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  1. @VickyFox, thank you, I really did get that laugh and i needed it.. And i do happen to agree on the P2W, that's crap... The ARMAS Guns are just reskins of the contact 1s that you do not need an advanced Rank to purchase and use... Anyway on to another out of the box idea.. Lets get rid of the color separation now Lets go ahead and merge Jericho back to 1 Super District that it was at 1 time... The Open Conflict Districts, if I remember right, could hold right at 100 cops and crims each. 1st of all we all know that APB is primary a SHOOTER Game and nothing else..... the objectives are just a reason 2 get people to shoot each other... Now onto the dreaded Miss Match Making;) Instead of your color threat being used lets use a players k/d ratio as a baseline for opponents.. For example A. Jonny on ave. gets 10 kills an hr in and dies 4 times regardless of how many missions he does. Thats a 2.5/1 ratio at the moment...this is on ave of say 100 hrs of gameplay... B. Jimmy in the same 100 hrs gets 2 kills and dies 15 times... thats a 0/.1333334 ave.. in any other game but APB these 2 would never be opponents.. C. now lets say Suzie pops up and can do 12 kills and 3 deaths per hr... thats 4/1 ratio and that would be a good fair match for Jonny with a+/- 30% of Jonnys orgininal K/D ratio... But we all know this is too much for the Design Teams of APB's past 2 handle... So lets go ahead and Kill Jericho off altogether and merge w/ Citidal lets face it 2/3rds of the current population on Jericho are re-rolls anyways...or Multi-accounters looking for that EZ Bronze farm district that they always are allowed to terrorize to the point any true new player uninstalls within an hour of character creation...
  2. Regarding the current matchmaking issue. Would it be a good idea to remove the Advance tab in district selection and let the game choose a district for you with people of equal threat? I am not very familiar with how the threat level works but from what I know, there is a number behind that color(a skill number, MMR). The game can use that to put you in a district with equal or similar skilled players. And if that's not enough it could take into account even district pop or the gap between the lowest skilled player in that district and the highest. Edit: Friends can still join each other through the Group&Friend tab.
  3. That is an issue between equipment/mechanical access. Not skill. Rank is purely an indicator of time played on the account.
  4. Guys, please, pretty please, I want to play APB Reloaded and have a sense of acomplishment. Right now it's just a sense of grind and endlessness! What do you guys think of a special "Ultra-Premium" account status that multiplies your contact exp by 1000? So that every mission played has a sense of purpose and feels rewarding! It's a great idea, isn't it?! It would be sooooo fun! Snipped. - Azukii
  5. Another thing we need to get our loved APB back are 'Stunt Districts' where all that out of bound and out-of-map teleporting is removed, cuz when they 'fixed it' another part of APB died *DIEDED* I would really like to hear some User-opinions on that.. Greez CoDesigns
  6. All the fields that are available when creating a ticket for 'Account Issue' > 'Log-In Issue'
  7. Then to implement some kind of system that allows GM's/Admins to directly spectate from the player's field of view (Like in some shooter games when you die and spectate your friends and see their corsair movement.) Record 'obvious' cheating, like when the aim snaps, and ban them with presented evidence. Though giving volunteers banning powers seems really wrong and risky, perhaps a detention kind of thing then? Like a one day ban, or until an Admin can review. Cause sometimes 1 or 2 cheaters in a team can go on a rampage and nobody can stop them, the time it takes for an action to actually happen the cheaters will have long moved on and been satisfied with the damage they've done. There's nothing wrong with paid weapons, it is a part of the game, it helps the game, unlike cheats that only helps the developers of the cheats. In the end of the day, it just seems like the only solution will be to pay admins to chase cheaters, which feels like will never happen. A waste of money really, would be much easier to spend that money on an automatic algorithm to detect and ban. But these things just, almost never fully work, and are always countered by the cheats developers. So instead of giving counter arguments, start bringing solutions. Cause this cheating problem in APB has been since years. The time and effort it takes to ban a cheater, and then they make a new account in a few minutes, and the cycle goes on and on. Cheaters are stopped for a few minutes and that's that.
  8. Recently, the developers turned off the threat level in the districts. You are aware of the negative consequences of this decision. But there are also pluses. Now you don't have to hold back so as not to become gold. Now you do not need to specifically lose missions in order to reduce the level of threat. Now my friends can easily switch to one copy of the area. Matching opponents has become faster and easier. To combat the negative consequences, it is necessary to develop a difficulty system as in conventional games. This system should change the difficulty of passing missions, focusing on the level of play of players and teams. This system should compare the level of play of teams and players at the beginning of the mission and change the difficulty of the game for the team. After completing the mission, players should receive a reward corresponding to the level of the game. There will be no division into gold, silver and bronze. The system will change the complexity of the step for the team. For example, the speed of a player or a car carrying a load, the speed of breaking a door, the number of kills at the last stage of the mission. Also, the action of the system can be applied to the player without changing the parameters of the mission. For example, the stock of ammunition, and the speed of recovery of consumables. Correct system setup will automatically correct the balance of teams and players. The system should change the level of difficulty of the game after each mission, focusing on the result of the previous mission. There should be no delays when changing difficulty, this will eliminate the problem when the player throws grenades at his feet and injures the team. The reward for a difficult mission must be worthy. If one player pulled the whole team or fought one against four, he should receive three to four times more points in case of victory. Let's consider the situation from the point of view of a beginner. He will have more ammo, equipment is restored instantly, the time to capture a point is minimal - he has every chance of winning. BUT he will receive a minimum of points at the end of the mission. This encourages you to level up your game. At the beginning of the next mission, the system will increase or decrease the difficulty level. It is important to avoid a situation where the old player decides to cheat, creates a new account to defeat newcomers. The system should increase the difficulty after the first completed mission. If a player has not entered the game for a week, the difficulty of the game should decrease. How do you like the idea? It is interesting to know your opinion.
  9. I lost my access to my steam account. Is there anyway to unlink steam account from apb reloaded. I tried creating ticket on support but I am not able to click submit ticket button after filling all the options as shown on screenshot.
  10. hey, my clan mates contacted support since they are (all) unable to log in since the last reboot too... sadly there is no answer from support since some days now and there is also noone reacting on twitter (which didnt even post about the reboot) about the issue and the fact that currently a load of players are logged out of the game (a certain discord has daily discussions about tricks to get back in since days now, with a lot of people)... i get that its thanksgiving and all that but a fast statement telling people that you are aware of the problem and what they can and cant do about it would go a long way... for now it was me trying to help them by getting info about it and all i found was your answer here on a post... just a thought and my 2 cents, feels yucky to think noone listens to you and brings back BAD gamersfirst memories... we are not even mad, those bugs happen, we knew it when we signed back in but seriously- you gotta communicate that stuff guys... its just a tweet or post to not have players in the dark about their accounts...
  11. First things first, I obviously don't mean this as a suggestion for Right Now™. This is largely just slapping ideas together so that hopefully they can be used at some point down the line when APB is in a better spot and new content for the game can be developed and added properly. Just because it can't be done right away, doesn't mean we shouldn't think about it at all. --- Let's address the elephant in the room: the clan functionality in APB in its current form kinda sucks. In most cases, there's no reason to join up with other people in an in-game clan. The only tangible perk out of having a clan is the ability to set its name as a title under your character's name... which people often utilize by creating their own 1-person clans and getting themselves custom titles this way. Clans really only exist on the sidelines of APB as something that's available to the players, but has no real incentive to build it up. I've read a few other threads regarding the subject of clans and people have been suggesting various things. Some of those suggestions are more grounded in reality, while some of them are... slightly less so. While thinking about how I would handle the subject, I've tried to consider what issues the other community members have tried to tackle in those threads and what issues were brought up in the replies there. My idea/suggestion for the clan system boils down to a few key components, which I will try to outline to the best of my ability. The placeholder clan in this thread will be the Dead Diamonds clan. It's a made-up clan whose logo came before the name (so don't tear into me too much about the name being bad; I am spectacularly bad with names) and which doesn't actually exist to my knowledge. Whenever Dead Diamonds are referred to, just imagine your dream clan in that spot. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 1) Establishing the Brand Making a name not just for yourself, but for those you run with. Being in an APB clan in current day isn't really noticeable to other players unless you specifically get your clanmates to dress up in identical clothes or do other stuff like that. I believe one way of changing that is for the game itself to let other players know about the clans existing. APB should promote clans through providing them in-game visibility. One player acting alone isn't really noticeable, but a group of players flying under the same colours will cause some waves. When Dead Diamonds roll out in a group, their opponents should *know* who they're up against. This particular piece of my idea borrows from Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, which already does the same thing. If all players in the team are in the same Steam group and set it as their in-game clan, the scoreboard and HUD will display their team name instead of the standard "[COUNTER-]TERRORISTS" text. Similar adjustments could be made to the ticker in the map screen. Regular matches in random alliances would remain in the old system: "[Team Leader A]'s team has won against [Team Leader B]'s team." Premade groups of people from the same clan would, however, have their ticker text changed adequately: "The Dead Diamonds clan has won against [Team Leader B]'s team." -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 2) Building the Clan Identity Let other people know you're not just any random group of friends. The name and the logo are just two aspects of a clan. There's more to them that meets the eye, and when facing off against one, you should be able to grasp who that other clan is. The clan management interface could have an additional panel allowing the clan's officers to customize some aspects of how their crew shows up to other players. Depending on the size of the clan (upon which I'll elaborate in the next section), its "brand" or "type" (or simply designation) can be changed from a set of options offered by the game. Basic words such as "Clan", "Crew", or "Alliance" could be available to everyone regardless of whether they're Enforcers or Criminals, but faction-specific names could also be available (for example, a small Enfo clan could call itself a "Patrol", while a massive Crim clan would have the term "Syndicate" available for itself). This could be further expanded by offering additional customization options in the Armas Marketplace, either as standalone purchases or as bonuses included with certain items. As a hypothetical, a clan whose leader owns all the Yakuza-themed items on Armas would also gain the ability to label itself as a yakuza. The showcase in the mockup below is supposed to be the panel underneath the player's character card on the scoreboard. In current day APB it always shows the gray flag icon and the name of the clan, if the player belongs to any. "Accolades" would display a statistic related to the clan, selected by the leader or officers. Possible accolades include: clan age, total sum of money deposited into the clan's bank account, missions won in a full group, missions won against other clans who were also rolling in full groups, etc... Showing nothing there would obviously also be an option. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 3) Assembling the Arsenal (or Sorting Things Out) Because you're all in it together - and so is your gear. Clans, by their nature, should offer players some benefits for deciding to work together. One way of promoting that is to allow players to share some select equipment - if you're sharing the metaphorical locker room with the other Dead Diamond schmucks, why wouldn't you also share the tools of the trade? Each clan would have a shared "locker" available to all members. Said lockers would accept tradeable items, but wouldn't allow anything to be taken out - only destroyed. Instead of occupying a slot in each individual player's locker, they can be equipped for as long as the player is a member of the clan. All members can contribute items to the locker, but only the leader and officers can put something in the shared slots. Items stored in the clan locker cannot be equipped by anyone, not even the Officers and Clan Leader, unless they are specifically placed in a shared slot. Think of regular slots as disabled/inactive items, and shared slots as enabled/active items! Each clan would also have its own Bank Account. It would be completely separate from individual characters' banked money and funds could be deposited by everyone in any amount they want, but they couldn't be withdrawn directly into anyone's wallet. A clan's level could be determined by its member count and the amount of money deposited into its account, incentivizing putting the clan before one's own character - at least in terms of funding, that is. The higher the clan's level, the more slots it receives for the purpose of sharing items, along with further clan customization options to built its reputation further. Imagine having your clan reach a level at which your clan's symbol replaces the typical APB logo splash your opposition sees when starting an opposed mission... Alternative requirements could also be utilized. Instead of measuring for money accumulated by the members in the shared bank account, one of the level up checks could be, for example, the amount of standing (without the Premium bonus) gained by the members during missions completed as a clan. Officers and the leader of a given clan would have the option to "Buy for the Clan" at any given vendor, which would use funds from the clan's account instead of that character's funds and instantly put the item in the clan locker. Items bought with clan funds would be able to be customized in all the corresponding places (so, for example, clan cars could be edited in the Garage Kiosk, just like any other car). Item editing permissions would apply to all Officers and the Leader of a clan. Deployment would not be limited to just one person at a time; multiple clan members would be able to equip and use the same item at the same time. If a clan were to get disbanded or deleted, all of the items in its locker would be deleted and become inaccessible. I think that APB's built-in clan hierarchy system could probably work just fine. To illustrate: * Leader - Rank automatically assigned to the founder of the clan; can be reassigned to other players. Has basically all permissions and can choose whether regular members (as in, besides them and officers) can also invite new members. * Officer - Rank second to the leader. Can't kick the leader & other officers, change invite permissions, or disband the clan, but has editing permissions for clan info and clan items. * Member - Rank indicating regular membership in the clan. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 4) Talking the Talk & Walking the Walk Showing the naysayers that you're not just bark - you're also a whole lot of bite. Let's face it - Breakwater Galleria is painfully empty (aside from our new RedHill buddy occupying the topmost room). A section of it could probably be dedicated to clan affairs. As monitors/display points would showcase the highest-ranking clans and dedicated contacts would open menus that allow to see more in-depth statistics and leaderboards, those who grow their clans would have their reputation precede their actions. Each player could visit the Clan Aisle (placeholder name; I'm not good with names) in the Breakwater Galleria and check the clan leaderboards to see who's at the top, what's their clan biography, what category they're at the top in, and compare them to the others... ...not much else to say here, I think. (Or at least I can't think of how to expand this section properly.) In my opinion clan leaderboards are a bit of a given when there's clan functionality. It only makes sense to incentivize players to grow their clans through competition with other clans. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- There's probably a whole bunch of things that could work well in combination with the clan system. Ultimately, this is just a concept with a few images to go with it, written with passion for the game and none of the knowledge about the technical feasibility of such systems. Still, it's something I wanted to share for the sake of discussion, so yeah, there's that! Hope you enjoyed the thread! I'm looking forward to your feedback!
  12. So, after a short absence due to pc issues everything seems to be wrong and I cant log in to my main account. Username not working even with a new password so tried my email and no go with that either. I had this problem a while ago also and suddenly it gave me my main account back. I don't mind starting over for the wiped server but having to start over yet again really bites.
  13. And now I am receiving "Invalid Account or Password". Wonder whats next?
  14. If you are referring to login into the launcher, username is the email address you used to create the account
  15. I get the exact same problem, I put in the email address I registered my Gamersfirst account with (this account I am posting with now) and the password and I verified the mail also. When I try to login to Fallen Earth it tells me "Invalid account or password.". What does one have to do to make a valid account that works with Fallen Earth? I'd imagine a lot of users are going to give up when facing this annoyance
  16. Hey there! I have a problem, I recovered my account but my character with the bike and many others stuff is missing. Is there a way to recover that? About 2019, I relogged and found my char, but after the change to steam is missing.
  17. That sounds cool. I'd have to design my car but it shouldn't take too long. Its a shame we don't have account shared designs and money otherwise I'd do a lot more over there. Thanks for the offer!
  18. Steam auto logs you in. if you download via steam you got cool and utterly useless achievements that you can or can not fully unlock Even if you log in on an alt account and get something steam will track it. I.E killing 1k blight wolfs on your alt non steam account will show up on steam Other then that it's just a easy no need to remember your password (mostly) log in
  19. Clumsyhunt3R

    Daily Login Rewards

    I upvote this. On several conditions: 1. Rewards should be toned down (500jt a week would render fight club almost useless. Then again, the JT in fight club should probably be increased anyway). 100jt a week at most i'd say. You also have daily activities you can do to get jt already. 2. I feel that all the guns, vehicles and whatnot you receive should be temporary, to prevent it from getting out of hand (if your locker is full of permanent weapons, why spend any money getting other ones?). 3. Everything you get should be character bound. (Reasons mentioned in thread already) 4. Instead of permanent weapons, give small g1c incentives. Just enough to encourage the free users to buy a little g1c to finally get what they want (the high cost for anyone not living in America is what drove me away from any purchases in the first place). say 50g1c a week ( i think it's 3000 g1c for a 3-slot star afaik). Also vouchers. That way it won't upset the balance of earnings in the game, while still being a little something that users can work towards. Also, i agree that the rewards should be linked to playtime, as to keep the pop. however people mustn't be able to just sit afk and get the rewards. Good inspiration for this can come from the old weekly activities that used to exist on the Armas market.
  20. Edit: The giveaway has now concluded with 30+ themes given away to the participants. I appreciate everyone who participated and/or watched the giveaways on my stream during the 3 days. Thank you all! And of course, special thanks to the theme creators who made this giveaway possible: Arwo, Esgobar, Boofu, bombin and a couple others ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Greetings! I will be hosting another theme giveaway next weekend (Citadel Only!) We will be giving away a whole bunch of exclusive themes made by some of the top theme creators in the community such as Arwoss, Esgobar and Boofu. Some of the themes are brand new and have not yet been released to the public. I've decided to do it properly this time and host it later in the evening to make sure that most people will be home from school and work and will have a chance to enter as well as added some rules to counter people trying to abuse the giveaway system. It is still unclear exactly how many per day we will give, but we have 20+ themes in stock. The giveaway will be done through Nightbot's giveaway system like last time. Ruleset: 1. You must have an R150+ character on Citadel, as this is a Citadel only giveaway. 2. You must be a follower of the stream for at least 2 weeks. 3. Your twitch account must be older than 2 months. 4. Behave like a normal human being in chat. 5. One person can only win up to two themes per day to keep things fair in case someone's luck is too insane. I will be following the ruleset strictly this time, so keep that in mind. The giveaway will be held on my stream @ twitch.tv/Flvws from Friday 18th January, 2019 and ending on Sunday 20th January, 2019 starting at 9PM GMT+2 / 21:00 GMT+2. Make sure to FOLLOW and turn on notifications if you are interested! You can also join my Discord Server for more details so you don't miss out on anything. (Recommended) Here is one of the new themes you can win:
  21. Heading into the next topic on the list, 70% of participants feel strongly about the neglect that the Live game is receiving. The engine upgrade / 64Bit upgrade or whatever you want to call it nowadays has to happen, that much is clear, but the Live game has basically been in maintenance mode aside from what feels like yearly weapon balance for too long at this point. This doesn’t sit well with players and makes them feel as if Live has been completely abandoned in hopes that some sort of Engine upgrade will succeed in the near future. There are MANY issues the game is facing every day that could be fixed in todays engine and then ported over to whatever LO is hoping to build the games future on, things like making it so the out of bounds system only applies to players in a mission, account wide versions of the Criminal Nulander Pioneer or Enforcer Seiyo Espacio as well as a account wide Han Coywolf, things such as lowering the Rank restriction of R195 mods to somewhere around R80-85, a Inventory and Mail system overhaul, changing how inventory expansions work by setting a new baseline so every player has the same amount of space and it doesn’t differ from character to character, UI modernisations such as making the Weapon stats UI easier to understand instead of using outdated bars, account wide roles, balance of any kind. There are MANY things that can make the day to day gameplay of APB better while players wait for 64Bit, many of these things have to be done regardless, many even by the time 64Bit releases if LO wants to increase their chances of players sticking around making the whole thing a win-win situation for us the dedicated players still playing and those returning whenever 64Bit launches. “Once LO had to choose between working on the live game or working on the engine upgrade I was initially supportive of their decision to put all their eggs in the engine upgrade basket. It sounded like the new engine was just around the corner, and it seemed silly to change things once for the live client and then have to do it again for the new engine. As the delays began to pile up and the population continued to dwindle, the community continually asked for QoL changes; more weapon balance, new contacts, phasing, etc. At first, I did my best to defend LO, but it became harder and harder over time until I couldn't defend them at all. Once the engine upgrade was abandoned, QoL changes should have become a top priority. In the spirit of fairness, upgrading to 64bit does, I think, count as a QoL change. We can only hope this is the start of things getting back on track.” -Community Member Here is a document that lists many of these QoL changes that LO can do now that I myself together with the community have put together.
  22. Its a new feature, all the banned accounts can no longer earn money, it goes to the lost noobs fund.
  23. I've noticed same issue yesterday when playing FC. Had to kill 5 enemies using secondary and after few kills with FBW I noticed that counter is still at 0, counter in roles also didn't change. Simply changing secondary fixed the issue, but I guess it's bound to happen again sometime.
  24. We all know that this is a dead, old, and unloved game at this point, but there are some things that can be done to give it a second chance. If anyone at Little Orbit does find their way to this post (which I doubt), I beg you to at least try and implement these things, you really don’t have much to lose so what's the risk. The steps that will be listed below are not only meant to help the game before the completion of the engine update (if that ever happens lmao), but also to help “rebrand” this game as something actually new. Honestly, I have no clue how demanding many of these features and changes would be as I only have a limited experience in coding and 3D modeling. Nonetheless, I’ll attempt to order these from most important to least important. 1- Anti-Cheat: This is self explanatory, the game needs one. If Roblox devs can afford competent ones, I think LO can too. No excuses. 2- Joker Store Additions: Every weapon, clothing item, and vehicle (kits too) on the Armas Marketplace should be able to be purchased through the Joker Store as well. I don’t exactly understand why this wasn’t already implemented. 3- Permanent Weapons and Trading: All Weapons purchased on Armas Marketplace should be bound by account, whereas all weapons purchased through the Joker Store are bound by character. If someone owns a character permanent weapon purchased through Armas, it should be converted into an account based one. This will clear up any confusion and it's not like LO will be losing copious amounts of money in doing so. When it comes to trading, permanent weapons (both character and account based) should be able to be traded between players similar to clothing, symbols, etc. New players will finally have a fighting chance to get their hands on capable weapons without spending money and veterans can trade weapons they don’t want or use anymore. To help limit possible confusion, Account and Character permanent weapons will be distinguished in a way so it's obvious to players trading what they are acquiring. 4- Login Bonus: The simple addition of a daily login reward would be more than enough to have players at least get on the game more frequently. Other users such as imV have more in depth ideas on said topic and others. Go check out his posts, if nothing else. 5- Gun Game: Keep the Beacon map as permanent and have it exclusively as a gun game (both free-for-all and team deathmatch), and have it function similar to fight club. This is probably the easiest suggestion on the list as everything is already done, just need to get rid of the Christmas theme it currently has. The added bonus of this would be the fact that new players could try some of the weapons out in a combat environment. 6- Suggestions: Actually paying attention to the game suggestions forum, it's that easy. There are a lot of great ideas in here, far better than the ones in this post, that could realistically improve this game that are sadly neglected. For instance, just look at the clothing suggestions, that alone has more than enough content to bring people back.
  25. I know the reboot/remaster/reimaginning/reincarnation/rediscombobulator isn't even on the horizon yet, but I'd like to make these suggestions in advance in case they might become unfeasible in later stages of development due to engine groundwork layed out earlier. So here goes: Make blacklist/ignore feature account-wide. If I blocked someone - I don't see why I would wanna listen to their jabbering when they log in with their alt, and I think it's safe to assume those who blocked me would feel the same way. I'd be very grateful to not have to worry about either accidentally block-evading or publically announcing that "This is indeed my alt and whoever blocked my main should do the same thing to this one". Mount/vehicle wardrobe. Currently, whenever there is a new paintjob for an existing vehicle model - it gets introduced as a completely separate vehicle. This is kind of a problem in a game where the same vehicle model can have wildly different stats depending on how it was obtained. The best example of this I can think of is Vandal cars (Fastback/Hatchback/Tonneau). "True" Vandals are like the best cars in the game stat-wise, but they don't have any paint patterns, just one monotonous color channel. Meanwhile there are also "fake" Vandals that sport various patterns (camo, striped) but have generic Interceptor stats, making them inferior to their progenitors. It's weird and clunky and cluttering, I think it'd be wonderful if we could just use those cosmetic alt vehicles as skins for existing ones, allowing us to have both cosmetic and mechanical freedom. Speaking of cosmetic and mechanical... Wardrobe slots for weapons. Our weapon types are relatively standardized, so I wonder if it would be possible to separate them into categories (ARs, Snipers, Carbines, 1h melee, 2h melee, sawnoffs, 1h pistols, etc) and introduce the ability to swap weapon models for further visual variety? If this isn't feasible, then can we at the very least get more endgame weapons of the "same stats, different model" kind, like Dome/DT? Anything to deliver melee players from the tyranny of neon dildos. Please..? Bring back the ability to wear different individual armor pieces in paired armor slots (shoulders/arms/gloves/thighs/boots). At least for the wardrobe. I was told that all the way back in pre-G1 days people could wear mismatched gloves and boots and whatnot. It would be great to be able to do that again for cosmetic purposes, like for example having assymetrical shoulders, or an insignia on one arm, or even some kind of gladiator cosplay with just one arm being armored. Good opportunity for more cosmetics as well. Possibly a way for us to splurge on a consumable that allows us to completely change our clones physical appearance? I've never seen anything like that in the marketplace, and it's like a prime monetization opportunity, so I figure G1 didn't add it due to engine limits. If you may, could you see if that's possible? Would also allow for an opportunity to add more hairstyles and faces and piercings and tattoos post-lauch, possibly as a monetized feature. And lastly for now, just as a personal bit of advise - I'd like to recommend that you lads and lasses decide on what you want your endgame progression to look like in the longterm and adjust your current build system accordingly. Personally I'd highly prefer horizontal progression (new patch -> new gear, new skills, new vehicles, not objectively superior to your old ones, but will open up more playstyles and variety), and it would allow for the AP system to remain as it is currently. However if you want vertical progression (new patch -> level cap raised) - I'd highly recommend rethinking the current AP system, lest everyone eventually becomes a master of everything with a homogenized build.
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