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  1. giving out personal information is strictly mentioned to not do that. I've noticed a few people who disagreed with you were down voted then you would reply to them. I'll be blunt....... you sound like a scam attempting to be done to jeopardize peoples accounts. I've seen too many game players use 3rd parties who required a name pass and so on to only have accounts stolen and sold off. Is there any guarantee that would not happen? of course not. its why the ToS says not to do so. I have no reason to do such a thing nor does anyone else. they can simply get on their APB account. at no time do you or anyone else need access to other accounts. period.
  2. Thx~~ In the original code-example, the username & password are only used to login, since the server will ask for credentials before providing any service. The rest of the code shows what usually happens after a successful login: Your code adds more information to what's originally given. To protect one's account/privacy, the User can simply create a new account and login using that to a fresh-Trainee, but the code itself doesn't provide much use. If the code gets expanded to include population information or chat-functionality for example, it might become something of value to many. If you are able to expand the code in such a way, I recommend you first obtain Little Orbit's approval. You don't wanna get your entire work flagged as non-permissible when it is done.
  3. It is a in general a good idea to not give out account + password indeed Open sourcing a tool would make it possible to run the sources on one of your own machines where you have control. It's a free service offer. Somebody did offer you a free additional service, If you don't see the use or don't need or want it, fine - simply move on The creator invested work and presents an offer. Take it or leave it, but saying "omg the sky is falling, they are stealing your account" while there is zero proof of even an attempt here and actually quite the contrary, Considering the fact that the players who run apb, have to trust many thousand of anonymous people who where involved in creating the software they use (from windows itself, through IO etc.) and trust thousands of people they never met and who never agreed to reveal their sources to the public, it's a bit weird to me - especially since i often see the same people blindly installing third party code like overwulf, ventrilo, skype, teamspeak, fraps, mirc, kvirc, etc etc without any problem. It's a free offer. Take it or leave it. Warning people about dubious offers that ask for personal/account info is a service indeed, but warning them "your account will be stolen!" while no evidence of any attempt has been seen (quite the contrary), is just scaremongering. It would really help if LO had an official way of dealing with third party tools. Even better, an official API to use and 3 new maps and free cookies to all apb players If those things will happen, depends on their resources though. ps: brb - checking for cookies from LO in mail .....
  4. I refuse to give my account and pass to anyone period If you don't like it too damn bad just because he says one thing does not make it true nor does it mean he or someone else cant take/steal accounts later your word and his word means crap
  5. Why can't we remove out of bounds outside of missions. No game breaking bugs or OP glitches/stunts to win a match, but without destoying fun for some part of the community
  6. He is, because i can't stay up there like him. #I Know About Out Of Bounds Areas and Forbidden Ones.
  7. This is one of the reasons I stopped playing missions. I mean it's easy to counter cheaters but why should I be facing trigger botters who have been cheating for months, It's not fair for players. It doesn't feel like the company is doing anything to ban cheaters at all. One of the bigger cheat providers is still running around on his main account where he has been cheating since the implementation of Battleye. The worst thing is that he has been streaming with the cheats and he is still not banned like wtf? I am all for gathering data to ban the right people but not banning obvious cheaters who are speed hacking and showcasing their cheat on stream is just stupid and it feels like the game providers doesn't care at all. For the moderators suggesting us to send evidence to support there is literally no point, If it takes around 3-4 months for them to respond. Normal game companies respond to tickets within 48 hours.
  8. 1 question. @Lixil @MattScott Why is the car character bound, but I'm unable to redeem multiple codes to get one for each character?
  9. Maybe a way around this is to limit the joker ticket earnings but make them worth more. Meaning that you can only do the assignments from each contact on mission districts and the Fight Club participation rewards once on your account, but you get more JT. Not a lot more so people with low character slots will get advantage and not a tiny bit more where people with high character slots get a lot less. There are multiple approaches to this. Even just making the cash account-wide and leacing the JT as is will be nice Also, people with more characters slots should get somewhat of an advantage. Character slots need to be worth something other than "extra options" in my opinion.
  10. With account-wide cash everything would be easier and thats good. But I am not totally sure about Joker Tickets. If you still able to earn JT from Fightclub with each Character then people with 10 characters would get a big advantage.
  11. I fully support this idea - Account Wide balances should be in place. (Maybe similar to Black Desert Online) The money can be put in a "bank" account, which then shares throughout the "family" (account)
  12. Well if they wanna prevent that they could make the fightclub and daily challenges account bound... with that i wanna say that it shares the progress of your daily's and fight club challenges across all characters
  13. And that's only accounts for the people who play the game on steam. If you use the launcher from g1 like me you're not in those stats, which means the population was even higher than that
  14. For some reason, some non-reskin guns on armas (account wide) cost 1799 g1c, some cost 2799 and some cost 3499 g1c. Why aren't all non reskins the same (cheap) price? 3.5k for an account wide non reskin gun is crazy.. Will they change this when they revamp the armas?
  15. as told i saw big sites with a lot of hacks they sell it for a few $ whats kinda bulls*** in my eyes and at citadel u find min 1 hacker at each district sure but this guy was at first gold low rank and have hit every hit as soon as he pressed v like its his triggerkey... and who cares about a account if u can create a new one for free ?
  16. As long as they are character bound it would be alright though? i think?
  17. Happens either way though. The real fun is when they get banned after buying the account, then the shit storm starts and laughs are had by everyone... except the scrub that bought an account. Until LO decided to do something about the blatant account selling and items for real cash market it is pointless, annoying but can'd do shit about it i guess.
  18. thats the issue, people are willing to spent way too much money for cheating. the only solution would be an anticheat reacting so quick that the process of making an account is too annoying compared to the fun of running around cheating. everythign else will be very much pointless in terms of helping to reduce the cheater problem.
  19. @MattScott tried buying some but the link account doesn't work anymore
  20. I have a free apb reloaded account 3years ago in which i maxed my character. Later it was banned, due to reason i dont know. Now i recently downloaded apb reloaded and i could open my account but my character is now in NA which previously was in HAN. I get around 300ping in NA server. So does anyone know that can i change my character's server to EU ?
  21. Quick question! Can someone tell me if this is a 4x4 or a normal vegas ? or can I get the 4x4 just from the world key pack ? Can be deleted after answering the question!
  22. lol u mad af when gifting comes back Ill buy you an account perm country gent
  23. I guess they didn't want to completely devalue using the marketplace, since it's a necessary APB$ sink. Trade delays usually are a layer of security in case your account gets hijacked, but it's irrelevant here since you can already bypass it via player-reserved offers in the marketplace. Player-reserved offers are also a way to bypass the gold sink since the market tax scales according to sale price (if you are willing to resort to multi-step trading or middlemen). Are market bots still a thing in 2018?
  24. Karma Koin was a great way of buying G1C especially if you don't have a paypal account or wish to link your credit card.
  25. but see, there in lies your flaw, "if you don't miss a shot". You WILL miss a shot unless you get extremely lucky OR you use artificial aiming. And in the general course of game-play, it wouldn't even have a noticeable effect. Also, another thing to take into consideration, your ping also dictates how fast you can fire a weapon to some extent. Lets take into account Archeage, the US version replaced all single fire skills with skills that had pre recorded fire rates and intervals because of this vary reason. people with lower pings could achieve higher fire rates that people with higher pings because of the server side shot verification.
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