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  1. @MattScott I think that these changes are very good, but I still have one large concern regarding nicknames and that is the amount of taken inactive names. I still think that before you do this, you should do a massive namewipe for all nicknames that were not merged during the 2015 server merges. All these players who will be forced to change names when the names become forced to english PLUS when the Citadel and Jericho merge happens there will be MANY MANY MANY MANY nicknames that overlap and people will have an incredibly low pool of acceptable nicknames to pick from as all taken nicknames on both Citadel and Jericho will blend. If you think that it might be unfair to them, you can send out warning e-mails to all those accounts. I personally believe that if those players have not merged their accounts at all (aka they have not logged into the account once since 2015) then they won't care and if they do, they can have a timeframe where they can login to secure their names (say 30 days) prior to this new upcoming merge. I think that this is not only fair but also a necessity, especially with any influx of new players who will want at least half-decent nicknames. Having to use really ugly, terrible names where they have to replace letters with numbers or adding more numbers at the end will deter a portion of incoming players and some Internet celebrities such a streamers and others who come to try the game might want their well known names in-game as well. Those are just examples, there are many instances where this is relevant. EDIT: Thank you.
  2. Honestly, if that's the reason you're considering deleting your account, I would recommend holding off for the time being. I can't tell you how many times I've done similar things (RIP a bunch of old maxed out characters I've deleted in the past out of frustration), and I inevitably end up regretting it. Give yourself some time (at least a month or two) to take a break from the game, and then if you still feel the same then you at least know it's a grounded feeling instead of a "heat of the moment" one.
  3. i mean probably, but they probably have a long line of questions and confirmation before you can finalize the deletion. just leave the account active since deletion isn't reversable. at least allow yourself the freedom to comeback anytime you might want to.
  4. APB Tourettes. We've all had it at some point. As NoobQueen says, you should try uninstalling if you want to enforce a break on yourself. Sure, you might end up re-installing in a bout of nostalgia and poor impulse control but re-installing will be an inconvenience and a time sink, and you're could just as likely end up making a new account if support let you delete your old one, as you are to reinstall if you delete the game. I suppose if you really wanted to, you could make a new email account, see can you associate your APB account & its recovery options with that email. (idk if they let you do that easily cos of account selling / stealing). Then if you can do that, change the password for both your APB account and the email address you've now linked to it to random keystrokes that you couldn't possibly re-produce (something like: aklshgo[ashgl'asngjap'stgu-81= 9) to lock yourself out. There's a chance you could get it back via support at some point in the future, but it's quite possible that you'd lose it permanently. Definitely try uninstalling it first and see does that keep you away without losing all your progress.
  5. the spawn system breaks down when there's not enough map space to have an equal area 360 degrees around the objective(s) - the worse the imbalance the more the system breaks, up until you're right at the edge of the map and opposing teams can end up spawning essentially on top of each other the spawn system also doesn't take the actual map into account (buildings, waterways, bridges, etc), which can lead to some pretty subpar spawn options these are my two biggest issues, and i don't think there's an easy fix for either one tbh
  6. If he means Bullsharks, then yes, maybe, but definitely not 5.56. But even 40-50 bullsharks would require a lot of accounts. Hundreds.... There were a lot of bullsharks on the market, price was like 1 million, who cares anyway, it's bullshark. FFA 5.56 price never dropped, guy is talking out of this a...
  7. The gun itself isnt as rare as it was before the event where you could open new accounts and grind joker box 9's and literally get the rare FFA multiple times, it was 25m at its peak, now its maybe 16m max. If you think this is outrageous, take a look at the OCSP 'joker' its crazy.
  8. The crown was devalued when ccocacolaa got her account back.
  9. i think it was roughly 8 or 9 weeks to this beta release from mattscott's "weeks" quote, which seems like a pretty fair time frame to use weeks for imo performance could have been poor because there were so many people on at once (i saw some people mention 150 players online, which is a much larger sample size than the 10-20 closed beta testers), in which case now not only does orbit know but they have data to work off i have no idea how things are linked behind the scenes, maybe it was the sheer amount of people trying to log in at once or the copy/pasting of everyone's accounts as they did so you state you know it's a beta, but you're worried about something the beta was specifically intended to help address, seems weird
  10. The way this works is we copy the character you submitted from Live. This means you do need to have that character on your account to win (no submitting a character/design you no longer have, etc). You may choose who to send the rewards to if you don't want them yourself.
  11. @DevTeam Fingers crossed, this time things go smoothly. BTW you guys are way too harsh on yourselves. You're basically simulating the worse possible kind of user scenario: Thousands of players trying to access the same resources at the same time. Consider gradually giving access to users according to account age. This invite means: "Hey guys! Let's plan to simulate a DDoS on our login servers, this Saturday 6 pm GMT !"
  12. The power of making new threads is mine. Plus if it existed you should have linked it. I'd delete my account for you daddy
  13. I guess we have already tried it... and it have made happy neither casual players nor competitive players. At the end what mainly make the difference between each players are just two: 1) Experience/ Game hours (in pvp servers not in Marina, hrs count's time there shall be disabled or make one aside in future.. ) 2) connection/ ping, Fiber vs Cable/dsl players ... better connections= faster react and perform better overall ( of course I dont count "someone" with self vpn/ auto-lag their connection ) The second one is kinda almost out of LO's management and the first one may be "bypassed" creating new accounts, but normally the detrathers are people with weak connections or pc, or both. Your way will not resolve the problem, LO shall find a way to keep new players out from older ones until they have reached a certain game hrs and rank (at around 200 hrs u start to understand the game mechanics, around 400/ 500 hrs you have got how to make or defend from "some exploit and maps tricks" ) and the same time, make casual and competitive players play in different servers Of course APb shall enchant a little bit more its competitive servers and players with better faster rewards than casual (it may be a 10/ 20 % more jk tickets, money or some few things unique like a random free trial weapons of 3 days?, clan wars ? etc). I guess LO with JK introduction has already made a experiment and preparative in this direction for keeping its player base and gain more players in future, but need more contenents and especially in regular time.
  14. i agree, many other Beta's i've participated in, including an Alpha, were months long, and bugs were worked out with user feedback and patched into the client until it got ironed out. It sounds like to me the team isn't experienced in beta testing titles. I get you don't have a complete game and maps, but that shouldn't dissuade you from the dedication of extensive testing in beta. a lot of console titles will go for open beta for at least a month before launch. I think it was Socom:Confrontation that had a pretty decent Beta but tanked launch due to alienating the beta crowd. then made talks of a second, which everyone groaned at, cuz they made clear they weren't going to listen to the beta test. BUT THAT AT LEAST LASTED A COUPLE MONTHS. Then there's the fact that there were more players during that beta than i had seen at any one time in the last 2 months. it was nearly double the amount of players on Live which is a clear indication that PLAYERS WANT IT. So having the Beta for 3 hours 1 day, and then talk about releasing the upgrade very soon, then what the hell was the beta for? I heard half the issues from the first beta test were similar issues to the launch of BF3, which makes me fear the worst for APB:R2. With lack of actual veteran feedback plaguing the games history and altering the game for the worst (literally G1 made a patch to artificially generate latency for players with really low latency so that with higher latency to have a chance.) HUGE portions of CONTACT LORE were rewritten to fit a more modest playerbase rather than maintaining the dark reality of sanguine followers known as the Bloodroses. Completely removing a huge chunk of lore about Britney and her protected neighborhood, which prevented players from witnessing crims no matter what, unless they went N5 and could be killed... HOWEVER, because some stupid snot nosed illiterate brat couldn't read the damn lore, G1 moved Britney, "fixed" the neighborhood, and now the games one step further molested in and by the wrong hands. Several places that were more than easy to clear have been blocked off, the roof of the Waterfront Port Authority now has a magic wall, cuz some noob "q.q'd" and G1, being their ever generous idiots, blocked access, another roof, made a kill zone, and another roof, by Lilith, removed an HVAC duct that was used to get up to. G1 did make several things clear, currently it is possible to disable threat, with their "Anarchy Districts" which in my opinion were far superior, you always got op, the matchmaking was great too. I never once had an issue getting matched with opponents who took me and used me as target practice with their SNR from across the map! (true that never happened but i'm exaggerating a little). Clearly listening to players with only 20 hours and 8 thousands deaths is a BAD idea... I've offered my thoughts a few times, only to be met with the dull droning of trolls choking on their own used tampons, calling me either a waste of time to even consider, or my idea was so dumb they actually thought about suicide. I had an idea that i kinda thought LO stole with their RIOT, without knowing what RIOT was for so long i thought it was the Co-op hoard mode district i proposed years ago. Either undead, angry civilians, military intervention, my idea was a dynamic event that would allow the living city to fight back, as i said, i was met with anything but positive words... then within the last few weeks i'm stunned to hear from a friend that they'd love to see something a little less pvp and a bit more co-op like defending against waves or something... WHAT A FUCKING SURPRISE, DIDN'T I SUGGEST THIS LONG AGO?! Listening to the infant is just categorically wrong anyways, you don't turn to your child and ask "Little Timmy, which home owners insurance policy should i pick" you live in the fucking mountains, you don't need flood protection, YET TIMMY WANTS FLOOD PROTECTION! GEE I HOPE NOAH DOESN'T COME AROUND AGAIN! Maybe if the mountain erupts the subsequent lava flow that floods the house moments before burning it all down, i wonder if that is covered under the flood protection LITTLE TIMMY! Yes listening to noobs is necessary but if you're going to make HUGE, potentially game breaking decisions WHAT SAID THAT WAS A GOOD IDEA!? Changing your game so damn much that its only a slight indication of what was once a great memory, all because LITTLE TIMMY couldn't get a kill with the then free starter SNR? now they get the Obeya semi-auto pistol, shit thats gonna get nerfed soon too! Listen to LITTLE TIMMY and then EDUCATE LITTLE TIMMY, you made green districts so fucking useless by changing so much, im baffled why green wasn't deleted outright already! you locked districts from players of different threats joining them, now we have golds purposely G1 Declared long ago that themes that were purpose made for the intent of causing discomfort or harm were deemed bannable. WHY WOULD SOMEONE RESCIND THAT RULING?! Well, what am i supposed to believe when my game was perfectly fine and after its so bad, and if it only happened vs certain players, i'd have suspected them for lag switching, but its happening with ALL players, so unless 75% or more of the player base picked up lag switching software (w/e the fuck it is) to fuck with only me during matches, what else am i supposed to think? I'm no stranger to being singled out by games either, i've got a 20% nerf in Star Trek Online and no one is able to replicate any high DPS build with my account, but easily do with others. that reminds me, I HAVE NEVER had the "Ran out of Memory" error in all of nearly 10 years playing APB, then suddenly NOT EVEN KIDDING: *Quit APB Beta>LOAD APB Live>Load into Waterfront>Spawn Car>Look at another player while heading off------------- RAN OUT OF MEMORY* Merged. i DON'T understand how there are so many tutorials pointing to "just use advanced launcher" and none actually being fucking helpful about it in the slightest, like WTF IS HALF THIS SHIT?! Why can't someone just be like, "hey, these settings help out a bit" but instead i get "MAYBE YOU SHOULD JUST TINKER WITH THE SETTINGS AND FIND OUT NOOB"
  15. I copy and paste mine from a password manager. Though it takes me a few minutes to even find the account I play on since I gotta go through like ten thousand forum accounts.
  16. Doubt ist does better. But bringing in a new anticheat will always make most closets stop playing for a while to make sure there are existing hacks that work properly with the anticheat. They just aren't stupid enough to risk their accounts. We saw this behavior with every Anticheat or major anticheat update that came. The magical "skill" vacation but it surely has nothing to do with the anti cheta, it's coincidence. as always.
  17. I voted no. The audience isn't there, You still need a stable internet connection with low latency to the servers. That eliminates mobile connections and most public locations. Even with good connection, winning gun fights will be near impossible with over 100ms input lag. On top of it you have account for server latency. Depending on your location, geforce now servers, and APB servers, you can have higher latency than most weapons minimum ttk. The most you can do reliably is mess around in the editor, which you can do on most modern low end computers. This was asked 2 years ago. Currently, APB is still not in a stable state. I doubt there will be a stable enough version for geforce now in the next 2 years. Also, hardware will continue to get faster, and current hardware will be cheaper on the used market. People will have access to affordable hardware, but internet latency is not going to improve, because we can't send data faster than the speed of light.
  18. It seems Page 16 (Potshot) and Page 15 (Conspiracy) symbols can be bought over Armas, although I'm not too sure if it's account bound since I've never bought them myself. However, Page 13, 14, 17, 18 seems to be unlock able through certain game events that run one time per year. The problem is some people don't have the time to go through all their characters if they choose to unlock every single page of symbols before the event ends. These pages don't seem to be purchasable through Armas either. Another issue would be that some symbols are made on different characters and can only be editable through that one character instead of the account itself. There should be a way to unlock these pages account wide since not everyone has the time to go through the events all year round.
  19. config comes with a free whitelisting for one account :^)
  20. These are Baggy Jeans, which are currently only available from the Armas Marketplace. There are a few ways to obtain them: by purchasing the Street RX Outfit pack for 476 G1C (or 381 G1C with the Premium discount). This will give you the Baggy Jeans for the character you log into Armas with. (Pack contents will vary depending on the gender of your character.) by purchasing the Urban RX Bundle for 3,084 G1C (or 2,467 G1C with the Premium discount). Click this --> Enforcer Urban RX Bundle <-- to see the store page for Enforcer characters. Click this --> Criminal Urban RX Bundle <-- to see the store page for Criminal characters. This will give you the same clothing items as the previous option, but will also include a 4-slot Charge Mikro with cosmetic kits, and the ISSR-B "Wisp" sniper rifle, permanent for the character you buy the bundle for. (Pack contents will vary depending on the gender and the faction of your character.) by purchasing the Key to the World bundle for 15,999 G1C (or 12,799 G1C with the Premium discount). While this is hands down the most expensive option on the table, this bundle will give you exclusive 3D Glasses, three guns, two cars with cosmetic kits, two clothing packs (Street RX Outfit included), all Country Flag weapon skins and the Gold weapon skin — all of it account-bound; you will always have these items on every single character on your account, including the characters you haven't even created yet. If you only have one character and you only want the pants, I'd say the first option is the cheapest and the best.
  21. Kekw. This shows how absolutely incompetent some of LO's employees at this point. Not gonna blame the whole company itself but damn.. Also, as I said few times and gonna say more, Armas needs Rework. Account bounded packs, more info, BETTER and ZOOMABLE item screenshots, less faction-exclusiveness, etc, etc.. By the way, it's 2020 and some clothing items really needs other items to be worn? Wtf,why i can't put glasses on forehead without that ugly hat? Also these shoulderpads, not LO's fault that clothing is in bad state rn, but I don't sure removing mentioned "requirements" is hard for them. Sry for bad English but I have to say this.
  22. but ur the biggest joke on the apb forums, how can this be? got em edit: oh yeah on topic, apb 2.1 load times are drastically improved both from desktop launch and from district to district as for "code verification" i assume you mean 2fa, which was originally supposed to stop trade locks from happening (they can be triggered from upgrading pc hardware, to logging in from a different ip, to even some windows updates) but that never actually happened - i personally dont use it because i dont find the increased annoyance worth the extra security on a f2p game account, but its up to you
  23. If it's a 1v3 and I feel like I am better than them I will not call backup. But I wont roll over and loose either XD. Call me the raid boss Then whats stopping them from coming into gold and dethreating? Seems like a more viscous cycle. I like the idea of LO removing threat so we can't see it. I would like to have it so when not in mission districts allow people to see if they are gold,silver, or bronze. But if not I would just say make threat hidden. The only thing that will truly fix dethreating is a population boost, but I keep preaching that the game needs to have it's gunplay re-thought. And people immediately start telling me to play a different game. Im not saying to turn APB into something it's not. But for the game it is, I always like games that are: easy to play, hard to master. APB is like, hard to play, harder to master. The gunplay is part of the NOT new player friendly experience imo. Hopefully it's something LO can improve upon Everytime I login in, I tell myself "Don't get pissed, Don't get pissed" And for a while that works. But other times you just get thrown into those matches. Im talking 2 pmg's 1 volcano 1 hvr 1 JC, and your team is rocking STARs. I try not to rage whisper anymore, but sometimes you can't help it. It would be nice to see Casual districts setup, areas where perhaps you get less xp and less cash but people don't have to try hard. Then have competitive districts where the winning team can get...idk 3x the xp and $. On paper, that would make the pro players flock to that area and let the new players get their feet on the ground. Id also love to see New player districts + New character Districts. the difference? New player districts are for people who made new accounts New character districts will put you up against people who made new characters as well. I say this because it's EXTREMELY unfair to fight someone who has clotting 1-2-3 and you do not. All depends on population though.
  24. Ya sure? I'm pretty sure that half of playerbase have bought it account/char bounded already, the other half is just fine with contact's ones.
  25. Accounting for effective range, hard dmg per shot, accuracy and rate of fire, I would imagine the NSSW to be a good bet. Unless you can use the Eurayle out the window. I assume you can't, but I haven't tried.
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