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  1. It's still possible. You need to login to APB via Steam, once you're in-game press Esc -> Marketplace and from there try adding G1C funds into your account.
  2. Okay, please give. I need four copies. I’ll pay IGN: Hellscape
  3. Literally nothing in that list happened.. xD Well, I’m out to get some more g1c
  4. It’s because you need to find a group of people or even a single mate to play with. I can help you around if you’re from Citadel. /w me either in-game or on the forums.
  5. Alright, I see. Thanks a lot you two, appreciate it! This can be closed now.
  6. Hey, thanks alot for the answer. First of all, I am not using apb as benchmarking, just taking it into consideration so I'll know what I am entering into. Second, I am getting the RTX 2070 Super. Do you might know if it has the same issue as the 2080?
  7. Hey all. I am planning on upgrading my whole PC including getting a new RTX graphics. Issue is I have heard a lot of people comlplain about crashes or being unable to play the game with RTX. Is that still a thing and if it does is there a workaround?
  8. Can anyone confirm if re-naming the Instrument folder to remove themes is still or ever was allowed?
  9. Bring the attention to the devs most likely.
  10. I have not recieved anything yet.
  11. Now you're just being a knucklehead. No point discussing with you since you have no idea what you are talking about.
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