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  1. Selling an account or in game items for real cash is cheating, cause breaking rules is cheating of a sort, and i have seen people that were banned selling their accounts and or legendary weapons for real cash. So see that is not assuming anything, that is factual information. And just because you get out of jail on a technicality doesn't mean you are not a cheater, just means that you profit from a flaw in a system.
  2. You can test it yourself. Go to ARMAs and try to purchase from that account character-wide weapon. Cost should be reduced minus price of character-wide permanent weapon cost. You just should have cost of upgrading to account-wide. If not, well then it's obvious you can't. Clarification: Never had such concern with my packs so I don't know. I just know how to check it.
  3. Oh thanks swft... Might try it on one of my lesser used accounts tonight.
  4. Have you tried to log in using a different character (given that you have more than one on your account)? That sometimes helps (or at least gives the impression that it helps - it could just as well be that enough time has passed whenever I've tried another character).
  5. This is the best thing I have heard. For me it doesn’t matter who you are. If someone has cheated in the past they deserved to be banned under the account and name they cheated on. They ruined the gaming experience of so many players and shouldn’t be allowed to keep their name or account. Don’t get me wrong I believe in 2nd chances but not getting unbanned on an account they cheated on. All the white knights here will probably try and defend the former cheaters but they are too stupid to understand that the cheaters are the reason the game lost so many legit players and I doubt these players want to come back seeing former cheaters being unbanned, like everything has been forgiven. I can pm you proof of a lot of players who have admitted to cheating with footages that should stay banned under their main account. @MattScott I also think you should look into creating an official apb discord channel. I don’t think it’s a good idea promoting a discord or having your staff in an discord run by a community member. It might be fine now but there will be issues in the future and you don’t have full control over it. I have been a member of this community since the very beginning and I have seen so many bad decision from G1. I just hope you guys learn from their mistakes and I have a lot of faith in the current CEO and I hope you will do what’s best for the community.
  6. The very first post I re-posted here in the new forums is a very old suggestion I made in these regards, is very sketchy and totally unprofessional since I'm just a player, but if by any means my two cents provides any sort of contribution, it is at least a perspective of a player so let me humbly invite you to take a look if you want: /suspect and /report system improvements and innovations Anyways, if there's going to be a priority system, please bear in mind that usually the "newbies" are the favorite victims of some cheaters who believe they can go full blatant on these newbies because nobody is going to hear their hackusations. Also be aware that many cheats in other games allow players to spot "invisible" admins on their radars to toggle off as same that as long as you ban a single cheater smurfing with a dummy cheating account to test how long they take to detect him, the rest of them will be extremely harder to detect since they just set the threshold to avoid being detected, but I think you have a great team who is way beyond anything I could suggest tbh, nevermind lol. Presence of admins in online games seems to be a lost culture, maybe as a result of the companies managing online communities in a more impersonal way or maybe there are some policies about the staff interacting with the customers that every company is following, I honestly don't know, but here on APB the case was extremely secretive to the point where GMs where just a myth. I think is plenty of examples of games where you can't have any online moderation, no live report system and not even able to browse a comprehensive list of servers and available players with ping and stat values to pick the better technical conditions and social environment to interact with people you like without issues. Back in the days when I started playing online games, the admins where part of us, everyone respected them and they were friendly and accessible with everyone around without need to hide unless it was to spectate or do any other tasks related with their duties that required to go undercover of course. It is in Spanish and could be translated as "Saint Stop" but although the literal translation of the word "Paro" is "Stop", actually in Spain only, and not in the rest of the Hispanic countries in America, "paro" is used to refer to when you are unemployed, as you guys already found in the dictionaries, while in South America "paro" is used to refer to when workers go on a strike. I'm leaned to think this case should be considered the way they use the word in Spain. Isn't something about unemployment and stuff like that leading the city to crime and chaos mentioned in the lore somewhere?
  7. Yes me and my wife have our own credit cards so sometimes I'll get her to give me or friend stuff. It's very annoying when you are banned. The easiest point of transaction is the paypal option I'm afraid. Unless you feel like contacting support. It should only apply a tiny extra charge. Edit: If it's stuck in your steam wallet you can probably just get steam to refund. I don't exactly know how the linking works because this is my first time actually rerolling. I believe you have to get support to link you account to your steam, because mine is still linked to my old account. Again sorry, not too sure. There are steam gift cards as well. So you could gift it to your wife/gf and then buy it. Sorry I wish I could help you.
  8. I think more segregation or new player districts is not the way to handle this situation. You will only make population spread over more instances and you can bet your patootie that the toxics of this community will keep making new accounts to grief the newbies (the most childish thing you can do, but sadly a harsh reality here). Here's a different set of ideas: 1. Have a proper gameplay tutorial Right now we have a textwall tutorial, which does not work for humans in any part of their lives. If there is one thing I learned, it's that people just don't read. What we need is an opt-in step by step tutorial where you spawn into an area on your own with target practice and its own contact. You can then learn about contacts, pledging, joker tickets and gun types. You can also do a few example missions purely focussed on the mechanics. Then when you are done, you get to my next point: 2. Use cross-instance matchmaking This way, you can add a system where you initially only get matched against other low levels. HOWEVER, this should be optional. You should get the option to get matched against any level and after R30 or so this should be the only option. That way, you give new players some time and old players the option to get out of this filter (only a new char on the same account should simply not get the option in the first place). 3. Add an Elite:dangerous-like mentor system. In E:D, you can request a mentor ingame that can show you the ropes. Others can apply for this so they can then receive those requests. Imagine this in apb, where anyone R195+ can become a mentor and anyone below R50 can request one. Possible addition: mentor rating, to avoid trolls. In my opinion, these changes will help new players while uniting the playerbase, instead of dividing it.
  9. Minimum requirment of R195 character and only be able to use G1C that is in your account for a week/month. Seems fine for me
  10. Preferably with all variants. Logging in every day just to check activities is just plain boring, especially when you can get rare activities for variants you already have, giving you no reason to do these duplicate activities ever again because you can't send these duplicate Nanos between characters on your own account either.
  11. I'd assume that most of these cheat accounts are F2P accounts, why would even legit cheater see all that effort to get some old accounts back when they can just create new accounts? i think you'd be surprised sir.
  12. I'd assume that most of these cheat accounts are F2P accounts, why would even legit cheater see all that effort to get some old accounts back when they can just create new accounts?
  13. I'd assume that most of these cheat accounts are F2P accounts, why would even legit cheater see all that effort to get some old accounts back when they can just create new accounts? indeed you would be surprised at how many cheaters have joker box weapons along with other stuff i suspect some of it is due to scammed joker weapons and hacked/stolen accounts The unban waves simply gave them an abundance of alternate accounts with weapons even if battleye bans them within 1-3 months if they have around 20-30 decent alts and possibly even more that's 20 - 90 months of cheating or 1.6-7.5 Years
  14. Reporting for RMT scamming is a double edged sword it's against TOS to do RMT in the first place you'd be surprised at how many people can be tricked within a time frame of a month or more "Social Engineering" happens more than you think it doesn't take a genius to pull it off I should also emphasize that you don't necessarily need to spend real money nor scam to get a joker box weapon I originally stated "some of it" "indeed you would be surprised at how many cheaters have joker box weapons along with other stuff i suspect "some" of it is due to scammed joker weapons and hacked/stolen accounts "
  15. It did for a little bit, but keep in mind that most cheaters had many, many accounts. I am still seeing some old faces I haven't seen for a long time in game, so it definitely brought some oldies back. The biggest problem is still new player retention though. APB is way too hard for a new solo player to get into that doesn't have any veteran friends to show them the ropes. To a lot of new players APB looks like a dated unoptimized mess with an overwhelming amount of information on the screen at any given point the first time they play it, and the Tutorial doesn't help much. I started in mid 2011 and instantly fell in love with the game because the uniqueness, customization and visuals just grabbed me, because it really did look beautiful back then. Combine that with the fact that it had shooting and movement controls that I was already used to from playing Quake, with some extra little features thrown on like shoulder switching and leaning, and really cool vehicles. Plus, everyone still kinda sucked back then, so you were only being put up against people that had a few months worth of experience max. Now new players have to deal with people who have 8 years of experience, and the game doesn't do much to prevent that.
  16. I get that you made an account to complain about the shredder, but check yourself before you rekt yourself its not that OP .
  17. I get that you made an account to complain about the shredder, but check yourself before you rekt yourself its not that OP . yeah i definetly made this account just for this thread lol. i just bought the shredder and its so op
  18. Well, good to know that submitting a post edit also resubmits quote/mention notifications. Wasn't going to comment, but eh, might as well if you're gonna poke me. As someone who owns both existing packs (Juggernaut and Revelations), I would happily purchase more (assuming they gave similar value in the form of multiple guns, a car, clothing, etc). You could make them all reskins of existing weapons/cars, and I'd be just as satisfied with my purchase though. I would also greatly appreciate more loyalty reward tiers, as I've spent more than enough to get at least the next few tiers retroactively. How about slapping that FFA 5.56 R&D III in loyalty rewards, since you can't get it via JMBs anymore? I ask this as someone who already owns the tradeable JMB version, so I have very little to gain from it. To add to the idea pool of ways to generate income with existing assets, how about adding the variant role unlocks to ARMAS? Stuff like N-TEC Stock, JG Tactical, etc. The only reason I haven't purchased the N-TEC account bound yet is because I can't purchase the Stock variant. Easy money for the effort of an intern's lunch break. We still don't have a three slot Scoped N-TEC available, and there's no longer an excuse to not add it as the VAS Scepter exists. Another instant purchase. Slap a scope on the CR-5 and I'd buy that one as well. I like the aesthetic of N-TEC for my Criminal and CR-5 for my Enforcer. Fite me. Could also add O-PGL and OSMAW on there, since ARMAS long ago dropped any pretense of not having purchasable explosive weapons. If you're feeling extra saucy, how about adding the lineup of Less than Lethal weapons, with the three primaries having open slots? I'd buy all five account bound, without hesitation.
  19. Yes, the game costs money to run, yes the game costs money to develop, yes companies need to operate on a net gain and not a net loss if they're to survive, but paying $40 (and even more) for an account-bound gun is just awful, and if the prices are lower, you'll most likely get more people buying, but with the current user base I suppose prices need to be eye gouging because it's not too easy to survive otherwise, maybe when more players show up prices will lower...or when the engine upgrade doesn't come, according to mods.
  20. Here's your answer: to ask if there is a fucking chance they'll add that ^ Now let me ask you, your reply? To criticize someone for complaining about losing a gun they never really used anyways? It's still a lost weapon, and although I don't think an account-bound inventory should exist, I don't understand the level of hostility coming from your post. Then again, it's typical among the people in this community. Anyways... I'm kinda surprised you even care about the FFA at this point, especially considering the fact that you don't really need money and never really play the game anymore. But I guess if I were in your position, I'd still want to keep all the legendaries I have...and if one went missing I'd want it back, even though I really don't use it. I know that feeling all too well .-.
  21. Or rather lack of it just costed me FFA 5.56 R&D III. 9 characters and 2 of them temporary is a damn headache. Is there any chance that we will get account wide inventory with or after 3.5?
  22. Wouldn't an "account-wide inventory" defeat the purpose of account-bound weapons? Unless they like, had a faction-bound (only crim / only enf) inventory instead, but even then many people only play one or the other, so that could cause a lot of lost revenue. Your specific situation seems to be a personal problem, and support may or may not help you because it does seem to be a problem that you caused yourself. On top of that, complaining and then backtracking by saying that it doesn't matter to you because you don't play apb any more? Don't complain about stuff that requires you to play, if you simply don't.
  23. if it's the first time you've logged in to that account on that computer that'll be the 7 day trade lock that's blocking you from using the market place. It'll be fine after the that period has passed. You should get a message in chat when you first join saying something along those lines
  24. I have a friend, we used to play APB:R together. He started playing other games, and did not care much about his account. So, he missed this "change password" thing. When the game prompted you to change G1 pass. Happened to me too. Now the problem is... - The site is not accepting his saved passwords. - The site is not sending out "Forgot password" emails. - I wrote to support from my account (since you NEED a G1 account to open a ticket), but have not heard back since the 15th. Is there a way I could get help? Any ideas? :(
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