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  1. Just let us be able to trade Armas weapons, and to avoid players from abusing account bound purchases, make it to work only for R220+ players
  2. I wish my weapon roles would be account bound, at the very least faction bound.
  3. Greetings LO, I would like to suggest adding more Account Bound Items, including: Explosive Weapons, such as OSMAW and OPGL. Weapons from JT Store, such as (STAR LCR, N-ISSR-B 'WISP', TAS '20, C9S EX-III), etc... Vehicles: Pioneer, Jericho, Charge Cisco 1804, Charge Mikro Mark IV, Han Coywolf 'Remus' RR4, Dolton Fresno D 300, etc... Clothes: Cyberpunk Clothing Pack, Street RX Outfit, Enforcer+Criminal Halloween Complete Bundle (Account-Lifetime), Enforcer+Criminal High Roller Bundle (Account-Lifetime). Dress To Kill Enforcer+Criminal Bundle (Account-Lifetime). G-Force Race 'N Rapid Pack (Account-Lifetime). Guerra Libero-Vigilum LE Bundle (Account-Lifetime), All Stars 'N Hard Hitters Bundle (Account-Lifetime). That's a huge amount of items! Thanks for reading. - Pawwww
  4. xHenryman90x

    Daily Login Rewards

    Joker Boxes with legendaries that are account bound. I remember when we used to have Joker Boxes as rewards, but because the legendaries were tradeable, players abused this by creating multiple accounts.
  5. no you can not , these are account bound. they would be better if they were lifetime bound
  6. BlatMan

    Ignore list

    What they need to do is make the ignore list account bound for both players. If I ignore any character, the entire account should be blocked. Then I would not need to have 10+ characters ignored to block a single person. They also need to make it so you are not searchable if you have "Share location with searching players" unchecked. The search feature is only used to stalk and harass. Maybe it's better to remove it entirely.
  7. Not getting it (yet). But to those who have it Cheetah M2/Raptor SRX + Kit Is this include an account bound mikro or is it just the kits for crim and enf? thx
  8. Just implement a trade window. Could even incorporate Steam trading maybe? Was sad to see all the scam threads regarding trading and marketplace bots making phat stacks from silly people listing it for a dollar. Would be cool if they became Steam items, effectively making them account-bound so you don't have to keep mailing them between characters. Not sure how it would work with weapon mods... :s
  9. If it was up to me there would be something along the lines of putting legendaries (tradeable or not) as high price Joker Store items, but I understand that this probable won't happen due to the hit it would cause to JMB sales. Alongside this, I'd keep old legendaries tradeable for the time being. Perhaps a way to keep JMB sales relevant would be making legendaries from JMBs account bound? But I dunno'. The problem is that where anti-lootbox laws are being put into place, it's often a totally different law in every country, so I don't know what he was referring to to be honest. An economy of what though? Lol. Sure, there will always be clothes, cars, and themes, but I predict that those will skyrocket in price, and a lot of people like me make all their own stuff so that's all irrelevant.
  10. I managed to get a lot of legendaries with ingame money over the past few years (30+). It would be dreadful if those legendaries became untradable since they where aquired with the intention that they could be sold on marketplace or for a friend to borrow. I'm sure I'm not the only one who has the same problem. However, I do not mind buying new Joker boxes, knowing that they would not be tradable. So the bottom line is that I think old legendaries should remain as they are, new once can be character/account bound. The old Innova (4game) already had a simular thing in place: most JB legendaries where character and just a few where tradable. This led to overpriced ingame marketplace prices tho.
  11. Then they must have changed the character/account Bound stuff. Because that's one reason I never got Fed Carriers.
  12. Character Bound option is useless... Let's agree on this, if you're gonna buy, buy for account. It's way better. And of course, you can have 4 chars as default per account, so you can use only 1 char but keeping the weapon if in the future you want to create another one. And CLOTHING, CAR KITS WITH WHEELS AND AUDIO. All of'em should be ACCOUNT BOUND too. EXAMPLE: You'll be able to purchase WARAGI PIONEER as ENFORCER with Account Bound option. You'll receive the normal ENFORCER WARAGI. And when you decide to create a CRIMINAL... No problem, a CRIMINAL VARIANT of WARAGI will be at your mail waiting you.
  13. What I have in mind. Can you catch my drift? 2 Steps From Hell: STEP #01: REMOVE the options: - 30 Days - CHARACTER BOUND STEP #02: Re-Price all weapons in the ACCOUNT BOUND option lowering 20% of the Current Price. PS: This is regarding about CAR KITS, WHEELS AND AUDIO: Instead of Selling Wheels and Audio separated from the Kits. Just Bundle everything up. EXAMPLE: I'll be using VEGAS as example. Vegas currently have 5 kits and 2 versions (RWD G24 and 4x4 G24): - RWD G24 is obtainable through Joker Boxes and/or KTTC Pack. - 4x4 G24 is obtainable through RHINO and FIREHAWK. What can be done: Bundle up ALL KITS: MERCURY, RUGIDO, HOT ROD, RHINO AND FIREHAWK + WHEELS + VEGAS G24 4X4 (Can anyone Lower the G24 4x4 please, making the same height as the NORMAL RWD Counterpart). And It's Profit
  14. The DMR-AV PR2 Char to Account bound is like that too. I tried upgrading mine to acc bound awhile ago and couldn't.
  15. While I am glad to hear of some of the new changes already soon to be added and looking forward to future updates, I do have some things I absolutely would like to see changed if it has not already been considered. First of all on this subject I wanted to bring up the R&D weapons. Now, I know they are currently on armas, but the current prices of things for account lifetime unlocks are still somewhat on the extreme (more on that in a bit). My request about them is that for those of us who invest time and effort into building the weapon role ranks, could you take the 10-day leases off of the R&D's? It would certainly feel far more rewarding and worth the effort if we can unlock those for permanent use on that character after all the efforts rather than leasing. I feel like the roles should be made to mean something more than mere titles and mod unlocks. Now onto the other matter, account unlocks. I understand there is still plenty to be worked on, I get that, but my request here would be if you would make things such as vehicle kits and gear account-bound by default rather than only to the character we logged as when getting them. And although the time when I got them was long before the start of when you guys took over, a good example of this would be the waragi vehicle kit used on nulander pioneers and the tactical gear bundle. If such items are made account-bound in the future, I'd hope the same could be retroactively applied to the ones I claimed back then. The aspect of nearly everything being on a per character basis is what would cause players like myself to avoid any purchases other than perhaps a single time and nothing more. And finally I just want to say once again that I am glad to hear of the new changes coming along, and that I look forward to what is in store later down the road. I understand there is plenty to be done for possible improvements to the game, but I hope that you will also take the time to look through this discussion and take the requests here into consideration.
  17. Hazardous is not account bound. It is a legendary. I know that, I'm saying if he wants something similar BACK on his character, that's his best bet, or delete the character, make a new one, get his Colby back. Or contact a higher up, idk, I'm sure they won't be able to do anything though
  18. I lost some achievement unlocks and some skins, but not anything that I care enough to submit a support ticket for (at least not while the support desk is as overloaded as it is currently). Half the stuff I never use (only earned for the sake of having), and the couple things I would use are either available via better means (Raptors from ARMAS, account bound instead of 10 day cash leases from contacts) or have equivalents that serve the same purpose.
  19. Well, good to know that submitting a post edit also resubmits quote/mention notifications. Wasn't going to comment, but eh, might as well if you're gonna poke me. As someone who owns both existing packs (Juggernaut and Revelations), I would happily purchase more (assuming they gave similar value in the form of multiple guns, a car, clothing, etc). You could make them all reskins of existing weapons/cars, and I'd be just as satisfied with my purchase though. I would also greatly appreciate more loyalty reward tiers, as I've spent more than enough to get at least the next few tiers retroactively. How about slapping that FFA 5.56 R&D III in loyalty rewards, since you can't get it via JMBs anymore? I ask this as someone who already owns the tradeable JMB version, so I have very little to gain from it. To add to the idea pool of ways to generate income with existing assets, how about adding the variant role unlocks to ARMAS? Stuff like N-TEC Stock, JG Tactical, etc. The only reason I haven't purchased the N-TEC account bound yet is because I can't purchase the Stock variant. Easy money for the effort of an intern's lunch break. We still don't have a three slot Scoped N-TEC available, and there's no longer an excuse to not add it as the VAS Scepter exists. Another instant purchase. Slap a scope on the CR-5 and I'd buy that one as well. I like the aesthetic of N-TEC for my Criminal and CR-5 for my Enforcer. Fite me. Could also add O-PGL and OSMAW on there, since ARMAS long ago dropped any pretense of not having purchasable explosive weapons. If you're feeling extra saucy, how about adding the lineup of Less than Lethal weapons, with the three primaries having open slots? I'd buy all five account bound, without hesitation.
  20. Yes, the game costs money to run, yes the game costs money to develop, yes companies need to operate on a net gain and not a net loss if they're to survive, but paying $40 (and even more) for an account-bound gun is just awful, and if the prices are lower, you'll most likely get more people buying, but with the current user base I suppose prices need to be eye gouging because it's not too easy to survive otherwise, maybe when more players show up prices will lower...or when the engine upgrade doesn't come, according to mods.
  21. Here's your answer: to ask if there is a fucking chance they'll add that ^ Now let me ask you, your reply? To criticize someone for complaining about losing a gun they never really used anyways? It's still a lost weapon, and although I don't think an account-bound inventory should exist, I don't understand the level of hostility coming from your post. Then again, it's typical among the people in this community. Anyways... I'm kinda surprised you even care about the FFA at this point, especially considering the fact that you don't really need money and never really play the game anymore. But I guess if I were in your position, I'd still want to keep all the legendaries I have...and if one went missing I'd want it back, even though I really don't use it. I know that feeling all too well .-.
  22. Wouldn't an "account-wide inventory" defeat the purpose of account-bound weapons? Unless they like, had a faction-bound (only crim / only enf) inventory instead, but even then many people only play one or the other, so that could cause a lot of lost revenue. Your specific situation seems to be a personal problem, and support may or may not help you because it does seem to be a problem that you caused yourself. On top of that, complaining and then backtracking by saying that it doesn't matter to you because you don't play apb any more? Don't complain about stuff that requires you to play, if you simply don't.
  23. Hi all, Autumn Assault has been a flawed event at best. We are working on patching it one more time before the event ends, but various QA issues have prevented us from implementing a lot of the feedback that players have provided. I assure you that the feedback is being collected, and we're going to make a number of change so that GMs can run these events in the future with better results. We change the reward on the event at the last minute (and apparently didn't announce this on the forums), but the 1st place player gets an account bound skin for all their characters. I understand the appeal of 250 joker tickets, and that reward was implemented before we started modifying the event to make it somewhat more fun. But given how bad the event is, we have started asking players who have won repeatedly to not continue participating so that other players can get the skin. GMs have been announcing this request in District Chat at the beginning of the event, and then periodically repeat this request. We did announce the change during Kriosasacil's event, but there was some miscommunication on our end, so it wasn't clear. I can see why he was confused. I have reached out privately to him to apologize. Thanks, Matt
  24. So will people who already won get the skin account bound? I already won, I'm just playing for the 100 JT a match now, gotta get that Firebomb somehow.
  25. 1) He stated that most of the items were duplicates. Guess that went over your head. And, more than likely, he's talking about a lot of the preset weapons, not the open slots and ARMAS exclusives. 2) I am not butthurt I spent money on items I use. 3) If you like running meta builds. This game isn't competitive in the least. So why does a meta matter? 4) That's nice. I have 42 Account Bound guns. And maybe if you didn't come off as an arrogant little prick, we probably had a discussion about my original post. But instead, you came out the gate, teeth barred. So you proved that you weren't even up for a discussion.
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