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  1. My clan has been deleted and now have a pay clan? what is going on there? this is the 2nd time on 2 different accounts?
  2. Weapon balance is all over the place, and yeah this is their first time balancing weapons like this, but at least they are continually refining the balance, so you should give them credit for that. And as far as testing, I don't know if you've spent much time on OTW, but most days / nights is a ghost town and that's more on us than LO. As for the mod thing, it has long been known that for many weapons Improved Rifling was a direct upgrade, and in some cases one that allowed certain weapons to encroach on the territory of other weapons and or weapon classes. But I suppose whether or not mod changes are a good idea is more opinion than fact, so I think its fine you have yours. As one of the players who had an account unbanned I wont bother to comment on whether or not I think it was a good idea, but I can tell you I never stopped playing after my ban, and my guess is many of the "nasty sociopaths" you mentioned hadn't either.
  3. I get that you made an account to complain about the shredder, but check yourself before you rekt yourself its not that OP . Unless someone has been up within 15 meters or closer with a shotgun I was still having a good chance of killing them so I have to admit while it's annoying it has not been impossible so *shrugs*
  4. Where not talking about him, were talking about youtubers posting videos of themselves chearly cheating. I don't care if you like they're gameplay and content. Cheating is cheating and that's all that matters. Your discussion is alright. However the second you linked videos as examples, you have broken the name and shaming rule. In this context you are using videos to prove your point about cheating youtubers. Additionally, just because you think that is definite proof, doesn't mean it is. Since there is no objective proof of him cheating, using him as an example is bound to cause slander. Which classifies as naming and shaming. Remove the example videos and you can have this discussion without mods locking it soon enough.
  5. Basically what Snub said, I'm guessing this is going to have to do with the fact that they're fully pressed up against a flat plane, and the hitscan probably just doesn't account for hitboxes going through or being in the same place as walls.
  6. I would actually like to know the percentage of active accounts that were getting /report-ed during the entire fairfight only-era. It's got to be like 70-80% given how easily people throw up hackusations on whispers and on district chat. Massively overusing such report function with specific purpose will just make all the data provided by the function garbage. It's like pressing all the buttons for different floors in elevator and then blaming the elevator for not going directly into the correct floor.
  7. I cant use carbine... But i have a stac 10 account bound 0 sloted and i run around with it rekting people... While a 3 sloted carbine just sits there eating dust...
  8. I think all non tradable Armas items should be account wide. It would clear up the Armas webpage. It would probably help clear up inventory management from support's side too. Now for this particular case, player mailed items shouldn't have a limited set time. That was a retarded change G1 made. OK, most changes were retarded but that one was a step further into the spectrum.
  9. To ask if we ever gonna get account wide inventory if you missed it. No because it would clearly apply only to those things that are sendable within your own account.
  10. Wrong. You don't need a phone number to create Steam account or to play CS:GO. 2FA (Steam) and Prime (CS:GO) are optional features and are NOT enforced.
  11. Inb4 you get banned for griefing before they get banned for dethreating. You can remove them yourself in 5 6 easy steps. 0. Create a new account that you don't care gets banned. 1. Join their faction and ready up. 2. Get grouped with gold player. 3. Commence antics to get gold to TK you. (Lightly spraying gold with bullets, jumping in front of gold vehicles, doing objectives when there is no OP.) 4. Repeat step #3 until gold is disconnected for TKing. 5. Gold cannot re-enter Bronze District. You're super welcome.
  12. And that's only accounts for the people who play the game on steam. If you use the launcher from g1 like me you're not in those stats, which means the population was even higher than that What about people running Advaced APB launcher then? Are they also not included? Because if so then the numbers may actually be lower than reality nowadays, given how many of us use that instead of the normal one.
  13. that's fine im sick of the city funneling the tax money into their own accounts.
  14. No accounts that have had money spent on them should ever be wiped. There are games I only play once every couple of years or so, I'd be gutted if the accounts got wiped due to inactivity.
  15. When.? Come on you know we need this. Permanent banned accounts and un-used accounts [like inactive for 3-4 years] should be wiped.
  16. wiping banned accounts should never be a thing imo, but names that remain unbanned and have no playtime for a certain amount of time should be wiped perhaps send out an email every year with a link to save your name (or just log in to the game), otherwise inactive names will be freed if anything this would probably make orbit money, people might be more likely to purchase a name change if the name theyve wanted for a while gets freed up
  17. Hitreg has been so spotty for me, I wont even log on to my main account.
  18. What about gathering a lot of interesting items on an account and selling said account then?
  19. DM you the links? Wha? Have you assigned yourself the role of official support moderator? Use a search engine, it's not hard. I played on Cheatadel last night, and I can assure you, there's some sketchy players out there. What you're saying here amounts to denial and minimization. I do sincerely hope the LO staff would rather google BE bypasses and have their team take a look for problem areas then listen to a guy like you. The fact that cheat companies are making videos of their trolling shows how poorly informed you are... or how deliberately dumb you're pretending to be... the quality of the cheater fanboi crowd from the old days. If you want to get to the point of the video, fast forward to 3:04 where he is kicked by BE for using a disallowed program. He then went on to make a new character and make two more videos where his blatant cheating simply continues. BE can be bypassed. BE cannot stop rerolling cheater accounts. Our problems haven't really changed with the implementation of BE and our hope is going to be a more secure game with the upcoming Engine Upgrade... but even then because of a FTP game and rerolling cheaters... it won't ever go away. So you never saw a cheater or suspicious player? LMAO, sure. I certainly have, every night there's a couple.
  20. nah it was fumanchu's office Pretty sure it was just known as GM tower. I got teleported up there once, before the out of bounds nonsense. It's quite a view. We then promptly jumped off whilst priming a made (when your character would have their upper body act like they were sprinting).
  21. why did you delete the character? armas is usually pretty clear about character bound vs account bound
  22. I mean, you could be talking on reddit if you wanted. Could make as many accounts as you want too. Hell, I think we just solved your problem.
  23. It is clearly stated having multiple accounts are against the rules and can lead to suspensions or even bans for the alt or all of ur accounts. If there guna give u the chance to merge everything thats being generous if u ask me. Merge the accounts with the main and use acc creation date from when u started playing the game on the oldest acc. 1 acc and it makes it easier for LO to enforce the 1 acc rule.
  24. By Lixil 05/25/18 Hello and welcome to the GamersFirst Forums! Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with these basic rules of our GamersFirst Community Forums. They have been implemented to make sure that the forums promote a healthy, happy, and safe community. No Hate Speech Discriminatory language or comments towards certain groups (sexist, racist, or homophobic in nature) No Flaming – Refrain from language/comments that are antagonistic, derogatory, abusive, aggressive, confrontational, slanderous, or provocative. No Harassment Continued intimidation, pressurized, pestering or forceful remarks towards a member in public or in private, sexual or otherwise No Explicit Material Posting or linking to any explicit, movieographic or offensive media; such as sex, nudity or gore (this includes signatures & avatars) No Spam Nonsensical, one word or non-contributory posts, and double posting. Do not bump a topic unless needed. Off-Topic discussions should be in the appropriate board and may be moved as needed by a moderator. No Warez Discussing illegally obtained or pirated materials; such as games, software or other media. No Advertising Promoting your website, Twitch/Youtube channel or other services such as referral links by posting topics or DMing members (signature promotion is allowed) No Multiple Accounts A new account should only be made if there is a legit reason; members using another account to break rules or evade bans will be taken care of appropriately No Naming/Shaming If you believe someone is cheating please reach out to our support or to our GMs No talking about bans This is private information to the player itself, you should not be giving this information to other players. Please reach out to our support if this happens. Just scroll up to that red bar on the top of the forum page and click it. All of this is right there.
  25. i defer to your far greater experience with account creation
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