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About neophobia

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  1. im defending a guy that wasnt banned you seem quite dense
  2. the guy you accuse of cheating wasnt even the one that got banned though hackusators will be hackusators
  3. HAHAHAHAHA TODESKLINGE THREAD never change after all those years still the same awful suggestion CA3 is overused but it's not imbalanced kevlar ist fine and annoying to play against as is todesklinge is so funny
  4. see? the r195 mods are pretty much worthless so it's no biggie just kidding ofc the rank requirements dont make tooooo much sense but back in the days they just made me way more excited to reach those ranks. might be frustrating to some though. and well, there are jts to alleviate that a bit which also got easier to earn over the years still room for discussion ig but tbf just 250h? that's pretty quick Merged. nah but i am surprised how it's staying alive i'm glad though despite not actively playing (anything) anymore oh there's no post merging anymore whoops sorry
  5. you seem to be one of the first to encounter this problem and it might as well be due to some specific hardware they cant test all hardware (and you could've during the open beta) sucks though, sorry for you, hoping for a fix
  6. that is if they're permanent account bound (or if bought for said new character xd)
  7. no me i won the most active player award 2019 in every game
  8. x64 is regarding the client though. not a serversided upgrade (yet) if i understood it correctly. why would it, anyway? i guess a new ue version would come with upgrades to the framework on the server side as well - buuut... it would be surprising if the statements from your article (which i also remembered) wouldnt still hold true - the console version doesn't have better servers and already had some newer parts of the framework (right?)
  9. are the old forums around somewhere? it's been like that there too
  10. he posted this thread years ago for the first time. like 2014. todesklinge is quite the meme. kevlar is weaker than ca or even flak for sure, but like all i'd ever want to see would be a slight movement speed increase, no other changes. definitely not more hp - in my opinion. it already is quite a chunk of hp. and does give you a big advantage in open field battles - yes, these are less common than other encounters but that doesn't mean you can just make it way too strong in these. maybe the tiniest bit to make it more consistent so every weapon (besides sniper ofc) needs at least one additional shot - i'm not sure if that isn't already the case but idk, maybe e.g. pmg. fragile could also use some tweaks. now... i hope no one tells him that al of these mods don't have an effect if the enemy is using stabba - besides the movement speed differences.
  11. ftfy, the only ones that matter no more gold hackers, only kevlar and horses
  12. there are some threads discussing crashes - and prevention of them - for rtx cards. those helped some friends of mine. i do believe those tips may also help with the 16-series, since they're the same gen. i'd like to encourage you to look them up yourself, i'll help if you can't find them
  13. shazam says "the news today" by matt norman can't find it on youtube but it's on spotify and apple music https://open.spotify.com/track/27VWYGo2U1H3LFIJZsHOJm?si=LcoaVhjUSfyf1onh5oCXoA&utm_source=copy-link could that be right? i have no clue.
  14. apbdb helps shouldn't be too hard under your assumptions. however, bloom resetting completely is quite unnecessary in most cases - with a min accuracy threshold however... hm... idk how trivial that is.
  15. you could almost call this one a necro lmao i'd sure like to know what's going on behind the curtains. certainly they are working on it but... what about funds and if they actually see realistic chances of achieving much still... ah well.
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