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  1. Does anyone know how I can access the ARMAS Marketplace via Internet Browser? Cause when I login to my Xbox Live account, it just takes me to the support page. I made a Support Ticket for it, but it's been a few days with no reply.
  2. my account doesn't have permission to make a character
  3. My account doesn't have permission to log into EU riot server ?? Only in US like what edit : i'm dumb
  4. How matchmaking works (thoughts) collect weapon score ratio collect thread level (silver bronze gold etc) collect kd ratio (it should take this in calculation but it doesnt) collect what threat this guy have while entering district (plus 5 last entries [unique] ones so 1 per day etc - if system finds outu are gold and drop to silver than again get gold than u are takes as middle silvgold and system will select you twice of the opposition in bronze server and worst players in gold) (again this system not do that as well) how to "fuck" matchmaking ? take off ur primary weapon and equip fbw only try to not shoot enemies all the time (lower your accuracy) - possible be banned if admins figureout u dethreating - possible easiest way to drop threat (easier then losing and killing team mates) if u have team 3 silvers and 1 gold let the gold take off primary wepon (system will be glitched and match 4 silvers against work only it there are 4 silvers in team ;] ) about getting gold thread system is glitched as well it shoudl compete all statistics like accuracy mission doing etc. but now if u have god accuracy u will be gold or if u do missions u will be gold as well (in slower times) as i think threat system is calculated (i think so) from district time / kills you made if it ticks the gold thread you are gold etc. (and its ultra easy if u drop from that gold to silver to get gold again) how to fix that staff ? threat for each character seperatly (not account bound) change script that compare kd ratio without doing mission and vice versa eventually change stats needed to get that thread in like 25% more to get gold silver bronze and green(stays like it was) so it will separate silvers with golds and even bronzes from silvers + made system that will unallow gold playerd go do silver district (ONLY) and silver players to go to green (as it is now) additional to point above increase backup needs if u meet silver player on bronze 1 silver player = 2 bronze, 1 bronze = 1 bronze, 2 green = 1 bronze 4 green = 1 silver, green is T as well so from now we will see gold players plays with gold players, silver plays with silvers and eventually silvers plays with bronzes (to propably teach them a game etc. but with more opposition)
  5. Not to mention people creating a new alt or people with multiple accounts...
  6. what's the point of using multiple accounts ? if only to deceive ! as far as I understand ownership of multiple accounts is not acceptable .
  7. what's the point of using multiple accounts ? if only to deceive !
  8. one account , twelve characters . for any not paid . what's the point of using multiple accounts ? if only to deceive ?
  9. You can do that there are some that not that they are bronze-silvers Rank is not a valid reason dethreathers will just reach 210 and create another account and get going
  10. You don't listen to them MS <(mattScott). Go with your vision man. So we that have EU {added slots} chars to our 2 US Chars on 'same account' may 'also' expect full access to our goods on 'same account'? I mean it would only be fair. World cluster Fiew. I mean view ??? Negates it all bit if not... don't you think? Just pay me off. <<< teasing P.S. the 'HANdle' comment was too funny. Keep up the good work MS and team.
  11. Infact yes i do. (in empty districts mostly) There are a few (which i won't share how and where. save that for the bug reports) Send the mission objective 800 meters away "via teleport bug" Send Mission objective to default pickup location "via out of bounds bug" Place the Mission objective in a "unreachable place" for example a roof that you can only access with a kolva and truck stacked on top of each other. A glitch that "force ends the mission" resulting in mission banner reading "Server has killed the mission" Of course the only information i do share is through bug reports Last thing i need is every enemy i have using all my knowledge of "game breaking stuff" I still haven't got around to reporting every single one in it's entirety. The worst form of griefing (intentional) is when a criminal get's a "outside the mission friend" to park a kolva infront of your objective. (and i test things like What can the cap 40 shoot past that it normally couldn't if Manipulated, how many cars does it take to block every "civilian car spawn" etc.)
  12. That's the problem. How do you find out who is in that "minority" of non-cheating? FairFight flagging system was at best lacky, at worst... just didn't work. At last year people were banned for playing game normally, all while people blatanted the hell out of game with zero consequences. Be happy there was unban, otherwise my mug would still be long gone. My unban is "second chance" for game. (I mean by that point I didn't wanted to create second main, pour money into dead game and go through even more bullshoot than it was in 2016-2018 so I decided to give up, unless my account somehow gets unbanned - I must have someone above because it was freakin miracle to me.)
  13. What if they grief and cheat, because an pleasant fellow here on apb is bound to cheat anyway because why not? nothing happens to these shitlords anyway. starting to understand why they have fun with it !!!!!!!
  14. I'm talking about the Threat Segregation Patch of 2013, and prior to that there were no threat colored districts because... there was no threat segregation. I have zero clue what fantasy OBT APB you could possibly be talking about. For one thing, your forum account was created in 2014. From your knowledge base, that seems about right. the intent was to keep veterans from stomping noob players. the implementation was to paint a sign on newer players by segregating them into a district and thus creating the nuclear catastrophe of noob stomping such as never even envisioned before... and coupled with that a series of matchmaking and scoring changes which took something basically fair... and permanently ruining it so that APB forums have for years been screaming about it ever since. And prior to this brainchild Threat Segregation patch, almost no one on forums even complained about matchmaking. Really! So I say just go back to the original RTW game, and work with that, instead of the burnt out radioactive waste of a ruin the game became (this one, the APB version).
  15. sorry mate, but u forgot that community is splited in 2 general category: who got 120 fps and who not. putting both broke not only PVP but also MM. the hackusation, the low population,the broken matchmathing ,the dethreating and the toxicity are all in the same chain. for solving hackusation we need separate instance due to latency and fps after this population will increase so MM can works a bit better. solving MM will help to stay on own district with more pleasure, and without dethreating (with some lock for goldies) the toxicity will be reduced. recently had been not funny play a balanced mission until the goldie raging kid equipped the Trueogre. (literally impossible to beat, neither in 2 vs 1) and this happen 1 mission on 2. ofc there will be people that love APB but dont like be stomped with 0/34 k/d. and here we can talk about PVE for them. 20 euro is neither the 10% of an average experienced player account total cost. and is neither the cost of a VASC2 account bound revolution. i dont see any other way for save the boat.
  16. Why dont they just make new accounts stuck in a tutorial style district that anybody over a specific rank cant go into? There would need to be popups and whatever to let the players know that they are going to join the general population upon reaching said rank, so theres no surprise about it. Lots of games do this and have been successful at it. This system also 100% prevents 'de-threaters' from existing. Also I believe the old gold 10 system is still in the game, it's how your threat color is given, based on your scores of your matches. I'm pretty sure Silver 7 is still Gold right now.
  17. Can anyone tell me when the skin is going account wide? Thanks in advance
  18. So this is a little case of me and my friend. i Want to raise awareness incase this is happening to anyone else. I'm not going to go in depth of the story so i will just cut it short. I Have suggested a friend of mine to start playing this game when he was over at me to chill. Ok so he registered for an account , after showing him around the game for some time, he was interested into buying stuff from the armas. He made a purchase of ~39000 G1C (Yeah i know he has alot of money) which was for an odd reason returned by steam the next day; So he went on and instantly contacted both LO and Steam support cause he was afraid of his account's status and security and this was their actions: LO has placed a trade ban on his account until he resolves his issue with steam; ok nothing wrong there. Heres the f---ed up part: Now since he was playing from my computer at the time of the register, according to support i am Held responsible to be associate/alternative account of his, and support has Temporarily / Permanently trade banned me aswell until he resolves his problems; After he asked them several times for me to be added into the conversation they replied to him "This conversation is consulting only you and your account" Ok, then why is everyone denying to explain to me what do i have to do with this? And when he asked if both accounts are going to be banned if steam fails to resolve this, there is that generic reply "Due to our privacy policy, I can not discuss the details of another players account. Please let me know when you have a response from Steam." | \/ I Do not have a single chargeback on my account, so why am i responsible and an associate? What over just a computer share? Now i want to ask you as a community , Is LO going to take G1's steps in terms of support? If so, might aswell then ban me and i will not come back to this game again. I Originally left the game due to harassment i received from an single EX-Staff member; Seems that now you are held responsible of your friend's accounts and actions aswell. By this logic we should all be antisocial to stay secure and out of trouble. To me , this is just a awful sign of Disrespect. To see this on someones account who's honest and trading their way up is just f-ed up straight. I cant even make market purchases!
  19. having 0 slots variants is fair, even one slots as for the joker store, i think it's a bad idea well actually i don't really know, the guns are specifically priced to keep the players in the game, making them easier to obtain would probably make more people happy but in the end it would require less effort and thus less playtime lowering the playerbase. (tho, that's considering people actually care about joker store guns....) Ahem, i don't truly have a set opinion on your second poll, i just think the Joker store should be completely revamped . This suggestion here reflects perfectly my thoughts on how the joker store should be, it should be an armas alternative for loyal players, while of course keeping it's exclusives, such as the firebomb and it's other playermade vehicles. APB Innova had character bound guns for 30k Joker tickets if i remember correctly.
  20. Are the packs and bundles account life-time or just character life-time?
  21. If you try to take a part and ignore the whole the truth did not change ; only your understanding of it. To put my statement in a similar way would be : APB is unique because there is not head shots which helps promote actual skill , because the maps are also designed for more skill involved rather than a cheap one shot thrill To add other words into my statement is not what I said at all. To not read my whole statement is not what I said either. To make a pie takes more than one ingredient do not exclude them.....or it's a nasty pie. The observation is relevant to my answer to you so that it establishes how you do in fact know APB and how I suspect you are only attempting to twist peoples words to cause saltiness and toxicity on the forums. Although others would mean it to insult you , I however am using it to establish how you are not trusted by me nor should others trust you at face value due to apparent shadiness and deception tactics New statement by WaitingUntilTrueF2P suggests multiple accounts due to clear knowledge of APB and troll name as established by my observation Multiple forum accounts is against ToS Terms of service abbreviated as ToS says this : No Multiple Accounts A new account should only be made if there is a legitimate reason. Users that fail to comply to evade bans will be taken care of accordingly. Conclusion by your statements would be either multiple accounts breaking ToS or someone banned and returning to sow discord in the community to damage APB New conclusion would establish a much higher probability of this from new statements from WaitingUntilTrueF2P
  22. Because at the time he was a bit aggressive towards me and reminded me of a few who do tend to make multiple accounts for various reasons. Other than that , nothing really. By the way banned did they say when they are working on matchmaking? I know soonish but that would fix some of the reasons why people think APB is pay to win its annoying Edit : at certain angles its hard to see at a distance where the glass ends so they get cover and i get a bullet sigh
  23. Yeah, last time I was buying stuff for APB I really wanted Rhino kit account bound but on a... limited budget, hard to justify KTTW price tag.
  24. Tbh Kttw is fair. Imagine buying all those things separately.. It would cost almost twice the price. I love this pack, you get stuff such as rhino car and the charge mikro account bound, You get 3D glasses, you get ATAC with it's arguably the best modifications and a STAC. You also get some more stuff and those skins from many countries.
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