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About Goldtiger

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    "Hell is Empty..."

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  1. Yes, I am aware. I'm saying that I think he should've stayed banned, judging by his replies in this post. I was one of the (presumably many) people false FF banned pre-LO. While I didn't experience any notable loss of progress (outside of losing all of my premium days, but that's just a first world problem), I do personally think LO should make an effort to fix these things for players they decide to unban. But technically, they're under no obligation to do so. Which if they can't even fix his account, that's all the more reason they should've kept him banned. Mainly because he was banned for a good reason anyways (and in hindsight, clearly learned nothing from it)… I don't think that OP making justifications for their banned action is a great way to get their stuff fixed. They're clearly wanting empathy from the community, but for whatever reason they choose to reply with stuff like this: … and expects people to be empathetic towards his position. If you ask me, if it "was always worth the potential temp-ban", it should always be worth the potential loss of progress too. An eye for an eye. EDIT: I realized I put "asking for an unban" in my original reply. I'd started typing the post as I was reading through the reply chains, and forgot to correct that before posting. Will edit now to fix that.
  2. EDIT: my error, OP wasn't asking for an unban. I find it interesting that OP has admitted to breaking TOS, and is asking for an unban. But They've shown that they clearly haven't learned anything from their ban, in the way that they continue to justify their actions. IMO, you should've stay banned OP. This is what you get for trying to 'trigger the libs' ig lol
  3. This is what I've been thinking for a while now. I genuinely think it would've been a better use of time (and money) to just work on an APB 2 rather than trying to upgrade the original game. I get that it would require even more time and money but at least they wouldn't be wasting their time trying to fix what can't be fixed. And even when (if, possibly?) the engine upgrade comes out, it will not be what revives the game. I used to think otherwise, but I think it's more clear now than ever that this game will remain a relic of the past. The only future I can envision, that is bright, is through a completely new game. Just my opinion, I'm sure people will disagree. Either way though, I do care enough to keep following the progress cause I genuinely do hope LO can make something of this mess.
  4. Honestly, I've just kind of moved on to other things. I can't really see APB coming back from the grave unless they literally make a new game built from the ground up. I realize that would require a huge investment of money, which I doubt LO can fork out, but that's honestly the only way this game will be something big again. That and, as stated in the video, you can't polish a turd. I have lots of good memories of this game, and I wish it would come back and be successful - especially given all of its potential - but that chances of that happening are so slim with what we currently have. The video was spot on though. The only thing that didn't make sense was him complaining about "rebalancing the rebalance of the rebalance". Like, has he never played any other FPS game? The whole point of a rebalance it to get things closer to being balanced. Often times, you don't hit the spot, and have to adjust things further; or in some cases, go a completely different way about it. Regardless though, it's been clear to me they don't really know what they're doing with balancing though, cause some things they nerfed genuinely didn't need a nerf (i.e. the FAR nerf I saw someone mention). Anyways, APB is definitely a dying game, and it sucks to say that. But I do still keep up with Matt's Engine Upgrade posts cause I do want to see if the upgrade ever comes out... and if it does, what it will mean for the game both in the short and long run.
  5. This, unforunately. I honestly think it would've been a lot better to just make an entirely new APB game, on a better engine, and with a lot of the same gameplay aspects, but more modernized. Quite frankly, the longer I've waited for this engine upgrade, the more I've realized that it's still just going to be the same game with the same problems. The only way I can see this game reviving is by starting over from the ground up. But maybe that's an unpopular opinion. All I know is that this game is a relic of the past. Lots of good memories I had with it, but I can't see it ever coming back. Especially after seeing how RIOT failed and how everyone acts like it never happened lul.
  6. After coming back, the S1-NA was the most fun I've ever had with a gun. Literally became my favorite gun. It wasn't even meta!!! And now it's nerfed.... I don't mean to be a Debbie downer, but that kinda killed my will to come back to the game. I kinda hope they revert the changes to that gun in particular.
  7. let me translate this quote^: tbh this is all that is posted on the forums nowadays bud.
  8. All those have nothing to do with the actual gameplay (aka the gunplay). For instance, my brother introduced me to this game many years ago, mainly for its customization features. He ended up quitting due to the gunplay being both generic and unbalanced as all hell. I stayed, for a multitude of reasons, but my point is that the thing that will keep players is the actual gameplay, not the customization. Not only that, but I was talking about how the gunplay was made more generic as a result of this change...ik i didn't say that specifically but it was implied...so I have no idea why you're bringing up customization, cause that's 2 completely different things. Bounty made this game less generic, as you'd be able to intefere with peoples' missions in the open world, if they start to pop off. This is a pretty unique feature, which I haven't ever seen in any open-world online game. Yes, bounty is annoying. Do you think I don't know that? But, it kept some form of balance, cause usually you'd get it if you are popping off. And if you're playing pretty regular, it takes a while to accumulate N5/P5. I thought it was necessary for a game like this. I haven't been following the game very closely as of late, and I kinda skimmed through this thread, so my apologies. I do hope that they can find some sort of middle-ground then, to keep everyone happy. ALSO: Ik this is a late-patootie reply, u don't have to tell me lol
  9. I personally think the bounty changes are stupid. It was one of the things that made this game unique, and like you said, this change they made basically removed it, lol. All it did was make this game even more generic. I hope they decide to reverse it in the future.
  10. I can't imagine playing with those play-dough graphics. But anyways... My hope is that they do plan on trying to bring back RIOT (but improved) with the new engine upgrade. Maybe that's what that is hinting at. Time will tell, though.
  11. I originally voted no, ignorant to why this question is being asked in the first place, but now that I've read, I do sorta think that Dutch players should be able to have account wide legendaries... Like if they aren't able to trade them, then why not let them be account wide? It doesn't hurt anyone, it just gives them an ability that we technically have... sort of.
  12. I could've sworn they were gonna release the new contacts this year. By the looks of it though, it's not coming until Q1 next year.
  13. To be fair, the servers have been down for 3(?) days, lol. I don't think anyone was truly "rushing" the servers back online. I'm pretty sure they took the time they needed.
  14. DISCLAIMER: I am not one of these entitled gold players that this person speaks of. Honestly, it annoys me how people in this community really expect people to want to get good at the game by being stomped on. If you look at the opposition's stats, someone literally went 11-1 w/ 5 assists using an NTEC URSUS...one of the most powerful (and overpowered imo) guns in the game. It is NOT fun at all to be matched with people who completely outrank you. So stop sitting on y'alls high horses and saying that he has no right to complain, like wow. There's a difference between playing against a gold player and playing against someone who completely outranks you. Clearly, the silvers on this team could put up some sort of fight to the bottom-frag golds on the opposing team, but the top-frag golds on the opposing team were impossible to beat... It's obvious cause one of them literally only died once. The top-fragging golds clearly outranked OP, which is why he is complaining; he should've never been put up against them to begin with. Every time I play APB, I always get put up against unfortunate silver players who literally stand no chance against me. What do I do? I give them free kills and sometimes even wins just so I don't drive them away by stomping them. Of course, most of the time, I do end it with a win on my side and with a high kd/r, but I try not to steamroll mainly b/c that only drives people away from the game. And IK that them being matched up against me is unfair and that I need to show some empathy. Unfortunately, this is true. If the game dies, this will be the main reason why; every person I've tried to get into this game has quit because of this. But I still have high hopes that LO will pull through.
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