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  1. I don't know, I think it's kind of in a nice place as an accurate support weapon alternative to the ALIG. Don't want another instance of Shredder happening again too. But more importantly, I own a character bound version of the SWARM but it won't let me purchase an account bound one for a discount I may be nitpicking a bit, but rifled shotgun slugs are meant to shoot in smoothbore shotguns. Rifled shotguns are more for things like sabot slugs.
  2. they were at the time i purchased them, i remember it being a big deal because it was the first new clothing pack that g1 had ever introduced as account bound (and because the clothes are all basic) if they arent account bound anymore that might have been something else lost during the revamp as well i'll buy one on a separate account to see if they're still account bound
  3. Autumn Assault is a near 3-week event running from Nov 19th through the 4th of December. During Autumn Assault we will be running daily Gun Game matches in each district. Nearly 100 chances to win the 'Autumn Assault' Weapon Skin! Gun games are back but with a twist! In Gun Games matches, players are assigned a pre-set weapon. You are tasked with scoring points for that weapon. Once you meet your goal, your weapon is replaced with the next weapon in order. This will continue until you have conquered the final challenge, at which point you win the game. Here is how Gun Games matches work, in case you need a refresher: Streak: In Streak, you are tasked with killing your opponents. The higher tiers require multiple kills without dying. Should you die your streak for that weapon is reset and you will need to start over from that same weapon. Pistols: This Gun Game is a bit different from Streak. Instead of making sure you have multiple kills in a row, in here you earn points for kills and assists and once you reach the correct score, you are given the next weapon. As the name indicates, every weapon in this game will be a pistol. Explosives: Explosives Gun Game works exactly the same as pistols but every weapon, except one special one, is a form of explosive. Joker Box: The scoring system of Joker Box is the same as Pistols and Explosives, but for this game, you are given the legendary weapons that can be found in Joker Boxes. Score kills and assists with these legendary weapons and if you win, get the top rank, and already own Autumn Assault skin in addition to the Joker Tickets you will also be awarded 10 special consumables that can be equipped and placed on the ground. Once placed on the ground it will spin around and explode throwing a number of temporary versions of Joker Box legendaries that can be picked up by nearby players. For players who participated but did not win the match, they will be rewarded with Joker Tickets based on how high they ranked in the event. The top 2/3rds of players will receive 100 Joker Tickets and the remaining players will receive 50 Joker Tickets. A series of three Gun Games will be spawned every day - that's three daily matches on Citadel, and three daily matches on Jericho. Due to the system intensive nature of the explosive Gun Game match, we will only be running those on selected days which will be announced beforehand. The explosive game requires you to have a very good PC as well as a very good connection to the internet otherwise your game experience might be affected. The schedule for the Gun game matches will be published later this week. During the Gun game matches, we will also be having a Social Media Challenge. You will have to customize your character or your car to blend in with a background of your choosing (it must be in the game). Players will be able to redeem AUTUMNASSAULT to get 2-day premium! Read more about this challenge on our Facebook page or Twitter! We made a change to the skin we will be giving away. Instead of Butcher skin, you will be now awarded an ACCOUNT BOUND Autumn Assault skin. We are encouraging players to only win once to allow other players a chance to get the skin for their account. Schedule: The matches will be spawned on 3 servers. Citadel, Jericho, and Nekrova. Citadel matches will be spawned 5 PM GMT, on Gold Financial and Waterfront districts. Jericho matches will be spawned 5 PM PDT, on Gold Financial and Waterfront districts. Nekrova matches will be spawned 5 PM MSK, one day on Gold Financial, one day on Gold Waterfront district. If players want to have them spawned at different times, we will be making small adjustments to the schedule based on player feedback on the forums.
  4. From the information I have and from what the developers are telling me, account bound items are not available as in-game rewards.
  5. Oh I bought that slot in the past, totally forgot about that. Hehe. Right, so just get an extra character slot from Armas. I mean, already bought account-bound stuff should appear on the new slots as well right? That's a good option then. True! Nice. ... I'll just keep this new one as an forum account then lol didnt want to buy stuff twice anyway How do I edit posts on this new forum anyway? This does merge but how to edit? Sincerely, Monolillity :)
  6. Hi everyone, I have already commented a couple times about the event. Many players have asked us ‘what were you thinking?’ So here is a bit of an explanation. - Autumn Assault was based on some existing mexhanics that we tried to polish up to make more fun. - We had just come off developing Epidemic as a mode we let players join any time, so we thought we would do something different for November. - We intended Autumn Assault as a fun series of GM run events where players could interact a little more directly. - Since we needed to fire off the event manually, we decided to publish a schedule we could stick to in advance with multiple times a day, so players would know when the events were happening. - We came up with a skin and joker ticket amounts that we felt would make the games worth it for players. And then we had some significant problems: - There was not enough testing. Period. - We swapped the skin at the last minute and made it account bound, so that players wouldn’t keep trying to win. GMs tried to encourage players who had already won to let others win. But the joker ticket inventive was too high. So very good players kept winning anyway. - One of the main games had very bad bugs and had to be replaced, and there were issues overall that prevented the games from being very fun. - We had performance issues in full districts, so we eventually moved the events to a version of Financial with lower player caps. That led to lower amounts of people who could get in at a time, so we tried running the games more often to give as many players as possible a chance to win. - We didn’t have enough staff to run the events later in the evenings so that players with schedule conflicts would have a chance to join. Overall, not great. Lots of lessons learned. Going forward, I think these sorts of events are best left as one-off things we can do here and there for minor prizes. They don’t work for larger scale extended events, and I doubt we’ll do 1st place rewards like this, because there is a finite (small) amount of players who can actually win. It has been proposed that we give out the Autumn Assault skin, which I’m not opposed to. Tell me what you’d like to see happen. Thanks, Matt
  7. Even without premium that's enough for 2 of the most expensive guns on the market account bound + 202 g1c left over, if premium it's 2 account bound + 1,162 g1c left over...
  8. make the packs account bound seriously.
  9. Six years late to the party, bud Will the title be account bound?
  10. Hi all, Autumn Assault account bound skins have been sent out to everyone who logged in at least once during the event. The title is being prepped and will be awarded to players who actually won the event. The title requires another patch, so it should go in on Jan 2nd. Thanks, Matt
  11. i don’t see why not at this point, the volcano and eol line have been up on armas for years account bound opgl/osmaw seems like a pretty easy way for orbit to make a few bucks
  12. I personally think the game itself has never been p2w (see. ntec) but this step is a legit smash to take down p2w apprehension. I think making JT's and bought permanent weapons via contacts account-bound would be a great feature afterall.
  13. Appreciate the update Matt! Will you be able to buy the skins account bound at a later date, or will they be character bound only?
  14. under g1 i know it was done for people but under Little Orbit i do not know , nor do i recall any details about that. I think all it would take is a gun proven to be bought on the account , the math on the difference in price , and programming an upgrade button to make the gun account bound.
  15. Good stuff, was itching for some premium to finish up some things. I'd buy clothing...but most clothing isn't account bound. One can dream...
  16. Trash is a pretty strong word. But for me the only legendaries I use (and I've used them all) are the sitting duck the DOW the firework launcher and on occasion, the Thunder. But to give my opinions, Hazardous is just a downgraded 3 slot m1922. The EOL are just inferior grenade launchers. The UL-3 can be used well by some, but there's still little reason to use them over the meta secondaries or even the N-FA 9. The nano is fine, and a good weapon for new or less skilled players, but Id still prefer the FBW to it. (Not to mention the .45 AP or the various RFPs) The reaper, while not s terrible weapon, is just a downgraded scout. The Anubis, for me, simply has no niche in which it outperforms it's counterparts. The commander, much like the RSA is just not great, and for me would never be picked over say the Fang, even with the range difference. The piercing mod may be useful in rare occasions, but IMO that isn't enough to make it worth equipping. The True Ogre is too niche... Unless used on defense with corner to camp, it's just an NFAS with a .99 ttk. The bullshark is just an Obir with a goofy mod, one that for me at least makes it harder to use than the standard Obir. Cap 40 doesn't suck, but again for me is simply outclassed by both the OCA and the Manic, as well as the PMG. The Ursus while not at all a bad gun, is more or less inferior to the NTEC-5. It's worse in cqc, and beyond it's given range, become +1stk before the standard NTEC-5. It does have 1 less stk, but it still has the same ttk as the standard NTEC. The OCSP is just an FBW with +1 stk and a longer ttk. It does have better initial accuracy, but by the 3rd shot has worse accuracy than the FBW. The volcano has its uses, the airbust at max range for instance can be useful, but anywhere the volcano can airbust the OPGL can more efficiently bombard. And as far as just straight up maining the Volcano, you'd be better off just maining the OSMAW. The huntress is a decent weapon, can be modded in several ways, all of which are efficient. It's not really better than the classic carbine, but it's not really worse either. The main reason I don't use it is carpal tunnel syndrome from too much clicking lol. The condor is identical to the other raptors, except for it's unique mod making it invisible on radar for the first 3 shots when full auto, and doesn't appear at all past 50m. While the 3 shots part might be useful in lower level gameplay, it makes little to no difference vs good players, and being invisible past 50m is useless as the base accuracy of the weapon is too poor to hit at that range. For these reasons I see the Condor as only being equal to the other Raptor guns (which I have account bound). The Medusa, while not a terrible weapon, is simply inferior to the Euryale / Stheno which are deadly accurate immediately, whereas the medusa takes time to get there, plus Muzzle Brake works on the non legendaries, making them easier to handle. The Yukon, after the RoF fix is now no better than the other mounties while hipfiring, and is an inferior rfp in marksman mode.
  17. That plus getting a second gun for dirt cheap. Gifting a friend the character bound then "upgrading" to the account bound for a small fee was a big problem I imagine. oh that was an issue for ages bro. So even tho i do love gifting a lot it's best for them to fix it, and then maybe enable it again in the future
  18. No they don't, you're making stuff up. I own all of them and they are account bound, so they don't expire. These codes get a new expiration date when they reach the current one. I have some old codes from 2016 which I never used and they never expired.
  19. They are account bound, even if you are given the code when attempting to redeem an error message will tell you the codes belong to another account. People censor the codes as a good practice or simple are not aware that they cannot be redeemed on another account. Like others have mentioned, codes don't expire once they reach the deadline the expiration date is automatically extended. I have got tones of premium codes dating back from 2014.
  20. https://www.gamersfirst.com/apb/news/2020/6/8/joker-store-renovations Per this announcement, any Joker Store purchases of permanent unlocks adds an option to re-purchase with ingame cash. This means you can freely toss the weapons to make room (mostly relevant for those of us who are sitting at/near locker storage limit), and then grab it again later for a mission's worth of ingame cash. How about adding ARMAS permanent purchases (both character and account bound) to this?
  21. I wanted it like a week ago, I even managed to make 20k jt (without hard grinding anyway), I know it was not much for old players, but now I'm even doubt what I have to spend jt on... maybe that Prototype Tech skin? I wish it was account-bound affordable though, since I have more than 2 chars...
  22. As far as I know, any legendary, any armas gun for 15 days, few possible 1 slot weapons for permanent, and skins... in a perfect way. On my way: Only skin I won is Money (for two fking characters twice lol), 3 low-tier legendaries, N-Tec, OCA, HVR (all 1 slot, which is useless for me, since I have all of them 3-slotted, account bounded), and mentioned armas weapons... mostly ATAC variations (I don't even use ATAC whatdefok). Not want to complain, but this so called "list" is kinda poor, well, it is for me IMO there is should be some kind of system which gonna prevent giving player weapons which he own already. I know it's too idealistic and also easy way to taking legendaries only, but still...
  23. Yea, but he's right at half. LO making a great (to say the least) job at improving the game for f2p players, but totally forgot about the ARMAS. I mean, come on, I have a lot of clothing too, but I also have more than one char, and why can't I have the opportunity to get more account bound clothing to try more styles? Also, armas seems to be broken a bit, want to mention Bishada Nici and Abra kits which is tricky to find, and some... forbidden weapon skin which still available Also yeah, I'm gonna moan about account bounded stuff till it happens, since not much people care about this. But I do. And yea, buff unpopular guns pls
  24. Do the account bound; you'll thank me later when you're a degenerate like myself and have 7 alts. Gambling is stupid.
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