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  1. This is going to seem silly, but are you sure you're entering the correct code? (as in the right account) And try entering the exact same code a few times. I just tried logging in several times and never had any issues.
  2. Who said that LO and Matt doesn't have their own opinion? I dont really follow? You literally said day is day, night is night... mmmkay? Naturally everyone has their own opinion about everything and anything so I am sure the exclusivity of things is one of most simplest things you can give your opinion about since its just about "yes" or "no". What we need is for Matt to see this and announce us his honest opinion about it publicly. Lets have unique stuff or lets not? Simple as that. I dont see how unique items get in the way of customization???? If you dont have that item, you dont customize it, you dont have nothing to stand in your way of customization. MY opinion is that if there is not a single unique item left from past or given in future, then there is no real need of ever bothering to play any new events, putting so much hard effort n sweat to grind for "unique" stuff that will later just come to armas for everybody to purchase it and get it . That literally leads to a death of a game as if death of APB needs to be rushed up or encouraged more with current massive population drop due to a fact that it took 10 months (figure of speech) to get EU servers for EU players during which period from average 1000+ population current population is barely filling 400 at the highest point of a day, which is like 60% pop loss that might not come back so soon. Also refer a system couldn't be abused more by hundreds of spammed accounts, so it was removed for a reason as nolife kids would do the abuse again, like this community always did when some initially good intention from APB company was turned into exploit by a community, such as FFA III accounts spammage, armas gift system, joker box event giveaway etc. In my opinion I would leave some unique stuff to stay unique for veterans exclusively who earned it years ago via hard effort and dedication, rather than give it away to every new noob that just came into this game and needs to just start a topic of "can i pls have this or that" to get it and demand things that were given away like 1-3-4 years ago After I invested literally TWO years of my life into searching those cursed 300 pumpkins, little did I know that i will regret all that invested effort one day. Just to recall how they spawned random locations so you couldn't even ask for help from other ppl, since it was uniquely personalized locations per character . LO literally spit into face to all people, mostly veterans, loyal customers, who actually bothered all those countless hours and years to do it on all their characters just to get that unique devil wings you couldn't buy even if you offered 10 million REAL dollars. That unique item showed a level of prestige because when you saw people who wore them you knew instantly that player really busted their butt to get them and earned them well, which is exactly why NOT EVERYONE should have them at first place and which is exactly why not many had them anyway nor EARNED to have them. What LO did? Oh hey, lets put it on armas and reward all those lazy people who never wanted to spend literally countless hours and years of searching pumpkins all over the map by the foot. Conclusion : NO ! Veterans who started to play APB in 2013 or in 2010 and someone who started to play it in 2019 or 2020, are NOT the same and should NOT logically have same items. If that reward was given out in 2015, I was there, you weren't -tough luck. There will be plenty of new stuff you can have but you shouldn't be able to have the one given out when you were not around. The end. ESPECIALLY now when 99% of "unique" items are already given out anyway at armas to be purchased. So far literally there is maybe 1-2 items that are still remaining unique until today, and I sincerely hope LO and @MattScott will at least leave alone those and let them remain unique.
  3. It's not a droprate. Loyalty rewards are purely based on how much G1C you spend which is the real money currency in APB. When you spend X amount, you get certain weapons and every X amount G1C you get boxes and 15-day premium codes as well (which are bound to your account). The drop rate of the things that drop from those boxes is a different thing altogether though.
  4. This post, unfortunately, has just confirmed my concern about the lack of actual action taken on the behalf of the Support team in certain cases, at least to say. I didn't mind waiting for more than two months for the reply as much as getting apparently an automated response on my very detailed ticket regarding connection issues, given I am unable to access any district upon logging my account for more than a year now.
  5. Hello Matt. I highly appreciate the work of your team and the complexity of production at the moment . I ask you first of all to pay attention to . - Why hasn't Little Orbit fixed the Matchmaking system? / Threat needs to go back to the way it was / De-threaters . give us more information about ongoing and planned projects .this will show the openness of the company and the project . it is possible to consider the openness of banned accounts on FairFight and BattlEye ?
  6. We're still using that system, just with two differences: The ten levels are now hidden, you only see what bracket you're in. They added green as a fourth bracket, intended as a safety cushion for fresh players. What we really need: Green threat removed. It doesn't serve its intended purpose, and never has. The scale shifted back down so that gold threat doesn't take up like 50% of the curve. Gold should ideally only be the top 15-20% of players. Threat levels globally reset across all accounts on a set schedule. To go even further, three threated instances of both districts: Gold, available to golds and silvers. Gold threat players get unique/special rewards here. Incentivizes all players to rank up. All players have significantly increased chance for end-of-mission rewards, and get increased quantities on ones that grant a quantity. Silver, available to all. Golds get penalized with halved cash/standing gains, as well as significantly reduced chance to obtain end-of-mission rewards and significantly reduced quantity for ones that grant a quantity. This is to incentivize golds to stay out. Bronze, available only to bronzes. Just a normal district for bronzes to escape to and play normally. No modifiers or whatever.
  7. Reset threat levels globally on a schedule? That's just admitting you failed at building a proper threat system. All past resets did nothing but allow a bunch of people to play easy missions for a while, until everything was back to square one and they had to de-threat "for fun" again. If you want a working threat system you introduce rolling boundaries and ignore inactive accounts (e.g. everyone who was offline for 5 consecutive days) for the calculation. Then you can define 15 - 20% of all (active) players to be Gold at any given time. If you are so keen on keeping a visible threat indicator at all. It also happened to cause some "I'm definitely Gold material"-players to drop to Silver and some "No way I'm good enough for Gold"-players to prove themselves, but ultimately having both accuse the system to be broken. I disagree with this insofar as players who team up regularly will naturally end up in the highest threat regions, where they would - again naturally - fight others like them. A necessity for limited districts (i.e. another form of segregation) wouldn't exist, because good lone wolves / duos would end up in a lower skill bracket and only face full pre-mades occasionally. Of course it all boils down to population size and the way matchmaking work. Or, more importantly as far as I'm concerned, player distribution into districts in a way that supports matchmaking.
  8. Im a jericho player. everyone on Jericho (who still play) have been playing for 5+ years and they have everything unlocked. We have more things to unlock, but the cash accumulated over years of playing is practically useless. We need more cash sinks, allow players to spend $1m on a mod to unlock it account wide so that we dont have to buy a shit ton of the same mod over and over again. If I could spend $10m on perm 3ps3, IR3, CJ3, RS3, HS3, Tagger, MS, CA3, MP3 and Hard Landings, I would in a heartbeat. That $10m would be taken out of the game, and I would be granted ease of access to my weapon/character/vehicle mods. This is just an example of a desirable late-game money sink that wealthy players could throw their money away for, while players who are new can worry about the late-game content implemented years ago, that most veteran players gave already finished. Merged. But that's my point, casual players who are almost strictly F2P should be at a disadvantage for the permanent weapon unlocks through the Joker store, while premium players or players who purchased permanent weapons off armas should have a much easier time. It's a free to play game, and by showing new/poor players that they can skip the grind or make it easier by buying the weapons through armas or by buying premium to gain more cash, they'd buy the weapon off armas, or buy premium to gain money faster. The way its set up now, f2p players and premium players obtain JT at the same rate. Why does this matter? Premium is meant to give you an advantage while ranking up and making money, and the premium benefits do not help players with unlocking these weapons, but the benefits do help premium players when it comes to other joker store purchases, like the Firebomb, since you need to spend JT and a large amount of cash to unlock it. Why should permanent weapons be any different, when they're just as desireable? The money sink part of ths suggestion would just passively assist the economy, while increasing the difficulty of obtaining the permanent weapon, while also making the premium cash boost more beneficial to the player. Cash is pretty much useless for the typical old player, we need more things to spend money on.
  9. How about making some Vehicle bundles/Clothing packs Account bound while you're at it?
  10. I mean... 95$ (76$ if premium) for probably the worst gun(s) in APBs history? I think all the items are still way too expensive, especially considering APBs current state and population. You can get multiple AAA games on steam for the price of one account bound weapon. But at least the shredder doesn't cost 50$ anymore, so that's nice.
  11. Wow. Im sad to say this but this has been such a disappointment. The bottom two points might not have been integrated with the new changes. Since Matt said only a lil has been done so far 1) From the new layout, I cant see all my prem codes that have been rotting away for years. I have to go thru the old layout to see my codes. 2) My account purchase history doesnt show my previous weapon purchases, I have to go to the old layout. 3) Like everyone mentioned, no timer for prem, Im sure you guys forgot. 4) Rewards 5) Where did the link to ARMAS on the forum go? Now I have to google "apb armas" to get there Biggest disappointment of all are the prices. I dont shop often, its been years but dam is everything still very expensive. I can comfortably say that my 5k g1c will keep rotting until the prices come down. Its sad but I PREFER Tiggs flash/random 50% off sales. I bought majority of the weapons that way. Ive included a screenshot. THESE ARE REASONABLE PRICES!! This is in addition to buying those boxes that gave the act44 and a choice of a primary. These are Char bound. You can see the NTEC is more expensive now than when I bought it at full price. Its now 2,799 g1c.
  12. Thank you Matt for taking the time to reply and explain. It is refreshing to see this. I don't play to often but have been off/on with my daughter. I've spent a few hundred I believe. Since everyone seems to being their 2 cents here is mine. Yeah I agree the store is still about 30% to high (coming from mid-class US), but what I would really like to see is a 90 day/180 day price and temporary prices be lower. That way you get your recurring rev and people can take breaks every 3 months if they want. I like the 3 day 99 price, but the 30 day should be around 10% of the character bound price (279). Then add 90 days 499, and 180 for 799. Then my daughter and I might actually buy guns more often especially since her allowance is roughly 499 g1c Honestly, if you just did more holiday sales I think that would take care of it too lol Black Friday is coming up...
  13. And like I already said, it still takes a ridiculous amount of time to do so, even longer without having premium It by design has a huge impact on gameplay. While most ARMAS weapons are niche weapons there are some that offer clear advantages over the free counterparts and it just constitutes as an unnececary divide in player experience. I don't know. Why do peaple play Counter Strike? Because it has mechanics that make it both skill based and unique. A leveling system wich offers progressively better equipment cannot offer a fair experience. Where is the reward when you only win every 5th game when you just created a new account? It doesn't feel deserved and there is a pretty big disconnect between win states and the effort you made to contribute to the team. APB is more of a 3rd person shooter than an RPG. It's always been that way so the design should represent that. Believe it or not but it is possible to enjoy a game on the basis of playing it instead of bastardising by splitting up its content and sprinkling it all over the game only so your next 12 year old can be happy about unlocking the next new shiny thing. So you like it when games get reduced to slot machines and milk its players without offering any meaningfull enjoyment. The reason APB failed in the first place was the expectation for it to basicaly be full blown GTA: Online RPG. That isn't really a surprise since the idea behind APB was born from the maker of GTA. It simply was a disappointment and got severely neglected by its developers until Realtime Worlds went bankrupt. There are plenty of good games that survived despite not having micro-transactions as a business model. Also... you know that you can watch gameplay before you actually buy a game right? Steam refund also exists for a reason. I also don't see a growing player count simply because of how "rewarding" the game currently is. If anything peaple got turned off by that and left it for good like I did.
  14. You should always use 2FA everywhere if you can, even though we should also get notification in case someone has succesfully logged into our account, they might brute or be lucky and enter the right numbers.
  15. It's pretty simple to balance guns without taking threat and matchmaking into account. The SPCT group have players of all skill levels and will likely go through missions of 4v4 anyway. Golds aren't to blame for this problem though. G1's poor decisions in 2013 that introduced mission scores and district segregation caused dethreating on a mass scale. Most of those high silver-low gold (yellow) players couldn't handle the competition in gold districts and so dethreated so they could play in bronze. This led to gold district populations dying and forced golds to start playing in silver.
  16. @gogeo Add 2-step verification to your account.
  17. Yea like someone said before But matchmaking was meant to be: even tl = even teams (3 silver vs 3 silver) higer tl/person, less ppl <vs> lower tl/person, more ppl... (3 gold vs 2 gold 1 silver 1 bronce) thats basically what it is doing right now. or maybe i'm just wrong. It is also not helping to segregate whatever... new accounts from old ones, ranks, threatlevel, playtime ?? May i ask for the other ~10 guys i play apb with and against forever than? I don't know but for me its okay to have more districts to join and i keep switching from silver to gold like i always did in the past. not much of a change for me tbh. maybe thats why i can't see those problems. Edit: well EUish pings again would be nice
  18. does the engine upgrade remove those invisible platforms? if so do we need out of bounds anymore so that we can have this back?
  19. @Ketog about tradelock how it works and how to improve ;) - tradelocks applied (should be applied to whole account not matter the login location or PC) - whats now is that if u dont have an file named similar to "4126...(some hex)...c0de.2f" which contains accounts you are logged into (ofc. its encoded data - located in Binaries) - additionally i could add that tradelock happend even on same location if u login into the game not using same copy of the game ;) or same hardwareID (windows counts too) - additionally there is a second code u need to specify on login (from google authenticator) so someone whos hacked ur account login/password will need to have signed phone application to your account to proceed hacking behaviour - i could say tradelock should be sended to your mail that someone with <IP adress> - Login into your account from <very strict and closest to user location grabed by his client> using <adress mac of internet card> (all that data can be easy grabbed by client and should be because its not sensitive data (line name surname) - and location will be the closest DNS server user is connecting to - that is done by Google (they displaying Useragent + IP adress of strange connection
  20. Oh, no, not this again. Are you really going to complain about silvers going to bronze district because golds play in silver and push them to bronze? Or what about people who want to play with friends who can't handle the tryhards and cheaters(and tryhard cheaters) in silver districts? There are two options, dethreat and have fun with your friends or drag them in silver and make sure their playtime is miserable. Either way someone is going to get f.... so yeah, people will spare their friends. Shocking! What about people on US who have to dethreat to play in bronze because silver is empty? Now about your story, some things are just off. Why would you even (supposedly) bring new people into this game in its current state? Friends, mind you! You say it's full of vets but you claim you have played only with fbw to make it fair. Wait what? Weren't they all vets with hundreds and thousands of hours under their belt? Why do you need to make it fair? Didn't know you are such an owner ; ) And why didn't you make a smurf account in first place to go play with fbw in first place and help them? Oh, and I remember before you mentioned how you have made a smurf account to check out bronze, so you obviously knew what is going on already? Seriously, how difficult could be to see what's the culprit of those problems? Threat system is garbage, population is low, no proper way to play with low threat friends. Hell, some people escape to bronze to get away with the cheatfests in silver. Nobody is dethreating to pwn newbies(which dont even exist anyway). Dethreating may suck but sure as hell they are not killing the game unlike cheaters. Oh, and when I started I was getting obliterated everyday. Didn't quit...maybe this game is just not the cup of tea for your friends.
  21. surely gold (rank) is just a number. Why not just put the number up? This would instantly reduce the amount of golds. This may also encourage people who have just turned silver to strive for gold again but the number of people who actually achieve it will be less so it will be a prestigious position to be in. Also for the dethreating issue. If the amount of threat lost is slowed down to a nominal amount, it will take much much longer to dethreat and so in turn will probably make it less likely to happen. I think the best solution is to prevent people being able to have account wide shit hot guns so that you cant simply make a new character and instantly have the best guns again. Also if you have a character that is over say threat 50, if you reroll a character you are not allowed back to the low level districts at all with your new guy as you will have at least enough experience to know how to play so there is no need for you to be able to go back to stomp on noobs. Also remove the threat level icons for districts that are more than bronze. So there are Bronze for new players and the rest for better than new. Once you reach rank 50 no more access account wide for you to bronze as you now have the experience to play a higher tier game. People need to take more pride in their achievements in APB. People who dethreat need to be perma banned.
  22. 3 things I still don`t understand: 1. As OP said, why LO don`t take any actions against dethreat. 2. Why LO thinks that new players can learn the game by playing (getting fcked-up every mission) with vets? 3. Why vets play in bronze district? How they find it entertaining? I really can`t understand that. My suggestions: 1. Do not allow accounts to enter bronze district if they have x amount hours of gameplay. 2. Once account reached gold, he can`t join bronze district ever again. But account can still dethreat to silver, bronze rank. I believe second option is better. Because if vet decides to create new account, he can`t perform too well, he must play as typical silver.
  23. This is exactly why feedback that originates from frustration should not be unquestionably implemented. The bounty system is a once-in-a-blue-moon rewarding feature for continued sustained excellence (e.g arresting NFAS children). Instead of completely disabling it (killing several identities of the game and players alike) to an unknown length of time that we all know is going to be eternal, all it needs are 2 already feasible minor tweaks to make it fair for everyone: 1 » Remove the indicator on the mini and large maps that tracks Heat-5 players in real time. You B@$t@rd$ are disabling heat-5 but not spotter-mod, okay... 2 » Disable inner-2-outsider interference: Players whom are not already engaged in the mission where the Heat-5 player is currently playing should not be able to engage and vice versa as Heat-5 is fairly easy to obtain. They say you can't please everyone but that is all there is to it. Those who can maintain Heat-5 for some time will reap its benefits and self-satisfaction as it is now something personal. Those who want the system gone will not unfairly die once in a mission because of it. These two changes will fairly take as much time as disabling the system as a whole. There is no excuse to not doing as such. ------------------------------------------ - bonus - ------------------------------------------ The community already expressed what it wants. They don't hate the heat-5 system in itself, they hate the fact that its somewhat high-frequency interferes with ongoing missions. The extra development time to make this system better was already done before. What needs to be done is putting some pieces together. Of course, the real-time map tracker should be gone for good. It is one of the main reasons why those who dislike the bounty-system are voting for its removal. Even some of those who like the bonus features don't like this tracker. What may be altered is inner-2-outsider interference. I propose that inner-2-outsider interference to be enabled once the Heat-bar is maxed at heat-5 as if the player obtained heat level 6 (which isn't functional at this point). This is already almost remotely impossible to achieve as players are bound to die and go all the way back to heat-4 during the mission itself. Those who object at this point are nothing but crybaby kids... But in the once-in-a-week rare-occasion someone does reach heat-6, simply make their block in the map flash in yellow in a similar fashion to how activated RIOT-devices would. Just salvage that part of the code and hook it to heat-6 players instead of RIOT-devices and make heat-6 actually rewarding in cash and standing. This will ensure that: 1 » Development time in RIOT didn't go to total waste (according to MattScott, RIOT existed to train LO Devs. Let us appreciate what they have already learned and done in a prosperous way). 2 » It will actually make those waiting for a mission and interested hunt in the last known region of the bounty rather than it being given to them so easily on the map. 3 » It will preserve identities and a feature of the game that make it indeed open-world and alive. Making heat-6 alive in this way might actually make top-players actively pursue getting heat-6 for its glory instead of hating on dying because of the current cheap-implementation of heat-5. Heat-5 will no longer mean anything on the big picture. It will simply be a harmless-barrier that only few will be able to rarely overcome to reach heat-6, which won't even destroy their missions nor last either.
  24. Hello I lost my email account I got my email account I got my email account, but now I just have an old closed email and id password because I haven't logged in for a long time
  25. You better give us the option to just buy everything account bound as a bundle on armas. Easy money for you and less grind for the people who want it on 12 characters.
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