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About Basih

  • Rank
    The raging swede

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  1. I'd increase shots to kill from 5 to 6. TTK would change from 0.8 s to 0.96 s. Drop off range should be reduced from 35m to 20m. On principle I think all secondary weapons should have slower TTK than primary weapons so that is something to consider when balancing secondaries.
  2. Hiya, What's going on with the matchmaker? Been waiting as a duo for 30 min without getting a match. Worked fine yesterday until late night. Seems most people on the district can't get a match either.
  3. Basih

    If you didn't know, you can press tab in a mission and ignore a player if their theme is annoying.
  4. Basih

    New Interface Design

    I don't think a whole redesign is needed but a few functions must be added such as QoL: Loadoutsystem Quickly save and swap between loadout would be a massive QoL and limit frustrations with the inventory UI. QoL: Add Favorite weapon This again would limit the frustration with the current UI, it is not fun scrolling through a endless list of weapons when you are actively using maybe 10 weapons. These screenshots are obviously a 5 minute work in paint but I think they get the meaning across.
  5. A better start would be to introduce a rank above gold since the span of gold players is so large. There are gold players like myself who are better than silvers but got no chance against the most sweaty gold players. Maybe call it Platinum and then have matchmaking only allow you to fight 1 tier bellow you.
  6. Basih

    Player Collision

    Hiya, I just thought of another thing that could be done to minimize the effect of lag, it is quite simple really. Turn off player collision for players on missions. They cannot be pushed or otherwise interacted with by players outside of the mission. This would resolve the teleportation bugs that so often puts off the aim of whomever is shooting.
  7. So I got a pretty solid PC and internet connection. I'm around 100 fps at all times and around 20 ms to the new EU servers yet I can't figure out why the game feels worse than it did with the previous servers. Lots of lag, people teleporting and general stutters. Are the new servers not up to the job or is the game too old for them to handle?
  8. Hitreg seems to have taken a long vacation but it's nice to have normal ping in Financial/waterfront (20-35ms)
  9. They are quite specific with it being the action districts moving to Europe... what about social? Not that it matters really as action districts are the only that you need good connection on.
  10. With the action districts being moved to Europe I assume we'll get our 20-30 ms ping back... question though, is it anything remaining on NY servers after this move?
  11. Last year I made one of these polls questioning if LO will release UE 3.5 before Cyberpunk 2077 (April 16th 2020). Since that is obviously not going to happen, shall we take another guess? Will LO get EU servers back up before Cyberpunk 2077 release? Guess away! I know what I'm voting for!
  12. Classic example of the APB withdrawal symptom
  13. Threat segregation better be gone for good. How are bronze players gonna get good if they only meet scrubs?
  14. 130 ms is horrid. Quite good ping is around 40 ms. Really good ping is below 30. Considering weapons like the Ogre having a 0.4 second TTK while whined up, 130 ms makes you almost dead before you even see who shot you. It is unacceptable to host servers with this bad connection.
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