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About Chinook

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    Free radical

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  1. Is it just me, or is anyone else having hard time actually connecting to action districts? I struggled with this for good half an hour yesterday and after re-installing almost the entire game I got in, now I'm once again getting stuck on "Connecting to district server dot dot dot dot dot" phase on loading screen. Guess I need to find really empty district again to get in and hope for the best in terms of population changes...
  2. APB still being APB. One rage-speed-hackbutter, few sus peeps. Wasn't the end of the world. What nearly was end of the night, was people being themselves as usual. Of course I suck, what did you expect? Me stll remembering every quirk of every 178 billion differently modded weapons and knowing exactly how each one of them functions nowdays after all the ever-going re-re-re-rebalancing? I barely remembered the controls for crying out loud... Got really reminded very very quickly why I stopped playing this game in action districts back in the day. At this rate I will propably have cured my craving for it forever after I reach the new max rank. Nostalgia can only carry so far, if the gaming experience is... unpleasant, to say the least.
  3. Sometimes I'm just lost for words. Are all the anti-cheats ever utilized in APB so useless? Ban-waves after ban-waves being followed by un-ban-waves after un-ban-waves. Do we suck so bad using them tools? Or are the tools really that bad? Or are we just so desparate to get the sus whales back? Are we the baddies? Or what? I have no clue.
  4. How many years we've had this style of event now? And how come we still haven't been able to fix the exploits where people get themselves out of bounds inside buildings and whatnot?
  5. So we need to get rid of the last company on earth that is crazy enough to funnel some funds to this shitshow? OR: How about you find some more productive hobbies to waste your time on? APB has been a shitshow for ages, and thinking it would suddenly change or not be a shitshow is self-deception of the worst level.
  6. Not having me even on shit tier is a sign of failure.
  7. Listed bits remind me of my old setup. It ran semi-stable 60+ with certain settings. Slowly it kept losing performance and ended up running around 45 fps. Then I built new setup, and it ran 100+ fps "stable" without clay figure graphics. Now this very same setup runs barely at 60 fps again, with non-clay-figure settings. Sometimes little higher, can go up to very unstable 80+ fps at times on empty-ish district. Should check in one day to see if I get even that anymore.
  8. Can we turn time back 10 years and not f' up everything on that attempt?
  9. The latest engine update beta I tested had abysmal performance. It literally ran like s**t. That said, the live client performance is slowly getting up par with that beta, and it runs like garbage too. I have no clue what sort of nuclear pc's people who still keep playing regularly have (or if they just play with clay figure graphics and 1024 x whatever resolution), but even the live has been unenjoyable for me for quite a while now, as it runs like pile of garbage rolling downhill.
  10. Has someone tried to use it for something else than griefing? My experience with it has always been someone just blasting everyone around him/her with massive audio overload with like 200%+ volume and bad taste in music.
  11. If it's anything like the betas we've recently had, there'll be literally NOBODY around. So you can claim victory in your heart by the fact that you wouldn't get an opposed mission in the first place. EDIT: If someone missed the joke here, that poor soul hasn't tried the engine upgrade betas... The performance is beyond horrible. It's marginal at best, and this is with best rigs available today. I'd be perfectly happy with somewhat stable 60fps... Or even less, if it just were even remotely stable for crying out loud.
  12. See you at the next event maybe. This must be the record for me, to play the least amount of apb halloween event ever. It's not like I'd be getting any enoyment from the "run of the mill - missions". Not even after all the "tweaks" to the meta. It's still shit if you prefer to go around solo. And while the horseman event districts boogaloo is the best thing since frozen pizza, it's still flawed.
  13. Tryhard is someone who no matter the game, no matter the situation, will always go "all-in". I rarely "push" myself to the limit, because I get enough of that shit at work. When I'm at home I play games for fun, and I rather do things for "shits' n' giggles" than go all out with whatever "skill" I may have in the game in question.
  14. That is obviously just to show the equipment without typing everything by hand. Can't remember what version number i run at the moment, but it's something from last 180 days. To whom it may concern... https://www.passmark.com/baselines/V10/display.php?id=131227211645
  15. I'm sorry to inform, but it runs like garbage. If you put any of your settings towards allowing you to enjoy other people's character and car designs, the performance is shit, or worse. It is so much worse than live, that I can't fathom at this point whether or not engine upgrade is worth the time spent. I really really hope it is, but at this point it just doesn't show up to be.
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