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  1. I just wanted to know the progress of the projects I read on the link and I was motivated, but apparently there wasn't much progress on the thing and that's why we were unmotivated... The work may be hard but as long as you don't have constant updates, be it weekly. We will simply be in the dark waiting for the light at the end of the tunnel or dying in it....
  2. Hello, Could you update us on what step this project is already in progress? https://www.gamersfirst.com/apb/news/2023/3/8/apb-2023-roadmap
  3. Hello everybody, I would like to know the intention of the development team and community how much this game pleases a lot of people and also how much it has been standing in the same place since forever. Updates for this will still have or will we always stay the same? The problem today is that the maximum is 150 players adding all the districts in the game. I don't see anything that will add for new players to come in and have fun with the game. The game is literally pay to win where you need to spend on premiums and weapons to be able to clash with those who have been playing for some time... The progression of the game is plastered. New players get stuck in levels as they need to change districts in order to continue their progress. In-game money is very scarce where you need thousands of missions to acquire in-game items. In this way it interferes with the internal trade of the game itself. In view of this, it is clear that new players are discouraged by the facts mentioned above and go in search of new games. Most of the players on the servers today are aware of the time they are there. This game is only active old guard. Note: They could have a discord server for the entire community to interact... Because the forum method seems like we are in the stone age....
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