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  1. I'm still hoping for this to be done. I currently have purchased the character-bound copy from Joker Store, but would like to invest in an account-bound one from ARMAS to have on both my characters.
  2. Kewlin

    Fix ARMAS Issues

    It's not really gone un-noticed by anyone I don't think that some things on ARMAS are a bit wonky, or at least less than ideal, so I just wanted to make a list of some things that I think most people will agree are issues and need fixing. Note that all prices I mention, unless otherwise stated, will be for permanent account bound without premium. 1] Pricing for guns is entirely random; there's simply no consistency. Ideally, there should be a few consistent price setups for guns: E.G. ARMAS only primaries, in-game available primaries, and ARMAS only secondaries, and maybe preset primaries, (potentially changing depending on PR1 or PR2 in some cases,) (note that there are no in-game secondaries you can buy on ARMAS, though I personally think you should be able to buy the in-game role-locked secondaries, or something equivalent, on ARMAS.) Here are some examples of the insanity of ARMAS: The most expensive single gun on ARMAS is the Shredder SB R&D III at about $50, despite almost nobody liking it and it virtually universally being considered underpowered. The FR0Gs are each different prices, with the best FR0G being the cheapest. (It's worth noting that the cheapest one doesn't come with skins like the other two, but I'll touch on that later in point 5.) The secondaries with in-game meshes are all different random prices (Two at 1,799, and one each at 2,799, 3,499, and 2,899.) Sometimes preset variants of guns are the same price, sometimes they're cheaper, and sometimes, as with the SHAW and ALIG, the preset variant is more expensive. Presets should either be the same price or cheaper across the board. Many guns have bizarre price differences between seemingly equivalent variant and derivative guns, E.G. the ACES Rifle is more expensive than the ACES SMG, the ATAC 'Watchman' is far more expensive than the 'Patroller', the TAS20 - Stock costs more than the Tactical: the list goes on, I think you get the point. 2] Some guns were removed from ARMAS that really should not have been for no good reason: STAR 556 LCR PR1, STAR 556 'LCR' PR2, and STAR 556 'LCR' 'Old Glory': The LCR is an entirely unique gun that cannot be obtained except a not so great version on the Joker Store, which isn't really sustainable if you actually want to use the gun consistently. Having it no longer obtainable at all is simply dumb. (Note that the Old Glory was never totally added to ARMAS.) OCA-EW 626.2-SD 'Silverado': This is the only way you can have any level of CJ and a silencer on an OCA, since they're both red mods. The trade-off is that it's only CJ2, but still, it's not a terrible trade-off for a little less recoil necessarily. This is a unique and fun gun that should be available IMO, though it's not essential that it be added back, and I can see a case for it being a fun exclusive for older players who bought it before it was removed. Colby SNR 850 PR1: I know a lot of people think the SNR is just a troll gun, but that doesn't mean people should be incapable of getting one of the two best versions of this gun, and the only permanent version that was readily available before it was removed. N-HVR 762-SD PR2: Sniper rifles are one of the few categories where silencers are useful, considering that they're effective past radar range so being more quiet can give an advantage since you're not on the radar anyways. Better yet, you could put an N-HVR 762-SD DVAH (Sniper Silencer and two open slots) on ARMAS, since you can already obtain the Golden N-HVR 762-SD Dvah off of the Joker Store and the PSR 'Osprey' R&D III off of ARMAS, which is a reskin of the N-HVR 762 with a Sniper Silencer and two slots. 3] Additionally, the RAF exclusive guns, specifically the VBR 'Temptress' and Obeya CAP40-C NFCP 2 should be added to ARMAS, as they're unique and entirely unobtainable, only ever being obtainable through the unfinished RAF system that was on ARMAS. Alternatively, they could be added as loyalty rewards. 4] The Joker RFP-9 'Comanche' and ACT44 'Pillager' still say they're not skinnable, despite this being fixed ages ago. (Side note, the gun should be named " ACT 44 'Pillager' ".) 5] The distribution of the unique skins in the FR0G series of pistols needs to be fixed. There are three pistols and six skins. Two of the three pistols come with two skins each. The third pistol comes with no skins. The pack of all three pistols comes with two skins that are exclusive to the pack (six skins total.) From this data it's clear to me that the original intent was for each pistol to come with two skins, but RP decided that they wanted to add a bundle, and put something exclusive in it as a marketing tactic, so they took two of the skins from one pistol and put them as exclusives for the bundle instead of making something to be an exclusive for the bundle. Please fix this and give each FR0G two skins, because ~31% off of the price is already enough incentive to buy the pack. 6] The Hazard skin is displayed on an AMG-556 'Medusa', which is not a skinnable gun. I believe the intent was probably to picture an AMG-556 'Euryale', but as it is showing the skin on a gun that you cannot put skins on is false advertising. Similarly, the Urban Spec Ops skin is displayed on a silenced variant of the N-HVR 762, which you can no longer obtain a skinnable version of (See point 2.) 7] Tons of images are missing off of ARMAS. 8] The pricing on kits and cars is extremely bizarre and random. . . . and that's all of the main issues I can think of off of the top of my head, if anyone else has any to bring up I might add them to the OP, but please LO, fix your stuff man.
  3. Boys and girls of APB; As many of you who still roam the forum, I've been playing this wonderful and amazing game since the old RTW days, on and off. After following LO in social media since they took over, reading their posts, watching the new engine stream, seeing the amazing work they are doing and how open @MattScott is with the community, I'm posting my list of suggestions to improve the game, hoping to get some traction and reaching the people who can take action. Feel free to add your own suggestions, I'll edit the post to include them. CHEATING An actual, working anti-cheat for the game would be nice... Shadow ban hackers so they can only play against other hackers - this is the feature I want to see the most. Ban macros and triggerbots - these external apps are not being monitored at all and there are clans that even distribute them to all members as if a triggerbot was something normal and acceptable to use in any other shooter game... Add potential cheater flagging methods based on stats, so a mod is required to review a player live in a district to determine if they are hacking (ie: a K/D ratio above X ==> flags an account to be reviewed by a game mod). THREAT LEVEL Make intentional dethreating much harder (more games required to dethreat (especially to Bronze), additional factors considered to dethreat, etc) and lock gold players out of bronze districts (if you're a Silver threat player in a Bronze district and get bumped to Gold for abusing lower skilled players, you {and your group} should get automatically moved to a Silver/Gold threat server without the possibility of rejoining the Bronze district until there are no Gold players in the group). The game is already hard to pick up and currently new players get rekt until they uninstall by people that shouldn't be in low level districts owning them non-stop. Add more factors to how threat level is calculated (K/D ratio, assists, medals per game, etc). A new threat level above Gold and sub-levels within each threat level. A seasonal pinnacle reward system for reaching the highest levels (similar to Destiny 2) would be nice, but it won't work unless the hackers are dealt with. In a completely different, alternative scenario, remove threat level based districts, create a "skill level" value for every player and allow anyone to join any district, but make the matchmaking strict within skill level. WEAPONS Rethink weapon balance: instead of nerfing the weapons that perform well, take what makes them good and buff the weaker weapons accordingly. This, of course, is tied to the vision LO has about the overall weapon balance, TTK, etc. Reduce the huge impact RnG has in gunfights. A LTL weapon series for Criminals, or at least an option as annoying as them. Add a "test" feature to Joker Ticket weapons similar to what the ARMAS marketplace has. Weapon loadout creation for easy swaps during missions. ACCOUNT-WIDE CHANGES Increase to symbol, theme, song and clothing limit. Symbols, cash and Joker tickets shared across all characters in the same account. Add a safe way to quickly transfer tradeable weapons between characters from the same account. Make Joker ticket weapons account bound. SERVER CHANGES Server login queue. Increase population cap and remove Green threat servers. Have an Trainee exclusive server not visible from the District list) only available for new accounts until they get a proper threat level assigned. Add the option to turn off other player's customization (turn them into a default Criminal or Enforcer skin) to improve performance for lower end PCs. Rework in-mission spawns ensuring you can't have someone spawn X meters away from you with direct LoS. Ping considered for matchmaking. OTHER / QOL Disable other players' car radio. Please. Pretty please. Character and vehicle customization limit increase. Increase the drop rate of vinyls Twitch integration (streamer mode, Twitch drops, Twitch Prime packs). Clan progression and the always requested Clan base/house/club/whatever. Create a standard tutorial mission for new players against bots, going over the basics. Take faster and harder action against Nazi symbology. Every day I see multiple people with Swastikas and SS uniforms roaming the Social district like there's nothing wrong with that and it's weird AF...
  4. R3ACT3M

    JT Store refund

    Honestly the Sword looks like garbage with every skin due to it's matte-like material. The blood rose skin is the only skin that looks good on it. Like you said: That's the whole point of it, is so you can try out weapons and make your decision. Armas guns even give you a discount if you buy the weapon soon after taking it for a test drive. I would just take it as a lesson learned, (another FYI people don't like the sword compared to the NTEC and CR5 for reasons. Also you get a free Account bound Sword as a reward if you spend enough on the armas, I think it's the first reward you unlock)
  5. Threat is account bound at all times. No matter what district you join. The only way to be T is by creating a whole new acc. As soon as you lose T-threat (if it can be called this way) it's no longer possible to regain it on that account again, the lowest you can be is green.
  6. Account bound means every character you have made or will make will have that item, regardless of server
  7. I think I'd just be happy with ARMAS prices that don't feel like they're taking my arms, legs and eyes, while also stabbing me for good measure. When the base price of an account bound weapon is $60. You know there's a problem.
  8. If they were to refund for something bought, I would like to get refunded for the Mikro Kits I bought due to a miscommunication by G1 in the past. They told me that the kttc pack was not account bound, so I bought the kits separately. Then I emailed them again with the same question and they said that it was so now I have purchased them twice.
  9. Hopefully Legendaries will be account-wide if they're no longer tradeable. I think this is a horrible idea though as the player market is already so tightly bound by high static prices and insane market tax. I love player driven economies, so what they're saying about it all really depresses me. But if I can't mail my Legendaries between my characters, I hope they'll be account-bound then and I hope they'll give notice on what they plan to do here so, if I have to, I can move them where I want them before they're stuck there forever. I miss open markets in games, even if it invites real-money trading from third parties, I think it hurts more to not have the system than to have it.
  10. As Grizmo stated, it's only available through the High Roller packs. However, you cannot get it account bound, you will have to purchase the pack on each character individually that you want the Shredder DF on. Hopefully, Little Orbit's ARMAS overhaul will include debundling all the bundles.
  11. SBSR (both of them) still is only "Character & Account Bound" Only. No 3 and 30 days. https://www.gamersfirst.com/marketplace/ingame/product_details.php?storetype=g1c&gameID=20&catID=63&subcatID=203&productId=3918
  12. Most packs will come with a "Clothes + Weapon" variant. The issue is that the pricing is all over the place when it comes to clothing packs. Allow me to demonstrate (All prices are with premium discount): These are the impact forearm pads, they cost 49 g1c to purchase. This is the Impact Bonus Pack. It contains 6 pieces of clothing including the aforementioned impact forearm pads. By the above pricing, that clothing by itself should cost 294 g1c. However the pack also comes with a 30 day ATAC "Watchman", which can be bought for 399 g1c. It also includes a unique ATAC skin, which we could generously price as 319 g1c (Same price as a standard character bound weapon skin). In total this pack should technically cost 1,012 g1c. It actually costs 1,679 g1c. If you repeat the same process with this Fashionable Flat Cap: You get a supposed total of 937 g1c (Unfortunately you can't rent a silenced CPMB-45, so I used the 30 day price of the regular CPMB-45 which may I add is more expensive than the silenced PMG on Armas, additionally this pack does not include a weapon skin). The pack actually sells for 2,079 g1c. I think it was long known that G1 was inflating clothing pack prices by inserting 30 day weapons as well as adding in random pieces of clothing (The Punk Pack is a great example of this, everyone was clamouring for backpacks and goggles, and they bumped the price up by including torn t-shirts and jeans). This irregularity can be extended to just the clothing packs in general: Tactical Pack: 11 pieces of clothing for 959 g1c. Punk Pack: 5 pieces of clothing for 2,079 g1c. Heavy Duty Pack: 7 pieces of clothing for 1,679 g1c. I think honestly the clothing pack prices for many of the packs are a bit exorbitant. I would kill to see an account bound upgrade for clothing packs in a similar fashion to how they did it with weapons (Those who paid more for character bound clothing packs get a free upgrade to account bound, although I will admit this might be a step too far for LO to take)
  13. I only bring up ARMAS costs because if you dont think you should have to pay more for a legendary than for an account bound ARMAS gun, then what is the point of having JMB anyways?
  14. Far too high. Im wondering, DO you think acquiring a legendary should ever require spending more than you would for an account bound ARMAS weapon ?
  15. The iceberg retail box was a pretty neat bit of kit on top of being a good deal. 30 days premium, choice of 4 account bound weapons* (with one being not so great arguably), account bound secondary and car (non-stackable) - I know of multiple people who purchased more than one box just to get all the account bound weapons & a premium top up while they were at it *Weapon list. They are currently available on ARMAS for a much less competitive price. https://db.apbvault.net/items/Weapon_Shotgun_CSG_PR1_RT https://db.apbvault.net/items/Weapon_SniperRifle_HVR243_PR1_RT https://db.apbvault.net/items/Weapon_SMG_OCA-Whisper_PR1_RT https://db.apbvault.net/items/Weapon_AssaultRifle_NTEC-Scope_PR1_RT Why were they taken offline? Could LO reintroduce them? Should they?
  16. Some time ago, I got an offer on Armas for the Scoped Ntec RT1 for only 322 G1C Character Perma, when I bought it that was the first time ever when I spent any money in-game I still have the option to buy Account bound RT1 for 345 G1C My question is, will there be more offers like this one? Or was this a one time thing ?
  17. I heard there was bug or exploit where player 1 has the character bound weapon (not sure if bought or were buying at same time) and they would it gift to their friend as a character bound weapon and it becomes an account bound weapon somehow. I'm not sure how that was exploited.
  18. Yeah, I've been begging for years for APB to have account bound options for everything, even if it costs a ton. . . (Legendaries being the exception, as Onadan said.) Agreed, I liked the event the first day, but I haven't actually played it really since the first day. Instead of playing the event, I've been getting angry at activities that aren't fun and are against the point of the event mission. By the time I finish my activities for the game I'm just pissed at APB and want to stop as soon as possible.
  19. Wasn't it supposed to be account bound?? Cause it's not.
  20. $5 a weapon is reasonable, account bound maybe $10?
  21. First off, yeah, sorry, I was exaggerating. If you just got the gold reward in both FCs that's 800 a week so you'd get 10k in 12.5 weeks or about 3 months. In addition, you can get up to 115 JT a day from mission districts, though obviously nobody does that, but if we're just talking theory here 115 * 7 = 805 so if you were an absolute madman you could get 1,605 JT a week total, which would reduce it to ~6.3 weeks to get 10k, or a little under 1.5 months. With the fact that you can more than make up for slacking a little on FC JT by playing missions, I think it's pretty reasonable to say a decent number of people can get 800JT a week, which translates to 41,600 JT a year, up to a theoretical maximum (that nobody would ever reach) of 83460 JT a year. But let's just step back a second and go to another perspective. If we're going to go with what you were saying and say perma weapons cost 10k JT or higher, is that really. . . useful like Killerskull was implying? The most expensive character bound guns on ARMAS are both of the main VAS C-2s and the Shredder EB at roughly $34.99, which equates to about five hours of work at federal minimum wage, and that's best case scenario, more likely you'd be spending about 15-20k JT, or 4.5-6 months, to get something more like a 3-Slot N-TEC or an N-SSW worth somewhere in the ballpark of $15-26, maybe $30 if you're lucky, equating to about 2-4 hours federal minimum wage. And that's assuming you either get gold in both FCs every week or compensate with dailies, and not even bringing in the fact that all of these calculations aren't even going into how much worse of a deal this is if you're getting the same item with JT on multiple characters with how much better of a deal account bound weapons are on ARMAS on average. Quite honestly, I don't see a way that perma guns on the Joker Store would add much value to JTs. Sure, you might get a little more value out of them if you play FC a ton anyways, but nothing to write home about.
  22. [COPY PASTE FROM OTHER THREAD ] Yea that sort of wierd stuff can be found in ARMAS. For example, the Coroner marksman rifle configuration is in semi-auto rifles. But the sniper variant is nowhere] And (I don't know if it has been fixed yet) you were able to trail a weapon multiple times if you could find them in multiple tabs (a weapon on i.e. assault rifle tab could be trail-d, whereas you could start a new trial if the same weapon appeard on the 'most popular' tab, for example.) I've seen some weapons indicating that I unlocked them 'character-bound permanently', whereas this is not the case. I spotted this [14 february]. I don't own the Death & Taxes bundle (Nor do I own them individually)... But I think it may be an issue with weapon trials (altough not sure). Also, one weapon (ATAC NFCP 3) indicates it is char-bound, whereas it should be account-bound.
  23. I mean you def arent getting solo kills at 50m, but you can effectively assist and harass. Yeah I need to upgrade my Fang to account bound as well 47m pocket obir ftw!
  24. Agreed. I wish theyd take the silencer off and make it an FBW clone. Id buy 13 account bound
  25. couple of questions will trials be changing at all? i know several people (myself included) who think that 30 minutes isnt enough for an adequate weapon test are any of these reviews/updates and pricing changes related to making more bundles account bound? also has there been any significant (and permanent) debundling? overall everything sounds like good news, after all these years im most excited for big content changes personally
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