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  1. Well either one.. I just meant that way of releasing something in phases is all
  2. True. I wouldn't mind large spread with hip firing.. it would punish those thinking it can do all
  3. Unclean

    Diamond threat

    or.... We get rid of the threat system
  4. While I fully agree that there is no other game like APB, I completely don't understand you way of thinking here. I, personally, am not willing to spend any money on a game which is running in arguably beta state for 8 years. Cool, but myself and others are willing to support the game we all enjoy to ensure it gets the budget it needs to get out of the horrific state it's been stuck in thanks to the thousands of unneeded, un-editable lines of code thanks to the engine limitations... and receive fresh goodies for our contributions
  5. Under 10m, other shotguns beat it, after 30 m ARs beat it. If it has a fixed red choke on it (basically forcing ir3 or similar to it) then it slows the fire rate and decreases the spread forcing the player to aim down sights more efficiently and makes the weapon less forgiving. again, the range of this weapon isn't the problem. It's the fact that it's making smgs irrelevant. By slowing the firerate a d taking away the ability to add cj3, we eliminate this problem.
  6. The weapon does 41.6% HP damage if enough pellets hit, and is never a 2-shot kill (not even to fragile users) at 45m this gun is hardly a support weapon. 10m-30m is where this weapon shines.. If they lock a red mod on it, then it'll nerf the CQC power which seems to be the problem right now. The range of this gun is not the issue. It's meant to be effective farther out than other shotguns. The issue is that right now, if you slap CJ3 on it, it's effective from 1mmm-25m and nothing can beat it.. except a JG with CJ3 lol
  7. If every weapon would become viable, it means that every weapon would become a viable purchase. True.. but this takes baby steps.. and we see what happens when new weapons enter meta standards. There's no way to really tell LO who to listen to, and no way to tell the community to have patience with the changes as we ramp up (or down) to bring weapons into a viable standard.. I agree, but without knowing what kind of budget LO is working with, I'm scared that APB will fall into the forgotten realm of great f2p games like Blacklight, Dirty Bomb, and lots of other examples I'm too lazy to think of atm.. Having a phase based release will give LO a chance to release new content, get more money up front, with the promise of releasing further content later, and still focus on the engine and servers themselves. The other ideas I threw around with Hexerin like mods and such may help new players, but that's not really what this pack would be about.. It's more about us supporting LO with the budget towards the upgrades that really matter. You're completely right about adding new weapons. It will only make balancing existing ones harder and also add in more characteristics that make it harder to keep weapons different, but that's one of the reasons I said we should either only really look into reskins, slotted legendaries, or player suggestions. Even if it were just reskins of certain weapons or a pack of weapons that we haven't had the chance to mod like legendaries or any of the examples Hexerin brought up, plus clothing or a car kit.. People will still buy it in a game like APB. Adding loyalty rewards helps the game, but doesn't justify actually spending more money in the ARMAS marketplace when we know changes to ARMAS will happen in the future. A bundle where you know you're getting a great deal with phases of new goodies afterwards does very well though.. That's why AAA games are doing their annual or season passes (that only cover actual seasons) instead of the old season passes that may give you everything.. it's the promise of more content without having to deliver it all at once and really hold back the team from working on the things that matter.. On the other hand, if LO has a budget suited for what they are going for without any help, then more power to them..
  8. Fair is fair.. I asked for your input lol I just hope they have enough to sustain the workload through all their upgrades and updates to keep it alive.
  9. Must just seem that way because of the weird latency sometimes then lol.. The only things I have against LTL really is ease of use (cheap tactics are in lethal gameplay as well though), takes so long when time is a main factor in missions, and that there is no protection from it.. On topic: I wonder if modifications would sell well in ARMAS.. shortcuts for those under R195 and such. If they are introduced, I don't think the one ones currently in game should be made untradable though. Just something to help those getting into the game or rerolling
  10. A 3-slot reskin to the LCR made to look like an SA58-OSW to be a modern version of the Spartan....
  11. Stats wise for TTS compared to TTK are bad, yes, but from what I remember LTL has that slight AoE that can hit around corners/cover and the recoil and spread are incredibly managable compared to lethal weapons.. I could be wrong though since it has been a while since I used them myself. To me, criminals doing LTL makes no sense... it would be fair, BUT it would only bring the two factions closer, and I personally think we should be doing the opposite.. Giving Criminals (balanced) lethal weapons of their own that have different characteristics and giving enforcers a way to make money outside of missions like hacking or something seems like a good way to go Ah, I didn't know about the engine limitations.. I knew there would be some secondaries that would be pretty powerful with mods, but there are usually easy fixes for that either involving effective ranges or magazine size/reload speed... I don't think ALL secondaries could allow slots, but some of the less used ones could definitely use a one-slot variant. I guess it'll all have to wait though.
  12. I honestly forgot the Juggernaut pack did the same thing.. and yes, the packs are freaking amazing with the amount of content you get for just having a bit of patience.. Also sorry... I don't know you very well.... next time I'll remember
  13. Sorry lol.. people were asking why Tobii was special, so I added more who could add actual feedback, and thank you for it As long as it doesn't mean broken weapons, I'd be down for this.. I play as criminal and would feel left out, but at the same time I think we'll see crim weapons with time. I would love to see more open slot legendaries or something similar in loyalty rewards as well. I also think 1 or 2-open slot secondaries would sell like CRAZY
  14. I'm not sure how to fix the Misery without making it like another weapon..... but.... We should get an SA58-OSW 3 slot reskin of the Star LCR to be in the same family as the Spartan, but more modern lol
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