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  1. btw banned players shouldnt be able to use obt/cbt veteran tittles... when i was called cheater while using a low lvl char, they would usually say "nice cheat dude, you were banned and now u started a new char". AND THERE i used to equip my obt tittle and they would shut up their mouth.. now i can't do that anymore because banned players are using tittles too. "i was never banned, can you see my obt title?" doesn't work anymore, sad... ofc there was always that guy saying "probably a bought account" but meh..
  2. Removing a GamersFirst account automatically unlinks it from any Steam account it is linked to. This is more of a desperate measure than anything. I used this as a workaround when support had a hard time unlinking my Steam account from an old G1 account of mine. You still have to contact support to remove an account though.
  3. Is there a possible way of unlinking a steam account without having to contact support? The response time for ticket is slow and I already gave all informations needed... why the extra wait time? Thank you for help!
  4. i did a quick search and previous forum posts state that there doesn't seem to be an option to unlink a steam account. it's definitely something you just have to wait on support for.
  5. It makes no sense to delete the characters when unbanning the account when cheaters had nothing happen to theirs.
  6. It was cheater recommended though, due to it being so easily bypassed... 76 kills is hella wild though. In fact... it's mrEpicGoat wild... Like, if that score doesn't warrant an investigation and spectating the account... this game is done for. There's "good." There's "pro." And then there's laser algorithm programs that masterfully play well outside ordinary human parameters, come on now. This is like the full hack on with no closeting insecurity whatsoever because the game is completely ineffective at doing the job it has to do to keep the cheaters under control.
  7. Jericho has a few people running around like that. A team of 2 crims were up against 4 of us Enfs. Both crims were low-rank golds (below R50) while the the Enf's were all R200+ and using VOIP to communicate. They didn't have any character mods, using base STAR's, even had the starter cars. The first crim went 30-3 against us. The second went 27-5. We only got those kills because me and another Enf switched to Volc/OSMAW and hit them while they were driving. Problem is, these clowns have been running around for the last 2 weeks without so much as a tempban as far as I can tell, even though my group and likely others have reported them as well. A statistic-based anticheat would work amazing for these blatant cheaters. It could track rotation speed, spread, recoil, kills, everything. If it detects something extraordinary or abnormal, it flags/suspends the account pending review by a higher-up. Doesn't even have to ban them, just temporarily suspend until the account can be looked over.
  8. Nah i don't think his ban is applied properly. People Macro the shit out of this game since well EAC won't ban you for using your mouse drivers or else i was banned for having logitech hub installed. And yeah he has a point i see like shit load of streamers editing the shit out of there game, no flash,no bodies,no fog,outline,no explosions etc. But i see them happily stream everyday with out getting any bans maybe favoritism idk but something is fishy. And before you say send a ticket to support nah they will look at it in 2000 years. It's better for them to look trough the twitch streamers a while and do a manual ban. Saw someone rage cheating on stream not getting banned even twitch was faster closing his twitch channel then LO banning his apb account.
  9. Looks like LO is now enforcing a standard of behaviour... Well, that's new. Is it good though? Well.... My thoughts on the matter, even though no-one asked: having any policy toward comments / behaviour is pretty pointless. All it does is chastise those who have 'main' or primary accounts - if people want to spout off vitriol, and potentially... be racist - they can spam make accounts for just such a purpose. It literally takes no more than 5m to create an account and character, then cobble together a swastika, and trigger autists caring individuals. I know there is going to be the 'mature' gang who are horrified by the idea of people being childish or stupid, because hey, we should all be boomers adults - but why? I get that people want to enforce anti-racism etc. I mean, swastikas etc, are more of an issue than just rude words (something to do with Germany, and servers) but anything beyond blatant racism... Who cares? Like others have already said. /ignore (player name)
  10. Why do you always assume it's not as bad as it looks. Are you saying this is a bug, i have made multiple new characters on a existing account and they were never T, but on a new account they definitely were
  11. Hi all So, I thought I'd reinstall for a 30 minute nostalgia hit, fully intending to just see how the game ran with my current pc, remain firmly "Not ready" and drive about a bit to recall the good old times but then I went and stupidly readied up and 8 matches later I'm asking my old clan mate if he wants to get back into it because it was surprisingly fun. When will I learn? First thing is I noticed the only thing left intact of my account is the fact that I have one. All characters gone, all extra slots gone (ticket raised... Not too upset about it, I'm happy to start again from scratch but kinda think I should still have the stuff I did originally invest real money into), even my forum id isn't associated properly (but apparently the id is still taken, "Ydiss"). I originally bought RTW's version in early access, played through until it went belly up, mourned and tried to fill the void with games that never quite scratched the same itch, rejoiced when G1 resurrected it, played for several months after the relaunch until the segregation, apparent lack of borked mission fixes and general, natural fatigue for the game stopped me playing. That was about 2012 I guess. I've read a lot here to give myself a bit of a refresher on the status quo, what's happening; interesting development with LO, not so interested in yet another game mode to ultimately segregate population further, noticing the community hasn't changed in the slightest - both negative and positive, read that as you like - pleasantly surprised that the game is still going. But, mainly, really surprised I actually enjoyed my first session in seven years. We were all golds back in the day but I fully expected to return, get steamrolled by gold premades (or just not match up at all) and just not have any fun. My expectation was subverted nicely. So, thought I'd give a brief account of my returning player experience in case anyone cares. Once I'd gotten over the slight disappointment of seeing no characters, shrugged it off, created a throwaway criminal and chosen a name (noting that my old character names are still taken...), the biggest no no (and probably the only one) was the game prompted me into the tutorial district. I'd forgotten it doesn't exist (I think they were scrapped right at the end of my time playing) and the game promptly set about trying to load me into a nonexistent instance, with no way to quit except using task manager. I had to Google to work out what was going wrong. That's a bit of an issue for new players. Anyway, loaded back straight into Financial and walked through the tutorials (useful to remember muscle memory, reset my keys to how they used to be and remind myself the various controls and ui setup; not entirely certain doing away with the mission guides was a great idea for brand new players but didn't affect me). Of course, the tutorial didn't take long before prompting me to ready up (sneaky!) and so I did. Might as well... Straight in to oppose a mission. Me versus two silvers. Oh, APB, how I've missed you, my old friend Got my backside roundly thrashed, surgically removed and handed back to me with a cherry on top. Baby steps. Muscle memory started to kick in, map memory was still strong, started to get into my rhythm again... By the 2nd match I got an assist on a multi backup mission... Then got my first kills on the 3rd or 4th mission. By the 8th, I was pretty much back into it, hooked again, winning as many missions as I lost. Had to stop myself readying up again, as it was late. Overall impression is match making didn't feel so bad. Saw a handful of golds but only because of some overzealous backup calls. Otherwise, it was mostly silver with one or two bronze. What really surprised me is that no one blew me away in terms of skill. Almost all of the players were not at a level that would have caused us concern way back when. I'm certain that'll change as my threat rises and I'll start to see more great players that have stuck around for years, but it didn't feel like the player population was significantly distorted in the session. By the time I'd finished I'd really been reminded that there really isn't a game that's like APB. It's harsh as it always was, unforgiving, has frustrating moments and quite often isn't fair... But no other game captures that feeling of racing through the streets (even in my piddly starter car) to the next objective, the anticipation of where and when the enemy will arrive, the chaos (that map knowledge converts to advantage) of the battles, naff spawns or the thrill of outsmarting and getting the jump on someone, quite like this game does. It helps that I'm technically a veteran (I'm not convinced I'd have enjoyed this as a "new player" experience as much as I did back when it was new for everyone); where I'm undeniably rusty and horribly out of practice, I still remember the maps and most of the objectives and what to do. I think it also helps that I don't care nearly as much about it as I did back then, quite happy to lose whilst I level back up and get my beloved carbine back. But, the overall feeling was "that was really fun". I hope LO can keep it going a bit longer. Not sure how long I'll stick around this time. I don't play nearly as much as I used to. So maybe it'll be a while. See you in San Paro.
  12. Alright, there's two false things being said in this thread; 1. No support does not give premium accounts priority in answering tickets (where do these ideas even come from?) 2. Cooldowns are gone, every has the 50% time prem used to give you I have prem as a max rank firstly for money, even if legendaries aren't great and I have plenty of Armas guns, saving up for them is a good end game goal of sorts, of course also to support LO and thirdly so I can have access to full customization, so it's definitely worth having it at max for me
  13. Everyone talks about stop ddos but no one takes ddos feelings in account... ddos want to play apb too dont be mean.
  14. You need atleast 18-core Core i9 10980XE with 64gb RAM and 2 x Titan RTX in SLI to get 30fps for APB. It still wont be a stable FPS tho. Cmon everybody knows this. :^) In all seriousness tho, we all know its the game. Its garbage. Only hope we have is that the EU will improve it. And indeed not everyone is hacking. Some just are good players. If you suspect someone send ur evidence to support and move on. But dont forget it probably takes longer for you to collect the evidence and to send it to support then for him to make a new account. So personally i wouldnt even bother, but hey thats me. :^)
  15. Hello dear players and administration. I want to ask a question, why did innocent players be massively blocked? Where can I get an answer to this question? It does not make sense to send support, many players have received a lock, and this is not the fault of the players themselves, this is the fault of Easy-Anticheat, where can I get help on this?
  16. Hi everyone, I have posted a new dev blog with the July update on our progress. You can read the details here: https://apbreloaded.gamersfirst.com/2018/07/end-of-july-update.html This update covers the details for 1.19.6, the upcoming 1.19.7, progress with Unreal 3.5, and some updates for our console players. Build 1.19.6 is now available to all players on our Open Test World. Once you log in and create your account, you'll have a bunch of in-game emails waiting with all the weapons in the game to play with. In order to access that system, you need to download an alternate installer for the game. You can download the OTW version of APB here: OTW Download Link Thanks, Matt
  17. Never used OTW before so do i need to create another account or can i use my current account that i use for normal apb?
  18. You can use the same accounts as the regular PC client for OTW. Owww, snap. This is kinda a mess to me then. I realised earlier this month that a testplace like OTW EVEN EXISTED (I always wondered why people had ALL the guns in youtube vids) and as soon as I learned of it... I WANTED TO PLAY IT! Hopped on the link (and I usually never click links) and downloaded OTW..... Couldn't log in. WELP, easy right? It doesn't use the acc from the main game. >>> Let's make a new account and use the exact same email as my original character <<< After doing this, it still did not work and I have been digging the forums to find that OTW was "temporarely" (:P) locked. Was a little sad but still allright. BUT NOW my OTW character is on my email (I could pm it later) which I also use for the main game. I do not see any characters and JUST created a new one (enf ofcourse). I want to ask if this is gonna bring any problems. I hope not ofcourse, and not having all the outfits from my main is not really bothersome for me, but I don't know if the OTW is safe-to-use like this. (I also noticed that steam IS supporting the game (the second time I started it) but it does not login correctly. However, when I type in my email, it does. PS. do I still get the OTW Veteran title? (and how?)
  19. - Fixes to Friends system We found several bad problems with this system that allowed players to grief other players. You will now need to accept friend invites before a friend is added to your account. No other players can see your exact location till you accept the invite - including on the player search feature. I use this FRIEND system extensively to avoid certain "personalities" with certain "special abilities". I add them to my friend list and never join an instance if these "special powered" players are there...Pretty sure there are several others in APBR who does the same.... Please dont fix something that doesnt need to be FIX'D Instead of simply making it "accept to be friends" by default, give it some toggle button, if someone doesnt want to be automatically added , then let them have an option which tells them "player X wants to be friends"-Yes or NO...wo
  20. I look forward to the response that I will receive in 24 days from tomorrow that will for the second time verify that my account is in fact still banned
  21. When i saw u unbanned in 2nd wave i thought i got unbannes 2 but i saw in my profile status is blocked so i entered game i thought maby the profile having some problems anyways i entered the game i put the email and pw they said the servers offline and somthing like that anyways i tried to put an active account but its a new acc so.. it worrked and opened then i tried to open the banned account it said sane thing so.. anyways I send a ticket with all the informations in it 5739 please check it i hope my acc be back
  22. I had to make another account for the forums because like 12 days ago i was sitting in social and i logged off my character to get off for the day and when i was back at the character selection screen it said i was 10008. Not sure what i was banned for but I am still waiting to hear back about what happened.
  23. open a new ticket because after 3 months no reply who know maybe it will work so i now have 2 tickets out #83996(3 month no reply) #86200(newest) that i still have not received a reply mean they are not unbanning anyone anymore even if it's wrongly done more will they give you the reason for the ban. suck for me because had 300 dollars worth of transaction ids over a 3 month period and with that much money on my old account can't seem to want to make a new one
  24. Scott promised that unban, who have been familiar with this situation. I perfectly remember that in some article "little orbit" talk about block accounts will. He wrote in some article "little orbit" talk about block. And with this game long to blocking, forever. Matt Scott promised same, it is not want to understand this situation. I perfectly remember the players who have been familiar with another measure punishment. EAC they respond with a pattern. Matt Scott promised.
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