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  1. I have intentionally kicked the patootie of new players many times, dragged out the mission to get more kills, or "farmed" as you call it, and guess what? they very rarely complain about it. But you do. Let's say that stupid rule of "farming new players" not being permissible was actually a real thing, against everyone's will but yours and a couple of losers. Let me show you how dumb it would be: How long is someone a "new player"? Until what rank? How many hours? What about rerolls? is it per account? how many kills would be considered "farming"? What does one do when reaching the limit for when they start farming? Stop playing? Hand a walk-over? is it just for kills? arrests too? same number arrests as kills? Do you want GMs wasting their time going around making sure nobody kills the new guys too much? Or should it be auto enforced against the "farmer" once they reach too many kills against new players? Auto ban? Auto kick? Auto end mission? Auto Walk-over? Kicked from team? demerit? What about if a new good player "farms" another new bad player? I'm sure everyone would love getting penalized for beating new players too much...... What if we kill them more than we are allowed to by accident then? Do you get the point or should I pose more stupid questions? Nobody on this planet would even think about checking the rules if killing new players too much would be against some rule, in any game, ever. Well, you did so you're the exception. Your whole idea about "farming new players" being not permissible is an absolutely ridiculous idea. I've proven that it in this post.
  2. if you cant use the search function and find the anwser (this question has been asked and answered 1 billion times already since lo takeover) then NO, you cant seriously, he has the time to make a whole new account just to ask this question, but cant use the search function......
  3. Hello my name is Aubin and there is what happen, First of all i know this isnt really the place to get this kind of help but support didn't really care about my case, So ive been playing the game since 2013, and recently when i login someone got in and stole all my legendries and my cash, This inventory represent over 200€ and for its really a lot and over 7 years of grind, The support told there is nothing they can do about it as "they have no record of any of this on my account", It doesnt make any sense because i had it and its a fact, I feel like being called a piece of trash, i stick with the game since 2013, brought people, brough money to update the game, And after all that i get scam by a hacker and support tell me its not their problem? This game is my childhood and has a lot of good memorie on it but i dont have the strenght to start all over again specially that i work full time now, I am looking for someone to help me, looking for a loyal apb player to help another loyal one, Thank you for reading and wish you a merry christmas and not a scam like i witness, Aubin.
  4. I think he means that all old packs (excluding KTTW and KTTC which is boring af) needs ability to buy them on account. 100% agree. I struggle to understand why LO didn't bothered to do something with this yet. It's their money at the end. Also, I would enjoy to have more gun loyalty rewards like 3-slotted legendaries.(or a very rare clothing items at least)
  5. i remember getting premium redeem codes and g1 pausing everyone's premium, not injecting everyones accounts with random amounts of days as per this quote here it seems like setting up automatic premium for all platforms is actually relatively difficult and not something they can just do on the fly
  6. Account storage = problem fixed Every character on the account can use every weapon (you own/purchased).
  7. Hehe, I remember that. I've seen this on a private stream, spamming nr1 apb golden boy and mr 'I didn't cheat, ruski hacked my account'. FTR, there's an updated version for a long time floating around, bypassing the mail limit since it's not receiver based. Was a nice try for the developer to stop the issue, failed again tho...
  8. Theres like 90% if not more of dead data/accounts on server. Server wipe with new engine would be healthy for the game(more newbi friendly),i my self got over 5k hours(not of sitting in social eksedeee).
  9. So... the Haxors haxed these accounts to speedhax while listening to good music? ♪ ♫ #Worth --------------------- Thanks for the heads up
  10. This is a problem, I just spoke with others who play EU daily on dischord, and they said that their gmails were hacked into which are connected to APB. So this could be an email related issue, but it still doesn't explain how this seems like targeted hacking where the culprits knew exactly who to hack into and what to do with the stolen accounts (they're APB players themselves).
  11. Each piece of mail should have a listed expiry date along the right side of the interface. I can't remember what it specifically says for infinite / no expiry items, but IIRC all JMB payouts fall under this. It's possible it was just unfortunately lost during the merge (merges in any game have a tendency to cause data loss, after all), but it's also possible that you had it on market for one reason or another and after the listing expired it was sent via the ingame mail. I would suggest first going through your ingame mail log (at least the first few pages of messages) to see if this is the case. One of the first things Little Orbit did was introduce a proper direct trading system. Alongside this, they introduced trade locks (prevents any marketplace usage or trading) for accounts that return from inactivity and/or access the game from a new IP address (along with a few other more niche things). If you simply wait a few days, it'll pass.
  12. they should have been, it was a full account merge unless you mean the nekrova merge with citadel, in which case afaik any purchases from innova were not transferred to citadel trade locks typically last 3 days iirc, its a security measure that's intended to protect your account
  13. Yea if u know what APB needs just tell us... Everyone knows the matchmaking and threat needs a rework yes. I'm just asking myself how did i start, how can i still be here? I just always was here... I was here when CSG really was p2w (what is good to be gone!) I was here when scout jumpshooting was a thing (no problem bring it back i can take it)... I was here when HVR quickswitching was a thing (also no problem i can take that too)... I was here when i saw the "Gold 10 big guys" with the golden skull on the map (missing that one tbh)... But yea maybe i got to agree... Give the free2play gamers the feeling that threat segregation is a good thing, as we can't make new accounts and bash them with STAR. It's okay maybe that is what APB needs. Sorry Cookie no offend but if u really think it helps to segregate the low playerbase anymore than i'd call it bullshoot
  14. I know the frustration. You tell people what's going on and you always get things along the lines of: - "You're just frustrated..." - "Hackusating as a form of harassment" - "You're being toxic" - "Just report and be silent!" - "Send in a video then..." (almost pointless) - "Don't post their names on the forums!" - "You think everyone is cheating!" - "You're not even a good player!" etc etc Meanwhile we watch the cheaters playing 99% of the time, taking 1% of their time to make new accounts after they get banned, having the time of their lives, while the frustrated legit player only gets to suffer, plus have the community turn against him/her for deciding they've had enough and want to desperately say something. That's not so hard to understand! Of course some people will feel like the cheaters are being "protected" then.
  15. I am glad to see that some players woke up and share my opinion. There will always be bad comments and of course nobody should have same opinion about this situation we are not same. On other hand there will be people like this guy I have read all what you wrote. And my friend i did made forum account on 2018, but this is my newest account as other players i have many accounts and characters. I will just answer you on thing you said that when i was smoking someone from my team told enemy where i am, that's clearly showing your side of viewing the world. "I didn't kill her, i opened window and wind that came in pushed her on stairs" that's example similar to what you were typing to me. I do understand to have game it takes a lot of money, to make new things also takes a lot of money. BUT to IP BAN hackers takes no money and little effort, also constant GMs online in district checking who is hacking ( similar to CS 1.6 where u had admins in room watching and checking hackussating) would work or it would atleast discourage them to try. If i was new player and about to download APB and try it i could notice difference between "Skilled player" and "hacker" it's not that hard make difference between that two. I would play few missions ( if i am lucky to get against normal players i would stay) but if i get against hackers i would go Control Panel>Uninstall APB and move on. People if you want to make differences in life game anywhere you need to fight. I am not afraid of being banned or being removed or ashamed of community. As long as i say truth i am peacefull. And to GMs if you care about your players you can use this topic to give hope to your very old Players just HOPE.
  16. Really menaces of this community were always unbanned. Don't think for a moment FairFight was anything more than glorifed ban tool. Almost nothing to do with anti-cheat - at least not in form it was here. The fact I GOT banned by it while blatants roamed on districts was good example of how useful it really was. Sure it banned one blatant there and there - but closets? Nah. One get banned? Got unbanned for "russians hacking accounts". It was easier to just put everything as "cheating detected by FairFight" no matter offense than explaining each manual ban on forums. That kind of usage FF saw for me fallen under corruption. Wouldn't be slightly suprised if even paid. I don't want this time to ever come back, they were even worse than current ones. The only plus was that we still had some portion of normal population.
  17. A video is not enough evidence -Matt. Even if the person locks 100% and fully tracks and then snaps to the other person its still not enough so that is also useless to do. There was a guy where his cheats malfunctioned in FC and locked on a opposing faction when the round didn't begin and he even admitted lol on STREAM live , but he just didn't play on his account for weeks so everyone though he was banned and then out of nowhere he just logs in like nothing happened haha. Joke of a game also when i posted the evidence it was removed from the forums and they temp banned me.
  18. becuase name and shame = mute and "i will put action agaisnt your account", and hacking infront of everyone = good boy spend more money on the game.
  19. imagine getting banned on a forum... I saw CBT veterans that are actually NEW on this game. For example: Hoplon (former brazil server) and Russia server had their own CBT title, which means that people that migrated CBT veteran accounts from those servers to LO APB can use CBT title even when they made their account past 2011.
  20. When a friend, who does have the holiday achievement, logs into your steam account without ingame/steam connected it will add the achievements to your steam account. The only thing that doesn't add up is the achievement date, just saying.
  21. The way to win APB is simple... 1. spit on segregation 2. make a new account (u can make as many u want) 3. join the district of ur choice (mostly there is just bronce open cuz if there would be silver u would play ur main) 4. Stomp ppl with STAR + FBW 5. Realize that segregation is useless...
  22. Why do ppl still think rank and gear is that important in APB? Take a look at my scorebord pics and u will see i'm not rolling by any means... (pls join silver district and "enjoy" some bitfenix gold matches and tell me again about getting "rolled") They should open green districts to protect snowflakes and new players. Than we would have a 1/2 green district and still 1 full bronce and 1 full silver... at least on EU. I also don't want to play anything but my main!!! Seems like u don't understand the problem. Sometimes when i log in ther is only 1 single bronce district up. So what i can do is: A) make a new account or B) not play APB at all So u want me to always go for B? Well than gg u fixed small playerbase by vote for -1 playercount... But u are totally right! and thats the problem with useless segregation. There are ppl willing to play but they just can't join any district and don't play at all. So u should have said: "for every player making smurfs there is also 1 player not playing APB at all" Just to clarify I also get rolled every now and than and yea also on bronce districts. Un can be an upset kitten or u can go on and enjoy the game. Ppl can choose for themselves.
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