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  1. Yes. I don't actually see those as exploits like the Tutorial one cause they require actual work - that and the JT reward would be character bound, although I wouldn't mind being able to trade JT items between account characters. Maybe if they made JTs account-wide I'd accept FC rewards being account-wide too, but the Daily Activity JTs rewards are so pitiful it wouldn't make much of a difference since we're talking hundreds earned versus thousands needed to gain a single reward. I cbf doing the math, but I'm guessing that using 5 character slots to farm JT dailies means they'd get JT items 5 times after, but they're still doing 5 times the work, so they've earned the item legit. Just like with the Chrome Skin - the player/account is still earning those 20,000 kills, just because they do 4k on each character doesn't mean those 20k kills were any easier to grind.
  2. No they don't, you're making stuff up. I own all of them and they are account bound, so they don't expire. These codes get a new expiration date when they reach the current one. I have some old codes from 2016 which I never used and they never expired.
  3. They are account bound, even if you are given the code when attempting to redeem an error message will tell you the codes belong to another account. People censor the codes as a good practice or simple are not aware that they cannot be redeemed on another account. Like others have mentioned, codes don't expire once they reach the deadline the expiration date is automatically extended. I have got tones of premium codes dating back from 2014.
  4. https://www.gamersfirst.com/apb/news/2020/6/8/joker-store-renovations Per this announcement, any Joker Store purchases of permanent unlocks adds an option to re-purchase with ingame cash. This means you can freely toss the weapons to make room (mostly relevant for those of us who are sitting at/near locker storage limit), and then grab it again later for a mission's worth of ingame cash. How about adding ARMAS permanent purchases (both character and account bound) to this?
  5. I wanted it like a week ago, I even managed to make 20k jt (without hard grinding anyway), I know it was not much for old players, but now I'm even doubt what I have to spend jt on... maybe that Prototype Tech skin? I wish it was account-bound affordable though, since I have more than 2 chars...
  6. As far as I know, any legendary, any armas gun for 15 days, few possible 1 slot weapons for permanent, and skins... in a perfect way. On my way: Only skin I won is Money (for two fking characters twice lol), 3 low-tier legendaries, N-Tec, OCA, HVR (all 1 slot, which is useless for me, since I have all of them 3-slotted, account bounded), and mentioned armas weapons... mostly ATAC variations (I don't even use ATAC whatdefok). Not want to complain, but this so called "list" is kinda poor, well, it is for me IMO there is should be some kind of system which gonna prevent giving player weapons which he own already. I know it's too idealistic and also easy way to taking legendaries only, but still...
  7. Yea, but he's right at half. LO making a great (to say the least) job at improving the game for f2p players, but totally forgot about the ARMAS. I mean, come on, I have a lot of clothing too, but I also have more than one char, and why can't I have the opportunity to get more account bound clothing to try more styles? Also, armas seems to be broken a bit, want to mention Bishada Nici and Abra kits which is tricky to find, and some... forbidden weapon skin which still available Also yeah, I'm gonna moan about account bounded stuff till it happens, since not much people care about this. But I do. And yea, buff unpopular guns pls
  8. Do the account bound; you'll thank me later when you're a degenerate like myself and have 7 alts. Gambling is stupid.
  9. Didn't know you could get armas guns via joker tickets. Go with G1c. Armas guns are sold by character and by account, the later is slightly higher priced but well worth it. All of the Armas guns i have are account bound. So all of my characters have the weapon/s. I have 4 Max ranks and a new reroll. I normally would say to invest in the open slots. But if you plan to reroll, grab a pre slotted version, so as a low rank you dont have to grind out cash to buy sites and other mods. Now if you want to go the joker route, get a Huntress rifle for your one character, This one shoots fast and is accurate, room for one mod, and the kill damage is almost as good as a sniper, and the mobility is high. you can run with it. VERY GOOD question. We know the 5% would goto the weapon you spend the jt's on. Where is that 1% applied?
  10. If they make it, it's good. if not, I wouldn't bother. LO has lost much money already from free premium, and it's not something that could help, I think. The ARMAS itself is bothering me. Outdated gun stats, many guns missing, proper bundle contents required, some prices are makes no sense, some items are hard to find via bad naming/photo, more and many more issues. I'm not even talking about new content (which was a thing back in 2019), or at least old content to be able for account-bound purchase. ARMAS must be fixed. After all these years under LO's management, I got one thing: they do care about any aspect of the game, they do try to fix some, but never ever paid attention to Marketplace. Just IMO. Thanks.
  11. The fact that you think so means that you don't understand the situation APB was in at the time. I can speak about this because I saw everything it lead to and I've experienced it first hand. Players were being targeted for harassment because of FairFight bans which had a high probability of being false positive manual bans and weren't deserved in the first place. Players got doxxed, their private pictures leaked and posted all over FFbans, their relatives were harassed, players were DDoSsed and so on and so forth. G1 employees got their share of the pie as well. Some of them were doxxed and they even had death threats sent to them. Just like I wrote to Eviltara, its very easy to be ignorant of targeted harassment online when you have not been targeted yourself. Add to that the fact that the very owners of the game were the ones who set things up that way and let the players tear each other apart for the sake of protecting their fragile egos for years. Most of the people who camped the website on a daily basis and made insane "investigations" on FFbans in an attempt to ruin people's lives because of an APB ban (which is likely false to begin with) were all mentally ill in some shape or form. And do I even need to mention the fact that there were running ads on the ffbans website which were generating revenue for the owners of the website so in reality they were making money off of APB's toxicity and mentally ill playerbase? No, this is the worst thing that has ever happened to APB and it effectively killed the game due to the incredible amounts of toxicity it introduced to it. Everything was based around ffbans and who was banned/how many times. And lets not forget the amount of mentally ill people who cheated and got purposefully caught over and over again just so they can get attention in the community. There have been many names over the years which only became known because they've been on FFbans. Positive or negative attention doesn't matter to these sorts of people, as long as they get any at all. Most of us here hate cheaters more than anything but cheaters don't deserve to be publically doxxed with their home address, phone numbers and their relatives becoming targets because of a ban on a video game. No one does in fact, no matter what they've done simply because it leads to nothing good. It does not fix the problem. The only thing it does is it lets silvers feel better about themselves because daddy G1 manual bans the same group of people over and over again to make you think that the anti-cheat works. APB is a game with a small community and it always has been. There is always bound to be drama and tension between players in such a small community. Giving players such a huge incentive to be infinitely toxic to each other is a recipe for doom for the game. All of this is the reason LO did away FFbans and public bans in general and this is the only way to go with this game. If a player is cheating then they deserve to be punished by having their account permanently suspended and thats that. They don't deserve to have their lives ruined or to be scared of consequences for their relatives over their game ban. If you think that they do then you're simply being immature and a part of the problem.
  12. Veteran players' humor is so sad ngl xd Armas haven't updated yet? I just wanna see these clothes account bound or not... And about griefers... I think there is have to be GM in every district to prevent such behavior... only reasonable solution for me.
  13. Thanks, gotta go shopping (+rep to LO for account bounded pack) Also agree, it needs total rework.
  14. Hi everyone, I'm long overdue for a more comprehensive update on the Engine Upgrade, so here is a recap of the last couple of weeks. Back on September 6th, I outlined a list of things we were working on. Here is where we stand with those items. Progress with the Engine Upgrade: There is still a lot of thread safety work left to do, but this was a big source of the errors. This work has been completed. We *believe* we have re-architected the mulithreaded code so that all the previous errors have been eliminated. There is still one issue related to Occlusion Query multithreading on RTX cards that causes a bizarre slowdown, so we have that code disabled till we can fix it. We want to allow secondary render threads to use the cache and then track down the specific case where we are setting the per material/mesh state and making sure those invalidate the cache properly so everything gets updated. This work has also been completed. I'm pretty excited about how we fixed this, because after we started testing the new code, we found another issue where the game was destroying the shader cache multiple times per frame. That has also been addressed. We are investigating an issue where specific items are forced to update every frame when they shouldn't. This last item is fixed. We started test driving the new code this week, and while there is some improvement, we're still not seeing anywhere near the kind of performance gains we were expecting. SIDE NOTE: The team has affectionately adopted the phrase "As expected, APB code does the unexpected". For the later half of this week, the team went back and refreshed some older code that integrates with 3rd party tools that allow us to better analyze multithreaded performance. In the past, we have been relying on Visual Studio and 3rd party tools that were working when we took over. These existing tools measure where the most CPU time is being spent. Overall, that technique has been invaluable in finding brute force code doing large tasks in a single loop that could benefit from being multithreaded. However, these tools do not measure things on the GPU, the time spent waiting on a lock or when a process is blocked. On Friday, we finished integrating some new tools that enabled us to stage a full test, capture results, and generate more comprehensive reports. As suspected, we found a significantly larger problem related to how the engine renders Meshes overall. To give an example, our previous efforts to multithread code lower down in the pipeline only account for a fraction of the processing time. The higher level system for actually rendering everything that was processed accounts for the majority of processing time - but it's mostly spent waiting or being blocked which is why these areas never showed up in the previous analysis. The overall rendering is effectively drawing elements on only 1 or 2 threads. It's incredibly inefficient, and we already have a good idea on how to fix this. The team will be moving onto this new issue next week. Alongside these 3 areas listed above, the rest of the team has been fixing VOIP, desync, and other more minor areas. We need those out of the way so we can launch once the renderer is finished. As always, I'm providing these updates in real time with the best information I have at hand. I am (again) hopeful we'll see good progress this coming week, and that I can finally get some better mission district benchmarks. The plan is to spin up Open Beta #3 with mission districts as fast as we can after that. NOTE: After I posted this, I thought I would provide some nerdy details. Rendering in a 3D engine mostly happens in 3 stages. Stage 1 processes the scene. This involves lots of complex routines that gather up and process all the things we need to draw. Some of things we do in this stage are: Identify only the things that are in view of the player's camera. This happens in multiple ways: bounding checks on the field of view, eliminating things too far in the distance, testing to see if an object is occluded (covered) by another object, etc. We want to eliminate everything not in view to avoid drawing far too many things. Recalculate lighting receivers on each object that we are going to render. Process objects for extra data that we need to pass into the next 2 stages. Stage 2 actually draws the big list of things to the scene, which also involves its own set of stages to properly sort objects back to front and render transparency correctly. Stage 3 handles post processing of the final frame buffer (effectively a composited image of the scene once the objects are drawn). This handles a variety of effects including shadow rendering, bloom, iris response, motion blur and more. Stage 3 requires a lot of extra information that was captured in Stages 1 and 2. TL;DR: The majority of our multithreaded work has been in Stage 1. Now we've identified big areas in Stage 2 that are affecting the overall speed of rendering a single frame. Thanks, Matt
  15. Buff Cisco, buff ISSR-a, buff Thumper, buff Cobr-a. ty Edit: And give us account bound CBMP "Arrow"
  16. that is if they're permanent account bound (or if bought for said new character xd)
  17. "mailed to the character currently logged in" Doesn't look account bound to me (but some staff confirmation would help)
  18. -Remove R195 restriction for mods -Stop nerfing everything and making meaningless buffs, or overbuffing, OR nerfing one gun and buffing the alternative, usually end up in the same place you started -Stop putting guns into the grave (which by the way creates the problem of 1 gun becoming too powerful, simply because alternatives have been nuked) -Controversial revert the pioneer and espacio. They're genuinely pointless now with the vegas 4x4 still existing and matt himself said in one of the dev streams there's a vehicle counter nade coming YEAH I WENT BACK AND WATCHED THEM ALL, SOME OF YOU SHOULD TOO *cough* 1000 new players a day *cough* -Stop listening to people that don't play the game, or barely play (maybe listen to the streamers that put in working class hours into your game, they might have this thing called, uh, I dunno... experience relative to the current balance and not boomers from 8 years ago when the pop peaked in 2014 who log on once a month and give a thumbs up when the guns they hate the most don't ruin their kd as much) -Bring back 50/50 districts (or more if possible? Who cares about performance impact, game barely runs as it is, and 20 extra people helps alleviate the disaster headache that is matchmaking) -Anticheat, BE is disgustingly easy to bypass, EAC is free now, even if the backend doesn't work, or whatever the problem allegedly was, it was better than BE -More account bound weapons (yes some of us nerds have disposable income we'd instantly waste on those. It's disposable to us for a reason, you'd probably rather have it than idk, the liquor store or something, free $ for some text edits bud, and don't give me any nonsense about it's not just a text edit, you're not building kernals from scratch and the community members that claim it's hard either don't know or don't understand your backend and frontend, unless you've done the silly thing of giving them access to how it works) -Account bound vehicles (more $ for idk, whatever you do with the games income) None of these take a brand new engine to do
  19. stargazer

    Armas bugs

    1. Both the "Raptor 45 'Hawk'" and the "Raptor 45 'Vulture'" are not listed under the assault rifles category. 2. The price of the Raptor 45 'Vulture' is wrong and the Character Lifetime and Account Lifetime button are switched around, Account Lifetime is shown as 1,599 G1c and Character Lifetime is 1,999 G1c. 3. The SBSR 'IRS' is missing for the Sniper Rifles category. 4. The Starter Swag Pack is listed under Weapon>Packs even though it contains no weapons. 5. (Really minor bug) The mods on the OCA-626 'Whisper' PR2 are not in the same order as in-game. 6. Joker RFP-9 'Comanche', Joker RFP-9 'Fang', Joker RFP-9 'Talon' All have the wrong Ammo Pool Capacity listed on armas, They are all listed as having 63 but in-game the RFP-9 has 105 bullets in reserve. 7. The Paramilitary Bonus Pack (Enforcer) is listed under Gear>Packs When it should be under Cross-faction Packs. 8. The stats of the AR-97 ‘MISERY’ under the Pack of Revelations Pass are wrong. 9. The Joker RFP-9 'Talon' is missing the picture of the mod in the description. 10. While we are looking at the Joker RFP-9 'Talon''s description it says "* There is currently a minor issue where the recoil effects of the Pistol Silencer are currently inactive. This will be fixed in an upcoming patch." From what I remember it has said that for quite some time now, not sure if that bug was ever fixed but if it was this text needs to be removed. 11. There is a 912 g1c price difference between the 2 factions 12. Being unable to buy character bound weapons due to armas thinking that you own them.
  20. Hey im come up with an idea what about an method to sell unused weapons (in mailbox) like 3days 10days 15days etc versions which u currently have account bound for example 300 APB$ per 3 day 500 APB$ per 5 day 700 APB$ per 7 day 1000 APB$ per 10 day 1500 APB$ per 15 day 3000 APB$ per 30 day about cars 5000 APB$ per half year version 7500 APB$ per year version 10000 APB$ per lifetime (cause u have it already) it could work with JT too just depends on what we would like to do. cause i will never use it and i cant delete the messages anyway (still having like 100+ pages of it) What did u think ppl ? is that a good idea ? same i will go with increasing max ammo in storage (i mean the storage not character) to 99999 or something similar and same with consumables (500 isnt enough or just change random script that gives u an consumables so u will obtain this ones you dont have.
  21. A blackjack minigame (and other tabletop games) would be nice, though I don't think it would work within this suggestion since account bound joker tickets would also now be untradeable.
  22. I'm here to do my job as a necromancer. +1 to everything said so far. More stuff should be account bound by default, specifically expensive stuff.
  23. vsb

    Weapon roles

    adding new ways for players to obtain f2p content is something that needs to happen imo i think role level 5, 10, and 15 should unlock the corresponding 0slot, 1slot, and 2slot armas weapons for leasing perhaps role 16 could unlock 3slot armas weapons for leasing, or possible even create a role 17 for that i really like the idea of roles being account bound tho
  24. true, but I think you missed my edit on the post above, I updated it with: "actually, make it so you have to play 1h in an action district (or complete 5 opposed missions). or, bound it completely to hours played instead of making it a daily thing..." this would probably make people re-consider abusing the system, since they'd have to play double the time every day to get extra joker boxes... and 1h (or ~5 missions) playtime yield ~10k cash anyway, so what's +3k extra every second day, when you can easily farm money faster in fightclub... joker tickets are account bound anyway and everything you buy with them, so that's fine. if someone really wants to play 1h extra every day, making it 7h per week for 1 single joker box that will probably just yield a 3 day weapon, that's fine with me lol. they'd have to play a lot more hours on a lot more accounts if they want to farm JB's for legendaries effectively. no one is going to play 5h on 5 different accounts, for 7 days every day just to get a slightly bigger chance for a legendary... that's nuts.
  25. everything should have options for account bound and character bound, hopefully this is something that happens in one of the armas overhaul phases
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