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About Authorize

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    RIOT is good, change my mind.

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  1. You only have to recolor the cigar's ash to green, then it's a blunt xD
  2. I ignore people just because of their themes sometimes (For obvious reasons) but i think a possible temp-ignore would also work, for situations like the themes and for district spam - you could set to ignore someone for 1 hour-1 day-1 week ect.. and wouldn't have to manually remove it later to make room for more people
  3. The vanity link broke so our symbols are pretty much useless BUT you can still join through https://discord.gg/Tag675c and become one of the 88 current traders using the discord! Sorry for the inconvenience.
  4. That's how it was when the first round of these prototype servers released, and everyone left right away (Mostly due to already knowing that the guns were already going to be in a bad place, so now that there's a little mystery i'm sure they are hoping that will entice a few more players to try it out - since the first round died out instantly)
  5. Now up to 43 members! (Including bots) tracked by https://disc.gg/apbtrading
  6. But it's not really an effective money sink with better alternatives readily available... But i would agree if they added the timer, then it'd be much more understandable.
  7. Hello everyone! A few friends and i have been discussing how to make trading easier for everyone, and we believe we've come up with the solution! Now it's not a perfect solution, as i know the community discord does have a trading section in it, but this is more focused on trading specifically (More conversation about trading, the economy and so on) instead of an all-around discord, that way we can talk about the prices and whatever else we may feel is on our mind! Come hang out, post your trades and see what kinda offers you can get! We have many features planned for the discord, such as a spreadsheet of common prices that will be updated but that is far into the future, as we want to get everything setup and everyone onboard with a trading specific discord first. If you have any suggestions on how to make the server better, feel free to contact one of our moderators and we will fully consider every idea! (If a trading discord isn't your thing, we totally understand - but if you'd like to come chat anyways with a bunch of traders, that'd be alright too!) JOIN TODAY!: https://discord.gg/Tag675c EDIT: APB:R Trading Discord symbols are now available! Message Authorize on discord to get one, or if you see either Authorize (NA) or Entitled (EU) msg me in-game!
  8. Hello everyone, i've been trading for a while and have gotten pretty used to the system that is currently in place but i do think there are a few changes that could make trading and life as a whole with marketplace easier: 1. Extended marketplace timer - the 24h marketplace is not helping anyone, if we could list our items longer we could have a much more stable economy than items changing in price literally daily (If you follow marketplace prices directly), if there's some sort of issue that arises when the market timer is above a certain amount, maybe set it to as high as it can go - 48h, 72h, A WEEK would be great. 2. Lowered marketplace tax - This is also an issue, because marketplace selling(Legendaries) has pretty much become obsolete unless someone sells something on the marketplace for extremely cheap, and if you're selling you have to sell extremely high to get even close to the value of the weapon, a good fix for this would be lowering the marketplace tax to either 10% or 5%, 0% would be great but i doubt that'll happen especially if my above suggestion is considered.
  9. - Remove personal loadouts. - Remove respawns. - New uses for money (Buy randomly generated guns from joker vending machines, sabotages possibly (Kinda like ults in other games) or some other mechanic that could take money) - Automatically release gas if players aren't able to get to it fast enough, restricting the amount of money your can earn balancing not making as much money for the 3 plans above.
  10. But i have seen my brain, digital scans and recreation? O.o
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