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  1. good afternoon, I have a problem and I can not buy anything in the market of the social district, or trades with players, I created my account more than 1 month ago, I am currently a premium, with armas marketplace I have not had problems , but the problem is that I can not do anything of exchanges or buy in the social as I mentioned before, what is this? I do not see any message that says how long is the tradelock, I do not know what to do, someone to help me please because it is very annoying, thanks I hope you answer as soon as possible
  2. I have 2 max ranks, 1 near max rank and 2 sub 100s I keep like that intentionally. It is exponentially more difficult for a sub rank 100 player to compete against people with car surfer, remote Det, tagger, radar, ect. and this is with access to all my account wide weapons/vehicles/legendaries/knowledge. This is one reason we can't get new players to stay, the game is skewed to vets in a massive way. It's no fun being the lowbie. Lower all rank requirements to rank 85, let lower ranks buy the mods off the AH like they can any mod.
  3. If he wanted to say that, he would have. He has the tools to convey his message and in this case it was clear what he meant. This is putting words in his mouth and even if this idea was the case people should be more responsible for their words. There is nothing that happens after R195 that changes what a cheating player is. So if OP was talking about cheating 195 vs legit 195 he would have specified. Dont let this be you kids, be responsible and take accountability for your words and you wont have people like this using your words for their ideas.
  4. This got me thinking, why is this nerf even a thing, was the obir ever really a problem to anyone? do you even see anyone ever use this gun in the game, who isnt some 3 weeks old bronze account that redeemed their perm weapon selector mail they got from finishing the tutorial?, heck you dont even see it at fight club for more than like once a month. Despite the damage it puts out, its not a very good gun and its too situational to be of any use majority of the time, they shouldnt be nerfing it, they should buff it instead.
  5. I only wanted my account back as I had done some nice designs "my opinion" also had the high level characters. If it was deleted I definitely won't be loosing any sleep about it at all. To have the information as you do I'm guessing you work for LO or need to get a life. Cheers for the info. I only wanted my account back as I had done some nice designs "my opinion" also had the high level characters. If it was deleted I definitely won't be loosing any sleep about it at all. To have the information as you do I'm guessing you work for LO or need to get a life. Cheers for the info.
  6. considering the apb login screen has no real security measures at all its technically possible to just brute force anyone's account on a slightly related note, 2fa was supposed to disable trade locks at one point has that happened yet or will there be an update on that at any point?
  7. ...\APBGame\Logs\Current.log after logging in to the character select Underneath "hosting: Receive [LS2GC_CHARACTER_LIST]" there is "m_nAccountThreat x" You now know your account threat level/color even if the UI is gone. Mine is 4.
  8. So, joining riot locked my account in logged in. GG
  9. Lets not forget that Little Orbit has said for a while now that they were doing this. I do not understand why it is such a surprise because of it. As for fundding APB - some people have 10+ chars so they would just buy the gun account bound because it is easier to do so (if they have not already) And new players - there will always be some who buy it account bound since it is easier to do. Never give up on human laziness to get things done quicker and easier
  10. Thats true i tried a proxy got lucky with the new glory, now its stuck on my enforcer its not tradable and i can not send it to other chars at my account to play with looks like i waste my money so better as character life time it won't get unfair if you ask me, second thing i never enter my country somewhere so for people who think to login on at vacation in the Belgium or Netherlands don't do it there is a chance that all guns you ever get with the boxes got stuck to Question for @MattScott Are the legendary's going to be account bounded or only for one char and i have to retry getting it on all my chars ?
  11. So after -/+ a year ive decided to give APB a try again BUT, I'm used to sign in via steam at the time being, but it says my password is expired. Now I've tried to contact support yesterday but they have deleted my ticket for no reason. Logging in with the same email doesn't work because I've never linked my steam to any G1 account. I've spend quite a lot of money on that account but now its gone, I created a new acc yesterday and tried to add my main char name to my friends but it says no such name exists. Is there been a wipe of accounts or is it possible to get this back somehow?? Thanks!
  12. In January 2018 there was a forced password reset, that's probably why you've got this problem. I doubt they deleted your ticket, but they are on really long response times which you can check up on in this thread. Your steam is linked to a G1 account, it has to be. That account might be on a different email than your steam though, that all depends on what you did while creating it. The character needs to be online to be added to friendslist, so that makes sense. Just wait out the support ticket and it should just be as simple as confirming you're the rightful owner of the account and then reset the password.
  13. Going to repost the exRTW post this time instead of the link... What a fucking mess. I’m ex-RTW. An outcome like this wasn’t desired by anyone at RTW, but game development is a weird business. A game can play poorly right up until only a few months before release, for a variety of reasons – Crackdown was awful right up until a month or two before it came out (some would say awful afterwards, too, but I’m trying to make a point :). Knowing this, it can blind you to a game’s imperfections – or lead you to think it’s going to come right by release. You end up in this situation where you’re heads down working your patootie off, not well able to critically assess your own product. APB itself only really came together technically relatively late in its development cycle (and it still obviously has problems), leaving too little time for content production and polish, and lacking any real quality in some of its core mechanics (shooting / driving). It’s not that the team was unaware of these huge issues, but a million little things conspire to prevent you from being able to do anything about them. It can seem difficult to comprehend, it certainly was for me before entering the industry – ‘How did those idiots get X wrong in game Y?’. No team sets out to ship something anything less than perfection, but projects can evolve in ways that no one seems to be in total control of. All that said, it was pretty clear to me that the game was going to get a kicking at review – the gap between expectation and the reality was huge. I wasn’t on the APB team, so I played it infrequently, during internal test days etc. I was genuinely shocked when I played the release candidate – I couldn’t believe Dave J would be willing to release this. All the issues that had driven me nuts about it were still there – the driving was poor (server-authoritative with no apparent client prediction, ergo horrendously lag intolerant), combat impact-less, and I found the performance of the game sub-par on what was a high-spec dev machine. But the real killer, IMO, is the business model. This was out of the team’s hands. The game has issues, but I think if you separate the business model from the game itself, it holds up at least a little better. A large scale team based shooter, in big urban environments, with unprecedented customisation and some really cool, original features. The problem was that management looked at the revenue they wanted to generate and priced accordingly, failing to realise (or care) that there are literally a dozen top quality, subscription free team based shooters. Many of which, now, have progression and persistence of some sort – for free. The game would have been immeasurably better received it had simply been a boxed product, with paid-for in-game items, IMO. This may not have been possible, given what was spent on the game and the running costs, but the market is tough. You can’t simply charge what you feel like earning and hope the paying public will agree with your judgement of value. Many of us within RTW were extremely nervous at APB’s prospects long before launch, and with good reason, as it turns out. They also failed spectacularly to manage expectations. When Dave J spoke out saying there would ‘not be a standard subscription model’, he unwittingly set expectations at ‘free to play’. When it’s announced that we’re essentially pay-per-hour, we get absolutely killed in the press, somewhat understandably. The game also announced far too early (though it kept being delayed), and had little to show but customisation for what seemed like years, largely because internally we (correctly) judged it to be the stand out part of the game. But we should have kept our powder dry. Our PR felt tired and dragged on and on, rather than building a short, sharp crescendo of excitement pre-release. We also went to beta far too early, wiser heads were ignored when it was pointed out that any kind of beta, even very early beta, might as well be public as far as generating word of mouth. The real purpose of beta is publicity, not bug fixing. We never took that lesson on board. We also made the error of not releasing fixes externally to many of the issues early beta testers were picking up, keeping the fixes on internal builds, I presume to lessen the load on QA. This simply meant that to early beta testers, it looked as though we were never bothering to fix the issues they found, when in fact, they were being fixed, simply being deployed back into beta very infrequently. This lesson was eventually learnt, but only after we’d pissed off a large number of early-adopters. The sheer time spent and money it took to make APB is really a product of fairly directionless creative leadership. Certainly Dave J has great, strong, ambitious ideas for his games. But he’s a big believer in letting the details emerge along the way, rather than being planned out beyond even a rudimentary form. For most of the lifetime of APB, he was also CEO of the whole company, as well as Creative Director. His full attention was not there until it late in the day. This has ramifications for how long his projects run – many years, on average – and the associated cost. This, in turn, means that the business model options were constrained, conspiring to place APB in a really difficult position, commercially. Ultimately, it’s this pairing of a subscription model cost with free to play game play that really did for the game. And many of us saw it coming a mile off. I must admit I’m dismayed about the scale of the failure, however. Many of us thought APB might do OK at retail and sell a few hundred thousand, though struggle on ongoing revenue, and gradually carve a niche. But it absolutely tanked at retail I believe (though I’m not privvy to figures) I think due to the critical mauling it received. It never made the top 20 of the all format UK chart. It’s scraping along the bottom of the PC-only chart, a situation I’m assuming is replicated in its major markets. And being at the bottom of the PC-only chart is not where you want to be as a AAA budget game. God knows what the budget was, but when you account for the 150-odd staff and all the launch hardware and support, it was in the tens of millions of dollars. MyWorld is an innocent bystander caught up in the demise of APB. Which is a real shame, because it is genuinely ground breaking, though not aimed at the traditional gamer audience. It was going great guns over the last year or so, coming on leaps and bounds, impressing everyone who saw it. MyWorld might as well have been a different company – there was very little staff overlap on the two projects, they worked under entirely different production methodologies, and because we were not the next in line for release we received very little attention from the execs (which was a good thing, to be honest). We knew that time was limited, and tried to encourage management to go the ‘google-style beta route – release a limited, but polished core feature set early, and iterate. What happens to it from here on out is not clear, but without the people who wrote it, the code isn’t worth a damn, so I can’t see the project being picked up. Management tried to get a publisher onboard to fund continued development, but the time scales involved meant that was always unlikely, despite some considerable interest from potential partners. God knows what will happen to it now the team are gone. Probably nothing. Years of my life were poured into that project, but it was a blast to make, and at least it was made public so I can point and say, “I helped make that”. RTW tried something bold, and fucked it up. It tried to make what amounted to two MMOs at once, as well as self-publish. I have to hand it to Dave J. He’s ballsy. But in the end, we couldn’t do it, and I think the whole company will go under sooner rather than later. It’s a shame, too, as Dundee can’t absorb the level of game dev redundancies that are about to hit, which means the Dundee scene gets that little bit smaller. But that’s the price of failure, and we certainly failed. No excuses, really. We were well funded, hired some great engineers, designers and artists, and great QA guys. Ultimately, the senior management team must take responsibility. I think they had far too much focus on the company’s ‘strategic direction’ and not enough on day-to-day execution, which was where it really matters. And I think a huge part of the blame lies with Dave J, though I can’t emphasize enough how nice a man he is personally; ultimately APB has torpedoed the company, and it failed largely under his creative leadership. It has other issues (technical, for instance), but the design and the business plan are largely down to him and the board, and they are what have failed so irrevocably for the rest of us. ExRTW has great, strong, ambitious ideas for his games. But he’s a big believer in letting the details emerge along the way, rather than being planned out beyond even a rudimentary form. For most of the lifetime of APB, he was also CEO of the whole company, as well as Creative Director. His full attention was not there until it late in the day. This has ramifications for how long his projects run – many years, on average – and the associated cost. This, in turn, means that the business model options were constrained, conspiring to place APB in a really difficult position, commercially. Ultimately, it’s this pairing of a subscription model cost with free to play game play that really did for the game. And many of us saw it coming a mile off. I must admit I’m dismayed about the scale of the failure, however. Many of us thought APB might do OK at retail and sell a few hundred thousand, though struggle on ongoing revenue, and gradually carve a niche. But it absolutely tanked at retail I believe (though I’m not privvy to figures) I think due to the critical mauling it received. It never made the top 20 of the all format UK chart. It’s scraping along the bottom of the PC-only chart, a situation I’m assuming is replicated in its major markets. And being at the bottom of the PC-only chart is not where you want to be as a AAA budget game. God knows what the budget was, but when you account for the 150-odd staff and all the launch hardware and support, it was in the tens of millions of dollars. MyWorld is an innocent bystander caught up in the demise of APB. Which is a real shame, because it is genuinely ground breaking, though not aimed at the traditional gamer audience. It was going great guns over the last year or so, coming on leaps and bounds, impressing everyone who saw it. MyWorld might as well have been a different company – there was very little staff overlap on the two projects, they worked under entirely different production methodologies, and because we were not the next in line for release we received very little attention from the execs (which was a good thing, to be honest). We knew that time was limited, and tried to encourage management to go the ‘google-style beta route – release a limited, but polished core feature set early, and iterate. What happens to it from here on out is not clear, but without the people who wrote it, the code isn’t worth a damn, so I can’t see the project being picked up. Management tried to get a publisher onboard to fund continued development, but the time scales involved meant that was always unlikely, despite some considerable interest from potential partners. God knows what will happen to it now the team are gone. Probably nothing. Years of my life were poured into that project, but it was a blast to make, and at least it was made public so I can point and say, “I helped make that”. RTW tried something bold, and fucked it up. It tried to make what amounted to two MMOs at once, as well as self-publish. I have to hand it to Dave J. He’s ballsy. But in the end, we couldn’t do it, and I think the whole company will go under sooner rather than later. It’s a shame, too, as Dundee can’t absorb the level of game dev redundancies that are about to hit, which means the Dundee scene gets that little bit smaller. But that’s the price of failure, and we certainly failed. No excuses, really. We were well funded, hired some great engineers, designers and artists, and great QA guys. Ultimately, the senior management team must take responsibility. I think they had far too much focus on the company’s ‘strategic direction’ and not enough on day-to-day execution, which was where it really matters. And I think a huge part of the blame lies with Dave J, though I can’t emphasize enough how nice a man he is personally; ultimately APB has torpedoed the company, and it failed largely under his creative leadership. It has other issues (technical, for instance), but the design and the business plan are largely down to him and the board, and they are what have failed so irrevocably for the rest of us. ExRTW
  14. It's just plain and boring that after months of aimbotting and sh.tting on the game, the same dimwits get unbanned, get their accounts just to continue to sh.t over the game. LO, do you realize why population keeps dropping? No, engine update won't save your investment. If that's what you are hoping for but still reluctant to address the main issue, I can suggest you to find someone naive enough to buy APB while assets have some value(lol...) But whatever, let me put my rose-tinted glasses - everything is going to be ok.
  15. There arent supposed to be any troll boy! Its just a re account of a duo of the days of OLD. Stop attacking me.
  16. Back when G1 was still around, some clothing items were made available, mainly some of the items from the Revelations pack. However, now when I look at those items on Armas there's no option to purchase them as account bound. Can we still buy them as account bound or was that feature scrapped all together?
  17. My god, I am totally not used to this kind of accountability with this game. let alone from the CEO them self... no compensation is necessary IMO the communication is enough.
  18. Seems like Jericho didn't get the memo or my account is bugged since I still get error code 9 repeatedly. Oh well
  19. OBT Open Beta (24th May - 6th December 2011) CBT Anything before - (23rd May 2011) But if you read the info on the title itself "Awarded from logging in during the Reloaded Day celebrations with an account created prior to Open Beta (23rd May 2011)" You had to login during Reloaded day which was in 2013
  20. Golds can come on dethreated alt or on another account as silver. When they get kicked for being gold they can rinse repeat on another account. That's not going anywhere. If you play in bronze don't act like you're saint because you also drive new players away. Fresh noobs don't care if gold or bronze farmed them. They just rq in frustration never to return. I'm not saint either but nowdays with this low pop I just make sure that my team will lose if I play vs new players.
  21. yeah old intro song / theme remove out of bounds. that really took away a lot of the fun. I wish we would be able to do the flying glitch with the 2 vans and a truck. edit: / warning very bad music
  22. Removing out of bounds (outside of missions) Old intro song Having the old threat tiers visible again. The difference between gold 1 and gold 10 players is as wide bronze 1 and gold 1.
  23. imagine beeing a dumbfvck and buying this weapon account wide because of its looks and after a minute realising how bad it is
  24. Everyone wanted it, no one was saying it. I know I've avoided the forums since I started playing APB back in 2015, and only recently have I created my forum account. I have my reasons for creating it but I believe I waited too long to say something. I have to thank Matt Scott and LO for taking over APB, I am grateful that they wish to make the game better. I just don't want them to keep messing up, which is why I created this thread, to give them constructive feedback at the same time speaking amongst the community so that everyone can put their own tidbits of wants or what they'd like to see. This forum needed a place where toxic-free feedback could be given, and I hope to accomplish that with this thread.
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