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  1. Is it possible to restore deleted characters from 2014 before server changed from "Joker NA East" to "Jericho NA". Are all the DATA still in there somewhere? I have my character IDs (the ID is basicly the number of the character ex.: 23456 aka 23456th character made.) C:/ APB Reloaded > APBGame > Config > Account > [account ID number] > Joker (NA East) > [character ID number] > ... setting files in there to change mouse sensitivity manually. THANK YOU FOR ANSWERING QUESTIONS!
  2. I agree with this. Many times APB's events and new content have had underwhelming rewards, but this is not the case with RIOT. The Yakuza skin aside, the ability to get a rare 5 day weapon every day is a pretty major advantage of reaching rank 5. Some of those weapons such as the 3-slot AMG had yet to be available before. Overall though, RIOT turned out to be more than just a gimmick and a decent alternative to missions in my opinion. I do agree though with the general notion that it was rushed and has more potential than what the current state of this gamemode shows. I would certainly have pushed for a simultaneous RIOT/3.5 release and put the current "beta" out on the OTW for true public testing, not just designated test times. I'm not a fan of buying the boxes themselves, I really hope Loyalty boxes won't go away. Getting a bonus (potentially a legendary) with each purchase is a good idea. The problem with boxes is that for those players who already have purchased many of the weapons account-wide, the likelihood to get something useless or duplicate increases dramatically.
  3. there's nothing funny about it . this realistically do . Stabba's series is Bound to appear in crime . the old theme is a very problematic thread you're wrong
  4. As just a suggestion, maybe account bans aren't enough anymore. Perhaps MAC bans should be implemented?
  5. Oh, I see. Well they better give another 7 days because EU is not getting fixed this year. edit: lol was browsing armas with my other account. Didn't realize it was logged on here as well.
  6. Another thing to take into account with remote det is that the distance between the vehicle and its owner when they trigger it has an impact on how long the wind up timer is. The further away they are from the vehicle, the longer the wind up.
  7. So it's been almost 10 years since EA confirmed they weren't releasing APB in Australia. Since then the game has gone through several publishers, AU video game classification laws have become less strict (APB Reloaded was finally given an MA15+ rating in 2015), and getting games released in different regions seems easier than ever from what I've seen from other publishers. The game is even available to AU accounts on Steam, but AU PS4 players still can't download the game without using foreign alts and even then we can't get G1C without buying foreign currency, which we still can't use for characters on our primary accounts... Are there any plans to officially release APB on AU stores or reasons why not? Is it something Little Orbit has considered since they took over or brought up with their console publisher at all?
  8. Can you message me that youtube video, if there's a keylogger than it will be detected:) Once someone who used to run the "community" forums of a gw2's server had a beef with another guy. So he used his access to the forum database and decrypted the password. "Hacked" into his account and made some cringy video with threats. And yes, the guy used the same email and password everywhere. It's still possible he got hacked the same way. Also it's possible to be full of sh.t knowing the apb community.
  9. If you check APB Player Statistics you can see average player count per day was only about 100, but i am sure we can expect more. Some players made a new account to play on Citadel, but we should also assume some didn't. If you have bought a lot of weapons and made a lot great symbols, etc....over the years you probably don't want to start from 0 all over again
  10. i dont think that it will be that much of a difference, bc i think most of the russian Players made new accounts or chars on citadel to Play over there.
  11. the best weapons from armas would be a 3slot pmg/ntec/obeya/hvr but someone just starting out probably won’t get much use out of them immmediately, unless they invest the time to “master” them the exception is probably the pmg - it’s just pure m1 ez out to about 40m, and it’s available in the ‘dress to kill’ bundles on armas character bound only atm
  12. 99 G1C, 5 pieces, Account Lifetime and i also got a legendary from the only gold mystery box i received for buying them. That's good. Im not entirely happy about the "No Shoes" style. Better in the future, maybe.
  13. people on social media already fuming over "more armas content" and these being preset clothes... imagine not even clicking the armas link and checking out how much you really get for what amount of cash... 99g1c (1$) for 5 account wide items is a really good deal for anyone who likes this design...
  14. Yeah that's what kept my interest in this game, you can't find any other game that can replace it on its all aspects of style and gameplay. I felt the withdrawal symptoms when i lost my account unfairly back in 2016, i still decided to create a new account and play as f2p, hoping that i may get my main account back, then came LO and gave my account back, it made me feel good again. I agree.
  15. The 7 - day premium still hasn't been uploaded to my account. I sent a ticket 3 days ago, but it's not answered. If you don't give a premium, tell me that I don't have to check for answers. Note:my account had 44 days premium for the game closed 4-5 days premium time wasted. Shared Support ticket removed ~@mayii
  16. I forgot to weigh in on this thread when this was originally posted. Better late than never. The reason why EAC disables manual editing of CPU Affinity/Priority for processes it attaches to is for security reasons. For most games, EAC is considered a child process which starts and hooks into the game where necessary. On start of a child process, the child process inherits the parent process Affinity for simplicity reasons on Windows. Very rarely will you ever need a child process to access more processing cores than the parent process, and also simplifies data access across processing cores. Setting process priority higher for the game process should not be necessary. Very rarely does it do anything, and has much wider implications. To quote this article's answer on Stack Overflow: "A realtime priority thread can never be pre-empted by timer interrupts and runs at a higher priority than any other thread in the system. As such a CPU bound realtime priority thread can totally ruin a machine. Creating realtime priority threads requires a privilege (SeIncreaseBasePriorityPrivilege) so it can only be done by administrative users." Any process that has real time priority essentially can get ahead of anything else, force other threads to wait until they are done and are one level below the Operating System in terms of priority for CPU time. Perfect if you wish to have your game squeeze a frame or two, or if you wish to get your cheat to circumvent EAC detection by bypassing it altogether. And as for forcing CPU Affinity/Priority through Registry Edits, this is NOT SUPPORTED by EAC at all, and has resulted in bans for EAC circumnavigation in other games. You perform this Registry Edit AT YOUR OWN RISK. As far as this RegEdit is concerned, it would be considered circumnavigating an EAC safeguard.
  17. Didn't LO said they were going to replace all Character Lifetime with Account Lifetime products because they wanted Joker Store to get that? Mhm, i guess hiding the truth once again, congrats ^-^.
  18. id assume its to prevent someone (who presumably logged in from a different ip or something) from draining your account immediately i feel like it would have been far more convenient to just add an email/text verification instead
  19. What to do if blocked, but I did not do this? I was blocked due to the sale of resources for real money. But I didn’t do it. Support does not prove anything, no one even wants to hear. They rested like rams. 10 years to the wind. And a huge amount of money wasted. I do not know how to prove that I did not sell anything for real money. I'm just nervous about this situation. Get a lock for something I didn’t do. I understand that now I will need to write and raise this question every day. Otherwise, nothing can be achieved. I want justice to triumph. And erroneous charges and blocking were dropped. I don’t want to create new accounts every day and get everyone to hear me. Every day I will create support tickets if the situation with my lock is not changed. Because I did not sell anything for real money. I do not want to endure unreasonable locks. And turn a blind eye to it. Every day I will have to write support from different accounts or create forum topics. I see no other way out to achieve justice. Maybe I would throw this situation with an erroneous lock. If not for the amount that was invested in the account. And 10 years of play.
  20. I have no idea. Yes, let them not untie them anymore. Steam account still belongs to me. It’s just that Dota 2’s access is blocked on it and I wanted to bind my account from APB to a new Steam account. It turns out I contacted support also and got a lock. I have no comments ... I dug a hole for myself... I would at least find out or see why they made such decisions about blocking. I could at least refute these suspicions. Because what I was accused of, I did not.
  21. If you just keep quiet about it. Most likely they will simply forget about this situation. And my account will remain blocked. I am confident in my innocence. But so far no one upstream has responded. I don’t know who felt better from my blocking. In my opinion, it would be better to do important things. And they checked everything more carefully. Yes, I heard a lot and I have a lot of experience in this game. I am nervous about the fact that in the social area there is a complete mess with the sale of weapons and exchange. Why did you introduce this function? (Trade) ______ Lixil silent I wrote in a pm/ It made Stitchly ... he does not explain anything. And does not make contact. Just wrote thank you for understanding ..
  22. I already wrote in PM. There was no answer yet. But yesterday I got excited and sent a message 3.Well, I just have to wait. I don’t really believe that they admit their mistake and return my account. Who I am,,, just a player with ridiculous ban...
  23. blahblahblah, no arguments, no logic, only emotions. People lie all the time, they lie even when they are caught. Some get banned like 15 times and still swear they are legit. Just two months ago someone on the guildwars2 subreddit claimed he got banned for using an addon, managed to cause a sh.itstorm and made everyone grab their pitchforks...Until Security Lead came just to expose the guy cheating on dozen accounts(might have been over 30) I don't think support will just randomly lock an account without any suspicious cues like different login locations etc. Would be nice this to be resolved eventually and LO to come and say whether they were wrong or right.
  24. Yes. Do this. I want to be able to mass delete my dozens upon dozens of pages of 3 day trial jmb items. Better yet, give jmb mailbox messages their own tab in the mailbox and let us mass-retrieve attachments too, so I don't need to spend an hour on every new character accepting all my account perms kthx
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