APB Reloaded 2.1 beta needs to be released ASAP
I looked at the tracking engine upgrade thread, what I feel is the team is trying to get it "Perfect" before releasing, this is an extremely bad approach.
You cannot make something perfect, bugs and crashes exists in every software, the only way to get things improved as fast as possible is to let public test it and stress your product. The diversity and increased number of testers will be a lot better than what you guys are doing now, especially when everyone has a different spec (PC only).
No need to worry about crash, worry about how much disappointment you guys generate if tracking engine progress reaches #52 weeks and still not having a beta. Beta is a test of a product , not a final product, users are expected to encounter issues, and you guys are here to listen and fix them, the current small amount of testers and idealizing fixing everything you see before releasing is almost like a production update instead of bug.
If you are worried about players not willing to test the beta, then give rewards for their participation.
We all know what the game current state is, the longer the engine update takes, the later the core mechanic can be improved. Beta is always flawed, don't be scared about the feedback, releasing what can be seen and touched by public is better than public seeing something with depthless void, people will lose their patience if you just post every week and talk about fixing crashes.