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  1. Well, i just tested it in game. It's a major handicap yielding a minor (nano actually) improvement in the RoF - most notably with the Oscar. Of course this didn't take a free scrolling mouse into account, but if you manage to play like this... you earned your kills just as well as any HVR quickswitcher imho.
  2. Not sure what you mean, but just because there arent any cheaters now doesn't make my point invalid. I'm not going to argue for or against false positive bans because I know a heavy amount of false bans are because people cheated on others accounts. Which technically makes them false positives.
  3. Also show threat on the forums too. What happens if threat visibility is removed? I say show rank and total age of account (let's see who's the real og)
  4. So we are currently playing a game where no account is banned for hacking. Sounds balanced.
  5. New is a relative term to how the population has been over the last few years. I suppose I should have said players are starting to come back in droves since people like you cant actually talk about a subject without attempting to discredit someone or try to make them look dumb to set up your own point. And I never said EVERYONE is cheating, I just said there are a ton of them and they stopped briefly for a few days, then started back up again. Also un-banning all the cheating accounts. AKA trash accounts just gave them MORE accounts to jump back into to throw out. But I understand the reasoning behind the mass un-ban. And for the record, I was one of the first if not THE first person to make the argument that it takes at least a week for them to use cheater data to tune both FF and BE but apparently you decided to champion my own topic for me. My entire point here was simple to appeal to LO and ask them not to wait too long. I never specified any kind of time frame, I simply implied to make it as quick as possible before too many people leave again. Finally, yes there are a "few" players that are better than me. I have always been in top 10-15% of this game and will remain in that spot until I can no longer play or until the game goes offline. I also have experience with cheats, game mechanics, scripting, programming, and several other areas that allow me to have a particularly good idea of when someone is actually good or cheating. As a matter of fact, even G1 stated at one time that if they banned everyone that was cheating they would lose 80% of their player base over night, that is why they did the second chance, and the come clean deals a few years back. So its not just an opinion, its backed by actual events that have occurred over the years. Oh yes, and last but not least, to add insult to injury, there is also a thing known as a reputation, so it is entirely possible for someone to come to this game completely fresh, never having played it before and know about the reputation it has of being completely over run with cheaters. So yeah...
  6. Got bless steam wallet with your linked steam account. Gifting disabled tho so if wifey plays apb there aint no gifting
  7. Hardware ids can be changed easily. so can internet address. And not everyone has a cell phone myself included. The only real guarantee is banning accounts. Not sure what else can be done without slowing down updates to APB
  8. https://www.gamersfirst.com/account/apb tells you the date it expires
  9. i had my account compromised and all my characters were deleted and I sent the ticket trying to get my armas is content back and they told that I couldn't get my characters back I just want my Armas stuff back pls help (i have around $1000 is this game and would like to have some of my stuff back)
  10. Your account security is equally your responsibility as it is Little Orbits's. If you got a response from customer support then changes are that they can read however they are limited in what they can do in these situations. If your account is compromised then customer service may not be able to help you other than resetting your account password, This is for a number of reasons: A compromised account will not be considered secure, Staff MAY NOT give you your items back if there is a risk they you'll lose it again. They cannot tell if your account is still compromised or will be compromised again. Staff are not going to add potential fuel to the fire at their expense. You assume responsibility for an account that is compromised on the client side. EVEN if a account was compromised and it was a beach on the server/staff side then legally they cannot be held liable as you agree to weaver your rights in agreeing to the EULA when creating an account. Any assistance is at their digression and really out of good will.
  11. i mean, my ticket i talked about in my last thread, still no answer. another account that's missing an account bound weapon, probably 40+ days with no answer no, it's not worth it
  12. Okay. I'll try to keep this as short as I can. So, I have 2 accounts I usually switch between when I play, and sometimes its hard to choose/prioritize when it comes to the both of them considering how much I've put into them. But here's the thing, one of my accounts currently has 1,600 days of Premium. My other main account currently has no Premium. I don't know if it's actually possible or if this has been gone over, but I desperately want to take days of Premium from my one account. and put them on the other one. "BUT DEFTONEZ, WHA-WHAT- WHAT IF YOU JUST BOUGHT PREMIUM ON THE ACCOUNT YOU WANT IT ON?" oh sis If I can verify my ownership of the accounts, then I don't see the harm in sending premium between the both of them. Playing without Premium is like having horrible eyesight and not wearing your glasses to help you see. (okay that was the worst analogy but you get it)
  13. Is it permanently bound to your character or do you only own it for a couple of weeks? Sorry if it's a dumb question
  14. "Beard Hunter" got who killed the real Matt , "Beard Master" got who killed the real Matt three times .Congratulations to all winners! You all will be receiving a code that is bonded to your account (sadly you will not be able to gift that code to your friend). for managing to land 3 kills and earning 1000 G1C as a special reward. But that is not all! Everyone who managed to kill any of the Matt Scotts will be receiving a special title in the game! (This reward will be given later this week or next and the full list will be given once titles are given). 09/18/2018 I got the title 'Bread Hynter' . I can hope to get a second title for the murder of the not real Matt ? This is the first event organized by LO. Why not award the title to ALL who participated ?
  15. looks like you owned the gun characterbound on a character, and offered an upgrade to accountbound for 345g1c It costed me 399 G1C to buy Character perma, and now it costs 345 for account upgrade, and that was my first purchase ever on Armas
  16. At the very least APB$, as there's no longer any legitimate gameplay reason/excuse to not do so. Due to the new trading having no system tax, you can already now transfer any quantity of APB$ between your characters with no loss. Letting us simply mail it (or having it be held in an "account wallet" or some such that all characters pull from) would just remove that unnecessary and technically risky middle step.
  17. I would post this in the game suggestion section but it barely gets any attention, that being said i'd like to know whether the dev team could make this a thing in the near future since i got so many consumables such as boom boxes/satchel charges that are flooding up my in-game mail now and joker tickets i'd like to move to other characters. And again i'm asking this to be available only to your account's characters and not someone else's just to clarify. Honestly i see no drawback to this other than reducing the overall grind, the stuff is yours you should be able to send it throughout your characters.
  18. What do they expect from us? Open up a savings account for APB? LOL
  19. Back in 2011 or so, that's how Kevlar used to work, but the problem was that the acceleration didn't have a minimum speed where it started being applied to, so you'd pretty much come to a complete stand still every time you wanted to strafe in the opposite direction. Another fault with Kevlar is that it only adds the ability to survive one or two extra shots mostly, which is nearly insignificant with this low TTK. With the heavy movement penalty, you're bound to take a few extra hits anyway, since you can't dodge or take cover as easily, meanwhile your pushing abilities become significantly reduced. Not to mention it makes it feel alot less enjoyable to move around. As previously mentioned, CA3 pretty much allows the same benefit (if you utilize cover briefly throughout the fight), without any of those drawbacks. Longer healing is a good trade-off for CA3, it's just that Kevlar's benefit is too small, while it have too many drawbacks. To make it more interesting, I'd suggest adding bullet damage reduction (similar to what have been suggested previously), but explosives and fall damage would affect the player as normal. Buffing the damage reduction slightly, so it affects more weapons and scales better between Kevlar 1-3. Finally I'd add acceleration, but make it so it only kicks in after a certain threshold. This would of course need to be tested, to see how it feels and plays, while also finding appropriate values for the acceleration. Also, would someone be able to help me out with phrasing for the extra acceleration threshold? Kevlar Implants I -15% damage from bullets Requires slight additional effort to reach sprinting speed. 69% of sprinting speed threshold (414cm/s) before additional acceleration. Kevlar Implants II -25% damage from bullets Requires moderate additional effort to reach sprinting speed. 46% of sprinting speed threshold (276cm/s) before additional acceleration. Kevlar Implants III -35% damage from bullets Requires considerable additional effort to reach sprinting speed. 23% of sprinting speed threshold (138cm/s) before additional acceleration. Below is some comparisons for how it would be affecting damage: OCA 100% 8 shots to kill (125dmg per shot, 0.64s TTK) 85% 10 shots to kill (106.25dmg per shot, 0.824s TTK) 75% 11 shots to kill (93.75dmg per shot, 0.916s TTK) 65% 13 shots to kill (81.25dmg per shot, 1.1s TTK) Joker Carbine 100% 6 shots to kill (180dmg per shot, 0.75s TTK) 85% 7 shots to kill (153dmg per shot, 0.9s TTK) 75% 8 shots to kill (135dmg per shot, 1.05s TTK) 65% 9 shots to kill (117dmg per shot, 1.2s TTK) N-TEC 100% 6 shots to kill (185dmg per shot, 0.7s TTK) 85% 7 shots to kill (157.25 dmg per shot, 0.84s TTK) 75% 8 shots to kill (138.75 dmg per shot, 0.98s TTK) 65% 9 shots to kill (120.25 dmg per shot, 1.12s TTK) HVR 100% 2 shots to kill (850 dmg per shot, 1.75 TTK) 85% 2 shots to kill (722.5dmg per shot, 1.75 TTK) 75% 2 shots to kill (637.5dmg per shot, 1.75 TTK) 65% 2 shots to kill (552.5dmg per shot, 1.75 TTK) EDIT: These changes would make Kevlar 3 be able to survive three bursts from OBIR, and would also make the HVR require three shots, if its damage got nerfed to at least 765dmg.
  20. lol @ the creator still using a fucking yahoo account.
  21. Oh 3 likes oh well lol Oh 3 likes oh well lol Nice to know you have alt accounts lol
  22. Which was shortly followed by bans Are those accounts still banned to this day?
  23. Looking at APB's ranking system in any of the ways you mentioned is really not correct. If anything at all, the endgame starts at 195 where you can start using some useless and some good mods. Rank is largely meaningless in practice, it's not factored into matchmaking and if anything at all it's an indicator of mission play time. You can be high rank and terrible at the game as well as low rank and really good (especially if you take second characters into account.) Usually though high ranks are good at the game, but I've seen my share of bad ones too. The whole skill indication gets thrown out the window again though if you account for people playing in Fight Club, which does not progress you, but does help improve skill. Also, 500 hours is ridiculously little for max rank, I don't think it's possible at all, but again, after 195 rank is essentially meaningless, you can use all the good stuff after that.
  24. All new accounts get a trade lock. Its only measured in days, so just wait it out.
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