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  1. Getting the retry in 30 sec after collating data. then error updating game files. only option is to close and try again. Thanks
  2. Start Logon Process Does Collating Data Get Retry in 30 seconds Does Collating Data again Get message - The updater has detected a problem updating your game files. Only option is to click Close and try again. This is the same issue as happened on July 4th 2024 Also game maintenance happened about 2 hours ago. Thanks for looking into it.
  3. Unable to logon to Fallen Earth. Start Logon process Does Collating Data Get Retry in 30 secs Does Collating Data again Get message - The updater has detected a problem updating game files. Only option is to close and try again. Tried multiple times In the past I recall it was a problem server side after maintenance Thanks for looking into this. It's appreciated.
  4. Is there a reason that the server is down this morning (USA MT). I checked FE forums and nothing was posted about extended maintenance. Also checked Activity tracker - zip. Thanks for checking into it.
  5. It's up and running. Thanks
  6. Is there a reason for the server being down/offline. Didn't see any notification of maintenance. Nothing on Admin Tracker concerning any also. Thanks
  7. Thanks for doing whatever was needed to get the game back up and running
  8. Started the login process. went thru the collating data, it then said retrying in 30 seconds, then the updater had a problem updating your game files. Close and try again. I've tried many times with the same results even restarted my computer. Thanks for any help This has happened since the last server restart. Evidently something didn't restart correctly. Am trying a defrag of game files and a file check on my end Same login issue after defrag and file check Anyone else having this issue?
  9. Thanks for the Restart. Greatly Appreciated
  10. Now you can add Game_Status_NotReady to the existing situation.
  11. After 2 days on no restarts what would you expect to happen ^^ What the title says
  12. It has happened again Around 0712 MT USA - Game_Status_NotReady. Happened while entering Traders Flat.
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