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  1. Very late edit, just realized you asked about Armas, somehow I read Joker, my bad Off the top of my head AP45, 4x4 customizable with kits, NSSW (3slot), Atac (3slot), TAS/CSG, whatever has the option to be account bound, it's worth it. And avoid buying reskins or items that are given as loyalty awards
  2. "Trading is the only logical way for a player to transfer his money from an account/character to another" Guess I have to repeat this for you over and over again....
  3. Getting this too, like the whole time. Especially during the final stages of missions today. Saw a teammate disappear from game just like that during a final mission stage as well, and forum here seems to confirm i am not alone with this. Most notably the characters disappear instantly and your account doesn't stay in used mode, which suggests that the problem is server side.
  4. I disagree. in my experience the amount of hackusators and griefers/trolls/undesirables isn't in the above average range. It's more the noisy/annoying minority and a reasonable player that learns to just chill would only have a handful of bad eggs on their list than over half the district. But it doesn't matter because it is customisable, it can be undone and it leans towards teaching players to become more chill - if someone is finding that their matchmaking times have skyrocketed they've either put too many on that list or they are exhibiting behaviour which puts them on other people's lists. The first is easy to fix - just chill and remove names, maybe that player who t-bagged you once isn't such a bad OP, maybe that rank 255 Silver wasn't aimbotting and just got lucky/was better than you, maybe that friendly-fire incident was actually an accident. The second scenario not so much - it means you're toxic and no one likes you, so you gotta 180 that behaviour or just not play anymore. That all said, again in my experience, I've found very few players are outrightly toxic, there are a noisy few and I can think of maybe 1-2 names I'd put on the /ignore+ list off the bat, but most who are intentionally toxic tend to be those with names like Names removed. - Azukii people who really didn't make those accounts with the intention of become long-term players, so putting them (or them putting themselves since it's their behaviour) in perma-timeout really doesn't seem like a bad idea.
  5. ok ok ok ok excuse me if i ask so but i try to login to fallen earth with account it say is fail i try to login with steam DA it fail again...HELP???
  6. If it is frequent, go to your account settings (https://www.gamersfirst.com/account/) and there disable tokenize and then re-enable it. That's been known to fix that
  7. I can't play this game anymore because Every time I enter a district it disconnects me and states I was kicked by BattlEye for corrupted data. I have had the same account for 5+ years and Never had any problem. I am playing on a brand new Laptop. Can someone please advise, thanks.
  8. Stop being an elitist. In case you're not aware, this is an Xbox forum. These are general inquiries specifically relating to console gamers. It's not like virginia came to a PC forum and talked about how Xbox is superior (it's not, but you get the idea). I'd also argue that it's more of a challenge on console because of the frame rate issues, freezing, gun lag, constant dashboarding, game not being optimized, mods and weapons that don't function properly, zero loyalty rewards to compensate for limited free content, IP booters, unbalanced matchmaking and lack of certain button mappings like leaning, unless you have le keyboard and mouse setup. PUBG faces similar issues, but at least Blowhole has the excuse of that game being in a preview stage. The PC version is far from perfect but it's leaps and bounds more stable than our end, which needs the most attention right now. But, I'm derailing and going off-topic. So, the point is, this thread is inquiring on the absence of power boxes from Xbox. Only way to currently obtain them is from trading (risking getting scammed by the scumbags.) and buying from market (everything is overpriced on consoles, hence my previous comments.) Tldr; Go to PC forums, lol.
  9. I'd like to see that happening because that would boost the current population and will actually give PS4 players more access to knowledge about the game (since a majority of the ps4 community probably doesn't use the forums and stuff) and I'd be able to get the chance to play with my account that I leveled on my ps4 on PC with 60+ fps
  10. When: November 2nd (Friday after Halloween) 10pm UK time For the exact time in your time zone check here: https://teamup.com/kss2qvh49z1zvmfjaj WHERE: BREAKWATER GALLERIA, CITADEL SOCIAL. What: Halloween party! As simple as that. Grab your scary outfit and come and hang around in Breakwater Galleria instead of your usual spot. Interact with people as you would during a party. COMPETITIONS and PRIZES: Lots of prizes... PROVIDING PEOPLE TURN UP... There will be a raffle at the end of the night, the more competitions you enter, the more raffle tickets you get: 1. REAL LIFE Halloween costume competition (£30 STEAM VOUCHER + Raffle Ticket for entering (EXTRA 2 FOR FIRST 5 ENTRANTS!!!!!) You need to print off this picture then take a pic of yourself in your halloween outfit holding it up. The reason for holding it is so we know it's a recent picture. Then on the night of the party we will vote for the best one in my stream. 10 CONTESTANTS MINIMUM. If there are more than 10, I will choose 10 to go into a final vote in the stream. You have until 11pm of the party night to submit. Each pic will be anonymous until the results are in. 2. IN GAME Halloween costume competition (AAEPD VOLCANO JC ROCKET LAUNCHER + Raffle Ticket for entering) Just turn up in your outfit. Then during the night we shall choose our favourite outfit. 10 CONTESTANTS MINIMUM. If there are more than 10, I will choose 10 to go into a final vote in the stream. 3. SCARE2GRIEF!!!! ($250k x 2 + Raffle Ticket for entering) By now we should know what Pay2Grief is. Come and enter in a Halloween a themed Car. Join in in any car but only Halloween Themed Cars can win. 2 rounds. 4. HIDE AND SCARE!!!! (BLOODY MARY + Raffle Ticket for entering) For this event EVERYONE needs to hide and I will look for you. The person who lasts longest wins. I REALLY WANT TO DO THIS in ASYLUM if we can totally fill an empty one. If not, we can use Baylan from gold Waterfront. Those people who I find can try to scare me whilst I look for the others. I am going to look into playing this section by streaming to my Gear VR to make it scarier! Join our discord voice chat in order to make your scares more... scary. 5. CLIP OF THE NIGHT (£10 STEAM VOUCHER + Raffle Ticket for entering) All you have to do is submit a funny Twitch clip from the party. This does NOT have to be a clip from my stream. One clip per person so make sure it's a good one. You'll obviously need to sign up for a Twitch account to do this. I'll choose a few I like then we'll vote for the winner of a £10 Steam voucher. EIGHT CLIPS NEEDED FOR THIS TO GO AHEAD The raffle prizes will increase in value depending on how many people come: 6. THE RAFFLE (FREE ENTRY - PRIZES DEPEND ON NUMBER OF 'GUESTS') IF YOU HAVE PARTICIPATED IN ALL EVENTS AND YOU WILL HAVE A MAX OF SIX TICKETS. 20 people at the party: 1. Colin McCrae Balkan Varzuga 2. Han Veo Coywolf kit NYC Taxi 3. Doltan Montagne 'PU$%Y Wagon' (from Kill Bill) 4. $100k x 2 5. LEGENDARY: COLBY HAZARDOUS 30 people at the party: 6. $100k 7. LEGENDARY: CAP40 'SEARGEANT' 40 at the party: 8. The 'Glitched Vegas' 9. LEGENDARY: OCA NANO 'CONNOISSEUR' 50 at the party: 10. LEGENDARY: N-TEC 7 'URSUS' So get designing and tell all your friends. If you can think of any mini games to play then do share. If anyone wants to donate prizes for future events that would be awesome! Lowish Player base makes selling clothes a lot harder these days. See you there! Witch PS prizes may change before the event but not on the night.
  11. The reason why I suggested it as something clan specific is, that it seems unlikely that random players would group up this way (except if they would be people from one's the friends-list). Clan members on the other hand are bound to want to play with their clan-mates. While I do see problems getting normal matches I was not even thinking about normal missions, rather about "open world" missions (would LOVE to see more open crime mission possibilities, with dynamic mission parts that include vehicle pursuits, crime scene investigations, evading the cops,etc.), which I do like a LOT more than the normal ones to be honest. For example our police rp clan loves patrolling the streets, just like cops tend to do IRL, and it would be much more fun to do, if the group could be bigger. So instead of having two 4-player-groups trying their best to more or less cooperate their patrol, having an 8-player-group being able to do so much more efficiently.
  12. Cuve

    Bugs / Issues

    So over the psat 2 years we've dealt with a lot of issues, some have been fixed but of course more have came back in return as well... Here are some for ya LO Large-scale issues - FPS: The FPS really low and the game needs to be rebooted every couple of missions or when you swap Car, Weapon, Weapon Skin and outfit. - Fences: You can not shoot through every fence in the game with that I don't mean the ones you can climb over but just every fence in the game. - Crashes: The game crashes every now and then, it used to be worse but it's still a huge issue. - Matchmaking: Trainees are getting matched against high ranked players, 1. Trainees will leave after they lose hard, 2. It's boring for higher ranked players. - Forbidden Area: There are some areas around the map where you'll randomly drop dead. It can make you lose missions. Here is an example https://goo.gl/W6kuay - Character Selection: Whilst having more than 2 character slots you can't select the ones below the 2nd one 90% of the time, it requires another empty slot for it to work. - Granades: Not being able to see neither hear granades whilst in a vehicle, the explosion also doesn't have a sound or any visuals - Mail Weapons: Whilst transferring weapons from one character to another, guns (legendaries) sometimes get completely lost. Small-scale issues - Daily Activities: Every day the Daily activities are the same. - Daily Activities: Naughty list and Bat weapon skin daily activities bound to events are still there but not obtainable. Example https://goo.gl/X4EM1a - Car Surfer: Just works for 20%, most of the time you fall off and/or die. - Ammo Vendor sound: The voice is very loud and gets spammed over and over. - Gas Station sound: It's too loud. - Gas Station Sidewalk: On some gas stations directly next to the building if you jump you float in the air unable to get down until it either throws you in the air or kills you. - Bishada Sides: This is an issue for PC and console, when the Bishara hits something with the side it will glitch the car out and it may explode in some cases. - Fragile: Jumping with items has a buggy/laggy feel to it, same goes for normal jumps sometimes. - Dow Thumper: The mod has no use with the "special" crosshair for shotguns on console. - Osmaw trail: It doesn't have a trail so it's very hard to follow, yet the Vulcano does have one. - Doors: Doors that are supposed to be solid can be walked through and either 1. will kill you after you walk in an empty space, 2. will teleport you to a contact. - Roles: For the longest times there were roles for an event which would unlock the Colby .45 AP pistol, but you were unable to make any progress in this. - Achievements: Some achievements are broken and are unobtainable (personally never had this issue but heard a lot of other people did) - Symbol editor: Whilst making a car or a clothing piece you can't select the built-in symbol editor, nothing will happen when you click on it. - Car editor night time: Clicking the Symbol Editor in the Garage Kiosk multiple times, backing out and going back in to the garage kiosk makes your game go in to a weird night time mode. - Removing symbols: Removing symbols off of a vehicle or clothing will make your game crash. - Tin Foil hat: The Tin Foil hat got removed from the Wardrobe Kiosk a few months after receiving it. - Themes: There is no theme kiosk on console, the Christmas themes we unlocked are also not usable. - Loyalty Rewards: There are no Loyalty rewards on console, and for people like me that spent a lot on the game it feels like it's unfair compared to PC. - Beacon floors: Most of the top floors (Xmas event) make you float. You will have to wait for it to throw you in the air and / or kill you. - Armas: The Armas marketplace is 1. Very very laggy and 2. not every item that the PC Armas has is there. - Textures: From time to time all the map, vehicle and character textures won't load. - Vegas + Sidewalk: 4x4 and normal Vegasses get slung in the air whilst driving on the sidewalk - Swap mods/guns: Whilst getting ammo for a weapon and swapping Modifications/Guns at the same time the selection bar will go to the top each time a bit of ammo gets loaded . - Music: Music that is being played in the car or through a boombox isn't synced with other players (not the same song or maybe not even any music playing). - Baylan Challenges: Compared to PC you need to do way more challenges to get to a milestone.- Vehicle Decals: From time to time decals on your vehicle appear way darker than normal. - Shields: Putting a shield on a raised part of the map, standing on it and shooting it will glitch you under the map. - No GM's: No one is patrolling the streets and chats. - Placement: At South Havalynd - Sticks Estate you've placed a garbage container (which isn't there on PC) and objectives (cars) spawn in it. - Objectives: You're able to complete objectives through a wall. - Graffiti: A lot of the times the Graffiti gets projected as stripes instead of your actual art. example https://goo.gl/fTeFf6 - Threat system: Part of the matchmaking issue, there is none. G1 said it's running in the back but it would be nice to see what rank and level people are. - Invisible Wheels: Wheels of vehicles are invisible or turn in to some sort of dark matter. Example https://goo.gl/d5U71Y - Vehicle editor: Vehicles seem to deform from time to time. example https://goo.gl/GWAQt2 - Half fences: When jumping on a (half) fence with barb wire you'll be stuck for ages and in the end get killed by an enemy or take 850dmg from fall damage. - Invisible Enemy: When the enemy is doing the objective they might go invisible or glitch in to the wall (they might even be invisible the entire mission). - Group Vote: Every other mission (even when in a group) it asks you if you want to group up with your previous teammates. - Weapons: Weapon coming through the front windshield. Exammlehttps://goo.gl/XFJqv3 - Symbol Colors: Colors in the symbol editor are far from what they look like in the game as graffiti or as graffiti icon. - Carspawns: Spawning in car carspawns during a mission won't let you move forward, you'll first have to move backward. - Walking Sounds: Whilst walking with shoes/boots/socks/bare feet you'll always have a bare feet noise whilst walking/running, sometimes some weird walking noise comes up as well. - Death Screen: Whilst dead and having the map in front of you, opening the chat or anything else from the menu will make your screen fully grey and you'll be unable to select anything. - Character Info: Whilst in a mission or a bit after, when you try to open Character info it will just open up the Scoreboard instead of your Information. - Chat: Not being able to see your own messages in chat but others can. - Xbox Stat: You can only see your highest "Enemy killed whilst not arrested" instead of all characters together. - Xbox Stat: Vehicles destroyed appears as a wrong number (Displays a far bigger amount) - Wheelie: Can't wheelie with a Vegas. I must have missed more but feel free to remind me below (Screenshots/Gameclips are even better) and I'll edit the post adding more issues! (ps add keyboard and mouse support <3)
  13. R3ACT3M

    Weapon reskins.

    I have a feeling LO might want to totally remove the armas. Make JT more mainstream. I like how the purchasing of them goes. You buy enough JT not only do you get a chance at a legendary but you can also spend enough to get a golden box that can yield some awesome goodies. Maybe make ARMAS simply an account bound only type deal, since that's the only stuff I buy there now Be kinda stupid to by a character bound gun since most are in the JT. (I know not all, like the norseman for example)
  14. just to preface: account transfers likely won't ever happen though since it is being published by different publishers for consoles (that funded the port too) and those want you to spend money on them
  15. R3ACT3M


    APB is dead without the new engine. No it won't fix all of APB's problems right of the bat. But think of it as the game LO can start trying to get new players to play on. This is why they haven't advertised yet. I for one am scared to death of loosing my account, my game files are only what either LO themselves allow or what the game downloads. (aka advanced launcher is as far as ill go until they link configs to use) Cheating is in a gray zone, because APB is very hard to tell if someone is cheating. Maybe it exists, maybe it doesn't. My opinion? I think it does exist but ill never be able to prove it so I don't bother hack-u-sating or reporting it. While the game isn't dead yet, the population is on a steady decline since 2014. Honestly I just want LO to hit a home run with the engine, instead of rushing it and disappointing the community that still want the game to be great.
  16. Sgt Drayke


    @DigiMax this can happen a lot, normally every time I log on and try connecting to a server. click ok and go back out to Main menu lobby (character/ account select) then log back in if you have to and connect in, should work. If you are having further issues not being able to connect then more information is required. you will need do the "normal" checks, 1) make sure your os is up to date, check your AV/AM security applications including OS firewall/defender is not blocking or limiting the game. 2) worth checking your internet connection is stable, consistent speeds/ping. especially over wireless. Dont try to play over VPN, and if trying to connect to EU from non eu countries will cause connection issues.
  17. adamegb


    please fix this goddamn problem, it's been happening ever since I installed the game back in 2013 or so. and now it happens even more. I log in, play 1 or 2 matches, then boom; a window pops out saying "Ran out of memory!" I spent almost 1000$ in apb on multiple account. Stop stealing money and start fixing bugs ffs...
  18. Frame Rate and Game Crashes • The game will have a sever problem with fps as its very inconsistant the fps will occationally drop to 20 fps and struggles to stay at 60. This forces players to restart the game. The game can lose more fps from the hud and turning it off increases frames when it is removed (Using keyboard to remove hud). The game will randomly crash occasionally no for specific reason. Marksmen Sensitivity • Sensitivity isnt adjustable, for most console players standards as the limit for console too low. Its .50 when it should have the same limit as viewing sensitivity Booting/Doxxing • A lot of the servers end up being down from people doxxing them and can distrupt game play for multiple hours and a few times even days Aim Assist • Aim assist can not be turned off and also locks on to people through walls exposing players locations without physically seeing someone. personally i dont think aim assist fits this game considering how it is almost an aimbot. Other Problems/w APB General Problems • Jumping gas station sidewalks makes you stuck in a falling animation and kills you from fall damage • Deleting certain icons off clothes can make the game crash • Areas of the map that arent supposed to be entered, people can go through certain doors on maps, and done by accident can kill you • Sluggish car physics • TeamKillers can repeatedly team kill • When entering cars the animation can occasionally skip and youll eneter the car immediately • Cant alternate between North American servers and Europian servers with the same account
  19. Hello, This topic has been moved to the Bugs and Tech Issues section of our forums. I am sorry to hear you are facing this issue. In order to get it resolved, please contact our Customer Support at support@gamersfirst.com from the e-mail address of your account. Thank you. - Azukii
  20. alright so you want to encourage people to buy 20 dollar guns in a game that has people more fishy then fish lake on mount fishmore which in turn will allow several things lets name a few hackers and reroll accounts can just get there buddys to buy and supply weapons people might try to start hacking accounts and payment method accounts like paypal to buy more guns and sell them ingame it takes out contacts fully because why the fuck do i want a 7day ntec when i can just buy 1 from the market place because i'm sure it would be full of them younger kids might steal there parents money its just fucking stupid the legendaries with jt are fine due to the fact it's a chance and that's ingame cash you can earn over time or buy and still keeps in contacts and armas market and it makes it pointless to even play and rank contacts becuase aside from clothes which the better clothes is on the market why would i want to rank up? so i can get 195 mods? nah man not worth it might aswell go play crappy new vegas becuase all i would be doing is waiting for asylum and getting bored
  21. now i can understand the price of 'account life time weapons' in the armas marketplace. when you buy the account life time weapons from armas marketplace, you can always get that weapons for free and infinitely from other characters or new characters as long as your account not get banned. i can understand. however most of the joker store weapons are character permanent. that means if you accidentally remove the gun from the inventory then you have to pay another joker tickets to buy. if the joker ticket weapons cost like 'less then 10 dollars' for character permanent then i can understand and buy more joker tickets but most of the weapons from joker store are cost 'more then 10 dollars' also some of the weapons are expensive then account life time weapons from armas marketplace. especially 'Joker CR-5 w/3 slots'. so in armas marketplace, Joker CR-5 w/3 slots for account lifetime cost 15.99 dollars. however in joker store it cost 10000 JT for character permanent. that means it cost 20 dollars for one joker cr-5 w/3 slots for character permanent. that's really expensive for one characters. so my opinion is... -remove the '7days and 30days expires option' of joker store weapons -reduce the price of 'character permanent option' from joker store weapons same price as '7days or 30 days options' thx
  22. xxdinnerxx

    Regular disconnecting

    Hi @Sgt Drayke: I currently use 3 different connections. I tested it with 2 from them: Main connection: Vodafone Cable (coax) 1000mbits down / 50 up Modem: Vodafone Station in bridged mode connectet to WAN 1 on my own router: Synology RT2600ac Backup connection: Deutsche Telekom vDSL 100mbtis down / 40 up Modem: Zyxel VMG3006-D70A on WAN 2 of the Synology RT2600ac The Router is configured to fail over, so connection switching is not the issue. I'm located about 80km south of Frankfurt. Our city has a direct Fibre connection to DE-CIX, so location should not be a problem. I always use RJ45 CAT 6 S/FTP Cable for gaming to avoid connection issues. While playing, there was no connection loss reported by the router. All other applications (router monitoring and a monitoring of a cloud server) was running normal during the disconnect. If there would be a hit on the FW of the router I would get an E-Mail immediately. Also blocked content accessed by a device within the network is reported. Throught gaming with my RIG, there was nothing reported. I can check later with disabled Windows Firewall and Antivirus + disabled user account control to see, if there is any difference. Next step after it would to check if there is a packet loss. Does APB offer a tool built in to the game for that?
  23. One thing RTW never took into account when making their game is it having a low playerbase. So now that APB may never have a high player base it needs to be considered in this game's future. Playing both EU and NA I see the same issues in both. I like the idea of there being 2 vip's one on each side because it will be a bit more dynamic than the same fucking 1 side defends 1 side attacks shit that every mission does. I mean when you think about it APB missions as a whole are really flawed because they are all just reskins of Attack and Defend with no innovation or way to spice it up outside of fight club.
  24. @VickyFox, thank you, I really did get that laugh and i needed it.. And i do happen to agree on the P2W, that's crap... The ARMAS Guns are just reskins of the contact 1s that you do not need an advanced Rank to purchase and use... Anyway on to another out of the box idea.. Lets get rid of the color separation now Lets go ahead and merge Jericho back to 1 Super District that it was at 1 time... The Open Conflict Districts, if I remember right, could hold right at 100 cops and crims each. 1st of all we all know that APB is primary a SHOOTER Game and nothing else..... the objectives are just a reason 2 get people to shoot each other... Now onto the dreaded Miss Match Making;) Instead of your color threat being used lets use a players k/d ratio as a baseline for opponents.. For example A. Jonny on ave. gets 10 kills an hr in and dies 4 times regardless of how many missions he does. Thats a 2.5/1 ratio at the moment...this is on ave of say 100 hrs of gameplay... B. Jimmy in the same 100 hrs gets 2 kills and dies 15 times... thats a 0/.1333334 ave.. in any other game but APB these 2 would never be opponents.. C. now lets say Suzie pops up and can do 12 kills and 3 deaths per hr... thats 4/1 ratio and that would be a good fair match for Jonny with a+/- 30% of Jonnys orgininal K/D ratio... But we all know this is too much for the Design Teams of APB's past 2 handle... So lets go ahead and Kill Jericho off altogether and merge w/ Citidal lets face it 2/3rds of the current population on Jericho are re-rolls anyways...or Multi-accounters looking for that EZ Bronze farm district that they always are allowed to terrorize to the point any true new player uninstalls within an hour of character creation...
  25. Regarding the current matchmaking issue. Would it be a good idea to remove the Advance tab in district selection and let the game choose a district for you with people of equal threat? I am not very familiar with how the threat level works but from what I know, there is a number behind that color(a skill number, MMR). The game can use that to put you in a district with equal or similar skilled players. And if that's not enough it could take into account even district pop or the gap between the lowest skilled player in that district and the highest. Edit: Friends can still join each other through the Group&Friend tab.
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