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gypexa cynepcmap

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  1. look at the experience of GTA5online, if the player WANTS, he can set immunity to interference from inactive parties in the mission, BY CHOICE, but not by force. I am against any imposition, it’s even more interesting for me when they interfere (I don’t lose much if it ruins the mission, this, in any case, is ATTENTION to me as a player, which is STRONGLY lacking in the era of autism in the game industry). In general, you need to be able to lose, and less people will be “driven” because of the game. Fans everyone.
  2. Now the cheat has moved to the elite stage, the team first understands that you are playing without, and just leaves, making your game 1 against 3 cheaters, this is interesting, for cheaters, probably, to rest between serious skirmishes.
  3. I will say from the experience of another game, a complaint about a cheater is a sign to create a new account for him (leveling up for 5 minutes), and put you on the pencil (as an informer), I am sure that such a player (cheater) will be happy to transfer all the money spent to a new one (I I asked to return only clothes from the store, when I realized that level 255 had become unplayable against cheaters, they refused me, no point), although, in this game, I think, only demonstrative players, twinks created specifically for the ban, are banned. This game, unfortunately for all veterans, has outlived its usefulness.
  4. to remove non-playing players from the area, you would put a check mark on keyboard/mouse activity, for example, camera rotation. It’s hard to think of anything more crazy than sending off a player when he runs after an enemy, or for cover, and logically doesn’t shoot.
  5. I entered an event, tried to hit someone, they killed me in the back, and in other ways, logically, I appeared in a bunch of opponents, and everything repeated, then I was kicked off the map for inactivity. Maybe someone in charge will already come into the area, test it (at least once) and correct this nonsense? Or is the goal of the game to make money from cheaters at the expense of the usual players who are having a holiday and have been turning them into a safari for a year now?
  6. Or maybe something less skill/cheat/bug - dependent in the New Year's event, how much I played. I never got hit by a snowball at the final stage, this is not pleasure, this is a fabulous rodeo for professional cyber players (by cyber I mean bots automated by special programs)?
  7. I liked the “don’t search (or not join the team)” button, yes, I played alone against 2-3 players, according to the style, they gave me those who weren’t very pumped up in terms of skills and weapons (I don’t know how the game did it, but it did ), and each side had an adequate chance, I alone with the knowledge of how to deal with the group, they with the advantage of numerical superiority over inexperience. And when I realized that were not beginners against me, but twinks who were not specifically leveling up, or who were equipping cool weapons already in the process of participating, I had a trump card - to wait for AFK, and thereby retaliate against their impudence. What now? I get into a team with a cool ally, or a group of them, they just leave, and I still find myself alone against the group, but already cool, this is not cool. Often, allies simply shoot at me so that I respond and then get kicked out of the team. A couple more slobs about AFK, why do you throw people off the map if they are, say, just sitting in a sniper in an ambush? Why are you making people nervous by putting into their heads the idea that they have to run and shoot, because they will throw him off the map, instead of a fun game, for example, hide and seek, when I write to him directly in the chat, what I see, and so that he grows above himself and changes tactics. And he changes, he learns. Why did you turn an interesting game into a stupid grind like KS, why did you introduce guns that even knock down Kevlar, rocket launchers, just illogical nonsense. A look at the fleet of cars, 4x4 fast cars just fly away from a newcomer with a load, or catch up with him on anything with passengers on the roof, armored indestructible tanks with a nuclear engine. With this approach, it doesn’t matter what the threat and strength of the parties will be, where everything is decided by the cheat, the features of the mouse and the investment of real money, not even the experience of the game. You definitely want to make the game better, and not profit from it, how much patience will true fans have?
  8. no one promised that it would be easy
  9. I meant exactly the expansion of the level of weapon proficiency for carrying twin guns, except for the OSMAW (although..).
  10. there is no difference what color the player has, I have already written many times, you can play well, and deliberately lose in order to get into a weaker group, you can create a second character and have time to harm the weak (most players see this as pleasure). In my opinion, the distinction should be based on the analysis of the character's skills (weapon levels, medals and types of weapons purchased), everything else is easily managed by cunning players.
  11. many items from GTA Online, such as cowboy shirts, or scout items of clothing for both sexes (men's short shorts, women's sleeveless uniform shirt), i.e. at least items from the wardrobe of the opposite sex, which in real life refers to unisex
  12. before there was such a button - not accepted in a team, and you could play alone against a group, or the same solo player, without hearing all these cries about the wrong game in the team, this was my favorite mode for pumping a stab-cop(LTL), it's a pity that it was removed. Or rather, it is a pity that the developers do not make the game for everyone, given the desires of a limited audience.
  13. useless treat, it's been 10 years now that some types of weapons have been launched for people who don't want to learn how to shoot, using scripts, advanced cursor controls (macro, aims, etc.), reinforced since the starter "beretta" was replacedthey make this game popular, and it's made for them (non-living players vs scripts). There is only one way out - stupidly ignore such players in the confrontation (do not fight with them) or look for acquaintances, creating the illusion of a RP server (similar to sessions in GTA online)
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