Baylan and Asylum Week 2 - Asylum and Beacon Week 3 - Beacon and Baylan ... And so on. That way it would end the monotony of the same thing and it would keep people interested. Like oh man my map is coming next week, I'm excite. And, that way everyone is happy and the fc heroes can just continue doing what they do. Would that be a good middle ground? @MattScott I believe so. Bring back Beacon! - signed miss/missy the ultimate carried player. CBT player for Joker. Original account. Hated by many, loved by all. I know people in MBAH, Africa City, and RAOV. Admin in Virgil's discord. Voted most funny chick in APB, 2012-2018. COD4 Blackout killa. Knows all the words to Baby Got Back.
  23. what he could do tho is make a new character that is female, but if it was his only character and he bought character bound items from armas, there is no way he can get thoes unless he bought the account versions (which is what i do even when i started with 1 character , never know when you might make a new toon at some point) nvm , didnt read , he doesnt want to reroll .....
  24. First off, de-ranking(going from gold to silver) and de-threating (loosing stars 5 to 0) is not the same or handled the same way, and has nothing to do with your R# rating. The statement that not playing will reduce your rank is false. I have several max accounts built back in 2010 ( Rolled character that were played only with specific friends/clan) that are still gold although they have not been played in 19 years. Also keep in mind that Ranking is based off of the W/L rank averaged between all the characters on your account. The only legal way to de-rank is to make a new character on your account and just play. Because it is based of the W/L of the character you will drop from a gold to a silver in as few as 5 matches, unless you win all 5 which if you have the starter load out you shouldn't be able to win more than 3. De-threating happens over time. It is affected by how much you team play, do obj, and assist and kill higher level enemy. (this is why you loose or gain rank and threat, and why you can go gold and max threat by loosing a mission) If you sit in game and do nothing else you will see your threat start to drop. So not playing does affect threat which is why if you have taken time off your threat is at 0. This is why most vets will say, gold, silver and bronze rank mean nothing. Because the rank is spread among all of the accounts avatars.
  25. Good day to everyone. I want to tell you my opinion on Nekrova transfer and overall situation First, I want to tell you what is APB for me. For me, it is not just a game, but it is an every symbol I made. APB for me is an every single item, every t-shirt, every sweater and every pair of trousers. It is an every present from other players for me, every trifle APB for me is an every single costume i made from these t-shirts, trousers and other clothes APB for me is an every single mail, even the most unimportant one. All unsold items, and other items attached to the letters APB for me is a possibility to launch a game only to see again my clothes, check my mail, buy a premium and sort out my content, which i made during 7 years of playing. I spent both material and artistical resources for it. APB for me is ALL OF MY BOUGHT AND SELF-MADE CONTENT, IT IS WHOLE MY ACCOUNT, THOUSANDS OF GAMING HOURS, HUNDREDS OF $ AND 7 YEARS OF MEMORIES Instead of all of this, you want to give me a poor and neglected copy of my character on citadel, with a very doubtful compensation. I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT CAN COMPENSATE ALL OF THIS If a developer can't solve this problem, noone else can. One thing I know for sure. If this transfer will remove my mailbox with items on my characters, If this transfer removes my favourite weapons, both armas and bought from other players for enormous amounts of ingame cash, collecting which took several years of my life If this transfer removes my favourite clothes, tactical vests, armor wests, balaclavas and other ones If this transfer removes any single thing from my account, which represents the soul of APB for me and which I love so much - this game will die for me forever There wasn't any transfer yet, but news about removing armas items and mailbox kills all my wishes to buy premium and to play this game, even with a free 2 weeks premium. Also, here is a link with a couple of my creations --> https://imgur.com/iIcYlVF https://imgur.com/33z1iET https://imgur.com/LV7B68P https://imgur.com/gH6nF0R https://imgur.com/t4AUfQG https://imgur.com/hnkfgIN https://imgur.com/1w7nksr https://imgur.com/bTYW8kD https://imgur.com/GVVNYzC https://imgur.com/fZAVkuY https://imgur.com/YGwLwCC https://imgur.com/1P06TkQ
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