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  1. You do know smurfing is a thing? Unless we start tracking accounts by HWID?
  2. People DDOSing the servers until the game is unplayable is fairly insidious. In addition I agree that they are trying to make a profit. Which is why they released additional joker boxes, and unbanned accounts. My view is to remain critical of how they conduct themselves, which is coming across no different than the prior ownership thus far. LadyTiggs often remained vocal, and that was a bandage on a perpetually leaking wound.
  3. that only accounts for if u never miss 1 shot like hackers do when they run an aimbot while using ntec so technically u never can kill 5 people with a full clip coz the chance of missing several shots is pretty high even if tap firing as a moving target isn't always easy to hit or even kill mate.
  4. Your premise is wrong. FC is a novelty while action districts are the core of the game. So clearly the focus and attention when balancing weapons should be in relation to the latter. Just to many variables that are out of proportion when taking FC into account compared to normal mission gameplay. I do agree that map/cargameplay changes could totally change the dominant position of the N-TEC and I would probably prefer that way of balancing (and around it) however since that is currently not the case we have to proceed with what is the next best solution (least effort since LO just doesn't have the manpower/time). It's just really odd you keep providing the reasons why the N-TEC is chosen over other guns and what needs to be done to have those picked up more frequently but you just vehemently deny to directly call it OP/dominant/strongest.
  5. I don’t know about you, but I have already collected all the purchase data from my account through Innova technical support and sent a file (sent to me by Innova technical support) to gamersfirst technical support. no response from gamersfirst ...
  6. Hi all, Let me be clear - this is not about greed. If it was, we would simply turn off Nekrova and move on. The vast majority of active Russian players have accounts on Citadel with significant progression already. For context, the database for Nekrova was highly customized to support the Innova items during the original migration. It does not match 1:1 with the database for Citadel. APB is very complex game. Each usable item is made up of smaller underying components that control its customization and behavior. There are 70,000 of these under lying components that make up all the ARMAS and regular in-game items such as guns, cars, clothing, mods, etc. Each item that we choose to migrate over has to be manually checked and mapped across from the Nekrova database to Citadel to make sure the underlying components all transfer. We are committed to migrating and checking all the Legendaries, because we understand the importance of guns to the Innova players. But migrating all character inventory would be filled with problems and potentially damage Citadel. Additionally, we don't have the staff to properly complete a migration of that size before the end of the year. Instead we chose to have Citadel re-deliver all the Nekrova ARMAS purchases that are stored in the Nekrova database. This insures that all the underlying components come across correctly. Thanks, Matt
  7. Indeed, MattScott tried to get this data from Innova, but this is personal data of account holders, and therefore this data was not sent upon his request. But when I wrote about such a request to Innova Technical Support, (after confirming that I am the account holder) gave me all this data! Maybe it will be easier if each player sends a request to the support service and personally receives this data? And LO will just check if you have these things on your account?
  8. I just wrote to technical support asking for the data of all purchases from Innova (I was given a form to fill out - proof that I am the account holder) and after all these actions I received the data!
  9. Give it time, our munchkins are working, something happened with the login and server logins, it wont affect your account dont be worried, they know from everyone letting them know. Couple days we'll be back ingame, i feel for dev's and tech's that stay up to keep you guys like me online and women too. They need sleep too, we human. Theres a staff team for a reason. Don't freak out, just cause your game you love died on a friday night. It's not the end, relax and play something else while the engineer works on it.
  10. Confirmed, tried joining all my accounts across Jericho / Citadel, all it says is "Contacting Server" and freezes that way. : /
  11. Is the free account lifetime clothing bundle a specific bundle or are we allowed to choose which clothing bundle we want? If it is the former, which clothing bundle is it or what does it consist of?
  12. Are Little Orbit intending to free up all the "taken" names from accounts that haven't been logged in to in for years?
  13. serious question: I got 2 accounts (thanks to FF being bad, I lost both of them over a longer timespan - no, I was not cheating) and I'd like to know if it's possible after the support reviewed by bans and if I get unbanned, to "merge" my accounts... by all means, I'm NOT talking about characters or designs, solely ARMAS (itemshop) items and itemshop gifts I've received. after they've been transferred one of the accounts should be closed. I'm still waiting on the reviews of my accounts but I'd like to know now if it's even something support would do for me, since there is nothing I can do with 2 accounts at the same time... (forum is bugging out, my message is not being posted and a friend of mine doesn't see any update aswell, sry if this message got sent multiple times)
  14. That's not the latency issue, I'm not lagging in game, no spikes no nothing. It's like someone trying to login into your account, so it kicks you while you're in-game. (happened to me when I got hacked, but recovered was by changing the password) In this case changing password ain't working. + I get around 50-60ms on full district.
  15. So if legendaries are becoming nontradeable will we still be able to mail them between our own characters on one account?
  16. this. though i'm more concerned about names that belong to unmerged accounts
  17. I hope this will still be considered, a bit late but meh. so, how far away are we from account merging actually? and what about making most if not all things account wide from armas? I've got many packs, cars / bodykits, clothes and weapons that are not account wide, and buying the same pack for multiple charakters is not a smart thing to do.
  18. friendly reminder that i would be willing to pay for either a character slot for each character merged to a single account, or a flat rate based on how many items/characters are transferred during account merging
  19. Hi everyone, First, many many (many many) players have asked why we "wasted" time doing RIOT, and I think that's a valid question. The mechanics for RIOT were specifically designed to give my team a chance to learn how the inner workings of APB fit together. I felt that we could implement this mode without taking a lot of dev resources, we could keep our focus on the Engine Upgrade, and that the experience would give us an excellent sandbox to make mistakes. If we messed up RIOT, we could simply set it aside with no lasting damage. If we mess up the main game, then it becomes much more difficult to fix. The design for RIOT also included a number of underlying systems that we need. Some of them are focused on design elements such as cleaning up the district blocks or tracking new aspects of play. Other systems focused on replacing Joker Mystery Boxes. It's clear that legislation will eventually make these illegal, so we need new ways of building value that our players can spend money on. Next, here are some interesting stats for the first week: - RIOT was played 4x more on Citadel than on Jericho due to low population issues starting the mode - Fight Club ran 2.2x more matches than RIOT during the same week on Jericho, but 92%+ of accounts playing FC also played RIOT - Fight Club ran 1.2x more matches than RIOT during the same week on Citadel, but we saw 1.5x more accounts in RIOT than FC - ~40% of the active player base during the week played RIOT at least once We are spending a lot of time going through all the feedback here on the forums to see what is feasible. There have been lots of great suggestions. There are clear issues with the mode, and the team is working on a relatively light weight pass of tweaks and fixes to make it more fun. Areas that need work are: The end-game, Sound, and respawns. Right now, the big decision I need to make is whether to: (1) take the mode down until it has seen major work or (2) add some more tiers along with another reward that will enable players to continue grinding Joker Tickets while we make changes. I'm not interested in clinging to or defending something that isn't working, but I still see some value in the mode itself - just perhaps not in the original way we intended. EDIT: I have two more updates planned, but ended up in meetings for the rest of the day, so I'll do those next week. We are not moving forward with any Battle Pass or Seasonal content till the kinks are worked out. Thanks, Matt
  20. You know what would be a good idea? Why don't you make RIOT a potential mode that can occur in Asylum, replacing the VIP mode that everyone hates. Then just make the "RIOT Pass" the "FC Pass" instead. Expecially considering it seems like you don't want to give up on this mode no one asked for. Even if you change it, I still think it was a waste of your time. I'd also like to point out that your statistics are clearly skewed to make it seem like RIOT is more popular then it is, and even in doing that FC is still more popular. You didn't take into account the "Shiny New Car Effect" if something is new, it's always more popular.
  21. just bann that dude who made 50+ accounts seriously
  22. Hi everyone, We're going to pause this effort for a number of different reasons: 1) Most importantly, our email newsletter system is being rebuilt, and we have not been able to properly message individual accounts that are in danger of losing their names. It's critical we give everyone enough lead time to respond and login. 2) Also I was made aware of a large number of players who are planning on griefing/squatting on released names tomorrow. I feel like this is simply going to create the same problem, and since players can create endless emails to register endless new accounts - we can't restrict how many names they can claim. 3) I had made the core assumption that we needed to release these names in order to facilitate a smoother consolidation of Jericho and Citadel, but that strategy has also been changed. The end result will be the same, but we have come up with a new way of identifying players that will eliminate conflicts. In summary, the name release WILL HAPPEN. For those that bought name changes, we're not that far out. I just need to think on how to do it in a way that wont get abused. Thanks, Matt
  23. To prevent hording they could still make it limited, like 1 week only for name changes and only 2 names per account and account solder than the announcement was. then the rest gets free for all. Hoarders would make accounts in advance and then just spam create character random and give names they would also prepare a list. I wonder if people are goign to sell names even, surely against ToS, but well it's people.
  24. Could add -NA or -EU to the end of the conflicting character names, and then offer a free name change in case those players don't want it added to their name. I still don't see the purpose of forcing the Russians to name change. Wouldn't it be easier to fix the UI so non Russians can properly report players? How about instead of reporting the character name, players report the account ID, like how in other games you report their Steam ID.
  25. I have made more than a hundred accounts myself. Don't worry Ive only been logging in on the 3 I use.
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