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  1. obey the terms of service then. Also there's ways to prove if they are in fact all playing or if its just multiple accounts. I need to add another thing that was not brought up. Intentionally trying to cause financial harm to Little Orbit over a ban is not ok either. I'd ban you for that alone if it were my call. I'm glad it's not I don't like the thought of power like that. yes lets all go to your personal UNSECURED website so you can hack us....... $%%^ NO
  2. As mentioned by others in different threads, 'Authy' allows you to back up your 2FA accounts, there's even a windows desktop client for it. For me the windows client seems to bug out sometimes, causing me to either have to wait for it to change code or just unlock my phone. But for now, I'd guess support is indeed the best option
  3. Hey everyone, I was wondering if there's a way to recover/remove 2FA authenticator because I am locked out of my account right now.. I did a factory reset on my phone because of a software update and now I am locked out. Any suggestions?
  4. revoke the access on the device you have now https://forums.gamersfirst.com/settings/account-security/ go back to the same link and then reenable it on your new device.
  5. i was legit gonna ask how he didn't see the account settings without posting this
  6. Well looks like I had been using outdated/wrong stats, apologies. It appears that I have been proven wrong on some points. I still don't think that comparing theoretical best TTK holds much meaning, nor that hard damage matter all that much in most situations. Especially when it can never be attained due to bloom or other factors. The LCR is still the better support-fire weapon with great versatility in my opnion, even after taking into considerations all the corrections. And as far as long distance LCR vs N-TEC goes, the LCR wins hands down, thanks to the quick bloom recovery and longer damage dropoff. You get shredded in an honest mid range shootout though, but not getting caught there is on you. Sure, the LCR might be lackluster in some area compared to other weapons; but there is no replacement that is superior in every regards. In fact, there isn't even a worse yet reasonable replacement, as it is just too versatile and unique. In the end, it's down to your affinity with the weapon, your preferences, playstyle, your positioning, the enemy's positioning, lag, FPS and a lot of other factors that can hardly be all taken into account and sumed into a "x is better than y" sort of general answer. I'm just here to state that there's demands for LCR that have yet to be met, and no good reasons not to meet them.
  7. GAMERS FIRST SAVES THE DAY! Though to be fair, the actual issue people were having was primarily with not having access to their email they made their account on, not the email not sending. I personally have never had an email from G1 fail to send that I know of.
  8. If it's regarding the account itself I would suggest to contact the support.
  9. Yes, and for most people if their email gets hacked their entire life could be fucked, and as such their APB account is not their biggest concern. I just want an option for email verification, having phone 2FA as well is fine by me. Yet again, people who suck at using email are not my concern, lol. There's issues with phone verification as well, but some people like it because they're willing to work around those limitations; the same goes for email verification. I personally will probably never use 2FA on this or any other games unless it's absolutely necessary and possibly not even then.
  10. But I already told you at least two reasons against it: I was burned from it in another game due to game company's issues with their email server from time to time Email verification is not secure when both the account and the 2FA method rely on the same account password and we had already a password reset because of that Also, saying that this community should be treated as adults, makes me giggle a bit.
  11. Many people are dedicated to stealing accounts and selling them on PayPal. That is much worse and nobody says anything.
  12. People on console sell legendaries for xbox and ps money cards. Never buy a gun with a money card or paypal. If you get scammed you're gonna realize you wasted a giftcard on some no life scammer. Just drain it in the morning on joker boxes. I got luck in the morning. Either way be smart and buy a cheap lifetime gun on sale or account lifetime if you wanna waste money.
  13. The Vegas 4x4 G24 costs 10k JT, I'll leave the money out of it for now since you'll make plenty doing fightclub. If you're a max rank, you can get that all done in 7 weeks though that will take a lot of dedication. Per day you can get: 25+25+25+20+20 = 115 JT On top of that you can get the weekly maximum amount in both fight clubs: 2x (50+150+200) = 800 JT If we combine that all you can get up to 1605 JT (7x115 + 800). Taking those 1605 JT/week and doing that for 7 weeks = 11235 JT Now let's make the same calculations as a R9: Daily activities: 10 JT/day Fight club/week: 800 JT Total per week: 870 JT (This doesn't take into account the other daily activities you'll be able to do as well from the other contacts as you're progressing through them.) So then it would take you 12 weeks to complete your 'farming' for the 4x4 4-slot.
  14. Hey everyone, it's been two weeks since I've sent a support ticket about losing access to 2FA and yet to get a respond. I am currently locked out of my account and can not login at all. My ticket number is #88349 if any moderator sees this and can help me out
  15. I lost access to my 2FA on 31.01. due to a bug removing it. I submitted a ticket the same day and got my 2FA removed from my account yesterday. A friend of mine talked to GMs ingame, I asked for status updates via mail. Not sure if that did anything to the response time, but I am very happy it got removed. It "just" took them two weeks, but honestly it was much faster than expected. Anyways, I don't want to complain about response times now, I am very happy it got removed.
  16. Can i nominate myself to the position :3 ! I think im gona go find my buried forum account with 2k posts ! If else, i would like to nominate that funny guy who made WE ARE 256 POSTS before the forums died, he was helpful and damn funny ! (forgot name)
  17. The GMs aren't there to make someone a better player. They are there to help out new players, answer questions, and make sure others are not breaking the TOS. You also realize LO would have the ability to allow GM accounts to access any district regardless of threat. The threat level does not make a bit of difference.
  18. Hi everyone, We've been a bit busy at Gamescom this week, so I apologize for some of the silence. Lixil has been here all week with me doing meetings, so her focus has been split between the show and her normal duties. Despite the rumors, we didn't have a booth and we were not showing off the new Engine upgrade. The purpose of the trip was mostly to focus on physical distribution and the rollout of Descent later this year. Couple quick updates: 1) We are still working through Weapon Balance issues. Many players have voiced frustration that we didn't listen to them. From my perspective, I don't feel like that is true. Many of their comments have been taken into account. We simply got too excited and jumped the gun before changes were complete. New changes are still being posted to OTW, and once we've settled on the proper balance, we will update Production. Again, I own the mistake. We are working to rectify things. 2) It appears there was a scamming report being broadcast in-game, and our GM handled it poorly. I want to start by acknowledging the player who was trying to broadcast warnings and help make sure other players didn't fall into a scam trap. While they were technically violating our name-and-shame rules, I suspect their heart was in the right place. I understand the frustration players experience when scam tickets take a long time to complete. They take hours and hours to sort through logs and systems to revert items back to their original owners. That is one of the large reasons we escalated the new trading system ahead of the Engine upgrade. We are doing our best, and that is why I have publicly posted for players NOT to trade right now. I also want to acknowledge the effort of the GM who dealt with a tricky situation that was far from black and white. All of our GMs are under the microscope. Their's is a thankless job. This person did the best they could attempting to enforce our rules, but ultimately they made the wrong call. There is no way they could have known it was okay to allow the player's behavior, and Lixil was unavailable due to Gamescom. Lixil has spoken with the GM and worked through the issues. It wont happen again. 3) We try hard not to delete posts. If you see a post missing, please do not make the assumption that we are attempting some cover up. I committed from the first day we took over that we would be as transparent as possible, and I believe we have made good on that promise so far. More than likely a missing post means we have hidden it to correctly sort out the situation. This gives us a chance to contact the parties involved and get informed. Most of the time we will simply unhide the post and let things continue. Sometimes that's not appropriate. In this case, we didn't handle hiding the post as well as I would have hoped. We'll do better in the future. Thanks, Matt
  19. I wish my account was unlocked. Show you guys how a real Silver plays.
  20. How is this going to play out threat-wise if using new accounts? Can you manipulate threat or will you stay in the neutral zone of silver districts?
  21. Unlocks obtained for events = ACCOUNT BOUND PLS. Instead of doing each character
  22. Yeah we already said you cant gind them all. Then again you dont need them all or any of them really. Best guns are still in game weapons. And as far as legendaries go, I have an account that is less than 2 years old, ive never bought a JMB, and Ive owned at least one of every legendary in the game. Found making the money to buy them so easy in fact, that Ive given away at least one of every legendary, and thats not even getting into the fact that legendary guns suck.
  23. was before : received : describe the problem - I got four new used different titles, I got new things for the last 3 years with the company G1 . with Luo I received 2 new title and essentially one skin weapons are different flowers . let me remind you that in the event Hellovin has four skins of weapons and they look more attractive . most of the awards in the event were 100 JT - on the main account I have more than 50,000 JT . I have nowhere to spend them .
  24. Ok this account Im using works. Nice. Before LO this was account was disabled for some reason.
  25. if 10004 is the account in use error, thats not uncommon. Just wait the 15 minutes the error mentions and try again.
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